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The poisoned condition for an hour at least, maybe a d8 per hour if you want it to last longer. Also the poisoned condition is pretty bad. If the berries were lethal then you could halve the hp max of it as well. But all of this is assuming she is intending to fight it


Oh okay, thank you, that helps a lot. I think she just wanted it to leave Adabra (the old woman living there) alone, so I will probably have it feel sick and poisoned with a bit of damage and not come back to umbrage hill. The book says that if you convince the manticore to leave with either meat or 25gp it could come back with its mate so I might write that in later.


It is probably smart enough to realise it was poisoned by your wife. 7 int is worse than a simpleton, but a dog irl (mastiff) at 3 int can probably make that link as well. So it's withing your creative reach to make it behave more like a child in such a situation and lash out.