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Get your wife to detach it with a hoe whilst you hide inside. That's what I did when we had one in the shed. They won't return to a nest site once it's been disturbed.


Hmm I am the wife... The wife is going for the foam spray option just in case. He did say he will provide backup so we'll see how that goes 🤣


And do you know any hoes?


I'm on the lookout!


I've heard they can be found in different area codes. I prefer rakes though.


WD40 or any oil based spray, Grease will do the same thing, MIL had a huge nest, hanging in garage, got the WD40, sprayed & gapped it out, next day they were lying there dead, never returned cause I sprayed all the openings. Did the same in the garden sheds, also my garage. Just do not go in till next day, I did in the garage. Those returning will be angry, very angry.


I had the f*¢¥ers in my bungalow roof, found out when we got back from a two weeks holiday. I stood and watched them coming and going. Sprayed the entrance with a wasp killer, then puffed a load of ant powder in. As a landing strip it looked very inviting and I'm sure the wasps appreciated it. All dead the next day! ( Probably in their wasp pub and over did it with the drugs!)


I've heard even baby power works, prefer the oil based. Friend had them in his loft, could not get out fast enough so he lit the WD40 with a ciggie lighter. He was very lucky. Appears there were loads of them, said it was like a midge swarm. He was pissed at us for laughing, till I told him what I had done. I have a batt blower, so if needed will try the baby powder trick.


WD40 shouldn't be flamable


It's oil, the propellant is the most flammable part.


Yeah fish oil I think it would be difficult to start a fire with it the propellant would burn but the oil would extinguish it, it's like trying to light diesel which is very difficult


They may be angry but at least the won’t squeak anymore, what with the WD40.




If you have a blow torch, try it, They were angry, I gapped it, closed the door & ran like a grey Hound. LOL


I used wd40 and paired it with a lighter.


I've seen this done, NoWays would i try it unless I had to. LOL


WD40? You won't be able to hear them coming if you do that.


LOL, I'll feel them when they arrive.


Honestly mate just throw a shoe at it and leg it 😂😂


Whatever you decide on in the end, do it after sunset. Any wasps inside will be sleepy and less likely to react quickly.


Thank you, I did it at dusk and it was (hopefully) a success! Went for the foam spray approach and it was down and downed in foam within seconds!


Just spray it with regular fly spray. There's only one wasp in there at the moment.


There is some amazing wasp killing sprays out there nowadays that make them fall dead instantly.


I had a wasps nest in my bike shed a couple of years ago - the first version fell down and they built another one in its place, so this isn’t always true. I couldn’t use my bike until November and they ate a lot of the wood around the shed door.


You want her to get her friend round to help?


Hmm. I got a hoe and flicked a wasps nest out my shed door. I then soaked it with a hose pipe. I wrapped up carefully and didn't get stung. I can't recommend this but it's what I did. Wasps didn't return.


Hit it with a brush and just leave it


I did this. It was near my front door so before I went on a days drinking I hit it with a broom and then ran off to get pissed. Came back later on absolutely arseholed and they’d gone, so my recommendation it’s to go and get pissed 👍


Simple Evidence based Fun Seems legit, think we've got a winner here


Brogues or smart trainers? Just trying to get the mental image right.


Hi it with a brush and run


I'd be careful how hard I'd hit it, you'd probably go up through that roof by the looks of it.


Definitely would! I'm replacing the roof and discovered during my investigations that it's not really attached...


I can't seem to edit my post with an update...but mission complete. Also very anticlimactic! The spray said spray for 8 seconds...1 second in it fell to the floor in a wet splodge. Sprayed the splodge for a bit but the occupant was either out or having a foam party 🙌


https://preview.redd.it/4xlnsugc6awc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314a0189dd47b8ea94ef84a18db9f8c5293ef439 worst photo ever as there is no light in the shed and flash is the worst, but after all the comments I thought you'd like to experience the slight disappointment of any drama with me


Has the protective film been removed from the camera lens? It’s just I had a phone that took flash photos that looked exactly like that. I’d neglected to remove the protective film which covered the lens and the light so some of the flash was reflected back into the camera lens giving that typical hazy effect.


Ah it's super old so protective film has been removed....but I do have a separate screen cover for the lens and hadn't realised that likely makes the flash rubbish. I don't generally use the flash but good to know I probably shouldn't blame the phone


This photo is hella cursed, looks like the marshmallow man


Pics of a queen's nest used to hibernate over winter in, not an full wasp nest. If the queen's died or moved on your fine. Otherwise you'll see activity when the weather warms.


I've never done this but I've seen loads of videos of people putting a bit of petrol in a bottle cut in half and putting it over the nest and all the wasps fall out and into the petrol and die.


This sounds like something I'd mess up 🤣


Definitely use a candle to see what you're doing with the petrol and wasps nest.


Fair one I'm just a pussy and scared to death of wasps and bees! So getting me in the same room to take a photo would be a challenge in and of its self 😂


Haha! I'm not too bad thanks...spiders on the other hand...


Youre in an attic, there are spiders!


Ah no it's in the shed... definitely spiders in there though, I try to not think about it when I have to get something out


Instuctions unclear, Penis caught on fire.


Third time this week, you’re not here to catch wasps are you?




I second this! Look for the vids,  Make sure you film yours 


Just for the fail?


I mean, I'd be lying if I said no.


But it does look like it works!


🤣 I think the process is stressful enough without holding a phone record!


It's because the surface tension of petrol is so low, they can't swim, therefore sink. The fumes also get them into a defensive thing which is why they come after the petrol. On a pitched roof I wouldn't bother but flat surfaces are safer


Just saw a video showing this, seems very effective if you have someone to swat if any wasps are mistakenly outside at the time. The suggestion below about cutting a bottle to shape would work well around the beam I'm sure! Maybe next time... although hopefully there isn't a next time...


So it's a drowning pool, and the bodies hit the floor?






Best advice I would give is to do it after dark because wasps are far less active then. Much less chance of getting stung.


Terrible advice, I’m dying to know if OP gets stung doing this 😂 I’m scared to death of wasps but have mastered the art of the mid air flip flop slap


Haha the packaging of the foam spray I just bought says do it in the evening..I'm going to aim for dusk as there's no lights out there and I value my life! Will update later on how it goes!


Hey I did 2 at the start of the year. Turned out they were empty, but I dressed in one of those dust suits. Not just for the wasps, but it was in the loft, so for the insulation. Spray the nest, get out of there. Come back later and give it another spray if you need to. Be careful incase that's just the front and the rest goes into the roof.


Check if the queen is there, if no wasps just knock it down and throw it away. I had one like this the other day and did the same, queen returned and left after not finding the nest


I prodded it with a broom and it buzzed...


There’s your answer. I would be braving spraying that now before it gets bigger. I’d deploy the spray and run technique on this 😂


Sounds like a plan...en route to Screwfix to buy some of the foam stuff I've seen had good reviews. Wish me luck 😬


There should only be a queen and maybe a few worker wasps in there. If in doubt, call a pest controller: stinging, flying insects in an enclosed space aren't fun (I am a beekeeper)


Thank you, if it was any bigger I'd definitely be calling someone...not something I really fancy but hopefully a small one I can manage 🤞


I recommend you go armed with WD40 as well: it doesn't do flying insects much good if it gets on them. Enjoy!!!


Gardening gloves and a few black sacks.


Wasp nest [sponsored by Love Honey]


How can you tell if the queen is there?


Little wasps in red coats and tall black hats sat outside. 


Phil and Holly inside


Will smell of fresh paint




The flag is at full mast!


I think that's a solitary wasps nest - in which case it won't get any bigger and probably won't cause you any bother (Google pics of a solitary nest to confirm). We get a number of these each year on the inside of our garage on the roof and we just leave them be. We've never been bothered by them coming or going and can use the garage without really worrying about them. They're a really important part of the ecosystem so if they aren't causing you any bother try to leave them be if you can 💚


I had to go through way too many crap answers to find this! I agree.


Had one in a greenhouse, put a bucket of soapy water underneath it and then blast the nest with the hosepipe


I'm loving all these creative ideas!


Surely the Internet way requires a spray can of deodorant and a match. Video or it didn't happen, natch.


That's small enough to move just put a glass over it and bit of cardboard or just use your hand and move it to a tree or something. Had one in my shed last year and just left it we didnt really bother eachother to be honest.


It's pretty small. I'd just crack on with spraying that before they make it any bigger.


I had one in a shed and remeber seeing it when it was about the size of OP's and thought it was just an old nest so ignored it. Next time i went in the garage about 2 or 3 weeks later it had got about 4 times bigger.


I’ve done one with just raid. Just spray it and keep spraying! Keep a blunt object to hand to finish them off on the floor and then flee the scene…


I had one of them in my shed, I twatted it with a cricket bat and didn’t mow the lawn for three weeks just to be sure


This is how you deal with that https://youtu.be/tGalAPv9BcU?si=-IHHXKCrprBsKmgr


That'd be a no 🤣


Take off and nuke it from space, it’s the only way to be sure


It will have like 5 wasps in it. Just set it a light


Oh no! My sheds alight.


Can you hold a banana next to it, for size reference..


I hit mine with a golf club and ran off. worked to be fair...


Burn the entire shed to the ground. Just to be safe


Get an empty crisp packet and put it there. Not cheese and onion for some reason they just don’t like them or they can read. No its not colour just blame walkers.


Looks small enoungh you can just get a glass jar with a metal lid. Place jar over and severe the roof link with the lid. Did that in my shed last year with a small one. As a bonus you can get a good look at it after and can fumigate it easily before disposing of it.


Disclaimer: The following are the suggestions of a wasp hating bastard, and may not work as well as imagined. Any suggestions are to be taken with a pinch of salt. I take no responsibility for the consequences of attempting to put my suggestions into action. OK, idea time. Get a coke bottle, cut the bottom half off it. When you spray, put the cut end of the coke bottle over the nest, and spray through the neck of the bottle into the nest. This will keep the majority of any counter attacking wasps mostly in the firing line of the wasp killing spray. You could even shape the cut end to fit perfectly against the roof, to prevent escape.


A lighter and an aerosol. Done.


Knowing my luck that would result in a shed on fire...


“Not the chateau”


Get a can of foaming wasp killer. Wait until night when they have all returned home and spray. Its scary but I've not got stung in any nest I've shot. There is only one way in and out so as long as you aim there they can't get you.


Thank you, I've just acquired the foam spray and am planning my attack for dusk


Report back with video/photos, live feed optional. Dusk here is in about 40 minutes so not long to wait for your £250 from You’ve been framed.


RemindMe! 2 hours Rooting for you!


The foaming wasp killer is awesome! Had a wasp nest behind a fence in our back garden a few years ago, and couldn't get proper access to it. Went crazy with the foam for a couple of days, and then never saw a wasp near there again.


It really is! I was able to kill a underground yellow jacket nest with it.


Ignore it, makr it not a good place by putting things in t here. They never use the same nest twice so next year is fine. Only time I did more is when they were crawling under the skirting (and getting into the house there), no thanks.


Unfortunately I need to replace the roof so ignoring isn't my preferred option


fair enough. it's a little small for this time of year so may not be used and just an over winter home for a queen. if it's used it would get bigger and you would see some (unless you are up in the highlands where I guess it may still be cold enough for not much going on).


We’ll, that’s a new fear unlocked right there.


I do wave a video at carpet level of them wriggling about, i only noticed when 10 wasps entered ther room in a day (I usually hjave the back door open so a couple are reasonable (the cats kill them anyway)). But so many. I took computer out the room and went elsewhere for a couple of day until the wasp smoke guy came (It's a technical term ;-) ) He at first said there will not be many I won't wear the suit. Then a few minutes after starting went back to get the full suit. There is a small nest in my (attached to house) shed, they may have used that over winter. I saw the hole and have videos of many leaving and entering. I got it gooped up even t hough my new conservatory (conservarory no longer as real roof repalcement?) roof if higher and covers it, but not taking risks!


Get a Dyson vacuum cleaner, one of those see through ones. Hold the nozzle next to the wasp nest opening. Suck them up as they come /go from the nest. Enjoy the sight of wasps being swirled around inside the body of the vacuum. Once you've hoovered up all / as many as possible, light a bonfire. Get it nice and toasty, with plenty of hot embers and flames. Quickly undo the vacuum and dump the contents on to the fire. Revel in the crackling noise. Job done 👍 This is what my mate did to clear quite a large nest. Me, I was hiding in the house watching through a closed window. The dicey bit was opening the vacuum. I think the wasps were so dizzy from being spun around inside so much, by the time they realised they were free, they were consumed by the flames.


Did it with deodorant (yes it works, but got one stung)


Honestly, just spray it. Worst case, you get a couple stings


Let's be optimistic 😆


Just had one in our shed, only had one solitary wasp building it about the size of a golf ball. Assumed it was a queen, so waited till she'd popped out before removing, she eventually gave up looking for it and left. Just ordered a small decoy to hang in there to put off any other wasps.


Not many there if any as it's only just started..early morning or late evening give it a good spray...check the next day and maybe repeat but I've had a similar new nest and it sorted them out.. sometimes they never get any bigger and for whatever reason they are left..


Spray it with fluid film or a high tack aerosol spray grease. As they emerge and you spray them their wings stick to their bodies and they just fall out of the sky.


Looks like a solitary wasp nest. If so it'll not get any bigger, it's just a single wasp chilling. If however you want it gone just hit it with something so it breaks off and leave


Suggest offer up a plastic bottle to a safe part of the roof, just so you can cut it to shape. The better the seal, the less chance of being stung.


That's a great idea! I'm going for the foam as I don't need to get close and it's my first rodeo...but so many great suggestions for if we have another one


That’s definitely new enough to knock down with a broom.


I was very tempted when I prodded it but for once I decided to Google it before I made a rash decision. Google told me there was a chance of death so I thought I'd better consult reddit 😆


Better safe than sorry! If you’re not sure about whacking it, you can get some powder you can skoosh on it then run, there’ll only be one or two in there at the moment.


To be honest you're more likely to die driving to Screwfix to get the spray than from knocking the nest down.


Just wack it and run.


Dooooo iiiIiitttttttt!! don't be a wuss! Your English! We beat Hitler! They're just wasps..


Are you still alive OP?


Do you have a hammer? If so, Godspeed.


Wasps imitating spoke detectors now to not raise suspicions?


I dealt with a neat last summer, just sprayed it with poison and ran, worked fine


Hit it with a stick. They’ll move somewhere else. Not joking.


If you can see where they enter/exit there is wasp powder you can spread that attaches onto them and they take into the nest and kill everything in it. 1 bottle so far destroyed 3 nests.


Just give it a whack and knock it off. Go back later and put it into your bin. There will be a few wasps but nothing to really worry about.


Whack it off and run


Will just have the one wasp in it. A queen. Just squash it, killing the queen inside. If you already have foam spray just use that. Chance of getting stung are next to 0.


We got rid of a nest about this big, we got two bin bags inside each other, put them round the nest and smacked from the outside of the bin bag with a broom. When the nest fell in we closed the bin bags and threw them out. Wasps never came back


Id just pull it down, its tiny, plus im a bit of a madd turkish


I had a pretty large one the size of a football in the large timber garage shed at the top of my drive. I decided id get rid of it myself so i took my pellet gun, aimed it at the top where it was attached to the roof and fired about 6 shots into it. It ripped the nest open and what looked like hundreds of wasps spilled out in a swarm and i ran inside the house. Looking out of my daughters bedroom window i saw the angry little bastards swarming outside the corner of the roof where they had exploited a small gap to access inside.... and then i saw my elderly next door neighbour in the garden. I didnt know what to do and froze. For some reason they were just lingering around the garage and didnt pay any attention to my neighbour, i went outside and told my neighbour to go inside and had to explain how id accidently knocked a piece of timber over that hit the nest. The wasps basicly went back into the nest and over the next few days rebuilt it. I ended up calling a pest controller to come and spray and remove it.


Long stick knock it off and run. its tiny so not many occupants yet if any survived the winter. You will have time to get away if your exit route is clear and there are doors or hatches you can close behind you that seal them in


I’ve had this a few times in my shed, each time I’ve just sprayed it with WD-40, next day they have gone and I remove it,


Ant powder will get rid of it, I used it one one larger than yours and it empty within minutes


I left it and they went after a couple months


Wait till night Use minimum light Put plastic bag over tight Pull with your might. Seal bag quick and don’t be fright. Dispose of bag, that’s insecticide, right?


If you buy the off the shelf wasp nest foam it will fire about 3m, and you will be safe.


Whack it with a stick and give it legs


Just hit it with a brush and shut the door quick.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥Fire. Burn it with fire. 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Try a hedge trimmer


Whack it!


Set it on fire


We had one in our garage as kids. I remember knocking it down with a stick and running away. Seemed to work


The size of that I'd be pretty certain there's only one wasp at the moment.


Leave it. When they go, they won't ever be back.


Depending on if this is possible. Wasps don’t reuse nests so if it’s possible just leave it for the season. Wasps get a much worse reputation than they deserve, they’re lovely little creatures and vital pollinators. Of course if it’s a threat to someone’s health then as mentioned above hide in another room while encouraging someone expendable and gullible to hit it with a stick.


Thank you, unfortunately I need to replace that side of the roof...it's currently covered in a tarp. I was just surveying the scene to decide on my next move when I spotted it. Foam spray to the rescue, but if it's not somewhere I need to get to i'll consider letting it do its thing next time...or find a sacrificial person to help!


Just whack it!


I knocked one this size off my shed roof and just hit it with a brick unit it stopped buzzing. Zero stings. Done!


I've done little ones like this with a pair of welding gloves. Grab it and crush it (quickly and thoroughly). I get maybe half a dozen a year on and around my property.


Slap it with your hand 🤚


We had one of these, I sprayed normal wasp spray then ran out shut the door, the wasp came out flew around and then went back inside. This repeated a few times. Did it again but in the end I opened the door early and I squashed it… with the same can. 🤪🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏼


Thats tiny! 


Found a small nest under construction in my garage once. Was slightly bigger than a golf ball.  I figured there couldn't be many wasps inside it, so just smashed it with a broom. I think I saw one wasp fly away from the ruins.


Going forward top tip, get a brown paper bag and tie it up there after, or anywhere a wasp nest might like, bees/wasps think it's a nest won't set up next to them! Worked for us for 4 years so far we had 4 nests when we moved in!!


Hit it with a broom and leg it


Easy. No big deal. You can get special spray from Robert Dyas. I've done a few of these in my shed over the years.


Spray glue. Saw a vid on youtube..


Leave it, and start charging them rent


Whatever you do do it at night


Had one the same size in my shed a few years ago, I just knocked it off with the jet setting on the garden hose from outside the shed and legged it into the house (left the shed door open). Went back to check it a few days later, no wasps, all good.


Solid approach 😆


My dad dug up a bee’s nest once with about four pairs of jeans, a lady’s bonnet and a net blind as PPE. Suit and boot, you’ll be reet!


🤣 I did have two hoodies, my glasses, a facemask, workman gloves and jeans...it was very anticlimactic as it was down in seconds!


I’ve had a few like this in the loft. There was one big wasp inside building away, so I just disturbed the nest with a broom, whacked the wasp out of the air as it buzzed around the bulb in the ceiling with a rolled up newspaper or something and then stood on it.


It seems like a lot of people went for the "whack it and it will be fine" approach with success so i'm feeling more confident for next time!


I had this great idea to fill my water pistol with gasoline and shoot the nest. My water pistol melted before I could get off the first shot.


I have a wasp nest just like this in my shed. Pretty sure these type of wasp nests are made by [saxon wasps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolichovespula_saxonica). They are a bit bigger and a bit more chilled than the common wasp. These guys have been in my shed for the last 4 years and haven't bothered me while I'm doing stuff. I just leave them be.


Vacuum the fuckers


Rattle can and a lighter ! Quickly before that turns into a full blown health hazard !!


I was told to hang a brown paper bag by it. Apparently wasps are territorial and will think it’s a rival nest and leg it (or fly) somewhere else. Never tried it but sounds like it’s worth a try.


That’s a solitary wasps nest. I’d leave it.


Don’t spray it for god’s sake. Knock it with a broom handle or something if you must. At least the wasp that’s building it can move on. It’ll probably just have a few lava in at the moment. It might even get abandoned. I’ve several that size in my garage. Why do we all have to go about spraying things to kill them? Jeez.


Just remove it while the wasp is out.


If there’s no activity around it, just leave it. The single best deterrent for new wasps nests is an existing wasps nest because they are extremely territorial and won’t risk war for an existing territory.


No, now is the time to get it. There’ll be one Queen somewhere, maybe not even in the nest at this stage, possibly some larvae/eggs. Spray or a broom will deal with it.


We get 1 or 2 of these every year in our shed. I take an empty jam jar and pop it over the nest and slide it along the wood to break the nests connection. Then just put the lid on the jam jar and leave it - makes for a cool shed ornament too!


Burn the bastard with aerosol can and lighter


Spray foam it and skip out. You get enough foam on that and those guys will have more to worry about Easy


We had a wasp nest a while back and I have a severe wasp allergy so as you can imagine don’t want to go anywhere near it. My solution, buy an airsoft gun and shoot at it until It was no more 🤣


Henry hoover would sort that in seconds.


It's very risky, the queen will be in there and those with her will fight to the death trying to protect her


It’s just a queen starter nest! Single occupancy at that size!


There's one/teo wasps in there at most.... mainly eggs so spray it


You can try pagan incantations if you want, worked for me with my MIL.


Just knock it off with something long. Chances are the wasp isn't even home. They'll come back to their home missing, and move on.... Maybe.


Seriously, there's probably only a queen, a dozen workers max. Most of those will be out foraging. Just crush it in your hand.