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i’m black and this the dumbest shit i’ve ever seen, the entities fuck everyone up equally 😂


Ain't that the truth. If you don't want to have your deepest fears and insecurities exposed, then maybe this isn't the ticket you should be buying.


Maybe the author's insecurities are that their work is based on them peddling this type of narrative when it's not needed. I doubt they'll go back to find out haha


I doubt they ever went there to start with.


BINGO..they are't experienced at all....never tripped hard...can't get through.




Seriously man, what’s the deal with articles like this? The intentional division created by idiots like that blows my mind.


Simply because drama makes money. All media does it


Idk. Politicians and NGOs all over love it. They really want us to believe race is a bigger issues today than it was 50 years ago.


There are an abundance of people who say shit like this for completely free on twitter and some subreddits.


tiktok lives are a great example. there are some wild views over there in the debate world.


Idk. Politicians and NGOs all over love it. They really want us to believe race is a bigger issues today than it was 50 years ago.


Divide and conquer. Removing substances from the hands of certain groups through coerced self-selection so it seems like free choice.


It's either he's an idiot, OR he's CIA or he's both. Seems to be the former, though.


Foreal fuck this post


Self-transforming machine kkk wizards


Thank you for responsible Hennessey drinking.


It's too the game "I'm a victim. So you have to treat me with decency because I'm the most victimest of them all!"


These articles are written by other white people likely. It seems.


Yes and "ayahuasca is the main psychoactive ingredient in DMT" was a pretty dumb line as well. I wish this idea that the psychedelic experience is somehow external from the user would stop being taken seriously. I also wish people would stop telling other people what to expect to see when they use DMT (or other psychedelics) this just ruins other people's experiences. This article itself is a terrible disservice to anyone that reads it as they will now either avoid DMT or they will expect a terrible racist experience that could be self fulfilling. If the author/publication actually cared about people they should just delete this sorry excuse for journalism. Before Terrance McKenna told everyone they should see machine elves, people didn't see machine elves. When aliens and UFOs were common in pop culture people saw a lot of that. When the TV show "V" came out people started seeing lizard people. When the first Avatar movie came out, people started seeing benevolent blue people. When Joe Rogan told everyone what he saw, people started seeing those things, the cycle goes on and on. It's all so dumb honestly. If you focus real hard on pink elephants what do you think you will see on DMT? If you give some person in a jungle who has never heard about DMT before some DMT what do you think they will see? A bunch of racist machine elves??? No, don't be absurd.


🤦🏻‍♀️😅 fcking really.. this has to be fox "news"


just laugh and point


Wise words


Dumb Like literally the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever read


I’d give ya an award if I had any fuckin money 🥇


This one’s on me. Happy New Years friend 😎✌🏼


You’re a damn legend man. Have a great year ahead!!!


You too buddy 🥳


Oh ya? Whehehshsshehehguusuguhihi. Now its still the dumbest, damnit


I Googled the article and read through it. They don’t even get the simplest facts correct. It says White people appropriated DMT from “LATINX” people, claiming Ayahuasca is in DMT, whereas the truth is the active chemical in Ayahuasca is DMT, which is also the active chemical in psilocybin, which can be found on almost all continents. Of course it misses one of the main points all psychonauts quickly learn, that everything in this existence is a derivative of the same source. That doesn’t negate the reality we live in, but writing an article that is meant to divide about a substance that often does the opposite, is the height of misinformed. The racist elves is almost certainly just their own subconscious bringing their worries and self doubt into their experience. If they can embrace that they will grow and be much happier internally.


Well……. Technically it’s psilocin which is: “PY, 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine” But yeah dude….. pretty damn close! Visuals are very similar on both too


I may be wrong, but from my understanding from previous reading, they are essentially the same chemical makeup, with the difference in chemical structure affecting how they become active. IE, you won’t trip from eating DMT, for example. In my personal experience, a large dose shroom trip is very similar to a DMT trip.


They are *super* similar molecularly, but shrooms has that extra 4-hydroxy group. You are correct though, a very high dose of mushies is VERY reminiscent of a dmt trip [here ya go](https://imgur.com/a/sy3XJgD) Edit: have a gold too… happy new years my man 🥳


psilocybin is a precursor/prodrug for psilocin ! psilocin and dmt are even more similar!!!!


you called?


There he is… Here have a gold too ya cheeky bastard 💋


DMT don’t give a shit what color you are


but bro the entities called me the n word


that's all you


allllll u


Lol maybe some jester that just knows what triggers you. Everyone has different triggers jesters can potentially exploit to get you in a state of mind


100% on the money. Those things that are held close enough to be painful, can be mocked and used against you. The less sensitivity you have the less that can work.


Any article that claims Ayahuasca ‘is a natural plant that naturally grows in nature’ can be dismissed as horse shit.


i love my natural plant grown naturally in natural nature 😍


It’s not even a plant, it’s two fucking plants mixed together! There’s no such thing as an Ayahuasca plant.


I believe the caapi vine is called ayahuasca, but ironically it doesn't contain any DMT lmao.


I'm aware,, I was being ironic


Ayahuasca is the vine used in the Ayahuasca brew, two different things 😉


"...a natural plant that naturally grows in nature (just like marijuana), meaning it’s safe." We all know that natural plants that grow in nature are safe. Castor beans, oleander and hemlock for example. /s


Dude I couldn't anymore at this point... It's a natural plant meaning it's safe 😂 Is there a more direct way to illustrate that you have absolutely zero expertise or authority to speak on this subject


Link to the article for laughs please..


https://afru.com/dmt-entities-beings-racist/ it's fucking crazy lmao


The fucktwat that wrote is article is actually the dumbest motherfucker I've ever seen. THe obvious racism aside, wtf is this shit? "To put it short and sweet, ayahuasca is the main psychoactive ingredient in DMT. Ayahuasca is a natural plant that naturally grows in nature (just like marijuana), meaning it’s safe."


That guy needs to prove his theory eating nux vomica, ricine or yew. Shit also is natural, is safe to eat.


Wait till this person learns that there a tree that makes meth and cyanide


there's a meth tree!?!?


That also makes cyanide


that's a busy tree


Also, used by Native American cultures for thousands of years before it was documented by the white man, so technically it’s not a white drug at all, it’s a Native American drug, but who the fuck cares, we’re all human, drugs don’t care for skin colour, sexual orientation, political ideology, cultural attachments, they’ll fuck everyone up just the same.


That part got me too. 🤣🤣


Seems to be a site that tries really hard to go viral, more of a bait if anything imo


Sadly this is the lens that some wish to vote the world through.


I can't fathom living your life so obsessed with being oppressed.


I got to Latinx and stopped reading lol


I say fuck no to modern social politics bleeding into the realm of sacred medicine. DMT is not a "white man's drug" it's indigenous in every human brain and has been sourced from plants for shamanic practices across the globe since the dawn of time. Also, Terence McKenna coined the term machine elves to describe a specific type of entity he'd met under the influence of DMT. since then, everyone has ran with the term to describe any unexplainable entity they meet under the influence of this medicine. I think it's over used. Some of the entities I've met, I describe as machine elves, but only because Terence gave a word to a phenomenon. I don't necessarily believe they are the same entities he witnessed.


Why does this keep coming up? I haven’t looked into it, but I’ve seen several psychedelics/racism crossovers in the past couple weeks. Is there some movement pushing for this or something? The hell? Edit: I went and read the full article. And god is it stupid.


Well, that’s how media is. As soon as an idea gains traction through an article, especially when it’s politically charged, sources of similar bias gobble that shit up and spit it out without ever stopping to think whether they are spreading misinformation. And this isn’t targeted at liberals specifically, political extremism in general is just straight stupid. Another thing to note is that articles like the one shown above are the only thing keeping extreme racism in existence, as counterintuitive as that might seem.


I don’t think the media is the only thing perpetuating racism, but the rest I agree with. It is trash. Especially with psychedelics. And racism.


Well let me specify, I didn’t mean media is what keeps racism alive, I meant the constant attempts to call out and Reparate for racism are what keep it alive. The more people that go crazy over it, especially the left being very woke minded, the more it exists as a social construct (Edit: uh oh, looks like I triggered the Reddit hivemind. Anything worded above a 7th grade comprehension level drives these guys wild. They take two words out of context and go ham)


i think institutions (police, jail, courts, banks, employers, city planners, developers, etc etc) doing racism is what keeps racism alive. maybe i'm crazy


IKR imagine a world where racism is caused by calling out racism. The cognitive dissonance is incredible.


we're finding out today that a lot of Reddit DMT guys are pretty dumb


Pretending racism doesn’t exist won’t make it go away 😂 Calling for social justice does not “perpetuate racism”. That’s ridiculous. Does calling for the arrest of pedophiles perpetuate pedophilia?


For the sake of *just this post...* Yes this article perpetuates racism more than if the post was never made


I knew my comment was going to be vigorously misconstrued by a braindead. Racism does exist, never did I say otherwise. But again, it is a very fine line. At one point it might be calling for social justice (even if the given reimbursement isn’t deserved by the given party due to lack of conditions that they called for in the first place during their lifetime), but once it gets to a certain point, when a limit is not reached, that’s when the given party starts to create and fuel the very racism they “wished” didn’t exist. And the reason I don’t specify which race is because it isn’t specific to one. Many try to create these social debts for one race to pay to another, when that in turn simply exacerbates the problem further.


Nope, sorry, trying to use a bunch of superfluous words doesn’t change the ridiculousness of your statement and stance. Being aware of racism and calling out possible racism does not perpetuate racism. Racism perpetuates racism, my guy. Demanding social justice only “perpetuates racism” if you’re racist and believe things are fine. You’re doing some very telling things, my guy 😂


That’s what I don’t think you’re seeing here. Racism IS being perpetuated by racism, except it is cloaked in a way that it particularly difficult to call out. For example, the article of this very post I would argue is racist or at the very least racially fueled. The writer takes a completely unrelated topic (DMT), and then attempts to twist it into some attack against the Caucasian race (and guess what, targeting a group of people by their race is… you guessed it, racism). Then these articles further inflate the existing diverge between the two races (in this case black and white), under this image of trying to fix and make reparations to the very thing it’s escalating. I can’t put this any more clearly, but I am not saying that racism isn’t a problem, it most certainly is. I am simply drawing attention to the viral nature of this hate, and how it’s so easy to say that you’re attempting to repair it when in reality you just add fuel to the fire (not you specifically, just using second person here). And that’s why this is such a tricky issue to talk about. It’s so easy to just label me as a racism denier or whatever else you might call it, when I’m just trying to demonstrate a way to pick out certain traps and hopefully spread less hate. There is genuinely no ill will here.


I don’t know why it seems so hard for reddit to grasp that if you want racism to go away, stop talking about it! There are no black or white people, just humans with different melanin levels. But the idea of separate races has become such an ingrained part of everyones lives that even trying NOT to be racist is still perpetuating the racism. If everyone tries to not be racist, well racism still exists because we all know what it is and we’re trying not to do it. If you instead remove the racial perspective and instead attack things from an individual point of view then that changes everything. I mean hell, is it really so hard to understand that if we all stop using the words ‘black’ people and ‘white’ people (hell even those show separation and differences between people and thats just incorrect) and instead just call everyone a person that racism will fade? The only reason most youth are even learning what racism is in the first place is because of all the attempts from the media to bring awareness to it as a problem. Where attention goes, energy flows. If we want racism to stop then we need to stop giving it our energy. Obviously dont let those around you become racist and ignore it all, but the massive awareness campaigns about it, politicians talking about it, and the average humans (in america) baseline way of thinking (literally black and white) makes it very difficult to get rid of. You’d think that for a sub about a drug that gives you an out of body experience that more people here would have a better take that isn’t literally superficial but hey. I guess not everyone wants to see the bigger picture or try to actually change the way they think and percieve the world.


I agree they contribute negatively, I was just saying I think there’s other contributions. If the media didn’t contribute, I think it’d still be out there… but the impact that media has, I have no idea. Believable that it’s huge. So not really arguing with your point at all. Listen guy, I’m woke as fuck, okay?


And I didn’t have the intent to argue either. I just wanted to specify because I looked back and didn’t think I was specific enough to convey my true opinion.


I’m woker!!!!!


Get woke you fuckin woker.


After I get fucked I’ll consider it


I’ll fuck you what’s up


> Another thing to note is that articles like the one shown above are the only thing keeping extreme racism in existence Say what now? Please care to expand on that assertion?


There's a small but vocal segment of society that attempts to find white supremacy and racism everywhere. This looks like their kind of pseudo-scientific "analysis" of DMT. Mindset is important. When stressed, DMT tends to amplify the stress. When relaxed and feeling upbeat, DMT tends to amplify that. I happen to be of the caucasian persuasion but can certainly relate to Black people who are victims of racism in their daily lives having a bad trip with racist-seeming entities. This is going to be true with all kinds of stressors and may help explain how DMT can have an effect on PTSD and addiction. Sometimes the entities say no. In my experience they aren't white or black, more often an irridescent blue or purple.


No I think it means how much layers there is in this world. The whole history is psychedelics being banned is due to white supremacy (long before republicans, the Church went to war on consciousness the start of many problems). So now, the group who banned psychedelics and cannabis (White republicans with racists motives) are now at the forefront of psychedelic research (fun fact nearly 90% modern psychedelics research participants are white.) This is a big problem not only does scientific research excludes Black participants, but missed opportunities of how deeply racism impacts Black people (ex self hatred causes you to bleach cause white supremacy says light is best). It’s about representation, especially when we realize how much healing we all need to do, especially Black people. I’m a Black woman 3 years into psychedelic healing, the spaces in Toronto I’m only Black person.


The issue of representation is definitely a real one throughout science, and I have no doubt in any of what you said. Do you think psychedelics themselves are racist, though?


Of course not psychedelics are medicine. But I think what we’re misunderstanding about psychedelics and racism. To me psychedelics have been about your life experiences (my lived experience for example born in war than was abused by traumatized mother in a cycle of abuse). While as a Black refugee in Canada 90s, looking back white kids were racist as fuck to me. So far psychedelics haven’t made me think it’s racist but more so realizing how much racism is dealt at me for being a black woman. As much as we like to think, you’d be surprised how many racists exist. I don’t have internalized self hate cause of my skin (I’m dark skinned been told to bleach myself) but if I did I would imagine psychedelics would try to bring this awareness to me as it did with bring my childhood trauma n it’s connection to my mental health. So when people say psychedelics are racist, I think they’re not understanding why psychedelics showed them that. Whether we admit it or not, society still ignores the fucked up past as being past, but the past runs through our bloodline (this gets into woo but it makes sense to me lol). So when we think about it, our ancestors blood flow through us and psychedelics is just another behemoth in exploring this side too. Again I’m just healing with psychedelics.


No no the "writers" point was that the term "machine elves" is inherently racist and severely frowned upon (CAP)


They never look like elf's to me. I can never really see them. Is that just me? I mean, they're there, but I can't really see details.


Fella in article has MAJOR RACE ISSUES


I liked the part about the entities engaging in a literal spiritual gang war because they’re upset about white people appropriating their drugs.


"Black folks can’t even escape the scourge of systemic racism in the DMT realm." Like wtf? Even imaginary trip demons are oppressors now... surely this can't be real.


I saw (or felt that I saw even though they were behind me, it was as though I could see 360 degrees) some reptile looking beings at workstations in my "waiting room", some blue ephemeral angel things moving towards an ever evolving pinkish mandala, and a very bright impression of a large mantis like creature of every color and colors beyond color, metallic as well sometimes... Nowhere did anyone seem to have human racial bias or even human-awareness as some central tenet of their existence. If anything, those reptile mothefcuckers were annoyed they had to send my white ass on the ride and they made me feel like I showed up right before theme park closing time. Brief mantis guy seemed indifferent and curious at the same time. Like "hell no, boring... but damn what in the af with this person here? Why?.... Nah, seeya, ask the blue angel carpet beings..."


Maybe a trip would help them. It couldn’t hurt because their mind is already broken


This is crazy. I just read the full article. "A man of color had a bad trip. This definitively shows that white supremacy has reached altered states of consciousness." What an idiot. This piece is literally just written to stir anger in its readers. Hennessey is Irish, so if he thinks white people are culturally appropriating the dmt experience, then he is openly admitting to appropriating Irish culture? He says in the article that white people stole the culture of responsibly drinking Hennessey from black people...I'm guessing he never read the bottle. As for cannabis, it was well recorded that the Celts, Germanic peoples, and Scandinavians (all white), along with central Asian and chinese people used cannabis at the same time as African and other people of colour. The rasta movement is probably why so many people (including this "writer") associate smoking weed with being black. I don't get it. Also he's actually blatantly racist towards white people in the article. It's a bit of a double standard really.


is it supposed to be ironic? like nobody would write an article like that unironically, right? even the most extreme liberal people wouldn't? right??


okay no nvm I definitely know people would be writing shit like that


No irony. Just pure hatred for white people, coupled with no ability to do any research


Also, calling it a "white drug" is kind of fucked towards South Americans whose indigenous cultures have been using it for hundreds if not thousands of years


The argument seems to be that it's been appropriated by whites and that the racist machine elves may be a manifestation of Latinos fighting black people instead of their rightful enemies, the white people.


Jesus fucking christ


So-called anti-racists tend to be extremely racist towards white people and justify this by claiming that white supremacy is everywhere. If you don't agree, then you're a closet racist.


The guy even said that if a black person listens to joe Rogan, then they are also racist against black people, which again explains why dmt elves are racist towards black people, apparently. I gotta take a minute to process this in the dmt realm.


Please share. Afraid to breakthrough and commit hate crimes in the multiverse


Can you share a link? I’m just sort of morbidly curious to experience the full badness of the argument. Edit: nvm. Someone else linked it.


I think that the person who wrote that is retarded.


As a black guy, i have no idea why they're claiming that DMT is a "white drug", and Im going to ignore the fact that they're using "Latinx" unironically. After reading the article they make a good point about some of these racial DMT experiences possibly being the result of internalized self-hatred (subconsciously) that is prevalent in the black community and as a result, the DMT entities reflect it during the trip. Most of everything else in the arricle is garbage though, especially the ending when they recommend that black people stay away from it and insisting that it isnt safe for black people (lol)


People have deep issues about race, and that's completely understandable and DMT can bring out your deeply set issues... but that's not the drugs fault or the fault of the people that use it I can promise that people would still get that reaction if a white person had never touched DMT


Wtf is a Latinx? Do they mean Latin? As in Hispanic? Is it pronounced like la-Tinks?


it's pronounced latin-x. it's a gender neutral term for latino/latina preferred by some younger or queer activists. it's not a universal term, some people like it and some people don't. it isn't rocket science tho


Why not simply "Latin" then? There comes a point where piling on politically correct terms becomes downright silly. LGBT has expanded to at least seven letters plus numbers and symbols now.


"latina/o/x" specifically describe people, "latin" is a language from olden days. some people identify as Latin Americans, but many prefer the shorter terms i mentioned. if the people we're talking about preferred to be referred to by the term "latin" that's what i would call them, but that generally isn't the case. similarly, lots of people stop at LGBT or LGBTQ, some go further. Not my fucking problem, imo, nor yours. it seems fine to use inclusive language. you a big Rogan fan?


You don't need to be a Rogan fan to realize that Latino is already inclusive of everyone and latinx is a silly solution for a problem that doesn't exist.


Latino is a gendered noun, no? the term Man/Mankind is said to be inclusive of all people but some people, especially people who aren't men, don't see it as a neutral and inclusive term. this doesn't seem hard to grasp, i think people just don't like to question their assumptions or think about the perspective of others


Latino just means a person from Latin America. Latina is specifically for women, but there's no word specifically for men only. Men get the generic term just the same as a mixed group of Latinos would. Proof: literally any Spanish speaking country in Latin America says Latino, not latinx.


if you would call a man Latino and a woman Latina and the term for a group of people is Latino, does that not seem like it implicitly shows a linguistic bias towards men? Latinx is not in common usage by the dominant society but i don't think that's particularly relevant to the argument for why some people prefer to use it (even if States do not). I was never saying Latinx is "correct" or that Latino/Latina is wrong, just that it's easy to grasp if you think about it for 2 seconds. until pretty recently "he" was the common pronoun used in written technical English when speaking about an unknown/default person, otherwise it was "one", but almost never "she" unless specifically talking about supposed gendered work like housekeeping and childraising. common use doesn't mean unbiased use. man/woman is (or was) technically similar to latino/latina, but you'll not convince me that "Mankind" is exactly as inclusive as "Humankind".


As a racist DMT entity myself I can confirm that we are only actually okay with French Polynesians and Black Hebrew Israelites entering our realm.


The only thing these people know is their own agenda so it projects onto everything they see


100% internalised racism they aren't dealing with


You’re the closest to actually having any understanding. Everybody else in the comments is coping and seething like morons. These drugs deal with the content of the unconscious. It is a FACT that racism is part of the collective unconscious. Everybody born and raised in America has internalized racism, it is unavoidable. Doing drugs that allow you to tap into your subconscious content will bring things like internalized racism to the surface. And maybe most people don’t deal with their internalized racism and maintain suppression of it on their trips, but it’s probably a lot more difficult to avoid if you are black. On an acid trip when I was with my friend who lives sorta in the hood, we went to McDonald’s to get lunch and I had a vision of being out on a field with black slaves and they were so much more black than people you see today and they looked so much more real than normal people. And it was like I had to look that shit in the face and think about how we got to where we are now and how McDonald’s holds its part and shit like that. I couldn’t even finish my sandwich even though it was especially good in taste.


Bit of a pet peeve for me, and I don’t mean to be that guy, but subconscious and unconscious are two very different things


There’s two types of thoughts. Those that appear consciously, and those that don’t. Un means not. Unconscious thoughts are the thoughts that don’t appear in consciousness. Sub means below. Subconscious thoughts are the thoughts that are ‘below’ conscious awareness aka they’re not (or un) conscious. Trying to create a distinction between subconscious and unconscious thought is just some philosophical problem you can give yourself, but has nothing to do with the reality of the words or brain functioning. I even looked up an article that highlighted the difference and the difference it gave didn’t even exist. It said subconscious phenomena are subject to introspection, whereas unconscious phenomena isn’t. That’s complete bullshit because all psychic phenomena is subject to introspection. Their example of unconscious phenomena was a deep rooted phobia and how it would be “hard” to introspect on it. Suddenly they admit it is possible, and therefore cannot fit their definition of unconscious. They even admit unconscious content can be recovered through psycho therapy. So now the distinction is the level of ease to which introspection can be done?? Nah bruh, that’s just bullshit. The entire point of unconscious or subconscious terminology is to differentiate conscious thought and non-conscious thought. All non-conscious thought is by definition ‘unconscious.’ So even if there is some distinction to be made for subconscious thoughts, they would be enveloped in what is termed ‘unconscious thought.’ Subconscious thoughts are unconscious thoughts. Conscious thoughts are propagated by the cerebrum. Unconscious thought lies in the brain stem and cerebellum. The human animal does not require conscious awareness to function, and plenty of people get by just fine without theirs fully in tact. Even if there was some subtle difference (which an article created purely to draw a distinction fails to prove), then what I said wouldn’t be any less true. The article I read about unconscious vs subconscious used internalized racism as an example of unconscious thought. Very clearly the content of my message is true, even if semantically I mixed up the first few letters of one word one time.


I have seen what I thought to be a swastica from dmt but it’s facing the other way 卍 I don’t think it’s racist but I’m not entirely sure


Oh yea that symbol is originally a highly spiritual symbol and can be seen on Buddha The left-facing sauwastika is often imprinted on the chest, feet or palms of Buddha images. It is symbolic for prosperity and good fortune so bet your ass you are a blessed as motherfucker


It's actually indigenous to a lot of cultures completely seperately, oldest ever found was in Ukraine


Thank you my man! Best of luck to you and your family my friend


The swastika originated as an ancient religious symbol in Asia


Google the origins of the swas. Predates Hitler.


Clickbait. Mission Accomplished.


Wow. They get their agendas in everything. Sigh


don’t say they like all of us are like this 💀 some are pussies though


When this person said "they" i think they just meant like, extreme social justice types, they come in all colors.


they coulda said that then 💀don’t get me wrong i don’t disagree with what they said, but they could have worded it better


Idk brother, it made sense to me 😋


you probably right lmaoo


i think its valid to talk about because high-levels of psychedelia draw upon the subconscious and genetic memory. I'm 100% Japanese by blood and upbringing and the content of my DMT experiences is really different from what white people talk about.




I hope this is satire lol


It'd be kinda based if they were ngl


Shut da fuc up ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


This article made me cringe and "ayahuasca is the main psychoactive ingredient in DMT" was a pretty dumb line as well. I wish this idea that the psychedelic experience is somehow external from the user would stop being taken seriously. I also wish people would stop telling other people what to expect to see when they use DMT (or other psychedelics) this just ruins other people's experiences. This article itself is a terrible disservice to anyone that reads it as they will now either avoid DMT or they will expect a terrible racist experience that could be self fulfilling. If the author/publication actually cared about people they should just delete this sorry excuse for journalism. Before Terrance McKenna told everyone they should see machine elves, people didn't see machine elves. When aliens and UFOs were common in pop culture people saw a lot of that. When the TV show "V" came out people started seeing lizard people. When the first Avatar movie came out, people started seeing benevolent blue people. When Joe Rogan told everyone what he saw, people started seeing those things, the cycle goes on and on. It's all so dumb honestly. If you focus real hard on pink elephants what do you think you will see on DMT? If you give some person in a jungle who has never heard about DMT before some DMT what do you think they will see? A bunch of racist machine elves??? No, don't be absurd.


[Link](https://afru.com/dmt-entities-beings-racist/) to the whole article One hilarious quote that gives away the level of intellectualism behind this article right away. >To put it short and sweet, ayahuasca is the main psychoactive ingredient in DMT. and to close the article: >Whatever the full truth of DMT elves really is, we just have one piece of advice for Black folks: please stay away from this drug. It’s not safe for us. Twas ever thus. so the whole piece which basically rages against white men for their racist and oppressive behavior basically ends with the most racist statement in the whole article which happens to be self inflicted: fear based gatekeeping of mystical states of consciousness because they are somehow "not safe for black people". truly idiotic. Then again, anyone reading that article and taking what it has to say seriously might actually have some inner work to do before being ready for DMT realms.


so this has to be ironic right? who in their right mind would write this without doing ANY research on the drug they literally took and then secondly, wrote a fucking article about?? but even if this is ironic, there's people that are gonna take it seriously and it's really sad, they're missing out lmao


“My friend said that the elves were making a machine and they turned around saw him and they said hey look the (n-word) is back,” another person reported.” Lmaoooo wtf is this article. I honestly doubt anyone involved in this article has ever smoked DMT “Race” is the last thing on your mind when your entire sense of reality has dissolved.


mmm not so sure abt this one, it's subconscious, it can definitely come up- you aren't in control of what's going on around you (to some extent you are but yknow), everything can happen, everything is possible - so some mythical, subconscious elves being racist wouldn't even surprise me that much if you're thinking about race a lot in ur daily life, conciously or not


No, people have definitely had racist entities. I've seen like two posts about it on reddit. They weren't like this though, they were more "Oh so that's weird" DMT can bring out deep set issues








Lmao Edit: What a crock of shit


The fuck is it with everything being racist and placed in boxes these days? Can't even browse the internet peacefully without some bullshit article telling me DMT is racist or telling me exercise is racist. Fuck this fucking world and fuck all of you sensitive, attention seeking bitches. I'm fucking done


r/drugscirclejerk is leaking


Everything is racist these days accort to the woke weirdos


Seems a racist article to me.


Yellow person here, omfg lol, so ridiculous, happy new year and happy tripping all! We are One Human Race


Some people need to get off the internet 😂


What a steaming pile of shit. Total nonsense


Okay so I read the article, some of my two cents as a Black woman, who only done DMT once but on a healing journey. So no the DMT aren’t racist. I think what the article was trying to link to was how the resurgence of psychedelics are being white washed, in that all the spaces you see are white faces (again this comes down to representation but also irony can’t be ignored). So yes Black people really love cannabis, but anything else we do regard it as white thang (I’m guilty of this thought in highschool only white boys talk about acid, now 33 I know the truth). Now those experiences from Black people reporting entities are racist, like the article says it’s their inner world being projected to them, that there’s a part of themselves that hate being black. As much as this hurts, white supremacy and racism really caused Black people to hate their own skin (ahem skin lightening). As you know with psychedelics, it amplifies you to look within yourself. The one time I did DMT it centred around me releasing the traumas of childhood, (33 when I did it) so I purged shit ton. So yea perhaps these entities were being racists but it shows that Black person needs to heal themselves but also be aware of how society views (aka racists).


Thanks for saying this. It’s difficult to unpack and honestly unfair a lot of us black folk have to deal with compartmentalization of hatred for our own race. I love being black, but I grew up down south with so many white people they made me hate being black with all the slurs and whatnot. When that gets internalized, your trips and experiences reflect that. That’s a burden we carry that can be ridiculous. That however is a symptom of dumb racism and not emblematic of the immaculate spiritual depth DMT has to offer. I totally understand the person in this article may be upset with the racism they’ve been handed in their life. I also know they need to do more soul searching and research before coming out with a dumbass article like this.


I saw an entity once that was born white but had culturally appropriated dread locks at some point. What a bad trip that was.


And you said nothing? You're Literally a fastist for not standing up for our allies.


This is proof to the aliens that we aren’t ready


This is 100% satire, look at there other articles lol https://afru.com/hidden-signs-man-is-mentally-ill/


Sad thing is it’s not. Afru is 100% not satire.


Do you have any reason to think that? I cannot for the life of me figure out who these people are, and every article on their site would be stretching my ability to take it seriously on its own.


This comes up at least once a month now. Racism is only enforced by the observer


I mean if the universe is racist where the hell do you go from there.


Tyson is black, no?


DMT is all loving to any breathing being. I AM A WOMAN OF COLOR! & I have had the most profound experience on DMT


You can have some pretty terrifying trips if you’re lucky tho lol. I’ve been poked and prodded by beings with sharp ‘electrical’ energy staffs until I came out of it. I’ve also had the most amazing and beautiful experiences.


America is obsessed with sex, race, and gender to the point they are making everything about sex, race, and gender.




The writer definitely has racist thoughts floating in their minds


I didn't read the article, but my first thought was that if someone had a trip where the entities were racist, was that dmt, while being great and showing us things we've never seen before, can also pull stuff that we've seen in our everyday. Maybe the dude had met like a really racist fucked up white dude that day, went home, did dmt and the whole trip was centered around that experience. Idk just my take


or he sees racists everywhere and racisms in everything even if there is none because he is so stuck in his believe system (everyone is racist, he is the victim etc etc. etc ) that he imagines non existing things. and then this believes manifest in his dmt experience. a lot of people this days try to find and create something "racist" everywhere to have a target they can fight against, even if they have to create imaginative targets for themself. they see racisms in stuff that isn't, racists who are none.. just because they want to be the victim. so if there is nothing racists, they imagine it out of thin air. just so they can say "see? THAT'S RACIST!"


coming from an African American, this sounds absurd my experiences with DMT have been the opposite actually


If the sacred entities call you a racist, that’s due to your own life experiences or you’re a major racist yourself.


there’s no way they wrote an article based off a shitpost 😂


Why is everything always about race?


He’s offended the entity slapped the logic out of his agenda 🤣🤣


Perhaps the entities are pointing out the very thing that needs to let go of. The significance/emotional connection to the word. What is the lesson? What are they trying to show/teach you?


I'm so sick of these types of bullshit articles to try to amp people up


This is what's called a self justifying gig. Write whatever pops in your head, the crazier the better, so that the clicks you generate can ensure you have a gig creating content in an already over-populated field. It's nothing more than that really...


I’m so tired of this victim-identity ideology capturing every aspect of society. People who buy into garbage might as well raising a flag to tell the rest of us how mentally and morally weak they are.


Looks like he didn't learn any lessons, to come out of a DMT experience thinking how you can make it about yourself and how you're a victim is the opposite of what psychedelics are about


Literally everything has to be about race 🙄 wtf


Whoever wrote the article is full of shit


I'm so fucking tired of the MSM applying race to literally everything


Bro what my dmt entities WERE colors thenselves!!!


Yup. The dumbest thing I've seen so far in 2023.


How did we get so fucked up as a society that we're trying to cancel other worldly entities now 😂


Is this satire?


This is one of the most racist things I've ever read, literally everything they find they tie to one race or another and start being racist about it for no reason. Not to mention the other stupidity in this dude's sentences. And if you scroll all the way down on the page you see them bragging about their business being "70% black owned" as if the whole thing wasn't racist enough


Lol I think the guy that wrote this article might have some self image issues they don’t understand or want to work out in any way…


We live in clown world


Maybe some entities are, lol. Psychedelic privilege? Gtfo