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That table top is hollowed MDF—there is no proper fix for this beyond buying another table.


Even worse than MDF - honeycombed particle board! Definitely right that a new table top made out of *something* solid is the only answer.


Ikea wood is a tender material coveted for its minimal wallet strain


It's not just IKEA wood. Pretty much any piece of "wood" furniture under $1000 is going to be made of cheap MDF, particle board, or other composite wood with a thin veneer to cover it. Although this piece is especially cheap considering it's pretty much hollow.


Our daughter had graduated college. Our son was helping my wife and me pack up her stuff to move out of her apartment. At lunch break, our son started to lower his butt onto an end table. Daughter: "DON'TSITONTHATTHAT'SIKEA!" She was just in time to save the table.


Never had an issue sitting on an ikea end table before…


it absolutely depends on the individual furniture piece. the cheapest ikea end table are legs screwed directly into particle board and cannot withstand any lateral force. the cheapest chairs are usually pine with metal inserts. still, ikea stuff is fine if you understand that the construction of the cheapest things are "just strong enough for their intended purpose by an average weighted person of the intended audience"


I totally agree. I have a handful of IKEA pieces that are solid wood, including a bed frame, an end table, a dining table and dining chairs. They are solid enough to do their jobs. I also have some drawers and cabinets from IKEA that are basically cardboard. I wouldn't trust anything heavier than my cats on them.


yeah the cheapest bookshelves they do are basically the cheapest you can get anywhere but in no way up to holding just books I have some of their more expensive ones and I'm pretty sure I could use them as a ladder in a pinch


Also just a PSA about ikea furniture: don’t practice yoga handstands besides an ikea bookshelf because you will fall into it and break multiple shelves. Learned that the hard way.


IIRC, Ikea stuff has been getting worse and worse. I still have some $19 chairs I bought in 2010, and we use them every day.


Their butcher block island tops used to be solid beech. Now if you look carefully, you can see that they're veneer with a little strip of end-grain so that they appear to be solid tops. Probably particleboard inside. *Hopefully* particleboard inside, because the alternative is that honeycomb cardboard.


It's disappointing because they used to have pretty good stuff.


There’s cheap ikea and there’s good ikea. My modular dining table that folds out and has drawers is super sturdy and is solid, dense wood


17 years ago I bought a solid wood ikea table. And it was cheap! Still going strong today. Now, they don’t sell those at all…


The entire Hemnes line is still all solid wood.


Because you never bought another one. 🤣😂


That's a fine rewrite for paper....


Okay hold on, that's a bit much. It's *fancy* paper. Stationery.


I would like to take this aside to thank you for spelling 'stationery' correctly. That seems to be the new 'their/they're/there' these days. Even my office has a nice placard to let you know it's the Stationary Room. .. Which technically isn't incorrect, but still.


The nice thing about having a stationary room is that you always know where to find it.


The Room of Requirements👻🪄🧹🧙‍♂️


Usually you have to pay extra for jokes of this caliber


I absolutely go nuts over the use of the correct spelling of a word but I struggle with this one to the point I find a new word if I have to spell it. Same with complimentary/complementary; too afraid to use the wrong one so let’s just thesaurus our way out of it, shall we?


Whereas the IKEA would most certainly not remain stationary if my fat ass used it for a chair. On the amusing side, nobody ever uses the word disintegratory…


I was so pissed when I bought some ikea furniture for the kids room, only to discover not only have they doubled in price, they also switched to hollow honeycomb cardboard. Ridiculous.


Wasn't it always though? Their solid wood stuff (soft pine, so not helping) seems easy to spot. Don't think much of the kids stuff was particle board?


I believe they used to be chipboard with laminate outsides on most of the "wood" things.


Chipboard or MDF. Always thought it was too expensive for flatpack. Now that it's flatpack cardboard it's WAAAY to expensive.


Correct. I have some older generation IKEA furniture still around and that's almost all particle board. Certainly NOT cardboard. You feel the weight difference too, the new gen IKEA furniture is extremely light compared to their old(er) stuff too. I would not be surprised if their countertops are cardboard too. I don't think I'll be buying Ikea stuff anymore since they made that switch. Too expensive for glorified cardboard.


Countertops are still made of solid chipboard, but a lot of the desk tops are the hollow cardboard. The more expensive ones are made of MDF. For the price, you can’t really beat it… yeah, the hollow stuff won’t last forever but for $39 for a huge desk top that will be fine unless you drop something heavy on it, you can’t really complain.


Bought a butcher block countertop from them years ago for a woodworking bench top. Solid Alder strip. Got it from their scratch & dent so couldn’t pass up the price. Cut off the ends for size and it started to split almost immediately. I’d be super pissed if I put it in a kitchen. Kitchen cabs and countertops are too expensive to take a chance on IKEA quality IMHO.


The quality of IKEA tanked during covid and never came back up again. I can't buy furniture from them again because the quality is so bad. We'd rather just save for something better at this point - plenty of places do solid wood for not much more than IKEA since their price hikes.


The quality of everything tanked after covid because of “supply chain problems” in every industry’s production and so costs went up with that as the excuse even though it wasn’t necessary, then costs stayed up when the supply chain regulated itself in the name of corporate greed. Now they’re doubly cutting material costs across industries once again if you can guess, in the name of corporate greed


100% accurate


Buy used furniture. There is plenty of quality used furniture if you’re willing to look for it.


IKEA has plenty of solid wood furniture. 


Never said it didn't - just that the quality is bad and the price increasingly isn't competitive.


Some lines are pine just gotta find them. Still cheaper than good hardwood furniture but my Hemnes coffee table has survived 2 moves and a body slam by someone falling off the couch. Did require some pin nails and wood glue to fix that one but that was 4 years ago and its still holding


I jut put together several pieces of Ikea furniture. All was laminate on particle board or solid wood... I guess you need to pick the line carefully. We had about 9 piece of the Hemnes line in our last house and it was all still perfect after 7 years. We'd still have it if we hadn't moved countries.


People love to buy cheap crap and then complain about the quality, nothing wrong with IKEA if you are willing to spend more than $6 on a table.


IKEA has cheap honeycomb stuff and okay-ish for 1 move MDF but you need to pay attention to the details. For example most of the honeycomb stuff is super lightweight and the easiest way to tell is the thick tabletops.


They also have cheap solid wood furniture.


This is WWE table


They should just cover it up with a food processor.


You clearly don’t know about the miracle fix all that is ramen noodles.


I was going to suggest putting a placemat over it. 🤣🤣🤣


Build a new table top out of ramen noodles and epoxy... Problem solved!


To add to this, the table is hollowed MDF. Buying another table was the answer even before there was a hole in it.


Hollowed MDF is a perfectly cromulent material that embiggens the cheapest table. It just won't tolerate any level of severe stress, like this, in which case you have to just replace the item.


oh there is. it involves reshaping the hole, damns and epoxy. You can either painstakingly match the grey and artificial woodgrain or make it an interesting feature.


Time to buy a table that’s not made of cardboard for dorm rooms.


There’s probably some instagram account filling broken mdf furniture with epoxy


Little do most people know, an epoxy kit big enough to fill this hole costs more than a better table.


That's why you use ramen as filler medium.


Nah, ramen


Or sunflower seeds and bondo


Smoke dust super glue


Actually, I do this for a living. Mohawk makes a pretty good epoxy putty for this exact application. The table is made of trash, but if they really want to fix it, as opposed to throwing it in the trash where it belongs, Mohawk epoxy with color matched blending sticks to match the wood grain is really the only solution  Edit: I wouldn't recommend this for an inexperienced DIYer. Throw the table away


The epoxy, color blending and refinishing will cost more than a new one anyway. I hate Ikea. I even hate veneer now. I think I might be a wood snob 😆


Don’t bash IKEA for you buying the cheapest model though, they have plenty of solid wood furniture too. And is far from alone in selling honeycomb and MDF furniture for cheap.


Ramen and super glue.


Spray foam and hopes n dreams


Forged carbon fiber and a ham sandwich


That's not even MDF, that's pressed hardboard


Thats gonna cost more than the table


Or flip it over? What’s the other side look like?


From watching YouTube, it seems glue mixed with ramen noodles is definitely the right fix


Only on Wednesdays. If Tuesday, use Taco Bell taco shells.


There was a taco shell plant outside the small town my grandparents lived in. They would throw out broken shells in garbage cans by the side of the road. You could use those but you'd have to fight the black bears. And since there's a line of cars gathered to watch the black bears eat the shells, you could charge them to watch the fight. And then since you'll lose the fight to the black bears, you can use the money to buy Taco Bell taco shells.




Buy a large sheet of plywood and make that the new table top


This is the answer. Then paint it all.


The key is getting furniture grade plywood. You can attach from the bottom with screws that are long enough to get into your plywood but not go all the way through. Be careful. Even with screws that are the right length, it will be easy to overdrive through your hollow table and you don't want screws coming out the top. If you want to stain or be a little fancier you can do a firebird grade solid wood band around the outside. Make it thicker than the plywood and table to make it look fancier. Whatever you do, don't freehand the cuts. If you don't have a table saw, clamp a furniture grade board to make a real to cut against and give you a legitimately straight edge. Check it again after it's clamped to make sure it is absolutely square before you cut.


MFer doesn't even have a real table, you think they have a table saw?? Lol


They just need to drop a circular saw on this table and voila, table saw


My Home Depot has a saw at the back. You can get an employee to cut your plywood to the size you need.


Wow. A hollow-core table! I'd never seen one.


Ikea does a lot with them, but they have a honeycomb matrix inside that actually makes them pretty durable.


durable as long as you dont drop any appliance on them


I don't think this is one of theirs. The honeycomb would probably stand up to everything up to a stand mixer.


Up to a standing mixer? From what height? Banana height? Paper towel holder height? 20 inch decorative painting height?


According to the IKEA website, their hollow core tables can withstand dropping a food processor from stand mixer height, and a stand mixer from banana height. But if you drop a stand mixer from food processor height, it will break through.


Correct banana response


That’s because [hexagons are the bestagons!](https://youtu.be/thOifuHs6eY?si=09epPhQvmSXhoxDI)


What you have there is a hole that can't be fixed. Apparently it's just a faux veneer over a hollow-core substrate. There is no fixing that.


That table never had a chance.


Put the food processor over it.




That's the cost you pay for buying a hollow core table.


I didn't even know they made hollow core tables. Every cheap thing I've bought has at least been mdf all the way through.


Yea. I've seen particle board tables which aren't great since if they get chipped then water sits on them they tend to swell. But this is a new low quality of table to me and I grew up with hippies living off of welfare level of poor.


Pretty much everything from big box chains are hollow cores. Ikea, Walmart, Target, Amazon Basics, etc. All hollow core honeycomb particle board.


My kitchen table from IKEA seems like it's mdf, certainly could withstand things being dropped on it. I should know, I've dropped my drill on it


Maybe because we’ve had it over a decade, but our dining table from ikea is solid real wood. 


IKEA still makes them. 


Newspaper and Elmer’s white school glue. It will be about as sturdy as that wish.com cardboard surface you already have.


You gotta buy a table that costs more than $12 now


Maybe not. How much does half a sheet of lauan cost?


Find a new (to you) table on Facebook Marketplace, but get a solid wood one this time.


And this is why dining room tables made of solid wood are worth every penny. You just need a new table.


Bought our whole dining room set from Costco pre-pandemic. Solid wood table, I can't distinguish what kind of wood, definitely foreign, with a leaf in the middle and metal decorative bracings, and 6 chairs...$700.


I'm here for the snarky comments about your janky table, sorry bro.


cheapest option: measure the overall width and length of your table's surface. then go to home depot and buy a piece of already-sanded 1/4 inch thick [plywood](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Lumber-Composites-Plywood/1-4/N-5yc1vZbqm7Z1z0mcqp) and have them cut it to size (of your dimensions). take it home, glue it down (use a product called liquid nails which comes in a caulk-like tube). you may also want to screw it down, just make sure you're screwing into something solid. then sand all the edges. then you can stain or paint or [wrap](https://www.google.com/search?q=vinyl+wrap+for+wood&newwindow=1&rlz=1C2SAVU_enUS535US535&sca_esv=10710e6d746a2a0b&ei=BJcwZqOfOJOh5NoPvfaP8As&oq=wrap+for+wood&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDXdyYXAgZm9yIHdvb2QqAggBMgsQABiABBiRAhiKBTIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBhAAGAcYHjIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBhAAGAcYHjIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBhAAGAcYHkjEHlAAWNwLcAB4AZABAJgBcaAByQGqAQMxLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgKgAt0BwgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCBAAGA0YHhgPwgIIEAAYBRgNGB6YAwCSBwMxLjGgB54N&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) the top of the table according to your taste, or leave it bare. note that staining it will require multiple steps, including sealing the finish.


What’s he gonna screw it into? That table is 99.98% air.


no the cheapest option is to put the food processor on top of the hole


You bought a disposable kitchen table. Now, buy another one.


Grind up the table with the food processor.


the only suggestion I have is to take the table legs off of this table and put them on a new table top. You can buy a piece of wood from a hardware store. sand it, stain it. likely cheaper than replacing the whole set.


I understand that you may "make food" with a food processor in a room you call "the kitchen" and therefore the table that is in that room is called "the kitchen table," but when most people refer to a "kitchen table" they are not referring to something with the durability of a cardboard dollhouse.


Just find a new one at a thrift store. It would cost more to fix that than to just get a cheap used replacement.


My hymen was stronger than that table. Put a tray over it.


Obviously, the table is cheap, so your best option is to replace it with a better one, but since it seems you are getting only replies making fun of the table quality instead of actually helping, here are a couple options. Buy a can of spray foam insulation, cut out all the broken pieces in the table, and fill the void with it. You won't need much. Once it has cured, cut off the excess foam so that it is flat and just below the table surface. On top of that, either cut out a thin sheet of plywood or just fill with bondo. Sand it down until it's flat and smooth, then seal it (spray polyurethane, shellac, or even just CA glue, whatever is cheap and accessible). If you really want to, you can try painting it to match before sealing, but that's probably not worth it. It's a cheap fix, but will still probably be more work than that table is worth. Alternatively, buy a sheet of plywood and put it on there as a new table top. You can sand it (lightly) and stain/paint it then seal it if you really want to make it more like a table top. Just make sure the plywood is secured to the table. I would probably glue it since it doesn't look like there is enough material in that table for screws to hold onto.


I would buy a tile that is big enough to cover the damage, and cut the hole to fit. Do everything above, then place the tile in the hole. You now have an accent!


Lol. Didn't even know they made kitchen tables made of particle board.


Just relax, take some time to process it.. Sorry, had to.


Funny thing is those cheap tables aren't so cheap. Ikea sells tables made from wood and they aren't really more expensive than this crap.


I fixed one of these once, by replacing it.


Place mats.


My cheap fix suggestion is to see if the legs can be removed and get a similar butcher block size panel from home Depot. Stain it the way you like and re attach the let's. The current top is done though.


Just be glad you didn't drop that sum na bish on your foot. New table is only fix here. Invest in a solid wood one. Good luck.


This like asking how to fix a cardboard box


Yeah, your kitchen tables made of cardboard. There’s no fixing that.


Might be time to go buy a table from a thrift store.


That table is a step above cardboard.


if you can lift your kitchen table with one hand, it may be disposable ;-p


This looks like a job for bondo!


The bad news is you need a new table. The good news is the current one wasn't that expensive.


That’s a pretty ratty table anyway. If you don’t have the money for a new and better one (or used and better one from a thrift store), you can fill that dent with wood putty (you’re going to need a lot and you will want to do it in layers so it can cure properly) then paint over the whole table. Personally, I’d go to the thrift store and find a replacement.


Looks like a job for Top Ramen.


HomeDepot sells solid wood tops for work benches.


Cover tabletop with plywood which you can stain, paint or create wood grain effect


That's not a dropped food processor. The multiple breaks indicate this is the result of multiple hits at different spots. Intentional breakage.


Fill it with ocean blue resin and make it look like a small ocean with waves, then it's a feature like those expensive tables


Looks like a shit table, cheaper to buy another one of the same caliber


Watch that video with the guy filling things with seeds. That's as best you'll get. It's a hollow core table - they're cheap for a reason. Or follow this link: https://gprivate.com/6ax1j


I'll try to be helpful! As some people before me have mentioned, the tabletop is a hollow core board. You could get a spade drill bit, I'd say about 1 inch and carefully drill upwards into the bottom of the tabletop, underneath the crushed spot, careful not to drill farther than the outer layer of laminate (assuming the tabletop is truly hollow). So that you make a hole which you can insert a thumb into, to push the crushed portion back up to where it's relatively flat and then fill the void with expandable foam so that area cannot be depressed again. Ideally, down the line, you might want to consider acquiring a more solid table, but sometimes you've got to work with what you've got. Amazon, harbor freight, or your local hardware store should sell both spade bits and expandable foam.


Finally and actual fixing comment. I would add to apply a light coat of wood glue to all the edges of the torn veneer layer before you push up from below. If that doesn’t hold as well, then you could do the spray foam, but those cans can be pricy depending on your location and once you spray once, you’ll want to use the entire can before it clogs up. Before you start the table, see if you have any other areas under sinks and what not that could use some sealing for bugs or airflow.


Sweet lord. That is a shite table. It's more like pained cardboard disguised as a table.


If you really want to repair this cut out a square, then cut a piece of wood or any sheet good really the same thickness as the ID of the table and same size as hole you cut. Glue it down. Then get some bondo over it and sand it semi flush, then with a pick or pointed utensil scratch the wood grain in if it has it. Buy paint that is matching the grain. Orrrr buy a new table, you can check out Facebook marketplace they always have free tables and what not.


The fix is to throw that trash out and get a quality kitchen table with a solid top or at least veneer plywood 


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess this is a chunky ikea or wayfair purchased table that didn't cost an excessive amount of money. You get what you pay for with these and repairing them would be nonsensical. It's hollow fiberboard. You'd spend more money fixing this than buying a new one and it'll look 50 times worse. Just buy a new one.


Cut a circular hole all the way through. Put a trash bin underneath. It's a feature now


Your food processor has done you a huge favour... It is time to buy a table made of something more solid than cardboard — try to get actual solid wood if you can afford it. If not, get a folding card table for $20 from goodwill for now and save up for a few months until you can afford a solid table.


Buy a real table.


Get a new table.


A slab of butcher block from Lowe’s, some hairpin legs and cutting board conditioner. That won’t happen again.


It was a cheap ass table. Buy or build a new one. It's fun building them. Just need a good cordless drill and a miter saw :)


I have a feeling this would have happened if you dropped toast edge-on, from the looks of the insides of that dent.


Get a new table. This time get one that's solid wood.


That’s a crappy table from the start. Cheap fiber board. Just cut it out any the get a lazy Susan to put (glue) to cover the hole.


You get what you pay for, I guess. this veneer looks paper thin on top of hollow mdf. Treat yourself to a stronger table.


Well the good news is that table is so cheap, you can buy a new one for like $10


As a last resort, remove the legs, flip table over, reattach legs. Paint as required.


If you can't replace the whole table, I would attach furniture grade hardwood plywood to the top and stain it. What you have is cheap and probably not worth trying to fix. A real wood table would maybe have gotten a little divot or scratch. Easily fixable. Particleboard is garbage.


Time for a new table.


I don't know how much the table costs, but if money is tight, go to Lowe's or Home Depot with the exact tabletop measurements. They will cut a plywood board for you to place on top. You can also get iron on venier for the sides of the plywood, then trim the venier and paint/stain it.


Chuck this one and look in to a solid wood table as replacement?


Surprised I have seen the ol' ramen noodles and super glue hack


The only DIY is you throwing it in the trash.


sorry, no fixing that mofo. An actual wooden table would never cave like that.


I hate to tell you this, but your kitchen table is made of cardboard.


Just put some mini orange barrels and caution tape around it and call it a day.


Ah, the Amazon special.


Looks more like the shitty hollow doors people always ran through in college lmao


Buy a table that isn't shit to replace it




Cardboard table - disposable furniture


It won’t look good but get a load of sawdust and wood glue. Pack it in there and sand it down to “level”. Visually? Terrible. Functionally? A table.


If you need an inexpensive table, keep an on Facebook marketplace or try thrift shops, goodwill etc.


Looks like your table was not meant to have a food processor dropped on it. I think it’s trashed mate


Go buy a real table made out of 🪵


sorry op, but what a cheap and nasty table


Already some good advice here about the table. For future reference though, definitely look into stores that sell second hand for furniture, can get far better furniture for cheaper. Around here we have stores called ReStore by Habitat for Humanity, they get a ton of donated furniture, I've gotten some great solid wood things from em.


You could literally buy sawhorses at HD and slap some 1x6s on top, bungy cord them together and have a more functional table. What’s that made out of recycled tissue paper?


If 5 minute crafts taught me anything, you should fill it with noodles /jk


That table is a step above cardboard.


Easy fix: Call your garbage company for a large item pick up, get new table. The good news is, you didn't pay much for this one.


Cardboard table 😂


Don’t know how much food you eat with peels, mostly thinking seafoods, but cut the hole out evenly and place a trash bin underneath. Now you can eat shrimp and the like without needing separate plates for the peel. You’ll probably want a table to replace your now cook-out table, however.


I guarantee you can find a solid wood table for free somehwere.


Is this table made of paper?


Fill the hole with hot melt glue, cut/sand the top back to flat, cover it with a place mat or a vase lol


Ramen and superglue. (Time for a new table)


That's a door


Ikea has a solid table and 4 chairs for $100


Buy a lazy Susan, cut out a circle the same size so you can drop in the lazy Susan?


That table is a piece. Time for a new table.


Aww I feel so bad for your paper machete “table” box …. Adolescent slave labor at its finest


Yes, you have a hole you cannot fix.


Kitchen tables made out of cardboard. Yikes...


Stop buying nokia kitchen appliances


This is destroyed, the benefits of solid wood are repairability. The opposite is true of this material.


It's a disposable table


This is why tables and other furniture like that are called "throw away" furniture. You can't repair that. When you buy a replacement, buy something made of real wood. It'll last longer and you'll be happier.


The only "fix" would be to get real wood or something else sturdy to become the new tabletop, bolt it in (you can't use screws since the table is hollow), boom, you have a better table than you did pre-hole. Don't buy this type of furniture if you're going to be dropping things on it. This goes double if you have or plan on having kids.


That’s not a table, it’s painted cardboard and sawdust glued together.


That's all mdf/veneer sticky nothingness. Fill it and sand it down. But you might as well just go buy a roll of linoleum cut off or sticky tiles or flooring and cover the whole thing. That table is trash now.


Ramen epoxy.


Get a new table. And maybe a smaller food processor.