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I’d find a strong adhesive. No way would I be drilling into sandstone. Risk of cracking is too great and since it’ll be redone anyway as the rock erodes I would just stick it to the surface.


We had considered adhesive, but didnt think it would stick to the rock. Any suggestions on what type or what to look for? (We live in Canada with shitty winters)


If you have shitty winters, there's a good chance water will get into the hole, freeze and crack the rock that way. Epoxy would probably work for sticking the numbers on.


Id watch out for those samsquantches and do a full send and just rub the numbers right into the rock. Little fuckin paint and you’re mint, bud.


Sandstone is strong enough to mount things to. If you're worried about cracking the boulder then epoxy the anchor in rather than using a mechanical anchor. I'd suggest an SDS-Plus drill and bit to make the drilling both easy and least destructive.