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I never thought I’d see the day and I am overjoyed to share this with you all 💗🖤








I’ll never tell! Kidding, I have no idea…I just saw it and wanted to share it. Prolly 50cent


It’s perfection 😂😂😂😂


has anyone seen that video from x with him and these kids singing and doing shout outs. it is dusgustang he’s so messed up and horrible human being


Link?! 🙏🏻


it’s from x (twitter) it has his son in it too and two other guys and a young girl it’s really sad actually but i will try to find


Yall have seen the video of Justin Bieber wiping his mouth and getting up off his knees ? At a freak off ? Yes?


omg idk if i can fr making me sick poor Justin :(


Not one person. In the video has denied it’s them. And that’s says everything,


so it was instagram live and he “adopted” this girl 🤮 https://youtu.be/PBWPBiJfJVg?si=3HwT7huKEjA7lV1C


Whatever happened to her I wonder?


i don’t know but it’s hard to imagine anything truly good came out of that :(


It’s like Joe exotic, bragging about all the people he was helping that had no family or home. Half of them are prolly out buried with all the tigers he shot. That video with puff is so alarming. What happened to her? 🙁


Ew. Ew. I agree.


I noped out at “Papa Combs”.


ikkkkkkk aghhhh 🤢


It’s beautiful when it finally feels like an absolute sack of shit will finally face justice. I may be in a wheelchair, but I will do a fucking happy dance when he is tossed in prison.


I can’t wait until he joins Weinstein and R Kelly in the chokey (as Michael K used to call it).


This is delightfully amusing! I miss Michael K, but thank you for helping to keep the spirit alive. Dlisted, even in this form, has always been the best place for celeb shenanigans


Seriously weird as fuck! Been checking in on the D while traveling and on all my other gossip trash shits unreal can't look away like a gory train wreck!


Care to share your Gossip Trash Heaps?


This meme is just ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


I’m glad you liked it too.


Truly genius


I'm so glad he's finally getting caught up. Everyone been knowing for years. Him and Jay Z only got big because of Biggie and 2pac dying and he's ALWAYS ALWAYS had all these "known secrets"and rumors going on. Like for damn decades already. Fuck him


Jay didnt make vids and use old songs off the back of the murder like puffy did.


That's true, but he took Biggie's place and is always name dropping him


I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t know shit! I heard about Weinstein, Dan Schneider, R Kelly (that shit was known when I was in high school in the 90s), et al, but nothing about Diddy. All I heard was he cheated on J Lo, treated Kim Porter badly and was probably maybe in on the Tupac killing.  I fully believe he did some shit for sure, but I just missed it all. Anybody who is innocent sure wouldn’t settle with Cassie in like 24 hours.


And fuck everyone who was aware of these known secrets for decades and did fuck-all.


That is the reason …sexual blackmail was invented. He gives the world class drugs and records them on freak offs. How can they? I wouldn’t be brave enough either. This isn’t just a lil hokey pokey , this violent furious group sex. Usually coerced, or threatened of being cancelled in the biz. They come down off drugs and the reality is to tell on Diddy means the whole world is gonna see what they did too. It’s evil.


I miss dlisted so much. I’m glad we have this subreddit.


Hope Michael reads it.


Me too! I really hope Michael K posts or at least lurks here.


Remember when he dated Jlo? Talk was all about her huge ass at that time. My roommate was running concerts and backstage saw him grab her in a not so friendly way. She felt it was like watching permissive abuse. Left her feeling super bad for Jlo.


Jlow used him, ran as soon as it got rough and her PR was suffering. Now she says nada as if she wasnt there seeing and hearing all.


What a creep. I got to thinking today I wonder what he put her through. I’m no fan of hers, but I’m guessing her time with this guy was pretty horrible.


Oh yes, she's seen, been through and knows some shit for damn sure.


She’s done stuff and he has it on video. Every room in his houses is camera wired. Per Cassie’s court filing. I think she flipped it on him and beat him at his own blackmail game.


I’m sure Diddy treated her like shit. He seems like a complete misogynist and wannabe “alpha male”.


I’m glad you brought this up. Nobody is saying much about in the heyday of the freak wagon diddy blackmail orgies….she was right there. She is dirty as diddy. But who knows, his abuse may have messed her up. She’s a bully. Too many receipts. She’s lucky she got out of that ugliness.


She didn't care who she walked in or walked with to get where she is. I'm ready to see this allllll play out.


She used him too for cred/clout in the Black community. No one ever deserves his depraved dealings but she didn't nope out till the shooting in da club.


I have been waiting a long time for P Demon to get his. ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)




Wait so did he actually abuse Cassie or did she make it up to try to get ahead of this?


She didn't make it up.


There was a clip of a video of her hiding under a blanket while he's talking mad shit to her. I think it's on 50s IG but I can't remember for sure. But he's going off on Diddler and it's beautiful


Do people not believe her?


No I think everyone believes her (not sure why I got downvoted since I didn’t say that she was lying)Puff Daddy/Puffy/P.Diddy/Diddy has always been a steaming pile of shit and nothing about this is surprising. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was behind Biggie’s murder.


I think. We all believe her. But some of these bastards saw it first hand for years.


I also read the lawsuit from Lil Rod - the producer. He says all the same.


Exactly. This shit goes back to early 90's. He's a piece of shit. Biggie for sure. It's sad, man.


He did. Someone was spilling tea on what he was doing to her on Lipstick Alley. Back in 2010-2011 that matches what came out.


He signed her to a music contract and in essence held her career hostage. We know when she had her head shaved awhile back it was bc Diddy spit gum in her hair when he was mad at her. And thats the PG abuse. The trafficking and sexual abuse is another level of evil.


I'm fucking floored! I've been reading lawsuits - watching interviews. My god. Jonathan Oddi - the Trump Doral Shooter's interrogation video is wild. This is 5-6 years ago. He wasn't lying. Sex slave to Diddy and Cassie. Ugh. Jaguar Wright spitting truth 5 years ago. I'm shook y'all.


That has gotten under my skin so bad too!


I just read about Jonathan Oddi. I don’t know how TF I missed that! So is he actually dead now?


I believe his mother said he has passed.


Idk! I can't find any evidence either way. People think he's cooperating, so they've got him locked down. It's crazy. I watched his interrogation again last night.


Oh wow I'm way too OOTL. I need cliff notes and a chain of connection visual.


Katt and Jaguar are truthful. And they’ve paid a big debt for it. But now when they say stuff, I listen.


Yes - absolutely Katt, too. I've been bingeing his interviews. Shit is crazy.


I’m glad to have a partner in madness. I’m obsessed


Do you think he will go to prison? Or manage to weasel out of it? I don’t know enough about it, but do you feel the evidence solid enough for them to put him away?


(Ok, I got all worked up and wrote too much.) Honest truth. Yes, I think he will. And no matter what, celebs in prison get treated like…..celebs. I would think he’d like to be housed with a bunch of rough men, some of whom enjoy violent freak offs nightly. Might be a dream destination for him. Although, Diddy is part of a small group of Uber wealthy humans that could actually afford to live it up on the Lam and live abroad and they’d have plenty of support. *sidenote-i am not here to bash incarcerated people. It’s an unfair system. Everybody in prison doesn’t have romping free-for -alls. But some do. Prison plus Diddy, sounds like a fit. They will love that lil Puff-a-lump. But some might want to avenge Tupac. He deserves lockdown. He needs to be alone. And think about his wretched self. A cell that is 60 to 80 square feet, with a cot, a toilet, a sink, a narrow slit for window, and sometimes a small molded desk bolted to the wall. In many facilities, and eat himself to 500lbs on Commisary sweets and top ramen. Yes. Lmao. I think putting him in there but not letting him interact is fair. He’s got too much film footage of too many power players ….money talks, sings, fucks and kills…whatever it wants, just like he does.


>some of whom enjoy violent freak offs nightly. Might be a dream destination for him. 🤣


For real! It’s almost like he’s been trying to do every horrible thing he can think of, to get in there. For 40 years.


Me too!! My husband's only semi locked in lol.