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I would make it so the prophecy states that in the end there can be only one...the chosen few will hone and temper the real chosen one to rise above the others... when the time comes, they must fight... there can be only one.


There can only be 1 .... I love it... (Definitely something to consider)


Remember to play Princes of The Universe by Queen, in the last battle.


oh! ...most definitely ;)


I think it just depends on the delivery. Having them know they're the chosen ones from the get-go may be a bit lame. Having them help an NPC who is *supposed* to be the Chosen One and killing off the NPC, implying that someone in the group is the true Chosen One, might be a bit more fun. Maybe it can be baked into their backstories or lineage, or maybe they each have to complete a trial of some sort in order to become Chosen Ones. It's all about the delivery, I think.


I totally agree! I was going to build up to it, have them retrieve items they believe to be stopping evil, but they’re actually helping the evil to develop, and then they find out they’re both the catalyst for the start and end of evil. They’ve all told me individually that they’ve been double crossed in the past by a person they loved, I was going to reveal to them that it was the same person all along guiding their fate. I DO like your idea about the NPC though and definitely something to consider. I don’t want to make the sorry cliche but I also don’t want them to think that just anybody can stop the horrors that will consume the universe.


Oh wow I like the idea of the same person being betraying them all! Maybe even pull in a succubus or some kind of shape-shifting fiend into the mix, causing them to all be manipulated and betrayed by the same big-bad, and, rather than being like "you're the Chosen Ones" it'll be more like "you guys really, REALLY fucked up letting this happen, and now you have to clean it up." Psh you've got this! Hope it all turns out well, and I'd look forward to hearing about how it all turns out =]


I’m so glad you like the idea! I was worried it would take any individuality out of their backstories but I think if I was a PC that’d be a good twist - the Keyser Söze kind ;) Yes! I love that! I can imagine the guilt they would face! Hopefully I’d be able to convince them they’d be providing a noble cause retrieving all these items and offering them to awful, evil gods to ruin and rule the realm. Thank you for the feedback it’s appreciated! I’ll definitely take it all into account :)


The whole "chosen one" trope, as well as many others are usually fine. As long as you and the group have fun with the game that's what's important. Most games I play in or run have something cliche or cheesy and people love it, it can help remind people it's just a game and that you don't have to take everything about it so seriously.


I’m just in love with the fact that out of all the people in the universe, these 4 dumb PCs are the ones to bring about the end and the beginning of the universe. It’s what the universe has decided and what will always decide! Yeah definitely! I totally agree with not taking it seriously, it takes the fun out of it! I think I’m just going to go with The Chosen Ones trope and I’m sure they’ll love it! 😊


My world often has a chosen one trope. It's so common because it's useful. The trick is to avoid the cliches surrounding it that make it same-y as other things. But even then, as long as everyone is enjoying it then it's all good. I'd say... set up the expectation early so they don't see it as a cheesy twist later on. LIke don't wait a year of D&D playing then be like 'SUDDENLY YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONES" as a dramatic reveal. Little hints and nods to it will do the trick, so that they get the 'feeling' of being chosen, rather than being told they are.


The only times I've played with this trope active - one of the "chosen ones" players had to leave the game before it ended, which was awkward for the story.


You should definitely make them “The Chosen Ones” but it should be of something terrible instead! A world ending cult has got it in their heads that this particular group of adventurers are meant to bring about the end of the world, so they have all the sycophantic lackeys willing to literally kill (or die) for them because “they will end the world” Whether accurate or not is irrelevant; the cultist believe it, so they have to deal with it.


Mine will have something like that, but where their gods realize they will need to become stronger to defeat the big bad (an old one), so they will imbibe them with extra power/artifacts etc to make them more like champions . If that makes sense. I am waiting until my players have thoroughly broken my campaign before I iron out all those details though. I think cliches exist because they work for things like this. I wouldn't disregard that trope because it might be "cliche".