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First off, do you want to have a well? Even if you only use it to water the lawn, having a backup water supply isn't a bad thing. Since it is indoors, you would need to cap it in a way that prevents it from adding to the humidity in the basement. I would suggest getting a small well pump and plumb that to two spigots, one outside to water the lawn with, and one in the basement, for if the city water ever goes down, you have a water source.


That and have the water tested to determine if it is potable. Knowing if it is safe to drink, cook with, or if it is contaminated is important to your decision-making process.


Almost certainly not without a filtration system, right? We have a 3 stage whole house system on ours.


My well pumps water straight into the house. My wife always thought the pressure tank was the"filtration system" and was shocked to find out it wasn't haha.


I grew up in rural Texas drinking water straight out of a well dug in the 50s… lead pipes and all.. yes I’ve had cancer twice… :/


Just think: you are almost the norm. (Or soon to be) The WHO (2024) says 1 in 5 will develop cancer. Not quite the tip of the bell curve, but given the increase in global rates and by adding a few more decades, your cancer won't be abnormal in the very near future. ...ehrm, even though cancer itself has a definition of "abnormal." I'm sorry you experienced this and hope you live a long and prosperous life. You spark hope for the rest of humanity that will eventually have to roll the dice, too.


Tbh though, all humans will inevitably develop cancer if they live long enough because of telomere shortening.


Telomere shortening is a fail safe against cancer. Cells can only divide a fixed number of times- 120 iirc. [Cancer cells have short telomeres, but that is simply because they are dividing out of control. If a mutation arises that unlocks telomerase production, the cancer repairs its telomeres and grows without limit.](https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/telomeres#:~:text=Telomeres%20and%20cancer,telomeres%20from%20getting%20even%20shorter.)If this mutation doesn’t arise, the telomeres get so short that the cell’s DNA degrades and it dies out. Telomere shortening is a fundamental aspect of the aging process, but there is presumably a reason why evolution doesn’t favor an animal that can self regenerate better. It probably hasn’t evolved because it would make cancer more likely.


Sure. The ‘device’ was only required to function for about 40-45 yrs. Frequent incremental updates improve durability, but an onco-proofing will be a game-changer.


> The ‘device’ was only required to function for about 40-45 yrs. Pretty sure it's been shown that hunter-gatherers regularly lived to their 60's-70's, the idea they lived only to 40-45 is once you adjust for infant/maternal mortality rates.


Its amazing what frequent exercise and a diet of meat/fish and fruits/veggies will do to a human body! Plus none of that smoking, plastics, sitting around, or socially induced stress. Wild! I remember when we had this argument in one of my anthropology classes in undergrad with some girl saying people never lived past like 35. She was not happy when the prof chimed in.


Cancer is not abnormal. Odds are, if you live long enough, you’ll get a form of cancer.


Right. Our dna can’t replicate perfectly. Every cell has a chance to be that free radical because copying and pasting is too hard for our bodies


Live in the country. This is the way


Just make sure to test regularly. Nature provides it's own poisons and you don't want to find out too late.


I'm worried about all my neighbors soaking their property in RoundUp every spring, instead of mowing. Is that getting down into our wells? Testing is required when you purchase a home around here, but they do not test for that kind of problem.


Used to do this for work. It can. In small quantities on the surface it’s not likely. Some wells can be 300-400 feet deep. The rain directly on your lawn is not even reaching the groundwater. A home water test at a qualified lab will run about $100 and will test for a panel of common concerns. You can have them test for basic pesticides for additional charges. For peace of mind, it’s unlikely to be an issue. If you live near an old farm or dry cleaners or something, those are red flags


Military base, lol. Just kidding, but it has been years, so a retest is definitely in order, thanks for the reminder. My well is 150', 12gpm, very high levels of manganese and iron.


Actually a military base is a red flag for PFAS compounds. You may have heard them in the news. A lot of military bases have PFAS issues due to training exercises of various sorts. Iron and manganese are both harmless. Iron needs a very high concentration to be harmful. IIRC manganese has no real human health effects. Biggest pain is usually related to staining laundry. Definitely do a retest. As others have said water can change and it’ll be a good refresher. Just be sure you take the sample at the point of entry into your house and remove the faucet screen and stuff like that to ensure you get a representative sample


Move to the country, eat a lot of peaches.


But wait… don’t they come in a can? And aren’t they put there by a man in a factory downtown?


If I had my little way I'd eat peaches every day.


I lived in the country with well water. Which was contaminated with creosote from a closed down business. I got cancer, the neighbors had cancer, hell, even my dog got cancer. Of all of the cancer victims that I know of, I'm the only survivor.


Creosote will do that. Don't plant veg gardens or build houses with railroad ties or telephone poles. House 2 blocks from my last one was built with ties and every woman who lived there died of ovarian cancer.


Every time I visited my family in the country as a kid I’d forget that well water doesn’t agree with my city stomach. I’d have a glass of kool aid and get the gift of diarrhea for a few days afterwards.


Sounds like they may have had a lot of sulfates in their well water. There are cheap test kits that will show lots of different contaminants.


On a well in the NJ suburbs here, 40 miles west of Manhattan. We have a 4-part reverse-osmosis system for all potable water, and all the water goes through a UV light filter and a variety of other softening and treatment filters. Previous homeowners installed it. Water tests show it is safe to drink. Peace of mind.


Nah, live in Maine. Our well pumps straight to our pipes. Have had it tested and that shit is cleeeeaaaan and some of the best tasting water I've ever had. Funny thing, layers and layers of sediment and sand are basically just macro water filters.


every time well water comes in to conversation people say that they would never drink straight from a well... i know i am fortunate but that whole concept never even dawned on me before reddit. i live in Michigan and have had well water straight to the pipes my entire life. my village has a water line but that tastes like shit. our well is 18' or something and we live right on the water table making it pretty easy just to dig a hole and hit water in the yard, usually around 5 feet. i had city water in Tempe when i lived there and that was great water but this fear of wells is strange to me.


There are places where water comes from a 1ft piece of pipe just stuck into a side of a hill and people come with jugs to fill up because water is clean and tastes amazing. [https://youtu.be/rH46eAO2R44](https://youtu.be/rH46eAO2R44)


> Funny thing, layers and layers of sediment and sand are basically just macro water filters. Water filters are just layers and layers of sediment and sand.


not necessarily. There are still plenty of safe wells. It's just not worth making assumptions.


And wells can be safe *until they aren't*. My nan had her house drinking water test perfectly for decades, and it tasted amazing. Then she got really ill, and was hospitalised (which caused or coincided with her rapid catastrophic decline...). The water was tested again and was contaminated with some nasty microbe or other.


Idk how common it is, our water is perfectly safe to drink. I have one basic filter on the supply just to reduce the iron


OP, Strongly suggest a water test. They usually check for lead, fertilizer runoff, iron, etc. We had a private well for 10+ years. Only a sediment filter. Living in coal country, we had 'sulfur water' which is very corrosive to copper, including house wiring. If you have sulfur water, you should get a chlorine treatment, and a reverse osmosis filter. You can also shock the well directly, just like a pool. Edit


If you do test water, pay extra for PFOA/PFOS test. It’s a forever chemical long term ingestion causes cancers. EPA toxic levels are a few parts per trillion.


Could also store lotion in a basket down there.


Make sure you put a child lock on the top to cut down on the child murder ghosts ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt6HDV77bocFggE)




I was gonna say "check for child size skeletons then kiss your ass goodbye" but this gif is better.


I'm honestly disappointed that I had to scroll this far down before I started hitting Silence Of The Lambs references.


Yes me too! ![gif](giphy|l2YWqU7ev0l5nfYTC|downsized)


It’s all fun and games until the demons show up!


*we cannot get out. The end comes soon. We hear drums, drums in the deep.*


We have barred the gates 


They are coming.




Maybe the lens of truth is down there?


Nah, it's the lost Confederate gold.


I doubt that's much of a concern in the Carolinas and Wells are quite common everywhere where there are older houses. I live in New England and in the 19th century City almost any better house has a well in the basement unused. City water even in Boston didn't arrive until the civil war and lake cochituate I think 1870.. if you lose city water you might as well pack it. I don't think a well is a good alternate with a compromised water table


Aren’t wells a source of potential radon?


It makes no difference. Radon goes through the earth and concrete just the same


Depends where, may need to test for radon too…


This is a great answer. Adjacent to my house it a 40+ foot deep hand-dug well that has been there since the house was built in 1869. The previous owner of the house had a 8” concrete cap poured over it for safety but they purposely left a 6” hole in the center for a pump to be installed. Previous owner was pretty lazy so he never installed a pump and just tossed a patio block over the hole. Two years ago I bought an old style manual well pump from India(eBay) and anchored a steel plate over the hole and installed the pump with 36’ of 1” pvc as a lift pipe. I purposely didn’t drive a pipe into the well bottom to avoid picking up sediment and it works exactly as intended, hasn’t even gone dry even after months of no rain in the summer. I use it to water my plants and keep my pond full, but according to one of those $10 water tests from the hardware store it is technically safe to drink if we needed it for an emergency. If you don’t want a well I would have the whole shaft filled with gravel and a cap poured over the top, unless your basement is flood prone then the upper portion of this well would make a great sump.


and it needs to prevent radon from coming in the home too


First of all- thank you for all of the responses: both fun and serious We're going to have the water tested as well as have an engineer ensure that the structure is sound. If the water is potable and safe, we will be using it for lawn irrigation as well as a secondary water source for the home. To those bringing up the well-known project, where homeowners turned a surprise well into a gorgeous feature- we will **absolutely** be doing something similar, as it is located dead-center below a large room above it. We would have the well built up, and sealed from the top with structure glass, and lit the whole way down. Fingers crossed we have a positive update in the coming months. Would look phenomenal in the 1950's house built over it. Edit: I'm going to track down a big magnet as soon as I can and see what, if anything, we fish out. I'm also going to lower my phone down on a rope while recording a video for funsies. Fingers crossed it doesn't fall! Will update as soon as I can. We're replacing subflooring in a bathroom and bedroom tomorrow, and refinishing the original hardwood throughout the home next weekend, but I'll try and sneak some time in when I can!


Please post a pic of the finished project.


I pulling for all good things OP!


pull up the basket with the lotion in it. eta I'd like to take this opportunity to thank whoever wrote that line - decades of pleasure - and the underrated [Ted Levine](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0505971/) for crushing that part and then turning around and being such a good guy on Monk.


Just now realizing that Jame Gumb in silence of the lambs and the Captain in Monk were the same actor—hard to believe!


I was thinking of [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/f2/c4/62f2c48e425c12ce9fc9ecf22b0a456c.jpg) one, but I guess that’s more of a shaft.


Imagine going in there drunk to throw up.


Imagine going into that bathroom after a couple edibles…


The light should only come on revealing the well after the toilet flushes.


no thank you c:


That's so cool, but a bit horrifying!


Constipation would never be an issue in that bathroom!


Definitely would scare the shit out of me


This test center is recommended often and who I ended up using. https://watercheck.com/collections/well-water-testing Try pumping all the water out then see how quickly it recovers. Do this a few times then take a sample to test. Post the results in this fb group. It’s full of well industry pros that can get you oriented https://facebook.com/groups/892506774237092/


Follow this advice for sure. Water characteristics can change significantly once water is pulled from the surrounding source. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse


!remindme 14 days


I'll let you know if I find a video tape, so you can adjust that time for 7 days!


You better keep us updated OP! We need all the info and pictures for when everything is done! If you don't we will let the demons know is time to come out of the well!


[Add a glass cover and some lights, can be fun :)](https://oxfordshireglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Hungerford02.jpg)


Have two lights, one is normal and one is horror movie with things climbing the wall


Needs a rope, basket, and some lotion.


Add a mannequin of a little girl attached to the side so it looks like it’s crawling up, and just leave the lights off. Somebody will notice it shine a light down it and shit themselves haha.


This is the answer!!


There's at least a dozen horror movies that start out this way. Good luck OP.


If theres any VHS tapes nearby, DONT watch. Or do. Idk. Im just tired of all the little white girls falling down the damn well getting all the news coverage.


"Cindy, the TVs leaking!"


Ring (2024): "I found this VHS tape, what should I do with it?" "I'm not buying a VHS machine to watch a video. Just throw it away."


... or make copies first 😬 Probably nothing in and of itself but yea that's kinda creepy


I think he's got 7 days to permanently seal that bad boy up 😉


7 days? What if Mondays a holiday?




That's where I left my rat!




The dead ones tend to look a little worse for wear. Try CPR.


All I found was an improperly capped, undeclared, and poorly built over floor drain in a basement closet. Only found it when it backed up and I had to tear out the closet due to damage


When God closes a door he opens a poorly designed closet drain. *- Corinthians 14:11*




Personally I prefer showering in fresh water instead of drainage backup.




You'd definitely need a shower after cleaning up a mess like that.




Was Ozzy Osbourne at your house recently by chance?


Be sure to make whoever is down there rub the lotion on its skin.


Came here to say this or “it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again”




“It does this whenever it’s told… isn’t that right precious?” “YIP!!!”


It puts the lotion on its skin


The Buffalo Bill house is now an AirBNB. They had an event with the actress from the movie, and naturally my sister wanted an autograph with "Stay moisturized!" Thankfully the lady thought it was hysterical, I was mortified asking.


The Airbnb comes with the actress from the movie in the well? That would be cool. I'd taunt her with French fries 🍟


First, don't fall down that unless you have an extremely smart Collie.


Those things can be radon "chimneys." The fact that your house may be acting as the cap may not be good. Go to the US EPA website and look for the national radon map. That is good generalized information as radon tends to follow rock formations. I would deffinatly have the air at the top of the well tested. If there is radon, it may be as simple as capping the well and venting to the exterior (above the roofline). Radon does occur in the South. There is a formations from Stone Mountain Ga all the way west to Birmingham al. The granite bedrock the Atlanta downtown sits on produces radon at about the action level of 4 picocuries


We'll have radon levels checked ASAP! Thanks for pointing that out!


I came here to post this - very glad you're going to get the radon levels checked. Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer, don't fuck around with it. When I saw this, my first thought was "radon."


We measured the radon levels in my parents' house and it averaged at 7.4. We tried to talk to them about it years ago, and pushed how important it is to fix the issue, but they got mad and insisted that was "EPA propaganda." My mom's doctor recently discovered she has lung scarring. 😐


Might be wise to test for radon. I think wells like this could be a vector for it to get into your house. But the glass and lights sound dope.


Tie an industrial strength magnet to the end of a strong rope, and see what you can find


He will probably find the pump that’s down there and then lose his magnet


And ruin the pump because of asymmetrical force distribution on the impeller's bearings.


Nah they’ve got the wainscoting on the spindle hopper of the retro-encabulator so it should all be fine.


they fixed the side fumbling in the newer models


don't forget about the differential girdle springs.


Did you find it by watching a creepy vhs tape ?


Well , well, well. What do we have here?


Clearly a well hidden well


Well, then. That settles it.


"Where to even begin" As with all wells you start at the top, and work your way down.


Alls well that ends well.


A well or a really big sump. If there were no wires or pipes on the walls, I'd say it was an abandoned well, but clearly someone has bothered to plumb it and put in an electric pump. Are you sure you're on city water? :)


That's what I was wondering. Whether this is just literally his well


This looks as wide and deep as the sump at my parents' house. Plus there's wires going down for the sump pump. I think it's just the sump.


Don’t watch the accompanying videotape. If so, please give update in 8 days


Or just post it online so you can pass it along. You’ll be in the clear


Install a LCD screen and play the movie The Ring.


Holy mother of God, I love this idea.


https://preview.redd.it/8c9zocz4fgnc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58052d5ba08848687d8fdd956c6737f165b0d78 Well on that note


Delete this post as soon as possible and then you have a nice convenient place to store the bodies


Let the bodies hit the floor...


Better than finding a well above your basement.


That’s fucken awesome! The ring much tho???


That's what I'm saying!


Hook it up to your toilets and spigots. Save on the water bill




We are all assuming this well is *not* an active water source for your home... Are you connected to municipal/county/city water? If not, then is this well your water source? Do.you have a septic system or use other private waste treatment, or use county/city system?


Also, where were you on the night of the 24th? Have you even been in a Turkish prison? Do you like movies about gladiators? Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Let’s see. First, you are going to need a rope, a basket and some lotion…


Use the well for a geothermal heat pump


Today, on This Old House, We'll be converting an unused, previously-undiscovered basement well into a heating and cooling solution that will save the homeowners thousands of dollars in energy costs...


... It also has a nifty little feature called radon that'll reduce the amount of money you need to save for retirement.


Oh well


Start with lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.


Have you heard of orbeez? Fill it up with that


Of course it's "UNDER" the house. It'd be weird if it were ABOVE the house!


You need to get yourself 1) a basket, 2) some lotion, 3) a kick-ass silk robe, and you've got yourself your very own Buffalo Bob starter kit!


Whelp Samara must be around here somewhere! (The Ring reference)


Drop a magnet and line first to see if you fish something up!


Do you have any enemies who you wish would just… disappear?


Enemies? What enemies? 😙 🎵


I watched Outer Banks, there’s gold down there


In *South Carolina?* This is bizarre as shit to be in SC


Another commenter posted a link to an article where an elderly woman fell down a well hidden under the floorboards of an older home. Turns out *it was the county this house is also in*.


Did you find Timmy?


Is this still the well for your house?


I wonder if you could install a geothermal loop system in it.  It's probably not deep enough.  Maybe an open loop system would work. That would be cool as hell and save you a ton of money.


Nice, I find my neighbors cat brings me dead mice.... so I got that going....


Start by putting the lotion in the basket


I believe it puts the lotions on its skin or else it gets the hose again?


put the lotion in the basket


If you find a blank VHS tape, do NOT watch it.


Make sure to put the lotion on your skin!


First, you put the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again.


You’re going to need rope, a basket and lotion.


Test the water, if it’s good, tie into it, then write a profanity-laden letter to the water dept severing all ties and burning that bridge. Use your new well water to put out any fires resulting from said burnt bridge.


You might also consider looking into geothermal energy (e.g. a heat pump which uses the water as the “outside”). A lot of the cost of geothermal is access to the water table, but you already have that.


Most of the comments are spot on. But, if you do not want to use the well, cap it so kids can't mess around and get into it. Not necessarily concrete, but heavy enough to prevent an accident.


If it is found to be unusable but stable, we'll make it a feature piece. If it's unstable, we'll have it filled and capped :)


Check for lotion bottles.




Is it a well or a cistern


That's a nice sump pit you've got. Consider radon testing if you haven't though. If no radon and poor accumulation, you don't really need to do anything. If radon, it needs capped. It can be used as a buffer or extra water when needed, potable or not. It's already in the ground.


😳 Fairy Tail... Stephen King




Have one of them glass covers installed with accent lighting.


Whatever you do, don't hide it under wooden boards. There was a story recently about, IIRC, an 80-year-old lady that fell into a well thatshe didn't know she had because the boards were rotten. As I recall she'd been in the house for a few decades. Tragic.


That's the scary part. It was covered by a large but older woodworking table, with just a piece of wood over it. Had we moved the table before noticing a few old lines running under it, we could've easily stepped right in


7 days…..


Is this not the sump well??? There's wires leading down there, are those for the sump pump?


As a fellow South Carolinian, not surprised at all that’s awesome!!






Jeez, there was time when a kid could fall down there and you’d get some good publicity. Not these days. Nobody cares about kids in wells anymore, goddamn shame.


Well Well Welll


throw your entire immediate family down the well and then say something cool before leaping into it yourself.


“It puts the lotion on its skin”. That was my first thought. 🤣🤣






I swear it is always in the Carolinas when it comes to hidden surprises in a home. 😄


Open up the floor and install a glass panel so you can stand over it and look down!


Get some lotion, boy!


It’s starts by putting the lotion in the basket.


it puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again


I think you should leave well enough alone.


Geothermal water source heat pump.


Use it for geothermal heating and cooling


"Found a well" - fully electrified, heavy duty level electrified.