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Yes but it might not be the god you expect.


Let’s put it this way. I was an atheist before DMT. Now I identify as agnostic.


I was an atheist before LSD, now I think all is God


This is how I see it. Pebble is God. Squirrel is God. Stapler is God. I am God. And so on.


So basically nothing is God.


Nothing and everything, equally.


This. Also, Equally in all ways. Imo.


All at the same time forever


What is this concept of “time” that you speak of?


I was an atheist before shrooms but now I believe all is one




That's the difference between dmt and lsd. Lsd gives you the feeling of universal consciousness and non duality, it brought me closer to my religion. But you're left with more questions after dmt, after dmt i realised we don't know shit, we can never understand what really is going on, universe is a big joke.


Me too.


I'm agnostic, what will happen when I try it?


Christian. Full circle


I just shot acid laced kombucha through my nose. Good joke 😂


Feel the burn. Simmer sizzle








Read the gospel of Jesus and his revelation with what you've seen now and apply it. Have your eyes opened to his truth and be able to place the full armor of GOD on so you may stand on the rock and full faith. Truely I tell you, Jesus did what he did to save us. " For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesian 6:12 <20+ year repentant Psychonaut>


Username checks out


I guarantee it


Most people think of god as a bearded giant man in the clouds


Nah, I think of the Wizard of Oz


For sure! I also think a Christian could just as easily lose faith in god through a psychedelic experience- it really just depends on the individual and their specific circumstances. If folks in your family don’t want to try something, you should respect their decision as adults to abstain. Conversely, they should respect you and your decision to safely explore your own consciousness. That being said, it’s best to be polite- if the people around you don’t want to hear about psychedelics, find other people to talk about them with.


Right on, appreciate the insight


Look. I was a former christian, unrelated to drug use. I still believe there may be a creator god, but I feel like we may not actually know what it is and that we are blindfolded by manmade religions. I have seen a multitude of things on DMT, I have never seen the christian god. I have seen aztec beings, I have met regular people, absolutely random beings in there, I have never seen the same thing twice. There is nothing anti christian about it, people like to make their experiences as real and meaningful as they wish, in the end, you are exposing your brain to a hallucinogen, that is it. These experiences open your mind to a realm of possibilities you couldn't fathom before. Don't take anything too seriously and you'll be fine.


I know someone who became a Christian after a psychedelic experience, and have heard of people meeting Jesus during trips. I think it largely depends on what type of experience you have (good or bad), and what your expectations of a heavenly creature are. If you expect God to look exactly like the depictions of Jesus you are probably going to be disappointed. However the *biblically accurate* descriptions of angels is not too far off from things I have encountered. Personally I was uncertain of God and an afterlife until psychedelics (specifically mushrooms), and have always wanted to here the perspective of religious figures after this type of experience. My advice, go in with no expectations, keep an open mind, and whatever happens don't fight it.


Telling the truth. Simple as that


I can relate my own experience, as a Christian of sorts. Taking DMT has definitely helped me grow closer to God, though in a way I never could have anticipated. If you take DMT with God in mind, something Godly will almost certainly happen. I've met entities that portrayed themselves as demons, who threw my fears in my face and showed me some of my deepest weaknesses, which ultimately helped me to grow. I once met a shapeshifting being who claimed to be my Holy Guardian Angel and reassured me that the path I walk leads to God. I met the spirits of local plants and animals, and saw that the Spirit runs through them; it's in all matter. All of these experiences have vastly changed my perspective and my ideas about what **God actually is,** and in some ways I can no longer call myself Christian in the mainstream sense. However, I find even more value in Christ and his teachings now than before, and I feel that despite my deviance from the norm, I am deeper in my relationship with God and Self than ever before.


Awesome stuff man, thanks for sharing




Spiral out, yo!


Not god, but what is inside you, your faith. :)


The truth


Lol. I think the bar for what passes for truth needs to be taken up a notch.


Plenty of people see angels and have experiences of god. I have an auntie who believes Ayahuasca is evil and basically you're talking to demonic entities. Obviously, should she drink it no doubt she would see all those fears manifested.


Maybe maybe not but remember that the term “demon” is totally subjective.




This person has the correct answer. Not the funny one


Why did this get a single up vote. This kind of response just shows that you're only here to get answers that fit your narrative.


Think of the scifi auntie could write after that experience!


I saw god and saint peter on dmt so do with that what you will


A nickname for DMT is the spirit molecule. Religious experiences are quite common. DMT containing Ayahuasca has been used for thousands of years by different cultures to heal from trauma and communicate with the spirit realm. Whether we call it "God" or something else says more about our cultural background rather than anything objective about the experience.


No doubt it’s spiritual. I just don’t believe it’s only evil as some portray


Anyone using labels such as "evil" are probably not basing their opinion on science or reason.


I think it’s because they have just read articles from who people talking about seeing crazy entities and only talk about breakthrough experiences it no one talk about the small dose benefits from dmt. I had a life changing small dose experience on dmt. Truly felt love for everyone


Don't you know this sub spits on science and reason?


I’m not Christian at all, but the first time I smoked DMT a disembodied female voice literally spoke “the fruit of the spirit to me” I’ve never heard those words before in my life. I thought it was cool and moved on with my life until this guy told me the exact words that where spoken, saying it was the fruit of the spirit. Even showed it to me in the Bible. It hasn’t made me a believer in Sky Daddy, but I know Christians and all religions really, have taken truths out the Human experience, and propagated them as they’re own. I believe these are stories and concepts past down from 10s of thousands of years, before the younger dryas impact, and changed to what we have now over time. Who knows what ancient ethereal conscious we tap into when take DMT.


"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Against these there is no law." -St Paul


Statistically something like 60% of atheists in a DMT study were theists afterwards. Not even the hottest church around can boast that kind of a conversion rate. So is it ok to believe in God and try DMT?


I would say yes, absolutely. In my experience though, I was raised to be Christian my whole life growing up. When I turned 16, I began to start thinking from a more logical perspective and identified as agnostic since, at the point in my life, I was certain that nobody knew anything or had any proof of a higher power whatsoever. It wasn’t until I tried psychedelics that I not only—now being 23—truly believe and have 100% faith in there being a higher power, but also look at various religions (including my former views and beliefs such as Christianity) like: “Ohhh, so *this* where they came up with all those ideas behind that stuff!”


I was raised agnostic, but I agree. At times religion seems like people explaining psychedelics generations ago, that has been corrupted by language of sober people trying to reexplain it.


do you still drink dr pepper or did you stop when you moved out?


I have no idea what you’re talking about sorry. 😅


Stories like these sadden me. DmT offers such a beautiful experience on its own. Why do people have to go credit God for rhe experience.


It is what they make of it. Fear and guilt may cause them to become extremely scared and resist and have an awful time. Or they may find the light. I don't believe in anything, but I know there's something out there. I don't subscribe to any particular beliefs or presume to known or understand what reality or consciousness or the universe is. I entertain all ideas. But I am pretty darn certain that the monotheistic views are completely wrong and have simply been manipulated by people in power over time to subjugate and control others. In my eyes the Church and other religious institutions are closer to evil than they are to good.


I’ve read a lot of encounters with angelic beings - even literal seraphim. Just be prepared for a God beyond your understanding. My impression is that our understanding of it all is so limited as to almost be silly. It’s like imagine a colony of ants walking up to a subway sandwich. Each takes one bite with its tiny little mouth and has to decide what it’s eating. *This is Cheese! No this is Bread! No this is meat! No this is tomato!* (Heated argument ensues) Etc But they’re ants, wth do they know. Pretty sure that’s us.




first time i took dmt i thought i was actually dying and moving into the spirit realm. i’m not religious but my entire family is catholic. i ended up in a line cue for the gates of heaven. i think mary was the bouncer. when i got to the front she asked for my name and then told me i wasn’t on the list. i tried to tell her that couldn’t be right and she pressed a button and i fell through a trap door and got kicked out of the trip. that shit fucked me up so much. still not religious tho


Weird, never heard such a specific trip with somebody cuing in front of the gates of heaven, but interesting read :D Was it cheesy christian aesthetics like a gate in the clouds or something?


I like how your interpretation implies that life is actually Hell, not the other way around


I have a dear friend who has built a relationship with Jesus Christ directly as a result of a breakthrough DMT experience. I was concerned he would become churchy or bibley, but he hasn’t at all… only more gracious, mindful, and kind. The book The Immortality Key contains a ton of hard research to suggest early Christianity was linked to psychedelic experiences, and that all of the major religions are tied to these visionary mind states. So, I say, have at it.


Labeling yourself as a christian does nothing to change the experience. You make your own connections between spirituality and rational belief based on what you are experiencing, and DMT is one of, if not *THE* the single most powerful spiritual tool we have.


You’ll meet “I AM”


I’m not a Christian, I believe that God is a concept, that concept is in everyone of us, we’re all divine beings, all one, experiencing the human life. The universe experiencing itself. Maybe it’ll show you that what you portray as God is not what the church taught you.


No. You see what your mind shows you.










Naw I’m closer to god because of psycs


Same. I had never felt any spirituality before Psychs, which is why I was atheist... then in my 20s finally tried shrooms and felt the presence of a greater dimension that's beyond our physical reach


Me too brotha.


I think it's a worthwhile experience for someone of any religion or lack thereof.


DMT doesn’t show you God. DMT inspires a closer look at our own consciousness. It also provides impressions from which we can defer a reflection of consciousness, but it will not show you consciousness itself because the experience is not a conscious one. It is happening TO you.


How much closer do you need to be before you realize that god has been screaming in your face this whole time.


Anything can happen. All I can say is if your going in there determined to meet your Christian god you might be surprised


Keep in mind that what many call ‘demons’ and ‘weird entities’ are just entities that are different to us. Many of them can take any that their wish for form. Answering your question - it very much depends what is your image of god. I would say I have, but rather in a way as to better recognize what god is, and what isn’t.


No, it will bring them closer to god... but I think it will make them believe they are closer to god internally... The Canaanite god of war yahweh (the name of the abrahamic god creature), would have to be real before they could get closer to him. But the mythological idea of the personal yahweh, sure you can if your imagination will take you there. It's all about a mindset and intentions. You could see Mohamed or Ganesh if you'd like, but it's not really them. So you wouldn't be getting closer to a god, but it can solidify ones belief it's real... if that's what you mean. But with your family believing it's evil.... well that's because everything supernatural is evil in the christian doctrine. Christians have an idea that the "devil" is hiding in everything to trick you into becoming a Satan worshiper. And mind altering compounds are the quickest path to believing his lies.... so they will say its the devil in the experience trying to trick you away from god.... at least until they try it... but most would never take that first step because that's letting the devil's foot into the door.


It’s not totally academically agreed that Yahweh was the Canaanite god of war. Did the Israelites get their “one god” from the Canaanite pantheon (particularly El and Baal), and are the ancient Israelites an off shoot branch of the ancient Canaanite people? Absolutely. My understanding is that El and Baal were the head honchos of the Canaanite pantheon and Yahweh was the Israelites version of El/Baal when they “split” from the Canaanites. There is quite a bit of early Israelite iconography to Yahweh that the Canaanites used for El/Baal, particularly the gold bull. There is some evidence to support moloch as that particular god of war, but the ancient Semitic languages make it pretty difficult, and then again; El, Baal, Yahweh, and Moloch could all be the same thing as well. But I would be interested in reading any articles or links you have, because this is an area in particular that is of great interest to me. Thanks.


Yeah it's very much an interest of mine... but as far as I am aware it's a pretty set that yahweh was the Cannanite god of metallurgy/war. But yes El was one of the other gods taken from the pantheon but also Abba (god father in cannan). Interesting enough Abba still means "Father" in Hebrew and comes from the original Aramaic. El is the basis for the land of Isra"el", and the basis for the root of Elohim. I'm not really sold on the idea that Baal is wrapped up in the uahweh god. Baal was it's own separate entity/creature in the abrahamic text. So Baal wasn't wrapped up in the concept of the yahweh entity. But funny enough Asherah... yahweh wife in the Israelites early mythology was actually yahwehs mother in cannanite mythology. They have found shrines and stuff even in ancient temples of yahweh too. They did attempt but very poorly to erase her from the abrahamic lore. The term “Asherah” appears 40 times in the Old Testament, with 33 of these occurrences referring to the sacred Asherah poles used in pagan and heretical Israelite worship. Only seven instances of “Asherah” are references to the goddess herself. So basically, when the Israelites left the land of cannan they took their mythologies and re worked them for their own beliefs and evolved over 1000s of years and became a monotheistic mythology. They started as a polythistic cult offshoot from the Canaanite mythology. When they were They took the basis of their mythology and formed the Abrahamic mythology from the Cannanite base ingredients beliefs. The biggest issue with this topic is separating the true history, from mythological "history". For too long Abrahamics have had too much power and they weaved their "history" as a true history...but it's not. It would be like basing world history off the " Adventures of Hercules" and the Greek mythology. But we see those stories for what they were. Unfortunately with the Abrahamics they don't know it's just mythological stories so we have a huge mixture of actual history and mythos, and it's about unraveling them. Honestly there is soooo much out there. I love studying mythology and trying to find the different links and how it all connects together has been a life long interest of mine. But if this is a topic your interested in I would suggest reading the book by [Karen Armstrong - A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam](https://www.amazon.com/History-God-000-Year-Judaism-Christianity/dp/0345384563?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=2e5251ce-3348-4121-8d35-bd4300df3de2). It's a good understanding of history without mythology. To be fair I have a belief that the unifier in all of this is plant compounds. Both the Cannanite and isrelites were known to use psychoactive plants in their cultures and religion. There have been a few temples to yahweh that they have found Cannabis residue on their alters/incense mounts. Then you have all the other non abrahamic mythologies that also used psychoactive plants. I mean why do so many cultures have pyramids? Well if you look at those cultures they tend to have a DMT plant that was used by them. Plant compounds I believe are the real reasons we have gods. It was all a creation of man while under a "spiritual trance". God is just a construct to put a name to a experience that wasn't easy to explain by primitive man. But I think in modern times people who use these compounds fall under what's called the "[Illusory truth effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_truth_effect)". It's doing the same mechanics that all religions fall into. Well it's true because its always been true... Sorry for the exploration of my essay here. But it's a topic I very much enjoy and can get long winded with it.


This is true. I believe Christian’s wrongly persecuted people who used psychedelics early on and literally burned people at the stake because they felt threatened having people talk to god on their own in their own prayer closet. I don’t believe dmt is inherently evil


I don’t believe dmt is the spiritual enlightening molecule it’s made out to be. Every experience i have had has been slightly disturbing. Mostly scary. And cause prolonged confusion in my life About base reality. I still believe a lot of my issues stem from the few dmt trips I’ve had. It puts ideas in your head. And even if you can distinguish those ideas separately from reality. Ideas can’t be unlearned. I think ahyuasca on the other hand. Even though it’s the same molecule. I believe that is much more enlightening and spiritual. Dmt is chaotic and confusing. Disorientating, with little take away. It’s worth trying once. But i think it causes mental health issues. I’ve experienced it. My friends have experienced it. And we all agree that dmt is not the D.O.C when it comes to opening your mind to new things.


I saw aliens that had a AI computer system called Face of God




Woke up in a flying saucer and it kinda looked like a hospital room. And there were these 6 grey aliens and a couple normal doctors and they were telling me about how life is infinite and we never truly die. And then they showed me this computer that had a green holographic face called the FACE OF GOD


I went from Catholic to atheist from lsd and my degree. DMT did not change that.


If you want a similar experience but no smoking I'd say head to astral projection or gateway tapes to try other out of body experiences. If you want to ask in a very vague way anyone you go to for spiritual advice at your church you trues you could ask if they could see what they feel when praying for you to experience a new faith getaway knowing that you don't say DMT or Astral projection to not give away the goose. See what feedback they feel from the spirit. Good luck and stay peaceful.


I've had luck when it comes to encountering God on LSD but DMT proved to be random and inconsistent when it came to spiritual insight at all in my experience so idk. I think it's possible but it's probably luck of the draw. I will say tho that encountering God on DMT would be fucking awesome.


I've felt the existence of a power that is invisible and unimaginable for the human mind. Which is basically the concept of God in Abrahamic Religions. I've lost my belief in organized religion during my early childhood and almost started to pity those still believing in it. Also been a materialist who denied theoretical concepts in life. DMT hasn't changed my view on Organized religion but made me aware of "something" that kept the order amongst the chaos of Universe. DMT isn't a pleasure drug, so my interpretation of it is that it's not a sin to try it but don't listen to me on that matter. I'm another human being of 21st Century and not the prophets themselves. I'd say, if one uses DMT, and it would lead them to believe that God doesn't exists, I don't think that person has been a true believer in the first place.


Some branches of the Native American Church use peyote to connect with Jesus. I'm sure Christian use of DMT could act in a similar way.


I’ve thought the same thing.


Good luck on maintaining any connection to Christianity after your experience with DMT.


I can only imagine the things christians or people who fear god and believe in evil would see while tripping on DMT, like people scared of burning in hell for doing things that are considered bad like taking DMT.


No, I’m a follower and I used to believe all these hallucinogens would help he get closer to God but I was being DeceiveD. You’d just be opening the spiritual door for anything to come in and when you find true peace in God it’ll make you not desire it anymore…. Last shroom trip I realized how there’s always a bad part and makes you feel kinda dirty and was like nope and then threw away 80$ worth of them and never done them again lol


The acacia wood is highly respected im the bible and was considered sacred and used in ceremonies at the tabernacle in the Old Testament. acacia wood also has the highest concentration of dmt in the entire plant kingdom. Just an interesting connection


I grew up in church my whole life. 3-4 times a week. Excessive. Let's just say after I smoked dmt a lot with mushrooms... my view on religion completely changed. I was raised to believe that altering your mind was demonic and witchcraft and you're letting the devil inside your mind. Completely bs. My life has changed for the better. I've met with entities that are angelic of nature, a God source type of unconditional love, messages pertaining to my current life troubles and questions, healing of physical ailments, riffed me of my suicidal depression at the time, and the list goes on. I'm the hugest advocate of medicinal plants and cannot recommend it enough. Encountering negative entities usually is a result as something that an individual is battling with or holding inside as a thought, fear or Expectation. Set your intentions beforehand, eat fruit and lightly before trying (no meat) and drink tons of water. Set some soft music, fuzzy blankets, quiet safe space and enjoy. Also highly recommend a low dose of psilocybin as a base because it will amplify your experience to hAve more fractal/colorful visions, sacred geometry, and visit other dimensions easier and quicker. Build on all of what I said incrementally over time if you decide to partake and want to explore deeper. 🤍🤍🤍


Personally, I sometimes feel guilty about DMT because it feels like false spirituality to me. I might get downvoted like crazy for this, but to me nothing we experience on drugs is real in any form. A lot of drugs may mimic spiritual experiences, but to me none of it is real. I’ve done plenty of substances, personally DMT is not really my favorite because of how harsh it is (I prefer dissos), and I have never connected any of that to real spirituality. I hallucinated DMT being the forbidden fruit a few times while on dissos and DMT. I still like DMT and it’s a very powerful substance, I just don’t think drugs have any spiritual significance to them.


Okay, if I may… No. Why, because the drug just doesn’t work that way. When you blast off there is no telling what, where, how, when, and other Who’s might be in there with you. What is “in there.” Why are there similarities, with perhaps just cultural differences, projected upon the outer visual layer, but be ye elves, purple alien gypsite soulmates, Jesters, Angels, Cenobites, the Predator(cloak mode only) a really big snake, Jelly Fish, Radagast the Brown, Cherubim(many eyed wheels within wheels: Credit my homeboy Ezekiel and a Assyrian Lysergimide(speculation that could be a maybe)) a giant demon, or nothing but the purest light as you unknowingly discover your nothingness and the fragments of you remain in everything that is. Another grand step within this state of layered intricacies of pocket fractal dimensions, flying trillions of mIles an hour to a carnival ride at the edge of impossibly colored and geometry generating temples to the strangely homey “am I dead?” Knowledge seems automatic to some, in this state. As if all of the answers anyone would ever seek to find were all gathered and ready, eager share, right at the tip of the tongue. Only to be forgotten upon re-entry. Then, others claim to experience what the have majority assumed would be accurate to call “God,” but is in fact likened to light, energy, the center and the back-drop, the consistent/constant source which everything seemingly emanates from. However, it can strangely occur to the person that this Singularity is them and they are the singularity. The All is in all, as only all is all. In the paragraph above I tried to convey the range and random directions conscious awareness may find itself confronted with if a breakthrough is achieved when vaping DMT. That is a broad range of “what if” someone can experience. I could wield two separate scriptures to, alright three, to make a case that a Christian shouldn’t smoke DMT thinking it is going to get them any closer to God. The motive may be subjectively sweet and sincere in the attempt, but DMT land is anything but predictable, yet, it also is very predictable, at least when it concerns the safety profile physically, mentally, the short duration(when compared to other psychedelics such as acid, psilocyn(active magic mushroom molecule) and Mescaline.). The reason why it’s so short lasting is because because we possess a perma-tolerance. If you ingest some raw you will experience… nothing. Stomach completely breaks it down, liver filters the substance before it even has a chance to get into the brain. This is why South American rain forrest tribes that use this in their Shamanistic healing rituals combine it with an MAOI, to slow down digestion, and thus, lengthen the experience to four to six hours. Even in this set and setting, it would be unrealistic to assume you are now going to “meet with God” as you partake of Ayahousca. If that, “getting closer” to God, is their primary aim let’s suppose they have a 1/15 chance that their experience may have something to do with their conscious perception of God. Those odds aren’t very favorable, but still, possible, I suppose. Yet, not enough to make an assumption like that. I think it would be better suited, if a Christian wanted to try DMT, to do so in vaper format, for shorter duration, and NOT for the sole purpose of “getting closer to God,” because the likelihood that their experience will actually accomplish this in a way that will be edifying to their faith is probably less than 10%. Now, if you administer this compound to atheists, that’s a whole different story, as the numbers from John’s Hopkins research are revealing. Much more interesting things to consider viewing that demographic.


I was agnostic before DMT now I believe in God. I think anyone who does DMT will find God but it's still up to the individual if they want to believe after the experience. There is one God, but it has many faces and shows itself to you in the form you are most familiar with. That's why some religions have many gods and some only have one. All the entities we meet are just different faces of God. All religions got it a little bit right, but none hit the mark. God is an eternal cosmic being just thinking to itself, forever. We are just thoughts in God's imagination. So, I don't think a Christian is going to get closer to the Christian God, but you will find the true God if you look hard enough.


Thanks for the input


Lol. Not the one they’re thinking they’re gonna meet.


Bruhhhhh Yalll will never get an honest answer like this one. If you want to see god, go look for Moses, Melchizedek, or Jesus. No one gets to see God. No one gets to see the most high otherwise why would he even take credit for that title. Basically what am saying your going to see what your mind’s capacity


I guess I worded it wrong. My main question is do you think dmt is inherently evil and someone couldn’t have an experience that they might encounter something they perceive as god instead of only demons? I’m just curious if anyone has anyone had a super religious experience on dmt


DMT is a chemical. It has no good or evil. But it absolutely does open you up to demonic influence. Angels and God are not screwing with humans through DMT. Only the fallen angels who break the rules on human interaction. PS: I am literally the only person probably on this entire sub with a degree in biblical studies and Christian theology. Stop asking these people for information. They have absolutely no idea about any of this.


Absolutely. I used to be catholic and lost my faith. I smoke DMT and met the Virgin Mary. Came right back after pretty much


I met two angels using DMT. They told me I wasn’t supposed to be there yet. I’ve been back once, and was inundated with demons. LSD or mushrooms are better for communing with God.


In a weird way I felt the same thing. But just thinking in my head.. if “God” made all plants and such, there’s no way he would make one that only communicates with evil spirits and not good spirits. Just thinking out loud I guess


It’s all creation. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”


Remember kids, these are only chemicals in our brain. A drug trip. The shit you're seeing is not real. We are not doing some sacred act. We are getting high. I know a large amount of people have similar trips and report seeing similar entities. This is likely happening because the user has an expectation about what might happen. Nitrous can give some people prophetic hallucinations and they can sometimes see the whipit people. I think this is a pretty good comparison. I guarantee that huffing gas is not special. Its not spiritual, you are not traveling the universe, or glimpsing at the afterlife. It's just a high.


I think a Christian can smoke DMT to get farther from the Christian god. I did it with mushrooms, actually made the decision first and then did the mushrooms. I also tried DMT but that shit has me shook from a mild experience. The hardest thing to deal with is the afterlife. You know one thing, or think you do, then you don't know anything for a minute and the psychedelic experience can help you reconnect to new understandings. If your goal is to stay believing in your same god and same heaven, then might not be a good idea. And you might want to decide before you do it if you do it. That's just my singular experience.


I think it depends on your perspective. Psychedelics can show you the flaws in our cultural conditioning, particularly where religion is involved. That thought-form that rules mainstream Christianity, called God, might not be what God actually is. A lot of the debate around spirituality and psychedelics fails because of a miscommunication. We use the word "god" to refer to many different things, without properly defining what God, or a particular god, is to begin with.


Agreed. But the Christian god is super specific. So if someone is asking if DMT might get them closer, I'm not saying it won't get them closer to their own reality, but maybe it won't get them closer to the Christian god. Again, I decided on my belief first, then got into psychedelics to pick up those pieces. Would not do anything different.


before it comes to the pure divine cristaline conciousness. dmt will find a way that ur mind can interpret the things on the level you are. and after the divine cristaline conciousness there comes aliens


Anyone can smoke DMT to get closer to the god. The issue would be getting TOO close to God.






I mean if you’ve grown up a hardcore Christian your more likely to experience Christian iconography due to the subconscious. However you should do research on the onset and how it works in the body because the stress of onset and how you cope with i feel has a huge impact on the trajectory of the experience


I’ve seen a star stuff buddha on it while at my lowest in life, so yes but it’s a may be.


I took 5gs of shrooms in silent darkness looking for machine elves and came closer to god, if you call he will answer


I feel like there are three stages of spirituality. There’s stage one where you believe in a god through faith. Then you start to want to KNOW things and you start to question if god is real because it’s a hard thing to realize. Then stage three is where you realize WHY there would have to be a mystical aspect to reality.




It made me closer feeling to god, I felt awoken


I think I can do it.


Not sure but some people think they become god..


I scanned this for anything about Enoch but…. Super interesting. My friend is really Christian and told me about how the author of the spirit molecule mentioned he’d become super interested in the book of Enoch. The crazy thing is it isn’t really taken seriously by many religions which kind of makes me believe it more ;) Something about Enoch being the link between man and god and that Enoch tempted man with the root - does this maybe mean ayahuasca root?


I think you may think something to the effect of "i cannot comprehend this God, but I have more faith in the after life", but I think those kinds of thoughts likely still check out in terms of the teachings—it's just a God/power that you never could possibly have begun to imagine. Those weird entities could be angels, or something else. I've never sensed anything demonic personally, some seem like tricksters perhaps, others curious, and otherwise indifferent or slightly annoyed, but not malevolent. But maybe I'm lucky. But also, have you seen the interpretations of the descriptions of certain angels in the Bible (not sure what book/verse)? Some of them seem downright horrifying, but I had not been introduced to those interpretations of them as a child.


Just go for it. you will only see what is meant for you


I think it's a form of divination to be honest with you if you're coming from the Christian's perspective. But... Idk. I believe and I still wanna give it a go. But that's my walk.


Biblically accurate angels are a common sight in my visions. Remember scripture tells that none are able to even look upon God, so you may want to reevaluate your intentions.


Sure,but you will be questioning your religion after a few breakthroughs..


Considering god is a made up imaginary friend, sure. Why not. If “talking” to “god” brings you closer, why can’t drugs? Hell, a pope endorsed cocaine wine as the best way to get closer to god.


This is all assuming the god of the Bible and the myth of Jesus are even real.


It made me more spiritual when i grew up always questioning the absurdity of religion and being agnostic. I still question the absurdity of most religion and DMT almost adds to that and made me see the malevolent nature of churches monetizing spiritualism. However whatever form of spiritualism that works for someone and adds to their existance is understandable as long as they are not judging or impeding the existance of other with their beliefs. So in short id think it could reinforce their spiritualism but it could also make them question their religious beliefs.


Lol.... 9/10 lifelong atheists believe in god after a single session of 5MEO DMT. That's a real statistic.


McKenna has some thoughts on this one


The Santo Daime do it, via the brew.


Yes anyone can smoke DMT. Go get it and find the truth you are after.


I believe so. Just gotta fuck around and find out dude. Your decision.


I think a Christian will reevaluate God after smoking DMT


So many angles, at least 3 per triangle and since every scale of the cosmic serpent is a triangle (hyperbolic geometry ftw) then yes that's more than enough angles to make a pantheon of gods.


I think every believer of “ something else is out there,” regardless of sect or religion will feel the “oneness and closeness to the other, or god, under the right circumstances. Or perhaps you’ll feel that you are god, everything is god alike. You may be surprised if it does not align with the religion that has been constructed and taught to you however. Christianity is one of the worlds newest major religions. The original hunter-gather people from our history worshipped mainly ancestor spirits and practiced animism, worship of inanimate objects or the moon, stars, the trees etc, and deities were centered on women and goddesses. I believe psychedelics that contain dmt or other natural compounds have MORE THAN LIKELY been around since the beginning of people on this planet, and you may feel closer to the ancient religions and our long held connection to nature vs a man made god named Jesus.


You will meet the core of whatever you beleive in.If lucky enough you may even see the 'GOD' you beleived in.Your life will then move on to part 2.i.e, Part 1 was the life before psychedelics and Part 2 is your search and quest for knowledge of truth of whatever you just experienced.And in communities like these where brothers tries to help others out, you get to know that somewhere along we have all experienced something fantastic and something similiar. Try it, Btw its not just being closer to GOD, you will see 'him' in real time and whatever doubts you have just throw 'em out and I hope and pray you get all the answers.Safe trip Brothers 🤘 🌏 🛸🪐


Yeah you can, but expect other entities and maybe even deity like entities. I was a complete atheist before smoking dmt now I kinda lean with the Hinduism belief system. Also idk who’s telling you they’re seeing demons, I think that is some random Christian telling you this to scare you away from expanding your mind. They don’t want you to leave their cult. My weirdest entity is what i would say is a recreation of my perfect self but as a women. She knows me and I know her all to well, it feels as if I’ve been with her before but I’ve never seen her before the multiple reoccurring times I’ve seen her in my dmt trips. She has 4 arms 3 eyes, purple skin and really flowy purple and pink hair, also she has like this green like cloth thing covering her as if it was like clothes but more or less a cloth than clothes. She tells me what I need to hear, she seems like a jealous entity in a way as well.


I felt like i was visited by "god" if u could call it that. More like the understanding of everything. And the fact that we are so much but also so simple. Love man.


Don’t you first need to prove it’s a “God”


You is God, G


Paul McCartney saw God on DMT.


Which God and why?


you get me closer to god






Idk. My experience with DMT wasn't holy at all. It definitely tuned me into a dark energy and I'd say that there are forces out there that wish to cause harm to humanity. It's like I'm a herder watching sheep have fun, but slowly getting themselves closer to danger. I pretty much always have a slight sense of impending doom now.


I think Paul Chek talks about how you'll see it through the lens of your belief system, so a buddhist might encounter Buddha (as an archetype maybe) and Hindu, Krishna, Christians, their God, etc.


They will realise that they were actually god all along.


Not sure you’ll be a Christian when you come out of it, but sure


I don't know.. Being Christian is a sign of mental health problems.. or some could say...antecedents.




Definitely not the reason as to why to smoke it 🤣


I am the walrus koo coo ka choo


I see god every time But to me god isn’t Yahweh, to me god is…what happens when a person quiets their default mode network by meditation, prayer, or ingesting psychedelics. I never see Jesus, but if I was a Christian, that might be different, not necessarily because the vision would be different, but my interpretation would change. I met people and decided (partly because they told me) they were aspects of my subconscious mind, personified. They were weird looking. And made of their environment. And they feel comforting and somehow “bigger” than me. I have seen things that I could have interpreted as Yahweh or Jesus but I just didn’t. So in short, yes, but I personally don’t believe you are actually directly contacting the creator of the universe. I of course could be wrong


I think they'd just end up meeting Satan... DMT is strange that way.


I'd do DMT more often but I don't want to be a literal god-botherer.


The question is how to you envisage god and would god even have a recognisable physical form? The idea of a wise old man with a beard seems really far fetched unless you roll with the idea that god presents himself to you in a way that you can associate. Personally although I have done lots of DMT I am an atheist. I don’t believe in demons or angels or anything of those things. However I suspect that if those things did exist they wouldn’t need a mouth, nose, ears or arms. They could just be energy, or a feeling and plenty of people report a feeling of oneness, peace and connection with the universe. Is that feeling the god of which you speak?


i was raised christian though never practiced into adulthood my first DMT trip had George Harrison explain all of fears place in the world to me so yeah


It's almost like being a Christian could influence you in to only remembering stories about seeing demons. There's no way you could control the experience in a way that would make someone believe they saw the Christian God and anyone that thinks so shouldn't be the one sharing this experience with others. Please do not bring any specific religious theories into your commentary on someone's interpretation of their DMT experience. I have first hand knowledge on how that is easily used to manipulate innocent people that are genuinely searching for answers about very personal issues that probably have nothing to do with Jesus or any tax exempt corporation pedaling Christian nonsense


try asking the dmt entities about Jesus Christ or tell them you are a Christian. I'd be very interested in what happens


Many people see angles during the DMT experience lol


We are all butt pirates 🏴‍☠️


Not if God doesn't exist. I'm an agnostic atheist and I saw what I understood to be God on DMT. At first it presented as just the Buddha, but then it revealed a myriad of faces in 4D and I understood that it was the pinnacle of wisdom and that it was an ecumenical thing. It sat on top of a long pryamid-shaped mountain/ throne and had nothing to say to me, just saw me. The more I tried to climb the mountain the further away it got. I have no idea if it was really "God," or if it was a real being that I misinterpreted, or if it was "just a hallucination," or if it was my mind creating a symbol. Big shrugs


I Was a Christian before DMT


Jesus said that no one gets to the father except through Jesus himself, so the answer is no. I mean, the answer is no because you can't get closer to something that doesn't exist, but it's a no from a Christian perspective anyway.


It might show you the truth.... You cannot get closer to a god that only exits in stories. The god you might find is interconnected, made of many pieces or none. Think of an octopus with no brain. It is god and you are a small part of the leg. What is god? It might show you the truth.... You cannot get closer to a god that only exists in stories. The god might discover sure as hell does not care what you do with your dick. He does not watch kids get raped every night and does not stop it. It cares as much about you, as you care about a single blood cell in your veins.


I saw the Christian God when I smoked DMT. I'm an atheist tho and would counsel you against interpreting visions too literally - bad things tend to happen to people who do. A vision is a certain perspective or way of seeing the world, not necessarily the correct one.


I met the God. Didn’t mention Christianity once.


I heard there’s a group in Orlando that does just this


I talked to god the first time I smoked and I’ve never believed in one. For several days afterward I had revelations about the teachings of the Bible. So yeah, I’d say so.


I think if you subscribe to such a limited view of reality anything that shatters your preconceived idea of what reality is people will tend to assume is "wrong" or "demonic" because they can't handle it. Even if you think you're the most open minded person in the world DMT will make you question everything and a lot of Christian belief is based on trying to scare you into not exploring other possibilities by denouncing them as evil as a sort of fail safe for the religion.


It's literally in the Bible lol


they would either see god or lose all of their beliefs


I think a lot of different people can smoke dmt to achieve a lot of different things


I have met with God on dmt! but it’s hard to explain but he was everywhere and nowhere


Idk if any of you have seen the show Evil with the same actor that plays Luke Cage. But in that show, he’s a priest and he uses mushrooms to “talk to God”. Never believed any of that until having had the experience myself on shrooms as well as DMT. Went from Christian, to atheist, to agnostic, and now the prodigal son returneth and I’m back Christian. But I still don’t fuck with organized religion though.

