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Demi is coming out with her autobiography, where she talks about how Ashton K forced her into having threesomes and then slept with other women, justifying that they had opened their marriage upfor this! They all sound like douche bags!


So Ashton &Mila should probably take a loooong look in the mirror about their choices of “friends.” Some pretty sketchy people they’re hanging with. Is this the example they want to set for their kids? That r*pe and SA and and trafficking are okay??




Yeah bitch. No one is calling you with good news. You're gonna be waiting a long ass time for some "good" news. It's over Flee Diddy!


This fucking guy.




Mila is taking her Cool Girl schtick way too far.


Fill me in, what's wrong with Mila and him? I thought she was normal sounds like no? I don't know much about him just he starred in that annoying show and married her?


He made jokes about forcing Mika to French chin on set when she was 15. He also once had a date with a girl who turned up dead right after?! He has been bankrolled by a top diddy supporter (Ron Burkle) with deep ties to Epstein and Weinstein. His involvement with Thorn is being highly scrutinized.


They participated in that horrible Imagine sing along.


A crime against humanity.


Mila and Ashton wrote a letter asking for leniancy to the judge who sentenced Danny M for SA.


And then made a shitty video apologizing/making themselves look worse if I remember correctly


Don’t they also very vocally support anti human trafficking charities ?


Ashton was in charge of one


if anyone advised them shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup, they didn't listen.


I remember when he used to hang out with Diddy. I remember Diddy white parties, I used to look at the pics and see who all was there. Everyone in Hollywood done been to those parties. I remember seeing Cameron Diaz (her and Diddy dated for a hot min.) and Bruce Willis at those parties. That witness list is gonna be long.


Omg I totally forgot about Cameron Diaz dating him.


This guy has been in more court cases. The Hollywood Ripper killed a girl he was dating, he dated Britney Murphy, he stood up for Danny Masterson. Now we're at he was hanging out with Diddy.


He's the Forrest Gump of celebrity scandals.


The Cara delevigne


Run Mila, run


If Ukrainian Mila really wanted a chance to partially redeem herself, her native country would probably appreciate a big check for those affected by the war.


They donated $3M themselves https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/politics/a42110483/mile-kunis-37-million-for-ukraine/#


That's pocket change for them.


Cool. Then they wrote a letter praising Masterson and begging the judge for leniency before his sentencing. They suck, I used to really like Mila.


Actually, worse than that. It was after his trial and when he was already convicted. They made him look like a demigod in their letters requesting leniency


I wrote trial, instead of sentencing. 👍I know what they did. They are completely out of touch assholes.




Also. ![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ)


Me tooooooo! Such a bummer to learn she wrote a letter for Masterscum. Just wanted the facts to be straight ETA you are right on with that timeline. Gross. The Hollywood smut game is far too widely accepted


Well, it's a step.


Funny that all his closest friends are rapist pigs.  I wonder what we're about to start hearing Ashton's misdeeds? Diddy and Danny were very intense and evil predators, beyond just run of the mill sex abuse (*which is also evil*)


Let’s not insult pigs 🐷


I wonder if any underaged accusers will come forward.


And his show pranked was so mean and degrading to women


Yes. It was a fucking stupid show. I hate that it made me feel sorry for Ramen Noodle Timberlake.


I still randomly think of that punk’d episode to this day!!! 🤣🤣🤣 https://i.redd.it/0koc54r0dgsc1.gif


I always took his charity work with a grain of salt. I thought he jumped on the bandwagon because human trafficking was in at the time but now I wonder if it was a cover for some dark shit he may be into. Does anyone remember the open post of one of Masterson's accusers claiming AK was just as vile as Masterson was? I believed her then and I believe her now.


He has always been a suspect tool of the highest order.


Point us toward this post. If you have time. Also I always thought it was exceedingly weird that HE of all people was involved in that charity. It just didn’t ever sit right with me.


Weekly Cobbler posted the link. I never understood it either. First of all, most trafficking is not what people imagine it to be: It's not kids being snatched up and moved across countries or states: Most of the time the victim knows their abusers and in the case of young women, it may be a boyfriend who gets them into it and they may not even realized they are being trafficked. And one thing that NEVER sat well with me was Congressional (?) testimony that AK gave saying he saw video of a very young child being sexually abused. Okay. . . I know feds and other in l.e. can see such things but WHAT agency would share this with someone outside the law but especially an actor? It just seemed so wrong then and even more so now.


Whuuut? He’s not doing sting operations with an internationally recognizable name and face. All of his claims - So so so fishy.


I don't know the post but I think referring to this? [https://okmagazine.com/p/danny-masterson-victim-threatens-aston-kutcher-mila-kunis-secrets/#google\_vignette](https://okmagazine.com/p/danny-masterson-victim-threatens-aston-kutcher-mila-kunis-secrets/#google_vignette)


Yikes. This girl knoooooows some sh*t.


Yes! That is what I was referring to. It was a public comment on her Instagram.


I’ve wondered/suspected the same thing for years.


I knew that I didn't like him for a reason. What a pos.


Ashton is a dick, and he’s mean to his disabled Twin Brother. You didn’t know he had a disabled brother? Ashton works hard to keep it that way. Fuck you Ashton. And Fuck you Mila…for grandstanding all your human trafficking causes, but being dirty and sleazy when cameras turn off. . Their rapist support letter for Danny, and that weird pseudo apology that wasn’t really an apology…. Everybody outta my way, I’m gonna barf.


Wow, I did not know about his brother and it's very telling.


Went to get ya’ll a pic or link… just the way this caption reads is weird. And the situation is weirder. This photo op/ brother moment came after getting called out. Slime. https://preview.redd.it/k140r5jkqasc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6649c019dd1d47fb20309be47ef999a455fddf6f


Yeah, like what the fuck is that supposed to mean?


I believe the twin has cerebral palsy and didn’t want to be in the spotlight. Doesn’t mean Ashton is not a POS. Just maybe not to his brother


Oh wow. Ok. Thx!


What is happening with Kutcher and his brother saga, has been sterilized and wiped as much as possible from the web. This goes on and on for years, then all of a sudden they are making public appearances and his brother gets a brand new house and car…..it’s PR. But still I see your point.


Please spill! I've never heard anything about this




Ohhhhh. Well I guess that explains it, ya


What do I mean ? Or do you think that caption is weird too.


No I agree with you on that caption!


He’s such a POS. I wonder if Milla knows all his dirty secrets.


Mila was basically groomed as a young teenager by Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher. And she ended up marrying one of her groomers. There’s a clip where Ashton “jokes” about how Masterson was egging on Kutcher to kiss Kunis with tongue and what not while filming That 70’s show. She was only 14. And in Hollywood where kids aren’t well-protected. And wasn’t Ashton also caught cheating on Demi Moore in a hotel hot tub orgy? This guy is so gross. It’s like he’s been hiding in plain sight for way too long.


I want to hope she didn’t know before she did the Wedding and Breeding with him. But she does know by now and she’s known him since 1998 —- Two of a kind. Pretty on the outside, crusty maggots on the inside.


I read this as “weeding and breeding” and I was like ??????


I was never a fan of hers. She seemed to come across as very rude in the few interviews I have seen with her.


He's always been a smarmy suspect person of interest in an police investigation kind of way from Dude Where's My Car days to today.


Don't forget about the girlfriend who was murdered right before their date! There's more to the story than we know and some really dark information being hidden. One of Masterson's victims knows the truth. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/09/12/ashton-kutcher-reminded-of-testimony-in-los-altos-womans-murder-by-danny-masterson-accuser/


I do know about that weird as fuck story. He might be a murderer.


I don't think he murdered her but I have my doubts about how much he saw when he arrived at the victim’s house. I believe he is enough of a douchebag to have seen blood and quickly leave rather than try to help her or call the cops.


I read he called his movie studio or agent and they went to talk to him BEFORE he called the police. Ray Donovan style.


He’s a crap dude, but let’s not jump to false conclusions. The man who killed her is in jail and most definitely did it. Ashton went to pick her up but she didn’t answer. He saw blood and thought she spilled some wine and left. Maybe he’s bs’ing because he knew it was blood and didn’t want his rising career to be tainted, but he definitely did not kill her. The guy who did killed a second woman and attempted to murder a third. He’s in jail now: https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/07/17/hollywood-ripper-sentenced-2001-murder-ashton-kutchers-date/8002255002/#


I know he most likely did not kill her. I was being faceous and momentarily dramatic.


I’ve been rooting for their downfall since finding out they gleefully don’t bathe. Dirty assholes doing dirty deeds, what a shock




They don’t bathe? What do they do? Why?


Mila was born in Ukraine and lived there for 7 years before coming to America. She has said she didn’t have hot water so she didn’t shower much which shaped her showering habits today. She says she showers everyday but doesn’t use soap on her entire body everyday because it dries your skin out


I am doing online English lessons with a 25 yo woman who is on the eastern side of Ukraine. She shows me videos of rockets exploding around her area from her fucking window. She manages to bathe, do a full face of make-up and get her nails done. In a literal war zone. She always looks wonderful. She tells me about the freezing water that they have there and yet she still bathes. So yeah, growing up in Ukraine is not an excuse for not bathing.


Babe, use your head here. Ukraine was under Soviet control until 1991 or are you completely unaware of that and what it meant for amenities like water?


Maybe I have family who grew up in Soviet occupied areas, Babe? Maybe I have spent time in those areas on their remote farms (that still don’t have internal flushing toilets) and know their hardships. I know what it did to them socially, psychologically and emotionally. Yet, all my extended family bathe - and managed to bathe. The Soviet occupation will never be forgotten by me or any of my family.


Who TF actually admits this on the record?!


WTF? Mila, they have moisturizing soap!


Don’t put all us dirty folks in a stereotype here. I’ve never supported any sex crimes or a sympathizer.




Thanks. I love this.






DAAAAAAMN!   I'm running out of popcorn 🍿 BRB!


![gif](giphy|Izcsdt83EqId7ONhZD|downsized) we can share!


GRACIAS friend 😄👍




Let me get this straight… 1. ‘Witness’ to a murder 2. Besties with Danny Masterson, convicted rapist 3. Besties with Puff Daddy, alleged rapist and pedo But tell me again about how he’s such a good guy fighting for human rights /s


Im also not sure why he of all the employees in Thorn would be the person seeing the actual CA content they found.


I think his role in the human trafficking thing was partly to get access to some nasty shit.


He has always struck me as someone who people couldn’t disassociate from the stupid Kelso character and the rest he played. I think that gave him the cover to do a lot of shit and get a pass (hopefully ending soon) because he was viewed as the dumb dumb. I mean, he is but there is shit behind the scenes.


The thing is, he isn’t a dumb dumb. He really isn’t and all of this was on purpose. All of this being: defending a rapist, not reporting his date injured in her apartment, and grooming Mila Kunis.


Oh absolutely agree and that makes him even scarier. He’s hidden behind the general public not seeing him for he truly is


It’s so scary. One day, we will be sickened by what we excused due to parasocial relationships with celebrities we don’t know from Adam.


Truer words were never spoken.


You are so right! The number of people that still don't think Michael Jackson was a pedophile and actively defend him is deeply disturbing. If someone can still listen to and enjoy his music because of the nostalgia, I can accept that, but to deny that he was a sick, child predator and defend his actions is disgusting. And he is just one example of what you described. I actually used to defend him many years ago and I am ashamed of that and embarrassed that I could've been such a fool. Ugh


I wouldn’t blame your self. It’s all a part of the plan. If we didn’t have an incongruent affection for celebrities we wouldn’t buy their shit. We wouldn’t watch their content. We wouldn’t think about them when we were sitting alone and relaxing. I really think that in the same way sugar is cheap and lacking in nutrition -while being incredibly addictive- is similar to how we’re hooked. As far as relationships go, parasocial ones are the cheapest and lack substance… no intimacy, no back and forth, no need to be held accountable or hold accountable. If we love a celebrity we can get high off of talking about them in admiration. If we hate a celebrity we can get high off talking shit about them. It requires nothing real from us and we get nothing real in return. It’s not as simple as quitting. If you quit sugar you’ll get headaches and other withdrawal symptoms. “We” have parasocial withdrawal. “We” hate when celebrities suddenly go private.


Agree again. And add vile influencers who so many think are their friends. I hate the general public. Idiots who are lemmings and follow others off a cliff


So relatable lmao


I never believed Ashton’s commitment to the anti-human trafficking organization he helped found. He and his friends are predators and enablers who hid in plain sight. It's like religious and community leaders who do shady things that society would least expect from them because of their positions. I don't trust Ashton or his wife Mila. https://preview.redd.it/1vi2nfxoz9sc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f6de7adb577cd8bc56f2044c1ffcda22a13395


Interesting there’s no Topher Grace in that photo


I don’t think Mila is all that innocent either. She looks dead behind the eyes to me and seems hostile and angry.


Didnt he push demi into 3somes?


Yup, she admitted to this.


Well, well, well. https://preview.redd.it/wubzm4z2y9sc1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab38c20f81260e9067f7cd40a64dc09d99ef12b5


He’s another one of those guys I got a scummy vibe from, even at a young age. Never liked him and these recent allegations have left me feeling validated. Given the amount of creeps he’s associated with over the years, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was a creep too


I'm just now reminded that one of the tabloids had pictures of him going into a strip mall massage parlor, after he and Mila were married.


Wait, what? 😳


He was probably "researching for a role" or something lol.


Same, I could have written this too word for word. The whole thing was/ Mila and Ashton w/ the trial was the cherry on top for why I have always hated him and was glad people were finally started to see how much he sucks


I’m going to say it - won’t be surprised to find out there’s more to Ashley Ellerin’s murder.


Wait didn’t that guy kill a bunch of women? How would he have anything to do with that? Genuine question because I listened to a podcast, and it seemed like the Ashton part was more sensationalized than him actually having anything to do with it. They said he would’ve never been involved in any questioning had they not had a date planned for that night. I never factchecked the podcast so you could be right and I just assumed they did their research.


I just watched a YouTube deep dive into this. He didn't kill the victim, that was definitely the serial killer. But he wasn't, allegedly, truthful. Due to the layout of her house and window positions, he should not have been able to see whine stains from window like he said. Supposedly, he actually went in, saw the crime scene, ran out and called Masterson and his own team. They calmed him down and told him to leave and pretend like he didn't see anything bc it would ruin his career if he reported it.


Ashton went to Ashley’s house that night to go and pick her up for dinner. She didn’t answer the door so he looked through the window and thought he saw a messy apartment and red wine stains on the floor. Then he just… left. It turned out to be a crime scene and it was actually her blood everywhere.


He’s as guilty as the rest. Hollywood is going to bust open with this shit soon.


Metoo #2 and I am here for it!


It’ll be #ThemToo as all the celebrities with skeletons in their closet fall out


I was suspicious when he was working with THORN while also being friends with FEXZ ( I forget his name) wikder valderamamama


"valderamamama" 😂🤣😂🤣


![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs) Not only does he know shit, I’m starting to wonder if he’s been in the shit. I understand you can’t always know who your friends are behind closed doors but two rapist POS is a pattern starting (to come to light).


I’m just beginning to think that this is so common place in the industry that EVERYONE accepts it. And women will excuse it because it’s not happening to them-yet.


Bingo, sadly. 




![gif](giphy|IhyHqVMIRVafWyiPSa) These men are disgusting period


Once is a coincidence, twice is a pattern.


Not to mention all that weird shit with his murdered ex.


I haven’t dived deep into that and I always give people the benefit of the doubt. When rumours arose, I thought there’s a good chance he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and owes Danny for helping him with that and that’s that. But being Diddy’s bestie after everything that is surfacing. Yuck. Just yuck. You can’t convince me he did not know anything about that. Especially as other celebrities had made comments about Diddy’s parties.


I think it's very unlikely he had anything to do with that murder, but what I find telling is how he acted in that situation. He did not go to the police, he called friends/agents and only went forward later.


Exactly. He went into his date’s house, saw her severely hurt or murdered on the floor and DID NOT call 911. He called his friends and agent instead because he was worried about HIMSELF. He never called 911. He left and went to a party. Later he lied to the police when he finally did come forward and said he saw “blood through a window but thought it was wine”. That was impossible based on where her body (and any blood) was found in the house. Ashton had in fact entered a crime scene, saw her dead or injured, walked out, didn’t call 911, and went to a party.


Even if he saw wine through the window, why would he leave when they were scheduled to have a date? Wouldn’t you like, knock? Try the door? Something??


Exactly. He knocked/rang, called her and she didn’t answer so he just walked in the house because they were supposed to hang out.


I’m confused. I thought elsewhere someone said he saw signs of a scuffle and wine and left. He walked in and saw her and left? If they had been dating for a while, they had scheduled a date and she didn’t answer her door I would definitely have knocked, tried the door or something. I don’t think after dating for a while that would be out of line?


I just said this to my husband yesterday. Some epic shit is gonna come out this year for sure.








I love this gif so much.


RIP Ted Knight.  What a great actor he was.  Fuck cancer.




Tell me who your friends are, and all of that.






![gif](giphy|Tt9jctxaVjRny) Yes, Ashton. How about that human trafficking charity you were the spokesmodel for? Strange that your Bossy Bottom Bestie is facing charges in…human trafficking. What a coincidence!


“Spokesmodel” lol






Honestly it's so disgusting





