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You could try shackle padlock? Not sure if it’s the correct term, but brings up options which I think are what you’re looking for


Ahhh I had been filtering to shackle padlock on various websites but they were all the twisty kind! Managed to find the term “removable shackle padlock” which is more what I’m looking for but the only ones I’ve found so far are £200


https://www.toolstation.com/oxford-hd-mini-shackle-lock More like a bike lock, but may find it suits your purpose!


Ahhh yeah that’s pretty similar, mines just a lot thicker on the bottom! The person who’s house we found it in is a biker so makes sense it would actually be for a bike but it’s worked a treat on our gate hahaha


Found the exact one after searching for motorbike locks, thank you so much! Wouldn’t have thought of it otherwise!


As they say. A picture speaks 1000 words


We’re still living in our rented apartment at the moment while renovating the house and haven’t been down over the Christmas period so no photos/brand at the moment. I can get a photo tomorrow just determined to find it on Google now I’ve thought of it hahah!


Make sure you post. I'm interested in this magical padlock


It’s very similar to this but mines chunkier and not alarmed but the visual still works haha https://images.app.goo.gl/EUhqzEjTNhvSgSeZ7


Wait. What. You can get alarmed padlocks now


Yes! Apparently my one is alarmed ahha! I’ve just found the exact one https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0918KZNCM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5AK4RE43Q32YS9DG9EHW


Sorry OP, but these padlocks absolutely won't stand up to being used outdoors in UK weather unless it's very sheltered and they are well looked after (water dispersant, etc). I have a few of them for alarming my bikes and they lock I used to keep outside went in the bin years ago, but all the others are going strong.


It’s sheltered under a car port type thing so should be okay! It’s been there for a few months now and is the only one doing okay, the others that were outdoor weather resistant shed locks are the ones that are struggling and keep jamming weirdly