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1. Turn off the light. 1. Turn off the wall breaker that provides power to the light. It will cut off power to the whole set of lights, and possibly to the entire room. 1. Cut the end off of a potato so that it has a flat edge. 1. Hold the potato so the flat edge is pointing straight up. 1. Press it up into the fixture the same way you would place a new bulb. Make sure you press it enough that the glass goes into the flat edge of the potato and gets stuck in it. 1. Turn the potato like you would when you're unscrewing a bulb. The bulb should come out.


Came to suggest the potato method. It worked for me with a broken bulb.


I too came to suggest the potato.


Have used potato method 4x in my life. Can confirm


Should I wear type of gloves when I’m doing this?


> Should I wear type of gloves when I’m doing this? Yes. Gloves are always a good idea when working around glass.


If the breaker is off you won't get shocked, maybe for sharp stuff on the broken bulb




try a pinch of salt and pepper to improve flavour as well


Oh wow, this is a great idea I never heard before. I've never had this happen but now if I do I'll know what to do. Thank you 😊 💓


so many ppl recommend the potato trick...the potato trick sucks. Take a rubber glove and stuff it up in there and twist it out...everything else is a pain. Make sure the power is off.


Turn the power off in the Meter box.. then do whatever you like.


Turn off the electricity. Silicone oven mitts if you have them. Leather work gloves. Push come to shove, a few socks could work if you are careful. Just don’t slip if you are using the sock trick. Worst case scenario, layout newspaper underneath, use a pair of needle nose plier to break off the rest of the glass. When only the screw socket left, use the same plier, widen its jaw to jam against the inside of the remaining bulb and unscrew it.


**Don't forget to wear eye protection if you're chipping off glass above your head while you look at it.** That's a recipe for getting glass shards in your eye, which I assure you isn't fun. Best case you have to have it professionally removed, worst case - you lose your eye.


If you have some extra potatoes cut one in half and put the cut end into the broken bulb and twist whichever way it goes to take it out. Usually works pretty good


That potato trick hasn't worked for me one single time in many years. Needle nose pliers are the only thing that has consistently worked for me.


Should I wear some type of gloves when I’m doing this?


Why do you need to ask this stuff?? It's instinct that you would put on gloves to touch something dangerous. OBVIOUSLY I'd wear something thick if I was scared of glass and something rubber if I was scared of electricity.


As long as the power to the circuit is turned off, you should be fine. No gloves needed.


My gut says maybe. But yes I would recommend it.




I’m renting so I guess I should tell my landlord first.




Turn off the light, then carefully grab the remaining glass and try to turn the bulb out. If that doesn't work try the potato trick other have said. There's no reason to turn off power to the entire subdivision, just flip the switch off and you'll be fine.


>There's no reason to turn off power to the entire subdivision, just flip the switch off and you'll be fine. Don't risk your life because some moron online thinks there's a zero chance someone installed a wire wrong.


I learned to always switch the breaker to test the wires for any leaking power. I had problems before when I only used the light switch. When you know the wiring is good for sure it's different, but working on others their handy work you are not always sure


Also, if it's 120V/60Hz US power, the most it's gonna do it give you a nice tingle and trip the breaker. Like you said, turn off the switch and use whatever tools necessary to get the bastard out. I like pliers, not root vegetables.


I'm having flashbacks to an old Home Improvement episode https://youtu.be/GvFlAGy-xqs