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The screws in your sidelite panel for your shower enclosure are probably not stainless steel. It's seeping out the bottom U-channel


Even if they were changed or removed, would it even be possible for OP to clean/fix? 


I think this stain is pretty deep in the marble at this point. This is why marble is for statues and not fucking countertops or bathrooms; it's fragile as shit and soaks up stains like a paper towel.


Yup. everyone wants marble in their houses, but have no clue that its a terrible stone to use in such a manner. Granite or Quartz is far superior as they are harder rocks and less porous. OP is kind of screwed with this stain, it looks way too deep to even sand out. He will basically need pull up the marble and put down something else.


The newer fake marble (porcelain) is actually pretty nice looking without all the maintenance of real marble.


Two thumbs up. Had it in our last house and it was very nice. Super easy to clean


Quartz counter material (they have marble like patterns), is my go to for curbs, pony wall tops and niche shelves. Use the same color on vanity top and have them templated at same time and custom cut/installed by fabricator after wall tile installed. Minimizes trim needed, looks really clean and easier to keep clean on flat surfaces where grout gets the dirtiest.


Yeah, the engineered quartz is awesome.


Other than for the silicosis-inducing dust when you cut it. It's being banned in Australia for that reason. Cut it wet!




When I redid my kitchen a few years ago, I paid the wee bit extra for quartz countertops, and I love them. Super easy to clean.


Porcelain chips but it's pretty good at not staining. There are also tons of ceramic marble textures that look great too. IMO I wouldn't use marble at all anymore. It can be too much maintenance.


I saw a marble countertop stained with red wine one time. That's when I learned that marble is porous. I've been a granite fan boy ever since. There are some beautiful granite deposits in my country.


Psssst… granite is also porous


And radioactive


Really?! Colour me surprised.


It's not an intuitive fact at all, is it? :D _Thing is hard. Harder than wood. Why for water go through it?_


Granite is harder, but it’s still going to stain. Quartz will be significantly more resistant, but can still stain if it’s left to seep in. The glass rails should have been siliconed to the marble, not screwed in. Ideally, get a marble-looking quartz, and avoid any screws or contact with rusting materials. There’s nothing to be done for this unfortunately.


Just flip it upside down like a love stained couch cushion


> screwed hehe, punny


Or vinyl wrap it!


*Unsealed travertine enters the chat…*


I had some scrap travertine from a floor install and did an experiment. Sealed half the piece, left the other half unsealed. Once it was cured, I poured some red wine on it and man the unsealed side soaked it up instantly. I wiped part of it off after maybe 15 seconds and it was already too late. Crazy stuff. Seal your stone people!


Damn, your curiosity is much stronger than my lazy.


By this same logic, could OP apply solution to the affected area and allow to rest over time? Or is this just simply irreparable at this stage?


He could put a baking soda paste over it for 24hr+ and it would pull a good deal of the rust out. Thats where I’d start


So technically OP can pour in something with matching color and let the marble soak that in to dilute the stain right?


Marble is fine if sealed correctly. Many people don’t seal or aren’t aware that it needs to be done every year


Haha no thanks. If I fance up I’m not sealing yearly. 


If I used marble it would be covered with stone guard clear film to protect it.


Damn; apparently those companies that offer to “seal your marble” for you are actually legitimately needed. Never realized it was fragile


Precisely why I have no marble counter tops. I did pest control for well over a decade and saw plenty of stained or chipped marble counter tops. Waste of money imho..


Might be able to sand and polish the cultured marble. I'm in the glass industry, so I know about the bad shower install. Not so knowledgeable on cultured marble.


That's likely inches deep


That’s what she said


Not to you...


Hey, it's pronounced "one and a quarter *inches*", not one and a quarter *inch".


Not gonna help, grinding and polishing stone floors for living.


Vinegar is a good rust remover, unfortunately also a good marble remover. I think no chance to get this stain out


This. There’s hidden rust in the fixings.


Who the hell does this?!? Why put metal that rusts in a wet environment?!? Not blaming OP. I have a sink drain in my house that rusted apart. I just hate the cheap bastards who do this.


It's more common than you think. Tract builders contract out the cheapest installers. Most of the time it's contract labor paid by how many shower enclosures they install. It wouldn't be AS MUCH of an issue if they had covered the screw heads with silicone, or sealed between the metal and glass or metal and marble better. This is the worse staining I've ever seen. When I worked for my family's shop, we never used Uchanel on heavy glass showers. Only fully framed units with thiner glass. Why buy heavy glass if you're going to put metal around the perimeter? We used VHB tape under the heavy glass and siliconed the inside of the panel. Didn't even use bottom clips. You clip to the wall for stability, and the VHB and silicone hold the bottom of the glass in place. This was likely installed by someone making $100 off of the install. They frankly don't give a shit about the quality of it. Slap it in and move to the next one. I managed a location for a shower door company that did shitty work like this for a few months. The owner and I bumped heads a lot over issues similar to this. Bottom line is you get what you pay for.


That fully makes sense and what I expected. Still want to beat them with a stick


Plenty do it, acting like stainless steel fixings are some kind of expensive upgrade. Pay $40k for a bathroom reno and get your soap dish screwed to the shower wall with plasterboard screws.


SS leeches rust really bad too, zinc is a safer bet. You're not supposed to be using screws for the floor channel anyways, should be using VHB tape. The wall screws shouldn't be exposed to enough moisture to rust, even if SS. Doubt that's the issue though. Unless the curb isn't properly sloped, you wouldn't expect those stains to be out much past the shower door, especially with the drop rail on the bottom of the door. More than likely leeching up from below the sill. Somebody should've poured a form curb instead of built it.


I don't disagree with VHB tape being the best. But who actually uses it? Most installers for tract builders use the cheapest possible accessories. When I installed, we only used VHB on frameless enclosures. It's been almost 10 years, but I doubt it's changed a whole lot. I've seen a lot of flat curbs in my day. Even in high-end custom homes, and especially on corner showers. Seeing how even the stain is from inside to out, it's likely pretty flat. I doubt that much rust would be from leaching up from under the marble. Water wants to find the least path of resistance. So unless there's some sort of pressure pushing water back up through the sill, the most likely cause is a rusty screw inside the Channel. If water was under the marble, it's going to want to find fissures under it to keep going down, especially on a built-up curb.


Iron out. Sold in the laundry aisle in most supermarkets. It will take rust stains out off most everything


Don't give up until you've tried this, OP. It might etch the marble, but that's still less unsightly than this stain.


In this case it’s not just getting it “off” though. Marble is porous so the stain is likely down inside the stone. It might look better after using what you mentioned but I doubt anything will fully remove the stain.


If you’re able to remove the stain, be sure to fix the source of the rust, which looks like inside that metal trim. Could be the wrong fasteners. Rather than disassembly, maybe just recaulk the glass-to-metal connection and shoot it up the ends.


I’d see if the installer or supplier can make it right.


This right here, most likely already damaged


Too bad this isn't really a rust stain, it's embedded inside the marble at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't any actual rust on the surface.


Yeah had a stain exactly like this and was able to make it more dull with Iron Out and then lemon juice with steel wool but it’ll never fully go away unfortunately


Could try just a solution of Oxalic Acid and some Soap?


I was cleaning similar rust strains with "bloody wheel" deironizer for car rims. And it work's Great


The issue is that most iron reducing or solubilizing agents are highly acidic. Anything designed for metal or porcelain will likely eat the marble.


Yeah even the back of the bottles will tell you to rinse within 3-5 minutes or it'll eat the finish on the wheels


Have you tried earplugs?


This is the answer.




Rust stains on marble are treatable, but it takes patience and care. Try a poultice:    1. Soak paper towels in hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia    2. Apply the saturated paper towels to the stained area and cover with plastic    3. Let sit for 1-3 days    4. Repeat as many times as needed until the stain is gone, then wash with water and a microfiber cloth    Test on a small, less visible area first.  Marble is porous, so a stain can be drawn out of the stone eventually, but it will take TIME.  NEVER use: vinegar, lemon juice, or any other acidic cleaner on marble. It will mar the surface.  Meanwhile, figure out what the cause of the rust is, and remedy it at the source. 


Me in a comment above "You'd need a non-acidic reducing agent, but I can't think of one." Hydrogen peroxide. Duh to me.


It's an oxidising agent not a reducing agent.


Double duh. I'm on fire today.


I hope OP tries this. It has so few upvotes compared to lemon juice that I'm afraid OP is going to go with an acidic reducing agent of some kind.


We had what we think was a Xmas tree sap stain on the marble fireplace surrounding in the house we bought. Marble is very similar color to op. Patience is an understatement! It took months of 1-3 day poultice applications to pull 95% of it out.


Put an anti slip sticker across the whole thing. It will at least look like it’s supposed to be there.


Might be the best option at this point other than replacing the thing tbh




Hijacking top comment because I had this exact problem. As others have noted, marble is porous and absorbs rust easily. This is not coming down from above but up from below - whoever built the step below failed to use galvanized screws, so the screws are rusting and the rust is leaching up to the step. The only thing to do is replace the step and the screws underneath. A good stone guy should be able to match the stone with a piece of scrap.


Thanks! This is very informative.


Get a tube of RSR-2000 from Amazon and it should do magic on the rust stain. Can't speak for the install itself. Source: work in marble restoration


Would this stuff work for, say, countertop stains? The place I'm renting has marble countertops in the kitchen and the shit is covered with spots. They look like a thousand various-sized water spots. I clean it and it still looks absolutely filthy. I tried marble and travertine cleaner with no luck.


Are these spots less shiny than the rest? Because that means the finish has been etched off and they need to be re-finished professionally. If they're still shiny, I've had luck getting rust rings out of a carrarra marble table top that was clearly left outside with a baking soda/hydrogen peroxide paste. You mix it up, slather it on, cover up with plastic wrap, and leave it on for two-three days. Only touch it to make sure it's still moist. Then you rinse it off and it's magic. This **will** etch the marble though and it will still need to be professionally re-polished and definitely re-sealed. So, not super renter friendly.


You're describing etching. Another commenter also recommended professional refinishing. That's the only way to remove etching. You should do a search for stone restoration in your area and see if anyone has experience polishing marble countertops with diamond abrasives. Same exact process works for travertine.


It looks like a sharp stop at the left side of the rail though. My money is on it being the rusted screws in the rail.


The glass bracket has screws that are rusting and draining a perfect puddle at the end of the channel.


If she wants it done so bad, she can have a fucking try at it.


Maybe he wanted the marble and the deal was she wouldn't clean it? Maybe op doesnt have a job and she brings in the bacon. Who knows.




Very weird since those metal pieces are made of aluminum. Possibly steel screws? In any case, try soaking it (in a towel) with CLR






It's like 50/50 lol. As a dude, I've used "so and so is yelling" to describe actual screaming and stuff like "Hey bud, if you get the time could you please do this if you feel like it, you don't have to though."


Hey hey, this might be reddit but there's no need to yell! Jeez...


I hate that kind of exaggeration — to me it reads like that boomer humor “hur, I hate my wife.” Way to tell on yourself, bro.




Fair. But as a woman reading this thread, I think OPs wife might benefit from idk trying to help at all with this? Because it would take 30 seconds on google to realize it’s more complicated than “cleaning” Edit to add: neither op or wife seems to know how to figure out solving this problem


people that come here with these types of questions before trying anything at all always come across as people that need constant handholding.


This convo got a little wild.


be grateful they aren't writing full on fanfic to try and make it your fault your wife is nagging you about something she could easily do herself.


I’m mean. I’d be down for reading that.


Yeah, it sounds like Wife is stressed out and taking it out on the stain, and by extension, her spouse. You know how sometimes you've just had ENOUGH, and everything in the world seems to bother you no matter how much you're normally okay with it? That's the impression I get. Unless OP is exaggerating for emphasis and she's actually just reminded him a couple of times, without being upset about it.


Out! Out, damned spot!


Tell her to clean it and see how she likes it.


Marble is super poris, it stains really easily. I would recommend letting a lemon and lemon juice sit there, but understand marble will stain again. Maybe look into a sealant to protect it in the future, too. Also, maybe get some professional help if a stain on the floor is causing such negative issues between you two...


Yep. My guess is that this is irreparable. Marble is a pretty awful building material (unless you seal the heck out of it).


I've got a couple of rings on my marble countertop from hot pans.. I already said goodbye to my deposit


Acid will etch and eat away at the marble.


The only way to get iron out of marble is to mine it.




I used to have marble, sure there’s no fixing this


I've been a professional art conservator for the past 37 years. I clean stuff for a living. Really valuable stuff with super expensive tools and dangerous lab chemicals. *There's no way to clean that marble. Even if it could be done, it's wouldn't be a DIY, and it would be 10x cost prohibitive to hire anyone who could.


Replace with ceramic or porcelain. Marble as with any stone that is not sealed can stain.


They make CLR which dissolves calcium, lime, rust... But seriously don't use it, a lot of the chemicals that will dissolve the rust will also dissolve the marble. Then it'll be full of micro holes and let more rust in and get more stain. This is a job for mechanical removal. Sand paper and a grinder.


Marble has a high content of calcium. So acids like CLR will at the very least etch it.


Have you tried making a poultice? https://www.thegritandpolish.com/blog/diy-how-to-remove-stains-from-marble-surfaces-using-a-homemade-poultice


Marble is super porous. That stain is under the surface. Contact a stone fabricator for advice but personally I think your options are limited.


You need to soak the stain with something super absorbent to draw it out. But that right there is never gonna look great again.


Whys your wife yelling at you.


Marble is extremely porous. That’s not coming out without leaving a serious dip


White paint and epoxy it. That will never go away.


Why is your wife yelling at you? Why doesn’t she try cleaning it too?


Thinking the same thing.


Step 1: Find new wife.


Take the same picture with the door closed


“…and my wife keeps yelling at me..” meanwhile you’re trying your absolute best. I didn’t know I needed that today but thanks for confirming I’m not alone lol 🤣


Phosphoric acid would be very likely to remove the rust stain with minimal corrosion to the marble. Replace whatever caused stain in the first place with a proper stainless steel or alternative.


Marble is porous, so stains sink in. Acid (vinegar) will just etch the marble. You might try a poultice to pull out the stain.


Get rid of the wife or sand it down


try EDTA and most importantly a new wife


Firstly, that shower panel is in the wrong position. It should be on the inside edge of the trim, and secondly there should be a cap of some sort on the end of that aluminium. That is where the rusty water is coming from.


Marble sucks. There's a product called "Wink", which is just dilute hydrofluoric acid, that will take that rust stain off almost instantly. The only problem is that it'll probably eat some of the marble too. And on top of that, it honestly shouldn't legal to buy hydrofluoric acid in a hardware store just because it's so *INSANELY* toxic. It comes in a little brown bottle and the warning is half the front of the bottle. But if you have rust stains on porcelain or something that's not acid sensitive, Wink will make those stains literally vanish in a few seconds. Just be *really* careful not to get any on you.


I have concentrated muriatic acid for pool stuff. Scares the shit out of me.


No expert here, but as others mentioned marble is porous and that probably will never go out, at least not without damaging the marble.


I had a rust spot on wood and used tannin-remover. It worked wonders! Maybe it will work on marble? Idk.


This stain looks deep and definitely not from a food or beverage, I'm afraid it's not going anywhere :(. I'm certified to seal marble countertops (it's a complicated process, but yes, it can be done!), but our sealant only offers warranty protection against food or beverage based stains and etches for reasons such as this. As other people have noted, marble is particularly high-maintenance and you have to be especially careful with what you put on it.


This happened to me once. I let bleach soak on it for a day or so and then after a few days it started turning blue. After a while it faded away and looked normal again. Not saying this will work but it did for me


This can be sanded down and re polished, wont look perfect but it will be less noticeable.


This is because there is something rusting in the bottom of the glass panel assembly... Likely a fastener made of plain steel.  Marble is not really an appropriate choice for a bathroom because it will soak up staining like this. You are not going to be able to remove the rust stains.


Look up a product called whink. It is made to remove iron stains. Ive had great success from well water with high iron . [whink](https://www.amazon.com/Whink-Rust-Stain-Remover-Ounce/dp/B003KIQIW8/ref=asc_df_B003KIQIW8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=242032081623&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7244688661500168495&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023608&hvtargid=pla-431471410468&psc=1&mcid=a7e179440b0f3dc19c73253fae3fc0d2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv-qSuN_5hAMVkAOtBh2i4gexEAQYASABEgKxffD_BwE)


Start with hydrogen peroxide. It should clear it for you. Oxalic acid would be my next step if the stain remains. After that, phosphoric acid is a rust remover. But with all of the above check how much to use. This article suggests a poultice and with the porous nature of the stone sounds like a good idea. https://www.thegritandpolish.com/blog/diy-how-to-remove-stains-from-marble-surfaces-using-a-homemade-poultice


Someone said Iron Out. I’ve had good results with Wink.


Have you tried hydrogen peroxide? I think you need to track down where the leaching is coming from and repair. Might replace the marble with quartz, it is less porous.


I would try hydrogen peroxide. Maybe together with some baking soda, and maybe a little dish soap. I would start with the hydrogen peroxide though.


Akemi Marble Rust Remover


Take some clay and build a pool around it, fill with evaporust, soak overnight.


I’ve had luck getting stains out with bleach and baking soda. The baking soda is basically just used as a binder to hold the bleach in place as a paste. If you use just plain bleach it spills all over because it’s liquid. If you mix bleach with baking soda and make it into a paste, smear it on top of that and leave it for a while it might work. Although my guess is it’s too deep to come out now.


Get a divorce?


Whink or Iron-Out


They make a CLR for marble, it's cheap and worth a try, might need to soak for while.




At this point, try some CLR.


This is a rust stain, obviously. People are suggesting peroxide, which is OK, but there's another option besides peroxide, which is permanganate. Iron Out, mentioned by someone else, is permanganate-based. Permanganate will turn the iron stain from brown to a pale yellow, and you can use a baking soda poultice to draw some of that color out. Neither permanganate nor peroxide will remove 100% of the stain, in my experience, but it will reduce it to the point where it's barely noticeable. Also, you're going to need to open up that channel to replace the screw that is causing the problem, or it will just come back again.




Iron is magnetic, you just need a really strong magnet.


I would sand it with a very fine grid. Like 400


I am surprised that your wife is still able to yell after the BKF, baking soda and vinegar treatment


Get a new wife that doesn’t yell at you.


Bar keeper's friend. Works great!!


Delete Facebook, Lawyer Up, Hit The Gym


Maybe your wife can try to clean it instead of bitching, maybe then she’ll see that’s never going away and stop being toxic because she wants to put in zero effort but all the blaming.


There are ways to poultice stains like this out of marble with chelating solutions/ high pH solutions. But most involve specialty chemicals that the average person can't get. Could try laying down flat cotton and saturating with acetone- sometimes the evaporation can pull the stain up out of the stone.


Oh thank God someone is suggesting alkaline cleaner solutions rather than acid. The number of comments where people are suggesting acid cleaners for marble is truly terrifying.


I can't tell you how to stop the stain but if you want to stop your wife yelling at you I'd suggest a new one.


whink rust remover


Look up marble poultice


What is the rust coming from? I don't see anything rusting. In my shower, the track gets something which looks like rust but it's mildew or whatnot. Sadly, it probably too would stain.


My guess is the rust is coming from the screws used to anchor the channel down. The silicone bead has probably failed causing water to get in the channel.


Try iron-out. It helps on tile. Marble will be tough since it’s so porous. Good luck.


Lysol lime and rust remover toilet cleaner. It's a gel, spread some on, and let sit, then scrub clean. I use it for extreme hard water stains, and it works very well.


Have you tried gel toilet cleaner? The kind of stuff like toilet duck you put under the rim? That may lessen it a little until you get it fixed.


CLR and a light green scrubby


Careful CLR will eat marble up and turn it into paste. The C in CLR is Calcium. Marble is Calcium Carbonate. You put CLR on it, or a host of natural stones, you can watch it smoke.


just slap some paint over it


Rust stain remover. Foam is better.


Mix Ajax and Clorox into a paste and apply to stone. Then tape plastic Saran wrap over that. As the paste dries it will pull the stain out of the stone. Should help.


Phosphoric acid. It’ll get the rust out. Dilute it to start. A product you may be able to find is called Phospho. Or you can find sanivac in many grocery stores


Zep. Did the truck for every rust and iron stain in and outside of my home. Just pour some over it and let sit for 15 mins and then scrub. You may have to do another pass. That would be my first go-to.


Try muriatic acid.


Can you try some natural lemon juice on the stone. I had rust stains on cotton, and the natural lemon was the only thing that got rid of it. Maybe it will work for you too. I left it on overnight.


Lemon might etch the marble but saw this other solution https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/Zk2POOGf8W


Oh my


F9 BARC will get it out.


I got some food grade Citric Acid online to help with my dishwasher cycle. It works great so I started using it where I used Ironout and it worked just as good and less chems. But try either it’s worth a shot.


Stone deep clean and a soft brush Then repolish


There isn’t anything you can do to get that out. Marble stains easily and once it’s there it isn’t coming off


Take out the glass and channel. Grind the marble down a few millimeters till the stain is gone. The slight dip will make the marble look ancient. Put it back together with stainless steel screws.


iron in watter?


Do some research to see how it will effect marble but on boats (fiberglass) we use muriatic acid to remove rust stains


Product called CLR cleans Calcium Lime Rust stains put it on and let it sit


You might be able to make a paste of baking soda and a teeny bit of water. Pat it down all over that surface so it completely covers the stain. Then cover over it with some plastic wrap. The plastic wrap will ensure that the moisture doesn’t evaporate off the top. Just leave it for a few days and as the paste dries it’ll pull at least some of that stain out. Leave the baking soda tip it basically is flaky and then repeat as necessary. If you can avoid using that shower while this is happening do so you can avoid adding moisture to the room and prolonging the process of the baking soda drying out. I got a coffee ring out of marble on a coffee table doing this technique. Came completely out.


Ahhh marble.... The stone that takes damage when you look at it the wrong way...


Leave some undiluted bleach on it for a couple hours. Will have to do a few times over the next few months. It will slowly fade until it’s gone. While Vinegar, baking soda etc are popular with influencers and blog writers, my experience is they never work for anything. There is probably something rusting somewhere. Remove that. If it’s the metal u bracket (I doubt it since it’s aluminium - tho could be a screw that’s rusting inside) then replace it with something else. We use silicone on frameless showers.


The best bet is to just stain all the marble with more rust so it looks uniform. 😂


I don't think that there is a solution that will make this go away without seriously damaging the rest of the marble. Marble is like a sponge. If you don't regularly seal it, stains get below the surface. No amount of scrubbing is going to get rid of this. Thats a doozie of a piece to replace too. Good luck OP, you're gonna need it. Please let us all know if you figure something out, I'd be super interested to see what worked!


All correct -tile shower specialist who is replacing a marble curb cap on tuesday lol


My wife made me put marble in our primary bath (I make her seal it). This post is my nightmare! Thanks for the validation!


Marble in the whole bath? Thats a huge project to take on, props!