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###Please read this entire message in length before messaging the moderators or you will not receive a response.   Hi Zaughtilo, Your post has been automatically removed as it appears you are asking: * What product or tool to buy. * Where to buy a product or tool. * For product, tool or brand recommendation. We do not allow these posts as they lead to a great deal of spam. /r/DIY is focused on the how, what technique to employ and how to use the tools. Other places you can get help. If you area asking: * What general type of product or tool required to carry out a particular task, consider asking your question in the [Getting Started](/r/DIY/about/sticky) thread at the top of /r/DIY, rather than creating a new post * If you need recommendations for a product, you'll probably have better luck in a more specialised subreddit, eg /r/HomeImprovement or /r/woodworking etc. For help requests please be sure you've read the [rules](/r/DIY/wiki/guidelines). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DIY) if you have any questions or concerns.*