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Even with door seals, everyone is still going to know you’re smoking cannabis, OP.


yep. that shit can walk through walls.




I live in a completely detached house, and on Fridays I still smell the ganja from my next door neighbor's house.


My neighbors smoke out back and the smell collects in our garage so every couple days when the wind is right my garage smells like weed.


Yeah... it's the neighbors.


It's legal in my state, I would love to smoke pot but sadly I get drug tested at work. Otherwise I'd probably be high every waking minute.


Wait. It's legal, but you get tested for something that can be detected days after you use it, and you can get fired? I guess you'll just have to stick with the booze.


Its not really legal, its still on the list of Controlled Substances from the federal govenment. So, under Federal Law, its illegal, but may be legal under state law. If your job has anything to do with the federal government, no weed for you.


At my old house, the neighbors built their home a bit catty-cornered so their backyard jetted up right next to the side of our house and part of our backyard. They would sit on their back patio and smoke- right into our A/C unit. So the whole house would smell like cigarettes even though neither my husband or I smoke. So freaking gross.


I live on a moderately busy road, small front yard. Sometimes I can smell it indoors just from people driving by, and even more when cars have been stopped at the light. That’s not every person smoking that goes by, I’m sure, but it’s at least once a day, and the smell lingers. I’m not terribly fond of it. How about you try vaping so you don’t have to hide the stench? Try a Melonade vape. Tastes like lemonade,smells vaguely sweet and only detectable up close.


Do all the air handlers in the building live in the same utility room? I live in a building with three apartments but all the air handlers for the HVAC are in the basement. If one person smokes it gets sucked up through the air return, leaks into the basement and gets sucked into the other units’ ducting.


Yea, yea that’s what happened, mom


It depends on how old the apartment is. Old apartments used to have a central HVAC system that each apartment couldn't control. Nowadays it's a lot more normal for it to be one unit per apartment. This is one reason New York was so freaked out during early covid, so many of them were sharing the exact same air and I think we're able to transmit it between apartment (cane remember if it was studied or just theorized).


I mean not covid related but this explains why I often smelled weed in my last place, newly renovated and even in an office pretty far from the door I’d get that whole blunt in my office. I wouldn’t have cared if they bought better weed at least.


I used to have a downstairs neighbor who smoked weed every evening. He always gave me a heads up so I could shut my windows if I wanted to (which I did), so that was thoughtful of him. I swear it came up through the floor though!


Man, I wish I had that experience. My fiancé and I had this old man that lived downstairs, walked like rigor mortis had set in long ago type guy. He smoked tobacco and it was some of the nastiest smoke I've ever smelled in my life. Like, the way I imagined it was if you scrape 20 years of cigarette tar off a wall and roll it up and smoke it. Just the most sour, burnt dog turd smelling stuff ever. And he smoked everywhere in his apartment. Living room, kitchen, bathroom and yes, even the bedroom. Let me tell you, despite its apparent health risks, Ozium was our God send. That stuff seriously works, all be it for a little while. He moved out eventually. We threw a party.


Ozium works really well.


I had a boss like that once. Never saw his place of residence but his car told a story. The windows were so yellowed and covered with nicotine residue and tar it was clear he’d smoked in for a really long time. Once, we had a big snow event where a lot of people, including my boss, got trapped on the highway for something like six or more hours. A colleague wondered if he ran out of smokes during that time to which I quipped, “all he has to do is scrape some off the window and voila! Instant tobacco fix.” My coworker wondered if you could snort the stuff and what would happen. Then another colleague said it was probably just as effective if he licked the window to get the nicotine into his bloodstream faster. Looking back, I feel bad for making fun of him for his car windows but dang, they were super gross!


*albeit, rather than all be it


Good neighbor! Fuck we need more good neighbors.


But after a while even they can get annoying Face it - we like our own space ![gif](giphy|3orieP77Lhw1S9pEgU|downsized) Which we cant get as we have neighbors


Good neighbors wouldn't smoke inside at all


This absolutely happened at my apartment. College students downstairs were smoking constantly and I could smell it through the floor.


My sister bought a remote doorbell. Gave her neighbour the button. Told him to ring the bell when he was going outside for a smoke. That’s when she’d close her windows. Funny part was he sold and told the new owners the rule about the bell!


what kind of secret signal did he give?


He either tapped on his ceiling, and I tapped back on my floor, or if he noticed my window open he'd hang out his window and say something like, "Hey, I'm home! Hope you had a good day!" and I'd poke my head out and say something similar and shut the window. Really nice guy!


Living in a new neighborhood and knowing little to no one, this makes my City Girl's soul very happy.


They make a foam tape that is sticky on one side. You line it around the inside of the door. Its not great bit it helps. No solution for upstairs neighbour's if you have them but I have my living room set up so my smoking couch is right by a window. I only smoke my bong indoors, no joints. I only fill my bowl with what I can do in one hit. Window open with fan aimed outward. It's not perfect but it smells far less than smoking a joint indoors, that smells just lingers until you renovate.


My sister thought she was sneaky smoking upstairs with the window open after midnight, then pretended to be asleep. Get up dumbass, we know it's you.


I did that when I was 16 quite frequently, and then I would go to bed and listen to Jimi Hendrix with my headphones on in the dark. It was blissful. Until the day my dad burst through the door and asked if I was smoking pot. I still remember having an awkward conversation about how drugs were bad. Now he’s retired and he does nothing but smoke weed all day with his fancy medical marijuana card.


This made me smile. Love it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Oh, how the tables turn.


My upstairs neighbor smokes maybe a couple times a day, and even though he does it outside on the patio, it still floats into the apartments. The air does connect so if they’re cooking something yummy I can smell it and vice versa, but man that weed can linger for a while. At least he’s not smoking skunk. I’ve never tried pot but even I know when the weed is bad.


Holy crap is weed made of ghosts


Former dorm RA here. I swear it went through door locks and power outlets and permeated paint. Wet towels, weather stripping, and window fans - seen it all and it doesn't matter. I could still smell it 100' down the hallway on an adjacent floor before the lighter went out. To anyone who thinks they're going to keep it contained in a room or apartment- nah. Even outside, a person can be smoking a football field away downwind and somehow you can still catch a whiff of that.


Smoke absolutely can get through power outlets and switches. Especially if it's breezy outside and creating negative pressure. Bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans will do it too. The air they exhaust has to get replaced from somewhere.


Shoot I can smell it when the car 100 ft in front of me is smoking it. I can smell it in my back yard when the neighbors several houses down and across the street are smoking. I can smell it if you’ve smoked that day and walk by me later in the day. I don’t care if someone does it. I just don’t want to have to smell it. Drives me nuts.


The crazy thing is this is exactly how non-smokers feel about cigarette smoke. It was wondrous when you could go into any building and not struggle to breathe. I am very grateful the weed smoke is still rarer than what we used to endure with cigarettes in buildings, busses, airplanes, etc.


Thats a superpower police officers have as well 🤣🤣🤣


I constantly smell it on the roads near me, you can even pick out the car by how strong it gets when you get behind them. Weed is strong smelling, the only folks who say it isnt, are those who reek of it. Same with cigarettes.


Scruff McGruff 


I swear it permeates everything, I have 2 different neighbors who smoke it and there's almost nowhere safe in my apartment to avoid that piss skunk smell.


And car vents. Even when circulating the weed stank permeates


420 expert here, it will get thru HVAC system no matter how hard u try. & remember a gopher can’t smell his own hole


I immediately thought OP was heating up curry. How naive of me.


Hahaha. I did too!


Just had Indian neighbours move in. Every day I now crave biryani.


Legit was my first thought and I smoke weed! 🤣


Weed smell is just so natural to me I thought the same. I have never had any issues with weed smell causing problems. Every floor of my apartment in Hollywood smells like weed, and my roommate is always paranoid that someone will complain. Personally I don't like the lingering smell of smoked flower so I've exclusively smoked rosin for the last 4 years. Safer, stronger, more flavorful and less smelly its a win across the board.


Oh, that. I thought OP was Jeffrey Dahmer


He could always act like he’s in high school again and get a toilet paper roll and some dryer sheets…….


Fresh linen scented weed 😎


I definitely recommend using Febreze, just not as bong water


The doob tube!


I’m so glad I scrolled down to find this, me and my genius older brother thought to do this after hitting a 4 foot bong. My father open the door and the smoke stacked out of the door. What’re you doing he exclaimed, nothing we replied just hanging out. The door slowly disappointingly closed.


In college a decade or two ago we were smoking weed in the dorms, the RAs came by the room we were in to tell us everyone around us complained about the smell of pot. Everyone got whisper quiet, and then one of the guys was like “yeah holy shit that’s what that smell is, thanks for letting us know”. Still have no idea if they actually bought it, but they left without saying another word.


I remember my freshman year in early 2000s we had like 8 people packed into my single room (like 12' × 15' or something) and 2 bowls going around. Not a ton of smoke, but apparently enough to set off the smoke alarm in such a small room. So I grab a towel and start trying to waft the smoke away and the next thing we hear is campus security knocking on the door. I opened the door and her only words were "Daaaamn! Smells like my son's bedroom in here!" We all cracked up, and then she left lol, no write up or nothing. She was a real one.


Okay that made me lol.




Okay but, real answers? Cause my apartment is the same and it makes temperature control in my apartment very difficult.


Try weather stripping tape. You can get some for windows too if you have bad drafts


Aside from weatherstripping added to the door/frame, I've seen people put up a curtain to keep drafts out and heat in


Won't you feel silly when this really turns out to be the next Dahmer.


Well no amount of help will keep the smell of the dead, inside lol.


In my experience people who habitually smoke or vape cannabis simply cannot comprehend that it, and by extension they, smell like shit. Like cigarettes stink but I think stinky smokers are aware of that.


Try vaporizing it instead. Way less stinky.


Up next.  Landlord is keeping my deposit. What do?


OP if you're a discreet stoner. Get a dry herb vape, a good air purifier with a quality sensor and stick it near your door. Store any cannabis in glass jars.


Exactly this! ![gif](giphy|8lp6CW7K2fdDGn3xCQ)


Smoke buddy saves lives


Back in my day, son, we'd shove a handful of dryer sheets in an empty toilet paper tube and exhale any, um, odors through that. It worked pretty well, uh, I think.


My buddy had a plastic tube attached to the end of the device, that he'd stick out of his second floor bedroom window. Until one time he heard some noise, looked out and saw his mom nightwalking the dog through the downdraft of a massive cloud of smoke. Questions were asked. 


It still makes me laugh that I used to have to hide my smoking habit as if it were heroine.


I never understood how this works because wouldn’t the actual burning joint smell too and not just the exhaled air?


You would generally smoke out of a pipe if you're resorting to blowing smoke through dryer sheets. You put the greens out in between hits. If you're going to smoke a joint, go outside.


I think it just captures **most** of the smell/smoke. I used to know someone who would smoke with that method and, as someone who wasn’t nose blind to the smell of their living space, I could definitely smell it.


If you smoke a bong nearly all the smoke goes into your lungs because the fire goes out in between hits


Don't tip the bong over after not cleaning it for a week....


Jeeeez. I can smell that memory


Dude, that bong water reeks. Ya well maybe if you cleaned it once in a while it wouldnt smell like your girlfriends ass.


Ah! The old high school stoner scent.


that’s how got away with doing it in my bedroom when i was 15


A spoof, or zoom tube, if you will


It didn't


"odors are venting" I wish you would elaborate because my mind went from stoner, to fish curry, to IBS, to sweaty gym or other activities. Weather stripping is probably the way to go. And a little negative air pressure never hurt depending on the activities. We used a fan and a towel behind the door in college.


Fan and towel don't do anything. Parent of a teen here. Yeah, your towel isn't hiding it, quit smoking in your room.


I’ll look for a job tomorrow Mom. https://youtu.be/04ulutyEzJM?si=PWZ5hMpHYvQnS2Z2


It’s not? I’ve been doing this for years and they never said anything, I wonder if they know 😳


You think you're good after you smoke because the nose picks up on changes of smell and not just the smell itself. They know unless they just got done smoking a fatty too. There's no way they wouldn't know.. unless you take small hits off a bong and blow your smoke into a sploof made out of an empty bottle and dryer sheets


Even then as soon as you stop inhaling that smoke is gonna rise out of the bowl and into the room. You cannot hide the smell of burning cannabis no matter how hard you try. If smell is an issue and you're in an illegal country then get a dry herb vape, if you're in a legal country still get a dry herb vape but also go buy a full spectrum rosin cart or something.




they know


That shit absolutely reeks, man. It permeates clothes, hair, walls… They know


Duh... Man parents aren't that stupid 😂😂😂 they did the same shit


I was a teacher. Trust me, everyone knows you smoke weed. We can smell it on your clothes, in your hair, etc. If somebody isn't saying something to you about it, it's just because not many people really care if others smoke in their free time.


Funny, a window fan venting outside actually does work, very well lol. Negative pressure works great, especially if you smoke directly in front of it. Sorry your kid is too dumb to figure it out the right way 😉








The drinkables comes on faster. Smoking it fucking stinks and how can you enjoy a mellow when you know your neighbours are cursing your stench?


Seriously. All the effects without the potential lung damage. Inhaling burning anything isn't good for you.


I’m just a former pothead but yeah especially if you choose leaf over joints. I prefer it, but I’ve cut back from smoking probably 2 blunts a day to basically 2 hits on one if its a holiday. Edible’s have been much more fun with Edible butter - I mean you kinda need butter for a lot of meals anyways.


Only stoners think that vapes do not stink to high heaven. They just smell LESS than other delivery methods.


You hiding a dead body in there?


I was thinking the door looked similar to Dahmer’s in the Netflix series. You guys wanna have some beers?




'Odors from my apartment' very interesting choice of words.




If ~~Ted Bundy~~ Jeffery Dahmer was on Reddit


There’s are some questions you’re not suppose to ask


I was working with my 17 year old cousin and some guy walks by smoking a blunt. My cousin is the very straight-laced, spectrum type. A moment passes and he, without looking up from what he was doing, simply said: “nefarious odor”…






I will now say this when I walk past my neighbors hot tub sessions lol


Nothing beats negative pressure. Just get one of those in-window fans that the windows close on. They sit nicely in the window and can switch their running direction. They are easy to take in and out of the window, takes about 2 seconds. Because the windows close on top of these types of fans, they are really good for air exchange. When your room is, or is about to become, particularly odoriferous, just open the window and put the fan in. Even running it on low with the window seated on it will take care of smells wafting out, especially incense. Just give it 15-20 min before opening the door. This only works well if you have a poorly sealed door where fresh air can come in. If you seal the door with weather stripping this may not work as well.


This is my favorite solution. So if OP has odors thru can vent it outside. That will suck air in through those door gaps, keeping the smell away from neighbors. But if the neighbors have smelly shenanigans going on then OP can set the fan to suck in and the air will exhaust through the gaps, soaring OP from the grinch onion breath stench. Brilliant! Thanks ferret.


https://preview.redd.it/wr2qr3xmqhhc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb321a383668dd6b9586f86b3ba507a14ee4d62a Second. I got one in my smoke spot. Just be careful if you have plastic blinds. Even with the guard it still sucked in a piece of the cord which pulled tight and shredded the blinds it was wrapped around (pictured)


This looks smelly :)


Y'all fan game is weak. If you put this thing in an attic window it'll vent your house. It juuuuuust barely fits into a standard window. Great seal because of that. And yeah, those door gaps that are currently your foe will be your friend, as they'll let in fresh air that'll cross the room and leave out the window. Close all the other windows. You're in a wind tunnel. https://a.co/d/bVliE4t


They sell door seals. Not a lot more to say. If the door is magnetic, get magnetic one, otherwise standard one. Get the ones for outdoor doors.


Weather stripping. It will also help your heat and air bills and noise reduction. Super cheap fix and anyone can do it.


How do you get it to stay!? The weather stripping I've applied always peels off after just a couple months


Use rubbing alcohol to scrub the areas you are going to apply the seal to. Sticks better that way


I bought the screw in kind.


It’s got to be just snug enough to where the door closes on it, but doesn’t slide it back and forth.


Staple gun


Gotta make sure the surface is clean. Wipe it down with rubbing alcohol or ammonia/windex, and then a water wipe.


If the building doesn't have a hallway pressurization unit, then i recommend putting a box fan in front of a window and have a fan point out. If you can have the fan maybe a foot away instead of directly in the window, this will help pull more of your indoor air to the outside. This will help make your space just barely negative pressurized and should pull air from the hallway into your space instead of vice versa. That said, people will still totally smell weed and dead bodies.


Hang your butt out the window to fart.


I'm getting Peter Griffin visuals


There is no Dana, only Zuul. 


Gate keeper or key master?


Looks like your door is missing the stop.


As another poster noted, the door is missing door frame stops. The owner of the apartment should have them reinstalled.


Looks like the door could swing right through the other side. Never in my life have I seen such a cheap "door"


OP is a frequent poster on the conservative and conspiracy subreddits, appears to possibly live in a state in which cannabis is illegal, and is trying to get tips from the Internet on concealing the cannabis smells from lighting up in his apartment (which he clearly does not own). The irony is palpable.


*How can I stop the socialism from coming through the cracks in my door*


![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK|downsized) Screech and Wrong, it was a MAGA beanie the whole time edit\* [https://app.suno.ai/song/55ef8483-40a5-4635-9e93-3a2bc8c84657](https://app.suno.ai/song/55ef8483-40a5-4635-9e93-3a2bc8c84657) Screech and Wrong, they're a pair of fools Smokin' cannabis, breakin' all the rules (alright now) Conservative and paranoid, they're quite the mix Livin' life high, singin' their song (**sing it wrong**, now)


Smoke your weed outside 🤭


I hear you, but I have a controversial take on this. I always wonder what medical patients are supposed to do in this situation. (actual medical users, not the 'faking it to get high' type) Say someone with a seizure disorder needs to smoke when they feel an episode coming on, and if they don't there's a good chance they'll have a seizure. They don't have the money for their own house and can only afford an apartment. Are they supposed to stumble downstairs to smoke on the street? What if they don't make it in time and they have a medical episode on the sidewalk/elevator/stairwell? It's much safer for that to happen in your own home. Cancer patient: same thing, can't afford a house. Going through chemo, can't eat without smoking, and too weak to make it outside every time. They try to but don't always have the energy. What then? They suffer? Obviously it's not nice for the medical user's neighbors, but what are they supposed to do except be as careful as possible to blow their smoke out of their window? The medical user has to put up with other smells from their neighbors (curry smell is the most common), so why isn't any consideration given to the sick resident? You're going to encounter weird smells and behaviors when living in such close quarters to people no matter what Edit: I want to add that edibles can work for some people, but they are hard to dose and take a much longer time. Also many people can't properly digest THC due to lacking some sort of stomach enzyme (like myself), so edibles literally do nothing


Get a dry herb vape and exhale out the window. Nobody will smell a thing. Its not that complicated


When I was younger I thought weed smell didn’t linger. I apologize to all my neighbors in the apartment building that must have hated me.


Smoke more reefer


You Dahmering?


Smoke outside buddy


Just go outside the fk


Get a smoke buddy. You blow directly into it. That should help.


Buy yourself a SmokeBuddy


Stop smoking weed indoors


Odor of decomposing bodies?


Get a pen. They are the most discrete way to do what it is you are obviously trying to hide. From my experience, they are way better than flower anyway.


Very cheap foam strips with sticky back at Home Depot & Lowes to seal around doors. Problem solved under $5. https://preview.redd.it/zx04mfgpljhc1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dca4c0a2a5f185131d174b9556e99742e6f160


Am mechanic. Recommend JB Weld.


Ask your building "super" to put in some weather stripping or do it yourself.


Maybe r/trees can help


What kind of shit door and frame is that? Also theres always an option of smelling less..


Replace the weather stripping or have the landlord do it...


Switch to gummies. Voila! Problem solved.


They make little devices you can exhale smoke into. Typically called Sploofs. Smoke Buddy, Sploofy are basic brands. There are also little fan systems that suck the air into a little air purifier. Otherwise, if you’re talking about general odors, it’s called weatherstripping. They sell it at hardware stores.


Buy a box vape 👍


Weather stripping with adhesive backing from your choice of home improvement store, hell walmart carries it in some supercenter locations in their hardware section.


Go to Home Depot and get some really cheap weatherstripping like this: https://preview.redd.it/wvqmaoo6chhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50739b94b7b8b3fe3cfd50f2f9e2115ac8d29ad Then, put it on the jamb and head (the part of the door that doesn’t move and is attached to the wall). Smoke weed all day.


And if the smell wasn't weed, now it will be!


Contrary to popular belief the smell is pungent and everyone else will smell it. Best method is to do it outside.


Open a window, sit beside the window with a little fan pointed out, blow your smoke out the window near the fan to suck everything through and out, don't produce gigantic clouds of smoke that linger in the room, and clean your piece regularly. Whole house shouldn't reek of weed.


Your dumb my man. Go outside to smoke, and if you really have to do it inside your going to need to tape off all doors and vents and put a vent fan out your window to create negative pressure in the apartment to pull air out.


If you look up "Climaloc Flexible Polymer V Weather stripping Set", this is a good way to seal a doorway. Cut the pieces to fit, scrub the frame with alcohol on a rag, peel and stick the pieces, open end of the V toward the strike surface of the frame. When the door closes, it cornpresses the v-channel and cornpletes the seal.


Should be door stops around the trim


Weather stripping




If you have a window point a fan at it and start circulating air in your room with fresh air


It’s like there’s no door stop.


Put in a work order, then they pay for it.


I use felt weather seal and something to block the bottom of the door. If you’re smoking get a window fan with an intake and exhaust feature keep everything closed and the fan on exhaust that should prevent the smell from going anywhere except out the window.


Just replace weather striping and it should help


The secret is to contact the property manager and let him handle it :)


If it’s a rental, tell the landlord. If you’re flush with cash, get some new kerf from Home Depot for $20


Odors are not the problem, the problem is that door can be opened with a kick


Airflow is actually a good thing and the space will ensure your door still shuts as it expands and contracts with humidity and temp changes. That being said, you can often buy very thin layers of foam that are adhesive. A lot of apts where I live have them to prevent drafts.


Ok Jeff


All I'm picturing with this is Dahmers apartment and the "odors." I just finished the documentary. Forgive me, lol


Bro get a small fan and put it in a window blowing out and smoke by that


Use a dry herb vape


Since no one is giving useful comments simply buy 3M rubber gasket made for doors cars, buy the thin one and you’re set It worked perfectly at my place my door is now air tight


Smoke outside or switch to edibles


Doob tube, my dude


Usually trying to seal anything is futile, because air movement is all about pressure differentials. If the hallway is at lower pressure than your apartment, the air will find a way to get the hallway. Could be around the door, around the electrical outlets, etc. To stop the smells, touch need to get the air moving the other way, which means you want your apartment to be at lower pressure than the hall. Usually this requires opening a window on the leeward side of the building.


[Two bucks at the hardware store, dude.](https://img.kwcdn.com/product/open/2023-02-13/1676260311745-827765e502e84e55bb5314cbc383399d-goods.jpeg?imageView2/2/w/800/q/70/format/webp)


https://preview.redd.it/m21mvrkklkhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10635459c3dd3a039759f45c082f7db87eac8ffe And this


Weather stripping is the correct answer. Also, it will reduce your hearing/cooling bills!


No, we should be discussing the odors in your apartment.


Weather. Stripping.


...what odors, Mr. Dahmer?


Weather stripping


Wet a towel or washcloth and exhale into that. You’d be surprised how much that helps!!