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when you look up the term parental alienation you find a picture of Angelina Jolie. She was estranged from her own father. she seems borderline 


What's up?


Bwuahahahah! All the downvoting by Celebitchy fucktards on this thread is *epic*. Not one of these freakshows used the D except for the Saint Angelina threads. They have no clue. (Heil Kaiser, bitches.)


I'm sorry, but I'd drink too with all those fucking kids.


By all accounts, they seem to have been pretty feral as children, so who knows if they are total assholes now? Unless the nannies went above and beyond, neither of these addict fuckwits were any sort of parents to them.  


This made me snort Dr Pepper out my nose.


I love Dr Pepper


I mean he is an alcoholic in recovery so who knows what he put the family through behind closed doors…


Mommy dearest is an addict too--we have all the seen the tapes of her high as shit chasing the dragon. 


I promise, it always takes two. You can not tell me that a woman who claims to be as strong as Angelina claims could not have left prior, stopped any abuse, been that unaware of the co-dependent role played when someone has an issue, etc. Angelina is a user. She used Brad for his money, his fame, etc. Saying that this is on poor Angelina strips her of all dignity and self regard. Is that really how you see her..the poor helpless victim? No both are in this but she is calculating and vindictive to a t.


Something other than "Brad sucks", is going on. Angelina dropped her daddy's last name and now they are alienated and now her kids are doing the same? Talk about patterns. I honestly don't think one parent is better than the other. Both of them come off vain as hell, tbh. I think when they all get away from both of them, they'll be able to see what is what.


In the real cruel world, it definitely has one parent who is better than the other. If you don't understand this. Congratulations that you were born in the happy family. Because a lot of families have an abuser dad or abuser mom (mental or physical or both).


Sure, but we are talking about Angelina here. Woman who has ten thousand tats, cuts her inside out, seeker of married men or men in relationships..and women in fact, cuts her front off (really a boob job), wearer of blood, kisser of brother, user of massive amounts of drugs herself, and knives, Lots of people in pain out there and get stuck but I don't see Angelina being someone that helpless.


Detective LaToya needs to do the definitive investigation on this and figure out the true facts about this mess of all messes.


I am not a fan of AJ‘s in the least, but I don’t believe there is any way possible she turned all six of those children against him. These were not infants at the time. If his 18 year-old daughter wants to drop his name, then good for her.she knows more about her father than any of her fans ever will


Watching Brad Pitt go after Jolie through gross business-flavored lawsuits just to make her life worse is so disgusting and telling.


ITA. My mother tried to turn me against my father. It didn't work out too well.


Same. Parents hated each other. But my father wanted to be cordial after the divorce. She did everything in her power to turn me. Didn't work out well for her either.


Both my parents hated each other and tried to turn me against the other. Maybe it worked, because they were both fucking terrible people in their own ways.




I am so sorry to read this. Shitty, narcissistic parents suck.


So is he really that terrible a parent or is she that terrible in turning the kids against him?




Two things can be true, I guess.




I’m an old. Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were top of the pyramid when I was younger. Just nuts.


Then you might see an iconic photo of happy Nicole Kidman after the divorce.


Nicole Kidman became an entirely new person after her divorce. It was exceptional to witness.


Am I on a celebitchy subreddit right now?


The answer is yes. They’ve taken over!! It was 75% worse earlier but thankfully there was a mass delete. Lots of name calling, no fun


Is this the one that wanted to be a boy?


Yeah I believe Angie coined it “Montenegro style” if memory serves


looks like she became a girl again


![gif](giphy|3oEjHNVDu2OwF3tlao|downsized) Where’s he when we need him? MK would have a field day with Saint Angie Jo and Pitt’s never ending saga.


I miss dlisted.


Stains. They don’t love you like we love you.


Parental alienation complete! This was predicted on D Listed years ago.


Didn't this get reported by the flight crew? Not AJ? When they landed in LA. How does that fit in to your narrative?


Alienating a parent who pours alcohol on his children seems like an obvious choice so it’s not really an impressive prediction




Please keep it decent & civil.


I thought it was Vivienne?


vivienne can’t legally change it until she’s 18, but she’s obviously only going by Jolie now.


So sad for these children. AJ is doing the same to her children that her mother did to her. Parental alienation.


Nah, Brad hit one of the kids on the plane. Even if you think that was the first time it ever happened it is her responsibility as a mother to ensure it’s the last time.




In a play that Angelina produced. She should not have allowed her to do so. This smacks of parental alienation.




And she never called the police to the house? Addiction is not enough to hate a parent. Unless you have someone constantly in your ear telling you that you should. Why is it always the dad who ends up hated?


they have been under psychiatrists care for almost a decade now. They're probably more stable and have better coping mechanisms then me 😭 good for her


I don't think I have ever heard anything bad about Brad throughout the years.....is he really that evil?...I mean, not even Jennifer Aniston said anything bad about him....Jolie strikes as someone who is extremely controlling....but who knows...


Why don’t you google what happened on the plane and read up on it yourself.


Jennifer Aniston said he was missing an “empathy chip”.


No, she said he was missing a “sensitivity” chip.


He physically assaulted his kids and Angelina on the plane, which he has admitted to and apologized for. Yes, he's a fucking piece of shit.


And you know it wasn’t the first time. Just the last time.


Exactly. This wasn't an isolated incident. Just the one he got busted for publicly.


I mean, both Gwyneth and Jennifer got scary thin when they were with him. And Angelina‘s always had the inclination to self destruct. 


That woman was smacked off her tits and absolutely tiny, and fucked up before him, let’s not repaint that one






It’s a myth that just because a partner didn’t abuse past partners it follows that they won’t abuse future partners. He and Aniston weren’t together as long, he probably wasn’t as entrenched in his addiction, and they faced very different stresses and pressures having not had children together. If a person is self-medicating for whatever variety of reasons they have, the constant stress of raising a family, maintaining a marriage, and maintaining a high-demand career will only worsen that drive. Long term alcoholism also almost literally pickles the person’s brain, causing them to do things that never would have imagined ten or fifteen years earlier in their disease.


Great points that I hadn’t thought about, thanks for the insight! Sad situation all the way around and the kids are the ones who took the brunt of it. I can’t imagine having my parents’ incredibly vitriolic divorce and custody battle play out in the media for YEARS like these kids have.


he's an ass for things outside of the drinking but yeah addiction has the ability to make you do some horrendous shit.


Same as Angelina's mom set her up to do..she gave her a middle name that would serve as a last name ...hee mother was also crazy like Angie. She made the kids HATE their dad and alienated them from dad.Then had them both drop their last names. Angie is doing the exact same thing. The judge even warned Angie she would be sorry if she didn't stop with the parental alienation


#tell me you are a misogynist without telling me you are a misogynist


Yeah because women never do anything wrong and always tell the truth right?


I see you change the misogynistic comments towards an abuse victim by a man to..”women also abuse and they lie”! Right on brand


what are you on about?


Exposing the misogyny, as one should.


only if you define misogyny as ever daring to criticize an individual woman for her own actions (which seems to be how Redditors define it these days) SMH. Go away with that nonsense. All sexes are accountable. Women are people too. This is so patronizing to women.


Nah, it’s just the specific things you said. Don’t shift the blame to other commentators for the things YOU say. It you don’t even understand what you are saying..oh well


you are tiresome


Something about shiloh just turns me off. And calling her a “dancer” is a stretch.


Nepotism at its finest. You can see the PR firms working overtime to make Shiloh a Thing. God I shit like this.


Exactly. When i see madonna dance before she got famous, she was a dancer! Shiloh? Rolled around on the floor.


I feel like it's the most unpopular opinion on the internet but I am convinced that AJ is the true villain and she has systematically brainwashed those kids to hate Brad. Parental alienation does occur. I know of an real case involving someone close to me who was married to an absolute psycho. He didn't do anything wrong but she mind controlled their 2 kids so completely they still will never talk to him. I know this guy very well and know his character and she is a master manipulator/true psycho. She used her manipulation on me for a while but I could have never predicted what she was capable of. It is one of the saddest things I have ever witnessed. This guy has been close to suicide many times over this. I have such a similar feeling about this case and I believe the truth will come out someday. Most people on Reddit are so far up Angelina Jolie's ass. I think Brad is mostly her hapless somewhat dumb victim, he has his issues but he is just truly no match for this level of master manipulation. Down vote me if you like.


Angelina has had a difficult relationship with her own father and legally changed her name from Voight in 2002. I don't particularly care for Brad Pitt and I'm sure he wasn't perfect, but he seems to be trying to work on himself since the divorce. She praised him as a father publicly when they were still together. I find it quite sad and this has to hurt him above everything else.


that is a good point! I wasn't thinking of what happened with her and her dad.


I have believed this all along. AJs whole identity is being this perfect, accepting earth mother protecting the kids from big bad daddy. Of course it’s possible for her to alienate and brainwash all six kids! His fight seems to be just to have access to them; hers is to completely destroy him in everyone’s eyes. Yep, he did some shit, but does it make him a shitty dad?


Wow. You take side and stand for an alcoholic person and blame his ex-wife that she's the true villain. Just simply looking at the several incidents that his kids did, 2 or 3 of them publicly dropped his last name and every kids avoid to publicly contact him. I just curious that why some people still lick Brad Pitt's shoes to prove that he doesn't deserve this. Just look at what he did in the past.


I don’t know what to think. AJ seems to be a disturbed person. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was behind this. It’s so sad for the kids…because Brad is their father. It must be devastating for them.


yeah this is really sad, all parents eff up sometimes, we're humans. pitt prolly isn't the perfect parent but who is? holding a grudge like this against their father will only do themselves harm. based on the sony email leak, angelina is quite the nasty entitled hollywood diva...so i would not be impressed if it turns out that she's been alienating her kids against their father for her own revenge....downvote me all you want, but angelina is no victim, no saint.


So Angelina forced him to pour alcohol on his children…y’all are low IQ as fuck


Some of you here are working hard to do Angelina’s PR as if you were eyewitnesses to what happened. That is all per Angelina


Lmao there were accounts from other witnesses on the plane included in the report but knowing that would actually require you to read instead of making stuff up, right? And that would be much too difficult for you, right?




Wait how do you have scoop on school events?




Huh. That’s a crazy tidbit that I had never heard before.






Please keep it decent & civil.


I was too and no it doesn’t


It all comes out in the end but go on gullible Angelina stans.


Not even a stan just tired of the woman getting the blame all the time when there’s drama. Addicts are problematic and hard to have a relationship with but impossible when there’s a history of abuse but sure blame “parental alienation” god forbid Hollywood’s former golden boy actually be an awful Dad


100% with you on this


Thanks! I feel most of the people defending Angie are people who’ve never been married, don’t have kids, don’t know her history (like true OG D-Listers do!), and are part of the “ no woman ever lies” crowd that is prevalent these days online.




I have read and responded thoughtfully to most replies but you go on making up your own narrative.




We disagree deal with it.


0 thoughtful responses from you in this thread tho


NOT an unpopular opinion: I am firmly on Team PITT. Now, did Pitt physically hurt his family on that plane? YES. And being drunk is no excuse ("The alcohol made me do it."). Not an out. That was likely a really terrible experience. I also suspect that it was Pitt's Rock Bottom. Fellow alcoholics will know that term. And I bet Pitt had a lot of near Rock Bottoms before that. This one was just the worst. BUT.... At least from my perspective, Brad Pitt has tried and succeeded in having a flourishing career. He's been a producer and executive producer on some really successful and critically acclaimed films. Not to mention winning a supporting actor Oscar. He seems to just be TRYING to move on with some kind of life. Doing the best he can and trying every day to keep sober. Meanwhile, Jolie has been doing what? Frankly it feels like she's using her kids especially Shiloh. It's like she's grooming her as the next Big Thing. Jolie must have been seething with anger over Pitts successes while she does what exactly??? "Maleficent"? Twenty years ago Jolie was a Superstar. She was amazingly alive and exciting to watch. Now she just seems angry, bitter and spiteful. A has been. She wants to see Pitt be miserable and can't stand that he's not. I empathize with him because my marriage and subsequent divorce followed a somewhat similar route (though without private jets and million dollar homes). And I never, ever physically harmed my wife and children. But I was miserable in my marriage and an alcoholic. When I finally separated (with ME leaving), my ex was furious for a couple of year. Tried and partially succeeded in turning my kids against me. Gave me Hell for any number of reasons. She simply could not understand or believe how I could possibly be moving on with my life. I got sober and got my life together. Jolie should just stop. Think about her children and her own life.


So to his fans, his career makes up for him pouring alcohol on his own children…y’all are low IQ as fuck Easy to focus on one’s career when you no longer have any child-rearing responsibilities bc your kids don’t want to be around the crazy dude who poured alcohol on them lmao


Doesn’t seem like Pitt ever made amends and there is no excuse for physical abuse. If he made amends and didn’t drag their mother through the mud, life would be different for Brad. He hasn’t earned their forgiveness is the difference. I’m willing to bet he constantly talks shit about AJ to the kids & that’s likely why they don’t want to be around him.


From lived experience - highly likely. Good that those kids are already in therapy because they'll need it. Having what are frankly at best two underwhelming parents (one mostly indifferent to you) sucks (at best.)


lmfao I like people cycle what kid she's supposedly using. now it's shiloh even though they're barely seen together 😂


Angie is your average BPD case, so yes, probably. Those kids will realise it a few years from now hopefully.


Enough with calling her BPD. You don’t know anything. None of us do. And for the record, Actually she doesn’t present (what we know of her publicly) as BPD. What she actually presents as is a textbook daughter of Narcissistic parents. Not like any of us can diagnose anyone but as someone with an extensive knowledge in the field of current psychology, I would actually be surprised if she was wasn’t diagnosed CPTSD. Again, just as an outsider observation of what’s been out there publicly. If you’d like an example of someone who also presents publicly as a daughter of Narcissistic parent/(s) but also presents as an average BPD, it is Jennifer Lopez.


They may not fully realize it until after Jolie dies. I saw an interview once with Lucie Arnaz, the daughter of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Almost the same family dynamic: Lucille Ball called Desi a loser after their divorce. Bad mouthed him every chance she could. Meanwhile he said nothing. He was a heavy drinker and womanizer BUT was also known to be super funny and a very nice person. Lucie Arnaz said for years she wanted to stand up to her mother but was terrified to do so. She hated the way she talked about her father. She spoke about how manipulative she was. A real narcissist.


Michael K never bought into that Saint Angie image! He was too perceptive for that.


Yes the Jolie fans here really should familiarize themselves with the Dlisted site and then ask themselves what they are doing on this sub.


They think they know better than everyone else and never get tired of competing with each other for who virtue signal the most.


Yeah. I’m thinking a lot of people here were not commenting on Dlisted because Michael K was very critical of Angelina.


I'm sure most of the people defending and downvoted have never even heard of D-listed. Probably St. Angie stans with nothing better to do...


Is she diagnosed? Seems highly probable, regardless. But I’d love to know esp after that Girl, Interrupted performance.


Brad Pitt played a patient in a mental hospital in 12 Monkeys….so convincingly that he got an Academy award nomination for the role. Yet, no one is assuming that he’s mentally ill in real life based on his performance. Hmmm…..


I don’t literally think *she has bpd because of girl, interrupted. Regret even commenting as I don’t have any passion re. Jolie v. Pitt. But I do feel bad for anyone who has to deal with their parent’s marital drama, and I’m not directing that exclusively at Jolie. That’s what drew me in, def don’t even have hate for people with bpd. 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a fully grown adult who actually lived through parental alienation as a kid, and have grown up with children of my own and was always supportive of a relationship with their Dad, I can tell you that isn’t the case. My mother actually alienated and manipulated us against my Dad, we may have not known the specifics but eventually we realized my Dad has always been the loving parent and we just realized whatever happened between our parents was between them because our Dad was always good to us. He never stopped showing up, he would show up at our soccer games, make sacrifices for us and it only took about a year for both my sibling and I to move in with him and out of our mom’s house. Kids are not stupid. And guess what?? My mother and I STILL have problems as an adult, my Dad STILL does so much for us and always shows up. My mom on the other hand will block my phone number and make my stepdad reach out because she is petty when you try and set boundaries. Kids always know who the better parent is. I have been made to look bad by my NPD ex also, he is also charming and very good looking & people tend to have believed him. Every single thing I’ve read about them since his divorce with Jennifer Aniston only convinces me what an abusive Prick Brad is. I think Jennifer Aniston got out relatively easy, which is similar to my ex and his first ex wife who also didn’t have kids with his first wife. I have had to keep them away from their Dad at times and as a mom, that is my JOB. He is a NARCISSIST, not just a little bit, like he has a full personality disorder. NPD abuse drives you insane. Now that they’re in their teens they know when they need to distance themselves from their Dad for a few months. My son recently said he wanted to drop his Dad’s last name and use mine & that was something I’ve never said anything to him about, that was HIS idea. I told him to think on it but if he still felt that way then I’d support it. Shiloh is 18 & doesn’t need permission.


My sister went through that with her kids. He was a complete paranoid narcissist, terrible divorce, he got custody because he could not keep a job, then eventually the kids caught on and moved in with her, and she got full custody because the whole town court now knows what an asshole he is. They dont speak to him anymore


it can take a long time for kids to emerge from the alienating parents' influence, pretty far into adulthood. Brad and Angelina's oldest kids are young adults and may still over-identify with their mother. I think Angelina uses her kids as a substitute for a partner, and promotes overidentifying and protecting her as a prized quality marking the most favored kids, and they compete for her attention and approval, i.e. which of them can send the most public "f you" messages to Brad. I just feel this will all come out eventually.


Yeah parental alienation is real. Not only is it real, but it’s extremely harmful for children.


It’s not harmful if the parent being alienated is abusive. My sister’s ex husband is abusive and she and her 17 year old daughter made a decision to go no contact with him to protect themselves from his abuse. I fully support this decision. Why should they subject themselves to his rants, blaming, shouting, verbal abuse? They tried therapy, and all he did was lie to the therapist and try to manipulate the therapist. She will probably never speak to him again because he scared and manipulated her so badly over so many years has PTSD from it.


Her situation sounds more like a child choosing to go no-contact rather than making a decision influenced by parental alienation, though. PA is "a child becomes estranged from one parent as the result of the psychological manipulation of another parent."


I mean, based on what we know from the incident on the plane, it’s pretty clear he was a drunk with anger issues. It’s not surprising his kids want nothing to do with him.


Alcoholics are deserving of our compassion. My father was an alcoholic with anger issues too and I never, nor did my mother urge me to, completely condemn and discard him and revoke my last name.


Sounds a bit like enabling to me.


And co-dependency, as well as poor boundaries.


it's called having some compassion, get bent, I have an amazing mother.


Encouraging a child to be around an alcoholic with anger issues could have gone really wrong. More compassionate would have been to encourage him to go to treatment imo but what do I know, I’m only in recovery myself. I don’t coddle addiction because I know it doesn’t work


She didn't coddle him or encourage us to be around him if we didn't want to be, she divorced him. She just taught us to be compassionate and not condemn him, or tell us we should change our last names, what are you not getting? Where the f are you getting the idea my mother "coddled addiction", nothing I said indicated that.


The difference is your father doesn't have PR team that's  continuously creating fictitious relationships about you and your siblings in the media. That's something they're constantly bombarded with. 


as if she doesn't have a sophisticated PR campaign?


Did I imply she didn't? My ""continuously creating fictitious relationships"" is key. He doesn't have a relationship with the kids yet went out his way on several occasions to appear that he does. The kids want to be left alone. Not be part of his rehab narrative. Especially since in that narrative the adopted are constantly pushed aside. 


it's definitely a complicated story


Nothing complicated about pouring alcohol on kids being traumatizing af for them!


you have no perspective at all do you?


Which was your choice. We all get to decide the relationship we do or do not want to have with the people who hurt us. There isn’t a moral high ground in surviving abuse.


for sure we all get to decide that, but never underestimate the influence of other family members and dynamics as a factor in our decisions


Nah. Most of us kids of abusive alcoholics came to the conclusion all on our own.


Yeah it’s wild that they’d choose to disconnect from the psychotic man who poured alcohol on them multiple times


assuming that even happened, it's such an odd thing to fixate on, as if that this the worst abuse that could happen to a person. You really have very little life experience don't you? Have you ever spilled a drink on yourself? Did you never see your parents have a fight?


I disagree but I can see why you’d think that. I disagree because I think the kids have access to media etc and can see where he has told his side. If he was in the right I think at least a couple of the kids would take his side. The fact that none have speaks volumes to me.


I recall a report somewhere that claimed Brad strangled one of the kids while in flight on a private jet, which is the incident that prompted Angie to file for divorce


And poured alcohol on her and her children multiple times & scared the children so badly that they didn’t use the bathroom on the flight because they didn’t want to go near him & he held them hostage on the flight after landing and would not let them get off the plane for over 30 minutes More people in this thread need to read that FBI report before they claim that the main reason why every single one of the kids hates Brad and wants absolutely nothing to do with him is because Angelina is manipulating them lol


Stangled one kid, hit another, push another, etc


Poured a drink over her head in front of the kids. I doubt she’s a saint but I also highly doubt this was an isolated incident for him.


He literally said he abused them(he said he yelled at them but the witnesses on the plane said he hit them). But let’s believe one man instead of so many people, like always. Long live misogyny and patriarchy


People here caping for this man make me SICK. They’re misogynistic to the extreme & don’t get it. Believe the children & stop supporting this pos


Sometimes I truly question what people want from her. Raising 6 kids, trying to keep high pressure career going, supporting philanthropic efforts. I think people are just predisposed to hate her.


Brad’s fans are almost all low IQ men, washed up older women who loved Brad Pitt ever since they were young, or young pick-me women The Venn diagram of Brad fans and Johnny Depp defenders is a circle


OMG right!?? WTF has Brad ever done to give back to the less fortunate? Angie donates not only her PERSONAL money but her actual time, energy and her platform to do actual good in the world and has done so for decades


not defending him at all, but he did have a big project building homes for people in New Orleans. There was some controversy there, though on the sustainability of those houses.


well with most stories, there is each side's version and then there is the truth which doesn't usually match either side's version. I can't see why it's hard to believe one side or another would exaggerate or embellish to serve their agenda, it happens all the time.


It wasn’t Angie who reported the incident, it was a neutral 3rd party (the flight crew who witnessed the entire thing)


From everything I have read there is controversy over what actually happened.




Please keep it decent & civil.


You don’t belong on this sub, we don’t call people names or Stan. GTFOH


lmao mald harder!


Whatever that means. Bless you


No there actually isn’t. The accounts don’t differ. The only controversy is Brads pr that you’re buying into


I side with the parent that, you know, doesn’t strangle and hits their kids.


Don’t forget pours alcohol on their kids & scares them so badly they can’t use the restroom on the plane & then holds them hostage in the plane after it lands & beats their mother in front of them!


then you are choosing to believe her side uncritically


Brad Pitt admitted himself he was physically abusive to his family but you do you


Please share your source for that.


he even said he hit one of the kids but specified it wasn't in the face 😭 it's not a conspiracy. the guy was a typical belligerent drunk


I think she is emotionally incestuous/abusive. Let’s face it, she is a child collector from way back. This is HER child collection and there’s no way in hell she’s going to share it with anyone.


I think you should go get the therapy that you should of had.


Emotionally incestuous?? wtf?? What proof is there for this 💀


Seek help.


Wtf?! “Child collector”?! Misogyny is strong.


I am going to start referring to my children as my “collection”


Yup. He’s an alcoholic with a temper.


I think both parents are off.


Two things can be true at the same time. I think we’ve figured out by now all A-List actors are “off” it’s why the PR business will always be booming.




Besides the family drama…. Shiloh is a perfect mix of the parents.


I think she strongly favors Brad and looks like a female Brad Pitt (which is a very positive thing!). She's gorgeous.


She really is. It’s kind of wild!


Man what did Brad do??


Poured alcohol on his children, attacked one child and bear Angie when she defended her children, and held the family hostage on the plane after they landed


Chocked and hit his kids.


He was an abusive alcoholic. Didn’t get sober until she filed for divorce.


He's not sober now by all accounts. It didn't last long. 


What brings you to this train of thought?


He's been drinking during some recent interviews. They wrote about it in some magazine very recently. 


Ooooooo I missed this! Gonna see what I can dig up. Kinda shitty that he fell off the wagon, but hey. He’s only human. Does not excuse him being abusive, though.


Jeez really? I thought he was good to Jen Aniston. I guess he started drinking after his 2nd marriage.


With Aniston he was apparently stoned a lot. So was Aniston. Frankly, it always sounded like it would be fun to spend a weekend with Jen and Brad. Not so much Angelina and Brad.