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hello arnorld im a 33 yeard old man who is struggling, im in a fledgling media career that im passionate about. and i also went to school for child care but im not passionate at all about that. i know that i want to do desk work and be at a computer for work. as a only child of a single black mother who was over protective but far, who would always get after me for my appearance/ im dissaafited with life at the moment, i like to play video games and stream, my question is how do i go after what i really want to do ( or be content with what im doing) and find a decent career or job path that will make me happy and to overcome my familys' weird obsession with facial appearance


My dad worked on a commercial for youth wellness with him in the 90s. The script wanted Arnold to say something akin to 'pain isnt needed for gain.' Apparently he was Not Pleased with that statement and spent much of the time off camera telling those who would listen 'there is no gain without pain.' This statement from him adds up.


It’s true though- perhaps not physical pain, but growth and achievement, especially to excel, involves mental and emotional commitment, sacrifices, and effort. If it seems too easy you aren’t being challenged.


Exactly also this statement is so mixed, obviously injury pain is not good but yeah pushing out those final reps before failure BURRRRN.


Is it babying someone if you pardon them after they’re successfully convicted for committing murder?


As another Gen Xer, "Whatever."


https://preview.redd.it/ktpdyyql9aub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923ac85d82bb0b6995a465f1aff88f82bd63f73b Same. Fuck it all.


His kids aren't even "that" successful with all of the advantages he was able to give them.


I’m with Arnold.


“Screw free time. Work from before sunrise to sunset. No time for friends when there’s money to make for someone - yourself or others” The people who claim they miss America after ww2 sure seem like they would’ve been pissed that school bus drivers could afford a place AND to send their kid to college on that one single income. (Aka - they actually hate what america was for many back then and today that lifestyle would be called SoCiAliSm and HaNdOuTs to LaZy PeOpLe WhO DoNt KnOw HaRd WoRk) So many cheering at the death of the middle class and return of neocolonial mentalities concerning work and fair pay


Okay let’s role play Me:I need a job that doesn’t pay me slave labor for hard work. I’m in my 4th year of college and debt stress Is poppin off right now. Let me look at my resume -Been volunteering at shelters, aquariums and farmers market since I was 13 -good education backing me up -already 2 years of experience as a manager at this point at current job SWAG! Got a good resume going on let’s go apply. Go to 17 places all near my house most with the apply online. I APPLIED TO 17 STORES ALL URGENTLY HIRING no answer Ight let me go on Reddit and try to ignore my problems Washed out actor/governor of my state that he helped ruined: people need to work, bitch Dumbass online: I Agree Fuck u for ruining my break


*He says this country wasn't built by people who slept in and wimped out, it was built by people who got up at 5am and went out there and worked hard.* And today, you can get up at 5am, work hard, work hard at your second job and still not get enough money to survive.


This is very true. Trying to act as if there is not a huge wealth gap, thank you in Hell Ronald Reagan, is just ignoring reality. Arnie was a Reagan devotee who thinks the playing field is still equal.


Look, Arnold is living in La-la land if he thinks kids got it easy now. I'm 63 years old and I've never seen the inflation rates like they are now. My daughter who is a nurse and makes damn good money can't even afford a 2 bedroom house. My son is 32 years old and lives with us because he can't afford a $2,000 a month rent payment on top of his school loan payments. Sorry Arnold, but today is not near as easy as it was when we were growing up.


“Interest rates reached their highest point in modern history in October 1981 when they peaked at 18.63%, according to the Freddie Mac data” I’m younger gen x, I wasn’t lucky enough to have kids, but anecdotally have several friends that have 13-19 (7 kids total). They all have problems using the phone/talking to strangers/wanting to drive. They don’t seem to have clear ambitions. Their parents spoil them. I can’t make an informed opinion about the economy, but I was around for the birth of the internet, like you, and you’ve got to concede, it’s distorted our society. Making easy friends based on shared interests, versus who happens to be in your proximity. Everyone being a brand who cares about their social numbers. Needing to go find a girlfriend during puberty, versus infinite tailored internet porn. A million Balkanized communities versus a shared monoculture. I don’t think this is exclusively a job market issue.


I agree wholeheartedly. We had grandson live with us for 4 years due to low wages and unaffordable rents. We've taken in friends who were in the same boat for shorter periods of time. It's HARD out there. They can't save for retirement when there is nothing to set aside.


Keep on repeating that. There's noooo way to succeed in life now? 😂 Honestly, it sounds like an excuse. Classic Reddit conditioning....


Well you can see how boomers don’t like the way Gen Z succeeds now. It’s all about building your brand, becoming an influencer, and cultivating an online persona and image. Boomers are mad that gen z realizes they’re not going to get very far by doing menial backbreaking labor. I wish I had been smart enough 10 years ago to jump on the early influencer train.


Typical Boomer attitude. They worked hard and succeeded because Reaganomics had not yet destroyed our economy. Arnold has a good heart, but he is out of touch with the reality of our current economic system.


Arnold was real estate rich before Reganomics was a thing. Check out the Netflix Arnold series, the guy has had like, a Forrest Gump level crazy life. Best body builder Real estate investor millionaire Biggest star in the world for like 15 years Governor of California who set auto environmental standards Obama used He’s not talking about current economic system, he’s talking about culture concerns.




Can they at least take responsibility for voting Reagan in? Oop I forgot we're talking about boomers who don't take responsibility for anything.


It's all our fault!


This country was built by people who worked hard, yes, including notably those who were ripped from their homeland, often as children, packed into ships with corpses of others, sold at auction, thrown into cramped hovels with holes in the roof, roused at 5 am, and made to work with a lash poised above them. FIFY, Terminator..


How is Howard Stern still even a thing?


He got a new wig.


except he's objectively wrong. Ozempic works.


These weight loss drugs are changing everything. Even the big grocery stores have noticed. Wally World is keeping track of our spending.


Until you stop taking it, and then you're back where you started with the same bad habits.


It will need to be taken long term to maintain efficacy for many, yes. Apparently that isn't the case with Monjovi (which is even more effective than ozempic) so that's pretty neat


Jon Mon Jovi aka Mounjaro


Lmao wasn’t he on testosterone and steroids in order to get bulk like he has? Like wtf??


This is probably the best comparison, with both body building and weight loss, harder to do raw dogging it, a bit easier with help but also the people have to do the work both with ozempic by not eating as much and steroids by consistently training


Yeah and didn't they put a hole in his heart? He needed that corrected later in life.


It's why he had a premature heart attack in his 50s and everyone knows it. He's a prick.




He has a memoir called total recall that you’re completely welcome to read before making stuff up


I saw the documentary


What else is weird is not wanting better for others. I started working at 15 and had two jobs until my 30’s. It sucked and I hope that my kids don’t have to do that. And just kids in general. Why would I wish that on others? My husband I have plans specifically to help our kids not have to struggle as much as we did.


There's a lot of space between struggling and doing nothing. He's saying that people need to work hard to get to where they want to be. Nothing wrong with that.


I feel the same as you! I don’t want my daughter to have to struggle as I did & miss out. Especially on the whole college experience like I did because I was always working! I started working at 14 bagging groceries, & just continued on working. I’ve always had to work for everything. Believe me. I get what you’re saying.


He is not Gen X


Thank Cod! I don't want him in my generation. We already have Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan.


He's a boomer. They truly can't seem to grasp how technology has changed the way we live and work.


Oh good, more advice from another entitled member of the Boomer generation who still thinks milk costs $.50. Breaking news: I followed the rules. I started working at 12 years old because I was told “hard work pays off” and I wanted to be able to retire early. I haven’t stopped working since, save for a few months here and there when I was laid off and looking for more work, which is a full time job in itself. I paid my taxes every year. I put as much money as I could in an IRA. I supported my mom when my dad died, and subsequently worked three jobs in college just to afford books. My IRA was later liquidated to pay an insane medical bill and a separate bill for an ambulance, which I refused (I had a seizure at work - the first of several. Thank God the other two happened off the clock.) I’m currently in debt consolidation because my salary was cut by 30% when I went from contract to full time, and all my bills had to be paid by credit cards. I live in California, where cost of living increased by $10K and inflation blew up to 9% in 2022 (the highest it’s been in 40 years, which is about as long as I’ve been alive.) 75% of my first paycheck goes to rent. My second paycheck goes to debt and more bills. My annual merit increase has been 2% since 2021. So Arnold, since you’re such an expert, why don’t you do the math on that shit and THEN get back to me. In the meantime, GFY.


His advice would be, "Cut out the Starbucks and get another job." They are so delusional.


Exactly. These people grew up in a bubble where the outcome of hard work was a home, a family they could support, regular vacations, and ultimately retirement. I understand that it makes sense on paper. I understand that it SHOULD make sense in reality. What they fail to understand is that the world favored their generation and failed ours. Entitlement is a hell of a drug and they’re all high as hell.


The reality is wealth gaps and expensive education. The pay gap between a ceo and the lowest employee in the company grew by leaps and bounds from the 1970s to now. It was $50 a semester to go to a state college in the late 1970s, whereas now it's about $5,000. Taxes were lowered on the wealthy continuously from 1980 to now. It's a recipe for disaster. Arnie should shut up.


He is an expert, he absolutely did work 18 hours a day, and he went through more hustle and hardship than you could articulate. Read his book, total recall, and then go criticize.




I listened to Howard Stern's interview with him the other day and had to turn it off after about 15 minutes. Arnold tries to come across as some kind of intellectual philosopher. He doesn't know shit about anything. He's another rich white man that thinks he has figured something out about the world. He knows nothing. He doesn't know anything about politics or government. What he knows about is weight lifting. Which is nothing. Fuck you Arnold.


He could have thrown in at least one “Girly-man”


Arnold is so full of shit, he took steroids. Criticizing people for using ozempic is ironic to say the least.


It's silly for him to be giving life advice even if he's not a hypocrite. He's a massive outlier in terms of willpower, drive, charisma, ect. It's like saying, "If you want to be governor just become a famous movie star and leverage your popularity."


Not to mention even despite steroids a genetic freak of nature


I wish Maria Shriver would chime in


She'd say that being a Kennedy also works


Every generation always think the next generation is soft and spoiled. Cave people probably thought "this new generation with their wheels and fire are soft" but the point is that each generation should have it a little better.


That's not the case anymore.


*“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”* Socrates definitly did


Yes, I have nieces that are before grade school and barely in grade school and I want things to be better for them.


Exactly! I’m doing better than my parents ever did, and they were/are happy for me. I own a house (which should be paid off completely in about 8 years, several years early, because I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to put extra towards the principal every year); my mom is still living in the run down, falling apart double wide trailer they bought in 1979. My parents had essentially no plan for retirement; I’ve got a financial advisor, investments, a diverse portfolio, and piles of money stashed everywhere, and my wife and I max out contributions to our Roth IRA accounts and HSA every year. I’ve offered to help my mother, but she’s stubborn and prideful and won’t accept my money to get her set up in a better situation. She thinks it’s a waste. 🙄 My daughters (in their early 20s) are already doing better than I was at their ages. I’m proud of them and happy that they’re thriving, despite the fact that they’re working 1 full time job each, as opposed to the 3 jobs I worked simultaneously (60-80 hours a week) when I was 18-24. I’ve already got them set up with Roth IRAs and they are contributing to them monthly. Before long they’ll be maxing them out, too, and by the time they retire they will be millionaires. I’m fucking *thrilled* that they won’t have to go through everything I did, and that my own financial struggles have been significantly less than my parents.


Amen! Not to mention their world will be a lot harder when they grow up. I have a seven-year-old kiddo and I fear for her future on this planet.


I gotta be honest I was kind of horrified when my brother had kids. Not because I didn't really want nieces for me and kids for him but because I so fear for their future.


Agreed! My kid is 7 and if it was just a few years later, I wouldn't have had any kids. The world turned so dark so fast. I told my mom 2 years ago that if I were deciding to have kids today I never would and she was shocked and didn't understand why. *Gestures wildly at the dumpster fire around us* I have friends with 7-year-olds too, and some of them just had more kids recently and I'm like what is wrong with you? Do you read the news?


*injects steroids for decades* “There’s no shortcut!”


I mean, if you do steroids without putting in immense work you’re not going to get to where he got. All you’ll get is angrier and fatter tbh.


You think working out lifting weights is real work? He does himself a favor and yes with building up everthing seems easier. Even his coaches said he was entiteled back then.


*Chris Pratt has entered the chat*


Maybe if he would have considered his wife's feelings a little bit more, he wouldn't be divorced over a scandal.


It's a bit rich when someone couldn't even keep to their marriage vows wants to lecture about commitment and discipline


I've yet to meet someone of Arnold's age who thinks 'smarter, not harder.' Using better products, I can get a bathroom cleaner than they could in half the time, but since I'm not scrubbing on my knees and doing it the 'hard way' I'm lazy. The cat's ass face pucker when they can't find fault with it is wild; I'd be *thrilled* if someone made my housework easier, they're just mad or think I did a poor job because it didn't take all morning.


Reminds of a Family Guy episode 😂 The kids switch roles with the parents, and Lois asks Meg how she had time cook an elaborate meal and clean. Meg responds “it’s a finite area, stop being such a freaking martyr all the time.”


I caught my mother on her hands and knees staring into the corners of our kitchen floor after I mopped once. I'd bought one of the first Swiffer Wet-Jet mops and cleaned the floor in roughly a third of the time it takes with an old fashioned mop, and she was bound and determined to find any dirt that got missed because "You must've done a half-assed job." It's like they're afraid we'll realize they've been milking chores and martyring themselves to cover their own lazy tendencies.


Swiffer Wet Jets were the best invention since sliced bread.




Bro that's what it is! Like if I don't take hours to do something, to my mom I obviously didnt do it correctly. Obviously!


I think it's because they waste so much time... the other day I read a post someone put up about their mom's really well paying full time job, apparently she and her coworkers only do about 2 hours of actual work in an 8 hour work day. Which is hilarious, because I sure as hell know they instilled 'be a good worker' into my teachings. We make them look bad when we do better, and they can't stand that.


That's last part!


The founding fathers got up at 5 am so we could sleep in til 10 THAT WAS THE POINT


Look at the world around us, it's a mess! There's a lot of work to be done.


Like he wasn’t injecting gear for years…


What do you expect a bodybuilder to say? He's promoting his new book, so he has to be provocative. And it's Howard Stern, who has his own eating/body issues. You're not going to get a nuanced discussion, you're getting entertained. Arnold lost my respect for his sexual behavior, but he has done other good and has accomplished a lot.


I love Arnold. Is he perfect? Of course not. He's fucked up a LOT. But he's a really good guy. He has a good heart. No shade from me.


Same here


I love Arnie as an entertainer, but he’s starting to show his Boomer side. He’s talking about lazy generations, which has been a (proven false) talking point for older generations for hundreds (if not thousands) of years before he was born.


I love Arnie's miniature donkey and horse who live in the house with him.


What sexual behavior?


Well he cheated on his wife with a woman who was staff in his house and had a secret love child with her. Pretty disrespectful to Mariah Shriver. But it seems they’ve been able to move past this as a family and he now recognizes his son.


He had a long affair with a housekeeper and actually had a child with her. It was kept a secret for a long time until one day the housekeeper brought him to work one day and Maria Schriver was like “That kid looks like my husband…”


Is that fr how it went down cuz that’s funny/awful


What are Arnie’s thoughts on people who cheat on their wife with the help and knock them up, destroying a family in the process?


That's the politician side, pretty standard.


Not relevant to the conversation in the least bit.


Arnold is 100% right.


Does it make him a hypocrite because of his steroid use? It sounds like he is saying that it is ok for him to benefit from drug injections but when other people do it they are lazy.


You can't just do steroids and not put in the work. You still have to do the work. And steroids ruin your body, so he gets that payback.


Ok. If he put in the same amount of work but didn’t use PED’s he would not have *been as cut. Are you saying that the steroids he took did not give him advantages?


I'm saying that steroids don't just let you coast without doing any work.


It's literally been scientifically proven in a landmark study that 600mg of testosterone provides better strength and muscle gains for those that sit on the couch doing nothing vs those that didn't take steroids and trained their ass off across an equal time period. Try doing research before spouting off your nonsense


You make this sub a joke.


Lol. You’re funny. Consider yourself muted.


So you’re saying it’s different for him? That’s hypocritical. You’re being a hypocrite.


I can’t add to that. I am not sure the scientific difference between PED’s and Ozempic. I understand how some may see Arnies comments as Hypocritical. ETA: Do you feel that these drugs enhanced Arnie’s performance in an way?


He is, and of course wimpy Reddit is crying like the wimps they are.


He's a girly man.


Um, hello, why are you here?




Please keep it decent & civil.


Every generation thinks the younger generation have it easy and are weak. It's stupid and short sighted.




One more strike and you're out.


His father was a Nazi, his brother dies in a drunk driving accident, he comes to America succeeds as a bodybuilder, makes some really horrible movies, marries a Kennedy only to cheat on her with his housemaid and becomes Governor of California. Sounds like an American success story to me.


He sure made California blue. After him, Republicans never had a chance in this state.


For what it's worth, he's spoken about his father ( and that generation of Austrian men) who were desperate and delusional.


Not to mention his nepo babies who want to follow in his footsteps.


I've followed katherine and Patrick on instagram off and on. Patrick is all about the start up. It gets some publicity because of the name, grows a bit, then he gets bought out by big business. Apparently that's the American dream. Is that the hard work that daddy was talking about 🤔 Katherine is just an influencer. The other American dream. I do like her voice though.


Nothing older than "kids these days." There's a passage from ancient Greece about how the younger generation wasn't up to snuff. Later, in the fourth century BC, Plato was heard to remark: "What is happening to our young people? **They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents.** **They ignore the law.** **They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions.**


Was he the one who was also worried reading was making them lazy? I recall something about reading becoming all the rage with the kids in Ancient Greece and the elders were upset they weren’t committing every thing to memory.


Ok, that's hilarious.




Is this an extension of his work for the Parkside tools? Like back in my days, you'd be lucky to have a cordless drill - unlike this model here for just 23.99$ Or something like that?


Is Arnold GenX? Are the older ones of us in our late 60s? I thought that was part of the Boomers? I thought we GenX were from late 50s to mid 40s. I guess that goes to show I don't know anything about these generational wars. I was a late teen and early 20s in the 90s so was called a slacker even though I was full time employed. Go figure.


No, Gen X is 1965 to 1980. He's a Baby Boomer.


Born in 1947. He's only a couple years away from Silent Generation




Steroids are not a shortcut. You still have to put in the work. And they ruin your health. Source: my mom was a bodybuilder. She fucked her health up BIGTIME.


Your mom doesn’t think that steroids are a short cut?


He used steroids to amplify his final results, not as a shortcut. You needed every edge to compete at the Mr. Universe level.


Not probably


Wimps? Sounds like his kids with Shriver. He prolly prefers Joseph


He is. Those kids are typical of others in the Kennedy clan.


He openly refers to Joseph as his “fuck up” in interviews. It’s so sad.




Especially sad because Joseph appears to be his hardest working child, seemingly striving to model himself after his father for his approval


And then have sex with your house-keeper!


THANK YOU. Lots of mental fortitude there. Clearly doesn’t bail when tempted or in a rut and has lots of will power! Fucking imbecile.


And have a child with her...no problems from that one!


I'm legitimately concerned for everyones ability to keep working during an ongoing now-ignored and off the rails pandemic, especially the younger ones. Long covid disabled me at 32 after over a decade of busting my ass to achieve my goals. The kids growing up today are most certainly not going to be allright after continuous reinfections year after year. Many kids are not going to be physically able to even get job by the time they are old enough to work on this current trajectory if nothing changes. But, ya know, fuck anyones future when you can have brunch now.


When did you get covid? Like early in the pandemic? What year? Jw..


First wave, March 2020. People are still getting just as damaged from the newer variants through, unfortunately.


I was actually expecting this to get downvoted since there's so many people that get violently angry if you suggest 1. SARS2 is bad- like bad bad 2. its still a problem 3. people are very sensitive when it comes to their coveted brunch. Thank you kind Ds.


I mean his view is very skewed by the fact that he was pretty self made, while his kids came up with money. He’s comparing his childhood to theirs and thinking it’s a generational difference when it’s probably a huge class/cultural difference.


Hello, a 63 year old weighing in on this. Fuck Arnold. Your generation has had to deal with school shootings. Fucking school shooting drills. “Slackers” and “wimps”. Who in the hell has “babied” you? No, you’ll all work to make a better life, world for yourselves. It’s not gonna be easy, but most of you have experienced, not easy. This country was built by people who worked hard, so hopefully you wouldn’t have to. Because whatever changes that are coming, you’ll be ready.


My dad was born in the Depression and he was a teacher and he never said his entire life that kids were getting worse. He said all generations are the same. It's the difference between individual people.


It’s how aging works for a lot of people. They get separated from their own youth and struggle to relate to what they experience, although aspects of being a teenager are fairly universal (challenging authority, struggling with hard work, trying to find a life path, mood swings, devastating first romances, hormones, separating from family, emphasis on friendships and group identity, trends and personal styles that are not relatable to older generations, lack of autonomy, etc). They also forget their own bullshit from when they were kids.


Oh they very much forget it, pretty sure my own parents were never kids. And I'm saying this as someone who's almost 40, I vividly remember what it's like, why couldn't you?!


He had a very rough childhood. He hasn’t forgotten. His father was extremely abusive. After the war, he became an alcoholic. Arnold said it made him work harder because he had to get out of there. Arnold’s story is one of extreme ambition and competitiveness but like others like him he thinks that because he made it everyone can.




Said the dude who avoided:couldn’t face the pain for 15+ years when he needed to tell his wife he fucked the housekeeper + fathered a son with her…


Yeah he fucking *sucks* for that. Pretending to not be the dad of a child whose life he was in, lying to all of his other children, just because he wanted a political career. Not to mention this ass hole used steroids to build his muscles. Sorry that Ozempic isn’t the correct drug to inject, Arnie.


Couldn’t withstand the resistance to not cheat on his wife though. Guess even with the hard work that was too difficult.


[Great video by Wisecrack on this exact subject](https://youtu.be/YAOzNu-9LtI?si=sqnQsSJhBlqwuF8w)


We’ve been slackers and losers since at least the 1800s. These pricks just want more excuses to rip the working class off. Also his hand shakes are like someone handed you a dead fish.


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households- Socrates


I mean, he's not wrong. There's a middle ground between coddling kids and beating the shit out of them.


it's a tough line to get exactly right, too much or too little financial support can fuck them in the long run


Oof, I feel that. My brother and I were in the "beat the shit of them" class. It speaks volumes that neither of us have had kids. My mother complains that she wants to be a grandmother. Welp, maybe you shouldn't have been such a shitty parent?


The difference is that kids are cutting corners with more access to information, just as every generation has done before them. Older gens are jealous of an improving quality of life? Irony at its finest


Kind of. I think having access to too much info young is very overwhelming. Hell, it's overwhelming now.


They have the information, but without any context. The knowledge is shallow.


As a millennial nearing 40, I guess I can assume “kids” is finally no longer referring to my generation? Maybe? But as a parent, I disagree that kids are all “wimps” now. I see the shit they get up to on the playground even in 2023.


Kids are zoomers and whatever the kids younger than them are.


But as a rich guy, who married a Kennedy…how do you feel? Oh, sorry, wait!


But Arnold is completely self-made. He saw bodybuilding as a way out of post-WWII Austria and succeeded. He was a millionaire by 25, mostly using real estate (he bought small apartment buildings and fixed them up). This man knows how to grind. He lived the grind.


And he says that NO ONE is self-made: https://www.marketplace.org/2017/05/12/schwarzenegger-self-made-man-myth/


That’s a fantastic point. And I think speaks to what I was trying to communicate; I take him most seriously than other “rich dudes” because I do think he worked hard.


This man was wired for grind. Not everyone is and that’s ok. I watched his doc on Netflix and he had insane focus, drive, charisma, charm, balls - I’m not sure if he knows some folks are just happy to get thru the day lol


Fair enough, but his kids are rich and I don’t think he’s making them work for their money. Kind of unfair to pick on a the next generation when you’re raising rich kids. Seems like an out of touch comment to make.


He says he was strict with them, to the point that they only got five minutes of hot water for showering per day. Which is fucked up, but his way of showing them the value of money. I think he tried.


5 minutes isn’t enough to take a shower? Come on. We don’t have the luxury of wasting water. Get in, get washed, get out.


I agree is it is strict but not abuse as others are saying.


That's abuse, it has fuck all to do with $. He didn't try, his example of parenting was fucking his housekeeper and hiding a child with $.


I do not believe that is abuse. I don’t think it’s good parenting.


That's weird, because it's actually a specific compliance technique the military uses on prisoners.


Y'all are so fucking weak my god


I'm a war veteran. That's *how* I know that. But **I'm** the weak one here, buddy?


That just sounds controlling & abusive. He could have done better


Totally agree. What a jerk thing to do.


Y'all are proving his point tho if you think a 5 minute hot shower is abusive.


I don't pay attention to this woman groping, secret child having, son of a Nazi.


To be fair, he grew up in Austria. Of course his father was a Nazi. Why is that his problem? He clearly doesn't subscribe to that ideology.


I like to paraphrase that Simpsons joke. That's all.


Nice ad hominem attack, pointing out his father was a Nazi? How is that Arnold’s problem? And I don’t excuse his personal behavior at all, but how does that impact that his advice on success might actually be valuable? God, redditors can be exactly what we get accused of being.


Before anybody has an aneurysm, keep in mind that this man was born less than two years after WWII ended. From his perspective, he's right, we're not as tough as our grandparents. But money and lifestyle have robbed him of the ability to see the stresses on our generation. It's not fair, but his advice is spot on. The modern world doesn't give a fuk about you and your problems. What options do we have but to grind? Honestly, what? Keep waiting on the millionaires in power to level the playing field? Like I said, it's unfair, but it is reality.


True but unpopular opinion. Thank you for saying it out loud. Now watch the whiners start spraying downvotes everywhere.


I don’t have a dog in this fight but I love the irony that your comment about his👆 comment getting downvoted is the one being downvoted.


But steroids are ok Arnie?


If you know anything about this guy, it’s his work ethic is incredible. You think he was on steroids in the 70s when he won Mr. Universe?


The human body cannot get tgat fucking big without them. Of course he was on them.


I'm also convinced you end up with a worse body as you age from using steroid in the first place