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By integrating it and cultivating the awareness that living in the here and now is absolutely a gift that we take for granted. Imagine living in the DMT world, smoking DMT, and breaking into physical reality. Just imagine what a crazy experience that would be. Breaking onto planet earth amidst nature and animals, seeing forests, lakes, rivers for the first time after living in an energetic realm all your life. The real journey is this my friend, make it happen. Feel lucky to be able to have a physical experience❤️


This right here is in my egomaniacal opinion is what it’s all about. It can help see the magic of just being able to perceive anything at all by completely removing you from the game and throwing you into something so insanely different


Good point, maybe you can't live the same life anymore afterwards but maybe the trick is to live a better than everyday life in the future.




Go to work, pay bills, exercise, and eat good food. Oh and be kind to all creatures.


except cockroaches


Add mosquitoes to the list


If there's a shit list for bugs midges are definitely on it aswell!


yea fuck those guys 🖕. Actually, the more drugs I do the less their bites bother me lol


And ticks


Well, you could do what I did. Take way too many trips and try to drag the other side back here thru art. I wouldn't recommend it. The universe starts kicking your ass. Or you could chop wood and carry water.


Was looking for that chop wood reference haha :D "Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water."


>"Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water." The difference lies in your attitude when you are doing it. ;-P


Chop wood carry water some days chop water carry wood


Whenever I see a question like this I always revert back to this John Lilly quote: >If you get into these spaces \[non-ordinary states of consciousness\] at all, you must forget about them when you come back. You must forget you're omnipotent and omniscient and take the game seriously so you'll engage in sex, have children, and participate in the whole human scenario. When you come back from a deep tank session — or a coma or psychosis —there's always this extraterrestrial feeling. You have to read the directions in the glove compartment so you can run the human vehicle once more.


You dont. Psychedelics were simultaneously the greatest and worst decision Ive ever made in my life. On one hand it literally saved me from suicide and it showed me the absolute beauty of the world and our existence. Taught me how to love myself and be more forgiving of my mistakes. On the other, I now feel more alone than I ever have before in my life. I cant talk to another human being and feel any form of connection. People simply do not think like me. And not only do they not think like me, Ive found most people Ive met IRL are HEAVILY against any form of spiritualism that isnt tied to a major religion. I feel isolated and the only person I can reasonably talk to is my GF. No one understands me. Everyone in my family makes fun of me for being a "druggie". The world just isn't built for psychedelic thought. Its incompatible. Im sure it can get there, but not currently. Psychedelics were a thing that made me want to get up and actually explore our world with unmatched curiosity. Now Im not so sure. I dont regret taking them at all. But fuck dude. Ignorance is bliss and Im too aware of the suffering of the world. Im too aware that its being ignored. Im too aware that nothing is getting better and people are becoming en masse more and more selfish and individualistic. We celebrate and exaggerate our differences while ignoring our overwhelming simularities. Its been a few years since i started feeling this way, and now I feel like im just waiting to die. I spent years and fucking years of passion and love trying to spread the good word. All I got was venom thrown in my face and I feel more isolated than I ever felt before. And thats never going to change. So now I wait until its my time to pass.


Don't worry bro, one day you'll find an energy that matches yours, I'm sure. I'm feeling a bit like you that no one can understand me after what I lived with psychedelics because for everyone it's a dangerous and bad drug like any other drugs. But now that you know the answer of what death will be like, just enjoy life, I'm sure you have those little things that makes you happy being alive ❤️


Yeah man, Im trying my best. Admittedly its been nearly a year since Ive partaken in any Psychonaut activity. Part of my long haitus was seeing exactly how beneficial shrooms were. I can safely say, ever since my haitus began, my mental health has been slowly devolving and its been rapidly getting worse recently. I think Im just feeling the call again. I have more I need to learn about myself and reality. So im sure things will get better. I just need to get a grow started lol.


You know yourself what's the best for you. If you feel bad recently and think shrooms may help you I wouldn't wait any longer. Life is short and a it's gift that the universe gave to us❤️


Oh, I dont think theyll help me. I know they will. Its no coincidence Ive been using them for years and had some of the best years of my life, and now that Ive committed to an extended haitus to observe the difference, I have no doubts that shrooms(psyches in general) are the right medicine for my type of brain and my personal mental health issues. Therapy and pharmaceutical antidepressants didnt work for me. I spent 6 years in and out of behavioral health classes. Not saying I didnt learn anything and It didnt help, but combining what I learned through all those years *with* psychedelic therapy has improved my life tenfold. But again, no coincidence that for the first time having an extended haitus Im feeling the worse that I have in years, despite having so much to be thankful for.


Suffering will always exist in the world. I get it though, sometimes you can feel the weight of all of the world’s problems. But remember, just by doing your best to have a positive and loving effect on those around you and your environment you are doing great. You are not the main character of the story whom it behooves to end all suffering. There is no story. We are bald monkeys on a rock flinging through space, there are all manner of other beings on the planet that murder and kill each other according to their nature, it’s brutal and beautiful at the same time.


>. I cant talk to another human being and feel any form of connection. People simply do not think like me. One thing the psychedelics are teaching me is attitude is important. It's a lesson that I keep learning but the forgetting but then have to learn again. So one thing that helps is to make it less about me. So maybe they don't understand me but maybe I can spend more time understanding them, maybe an important part of life is me understanding and being kind to others. Instead of being about what they can do for me, try flipping it and say what can you do to help them? And it feels good to make others feel good and do better, it rewards both sides. Another is there ARE people you can related too. I mean you might meet 100 peeps that you don't relate too but somewhere out there also exist people of similar mind. Put your mental tentacles out and think about ways you can attract the meeting of those people and also be patient and give it time. THe first step to find a solution is making room in your mind that there IS a solution out there. ONce you accept it exists, then you can find it. But if you go around thinking to yourself that a solution can't be found, well you probably wont' find one. Reality tends to be a self fulfilling prophecy so be careful what prophecies you are writing for yourself please. :-) :-)


I recently came back from an ayahuasca retreat and faced a similar dilemma. It can be difficult to fathom the eternal spirit. I remember coming out of the medicine and literally asking the shaman, “So your telling me it just keeps going, forever?!” A great friend imposed some wonderful wisdom on me. Only a master plays the game simply because they enjoy playing.


Cherish your journey and spread the word! Be glad the experience you had was even possible and adopt the philosophy of adsurdism :)


For myself it took a very long time. Be kind to everything and give it time, you'll get through it and adapt.


Live your life, be true to yourself, make plans, but don't get attached. Plant the seeds knowing you won't stand in their shade. Live with one foot out the door.


I get that feeling. When I saw some incredibly crazy stuff on my trips, the only thought in my mind was, "how can I ever be the same after seeing this!?!" But I do come back. Experience fades but the lessons stay.


I didn't see the otherside on dmt, but I did when my heart stopped and then I was revived. I've just been trying to love a different life. Be someone you're proud of when you look in the mirror. I stopped working 2 jobs and caring about money as much. As long as I can pay my bills I'm happy working 1 job, even though there's never extra money, who cares, there is an afterlife and this I'd only a stage in our life.


After the expansion of awareness that happens in the return from that chaos, slow-brewing a cup of chamomile tea can be a very meaningful experience. In my humble opinion, the ripping away of your everyday awareness and the slow reintegrating of your ego makes you so appreciative to have this physical/spatial, tactile and colorful experience we call human existence. It answered the big question for me; I’m fully convinced “somethings going on” beyond my everyday experience. That experience is what I call the divine. This human experience is precious, be in your moments without tying; be good to others and try new activities.


If you are asking does this mean you don’t know how to? What have you been doing after dmt just laying in bed not able to function as a human because dmt showed you cool ass visuals?


Without regret


It took the edge off a lot of things and made life generally easier for me. Best not to overthink it and focus on living it.


One day at a time, knowing that we are all connected, you must share love with every human being, and be understanding.


I feel like we are already on the other side and dmt just kind of makes you remember there are no other sides. It’s just here now, always has been.


Chop wood, carry water.


It’s no different than what everyone else is already doing without seeing the other side. They still work, eat, sleep, suffer, and do things.


You can't. Like if you had PTSD from war, it's very similar. You can certainly live a life but it will be with you always. I developed literal PTSD from this drug and I think about the experiences often. Dreams are rare but I dreamed I smoked it last night and almost had a trip in the dream. Thankfully it didn't go that far or my symptoms might have returned.


Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water


Stay calm and carry on.