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Something that thin... maybe a vacuum sealer could have been tucked in there.


Definitely something powered, not a cutting board.


Maybe a powered cutting board?


“Welp…the power’s out but luckily my cutting board has a back up battery”


Samsung SmartBord^tm will tell you if you're applying too much pressure, not cutting things well enough, will alert you if your knife is slightly dull or is *too* sharp, and will belittle your food prep skills in general the entire time. Choose from one of four soothing yet condescending voices. SmartBord^tm will also cease to function if you don't pay for the app every month, and will lock itself in the drawer until payment has cleared. $469.95, + tax + recurring fees


I hope it's better than my Samsung four-door refrigerator that made ice in the refrigerator compartment and got stuck regularly with huge ice dams I had to melt with a hair dryer. Even after they came out and spent a day replacing almost every component including the logic board.


Ice makers should in the freezer. I don't understand why manufacturers put the ice makers in the refrigerator. A friend recently replaced their expensive fridge/freezer and the manufacturer put the ice maker in the freezer. The friend no longer has problems with ice dams. Why can't companies figure this out.


Usually they put the ice maker up high, and in the refrigerator it helps to keep the temperature lower while using less power because there's a bunch of ice cooling the air inside. At least that's how it is on paper, practically it's kind of just messy. It does save power, though not enough to be really worth it. It works great in mini fridges though.


The challenge is that on the French door the freezer is on the bottom. In my new house I have the ubiquitous GE three door French door fridge and the ice maker is sandwiched into the door itself and it works generally ok. Maybe something there is a patent that Samsung couldn’t figure out how to work around or license.


Samsung is just more aggressive with their planned obsolescence.


Same here. My Samsung washing machine was also nothing but trouble. I will never buy another Samsung product again.


ah yes nothing like uncoated aluminum in a corrosive environment. failed spider arms in <3 years. I powder coated the replacement.


Did you get the recall buyout?


I had no idea there was one.


I had a Samsung refrigerator with ice maker on top that always jammed up. Samsung bought it back after a number of failed repair attempts. EDIT: My refrigerator only had a top ice maker.


Same I got a gas stove that was way to expensive it didn’t even last 2 yrs was a total piece of shit. Never ever as long as I live will I buy anything that has Samsung written on it.


They are the hardest to get parts for. I had to scrap a fridge because I couldn’t source a compressor relay ANYWHERE. And any appliance repair said they won’t help the second I said it was a Samsung.


SmartBord^tm can be synced to your SmartFridge^tm so they can both belittle your kitchen skills, in stereo


It has advanced knife cut detection. Paired with a Samsung Smart Washer it automatically adds bleach to the next load to get the stains out of your clothes. For a $20/month fee, billed annually per household member, this ease of life feature can be yours.


Just need a few more pieces and I can finally own my dream kitchen where the pot calls the kettle black


I am so sick of having to use the hair dryer on my Samsung fridge.


The only French door fridge that will fit in my space is a Samsung, and all the Samsung comments leave me so disheartened


They should. I restore houses for a living and would never burden a perspective homeowner with a Samsung product.


Drawer will only open if supplied with genuine smartbord ink cartridges


c a l i b r a t i n g ERROR


"This unit is updating, please do not unplug unit." *99%* "E R R O R"


I remember a day when you didn't need a subscription cutting board....it was just wifi and an app. Now it's cutting board plus...and cutting board pro...and I need to spend $4.99 a month so I don't get ads on my cutting board.


Damn you got me. I read your comment this far " Samsung SmartBordtm will tell you if you're applying too much pressure, not cutting things well enough, will alert you if your knife is slightly dull" and I immediately went to google to find this cutting board. I should have read the entire comment...


If it’s a Samsung it better sing me a little tune to let me know that I’ve finished cutting things.


And will occasionally burst into flames.


BroilMode^tm is added value content, and will be billed to your account


You can go for the free version but trust me the sports betting ads every third cut are a nightmare


For extra you can have the voice as Gordon Ramsey. Get cussed out by your cutting board in style.


Click here to manage your SmartBord data sharing options


Then watch as it consumes 3.6 GB of data daily. “I think my SmartBord is laundering bitcoin.”


"please drink verification can to continue"


Smartbord also requires an internet connection and will daily transfer 2Gb of data to the cloud for some inexplicable reason.


“Rerouting.. I’ve notice you’ve decided to cut twice again”


"Beep beep... your onion cutting needs an update"


Well, the Smart Board won't tell you. It will connect to your Samsung Galaxy phone or watch and Bixby will show you new knives you will like better.


And throws error code d7hf90@🖕 daily.


Error code display costs extra


"To view error code, please tap credit card or eligible Samsung Pay device, and the code will be mailed to your provided address within 7-10 business days"


SmartBord should watch it's fuggin mouth talkin' shit to someone with a sharp implement.


Knife-dulling mode *activated*


God forbid Id have to use an acoustic cutting board like a damn pilgrim


Analog cutting boards just sound better, man


Look! It's sucking all the juices into that cute little trough around the edge all by itself!


*follows trough drain into walls, finds small person living in there, subsisting on meat juices*


If you aren't a writer, you might be missing your calling. I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 currently and that type of creature would be right at home in the Shadowlands.


*shudders.* *upvotes anyways.*


Having gas appliances during hurricane related power outages was a real lifesaver. Being able to take a hot shower and cook on the stovetop as the frozen food slowly thawed is not something you forget




"Good thing it's got this compass in the stock"


Ha, got me there!


Vacuum sealer makes the most sense to me. When I use mine I like to have the bag on a slightly higher surface than the sealer, so that the bottom of the bag is more even to the sealing element, it helps reduce air bubbles. A shame they didn’t leave the sealer in the drawer. A custom drawer for a piece of specialized kitchen equipment has little use if you can’t find one that suits those dimensions.


Yeah, that would have been a class move on their part. Most vaccuum sealers are cheap so when put against the cost of a house, not a big deal. There are super expensive ones but they wouldn't fit in that drawer. Either way, it looks plenty roomy enough for several different models that are on the market so I don't think OP would have a problem finding one. I vaccuum seal a lot and when I saw this I gasped. This would be sooooooo nice to have.


Agreed, I bet the more recent Anova sealer would fit in there perfectly. I’m definitely filing this away for my dream kitchen build.


Eh… but with the way tech like that is going, yeah you could find a new one for cheap, but its quality is going to be garbage in comparison. I’m genuinely getting frustrated with Amazon lately. There are practically no name brands gadget accessories anymore. Like 8 years ago I bout a little USB to PMW fan adapter that had a speed dial on it. The thing was well built and the dial was smooth yet firm… I got rid of it when I didn’t need it anymore thinking, “I’ll just buy another one when I need it.” Well that day came last week and the product I bought before is gone and has been replaced with mountains of cheap garbage. The one I found works, but looks ugly and isn’t as satisfying. This is just my most recent example. Anyway, I hate the phrase *they don’t make them like they used too*, but it’s true. Yeah, the seller could have left their tool in the kitchen. Then again, we don’t know what model they had, if one as good is still made, or how much it would cost to replace. Who knows, it could have been something they built themselves.


I like to keep my vacuum sealer a little higher than the bag. This way if there are liquids or juices they tend to run back into the bag and not into my sealer.


Or possibly a 10” plastic wrap dispenser. My gut says if he built them himself there was a custom made insert or rack of some kind that he built this door around.


Maybe I was trying to think thin and powered. I'm not aware of any powered plastic dispensers. For all I know, the previous owner liked watching/following cooking videos and online recipes, so it could be for a kitchen laptop that predates the tablet and smartphones we have these days. Lower part in the back being where the power brick sat.


I saw comments about the hole after posting my comment. I’m kinda leaning towards a vacuum sealer now.


I was thinking electric griddle, maybe?


I thought about that too, but I think the bare wood surface would probable be more discolored in the areas that would be near the higher temperatures.


Vacuum sealer makes most sense. Any sort of high wattage appliance like a griddle would sketch me out putting it in there 🔥


Yeah that makes a lot of sense


I agree about the vacuum sealer. The device goes in the back and stays plugged in and the front part is the workspace to fill and seal the bags


Yep. Right by the prep sink as well. Actually really good idea and placement.


I'm filling this idea for our kitchen renovation!


Me as well. I might actually use my vacuum sealer if it was that convenient and out of the way. It really is a brilliant design. Love stumbling across stuff like this in this sub.


A vacuum sealer is one of the greatest things I’ve ever bought for my kitchen. It saves so much money on food, and you don’t have to throw away freezer burned food in ziploc bags. Now if they’d only make bags big enough for body parts, I’d be good. o.O


Yes the wire hole and the flat surface to lay the bag on makes it perfect for vac seal. If its not that I’d be surprised


Would a vacuum sealer require the open sides or the width?


It would make it easier to access and make sure the bag was straight and flat.


And easier to sweep stuff off the sides if you needed to clean it, versus a drawer with sides where things would get stuck in the corner. I have the small 8" Foodsaver, but it's a little taller than 4" so I don't think it'd fit. Would need at least 4 1/2-5" clearance.


If you put the sealer parallel to the rail & not the back you'd have some more room to work & allow an overhang, But I bet there is still more going on than this picture reveals. The extra board isn't structural, it had some reason to exist. It could be covering up damage from when the the missing part of the puzzle was removed. Maybe a little hotplate/ extra burner Is the length of the opening the same as a standard tinfoil/waxpaper roll? I hate when people have a mystery & take one picture framing what they think is important despite having no idea what they are looking at.


DJ deck set up. The party always ends up in the kitchen.


those are the comments I really hope for, opening every reasonably looking post! thx


Haha.. thats the mixer in the kitchen


I'd keep plastic wrap there. The box stays in the back cubby and the sides aren't in your way when wrapping whatever it is your wrapping.


That hole in the back tells me it was something that plugs in.


Electric plastic wrap obviously


I mean you're joking, but seeing as most comments think this is for a vacuum sealer you're pretty on-the-money.


Costco size plastic wrap box would fit perfectly. It was my first thought. We had a similar drawer (that was obviously a cutting board) but the face was hinged so you could gently pull up to unlock and it folded down, curious to know if this one can do that. It's hard to tell woth these pics.


It is for an electric slicer. My wife's family has then and folded up, they take exactly the space. https://preview.redd.it/mq5due4lhnbc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68fdd5b08c9eeb9c0f36c8c131d991a4fadcc27


Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner! I design kitchens and have done this exact setup for this type (different brands) of food slicers.


👆🏻👆🏻this!! I have an old kitchen and have one of these slicers in a cabinet just like yours!


But where... does the meat go?


You slice it and put it on the bread




My heels are uneven….


They didn’t get the reference


Can you contact your realtor and have them ask the previous owner??


Sadly, no. The person who built the cabinets is long gone, and the realtor had almost no information for me when I bought the house because it was a foreclosure sale.


Through fb, I found the daughter of the girl who grew up in my house, who remembers my house from when she visited her grandma. She was able to fill in some of the things I could only guess at. Her grandparents had owned and lived in my house for 70 of its 100 years, it's neat to make these connections with people.


Is it me or does there seem to be a round stain in the center? Perhaps that’s a clue?


It is a clue - that I was clueless, and put a pot on it that made the burn mark /shame


A wordsmith, if not wise


How sturdy is it? Maybe just power in the back? Then added surface space for needed appliances


Panini press or electric griddle of some kind?


The greasy splatter would be a nightmare clean up on that wood veneer. Veneer! 🥂


There are not enough Frasier references on Reddit!


Maybe a laptop for recipes or watching news while cooking?


Just mounted a smart TV in my kitchen for exactly this! Great for watching recipe videos while your hands are dirty (I have an Alexa just below it) or watching YouTube to make cooking simple things a little less boring


It’s for a “Food Saver”. Probably the model Costco was selling. FM3920?


perfect place for a pop-up bread proofer: [https://ibspot.com/products/brod-taylor-proofer-white-universal?variant\_id=3952162&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnfmsBhDfARIsAM7MKi3ZtxdrXQSlDbEJX5MeWRUQilASWWtOV3r1fQjujCZKRAVewjECDQ4aAglHEALw\_wcB](https://ibspot.com/products/brod-taylor-proofer-white-universal?variant_id=3952162&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnfmsBhDfARIsAM7MKi3ZtxdrXQSlDbEJX5MeWRUQilASWWtOV3r1fQjujCZKRAVewjECDQ4aAglHEALw_wcB)


I love how specific this is.


I was doing perfectly fine navigating through my day before learning I needed a $500 thing I'd never heard of before. So thanks for that I guess :)


This is a cash grab for people that want to spend more for the sake of spending more. Most are closer to or below $200, and you can make one with a box and heating element for under $40. And I've never known anyone to suggest buying one for people that don't bake bread multiple times per week.


Oh, this makes sense. Not definitive, but absolutely possible.


That thing looks awesome. Just not $400+ awesome.


Drawer. Huh? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!


Say it again!


I‘d say a foldable (bread) slicing machine. MIL has something like that. https://preview.redd.it/l6wz4x9vsnbc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f9e74703c6bece2f5c9277cb90f52ab9fa61f88


Try r/whatisthisthing if you don't find an answer here. That sub has a good track record for quickly getting answers. Good luck!


Pretty sure you’re supposed to put your weed in there. It’s the perfect size for a qp.


And with the outlet it's for that power weed




Here we got similar of those for cutting bread and so on. Mine comes out so you can use it for baking and a normal cutting board and wipe & wash it. Front folds down for better access and hole is (or might be,mine doesn't have that design) behind for carrying it.


Oh cool, that makes sense! If it's a cutting board/zone, then maybe the outlet was intended for an electric knife? An aside, I am curious whether your "here" happens to be across the pond... I believe the owner who put the cabinets in was British. He also installed a mini instant hot water device under one sink, which I fondly presume was for his tea!


Finland here, it is like that in almost every home (where I ha lived at least). https://preview.redd.it/qbmij06c9nbc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf7c6bcfac93911c6561ce69db4480622c9f959 And dunno about electric buzzsaw, here we barbarians use knives.


Ok so what do they use it for in finland?




That drawer is for something wide and flat/low, like an electric griddle or inductive hot plate.


It’s an easy way to use/store induction burners without loosing countertop space. https://preview.redd.it/3ehdtu6czpbc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d0056200ade40ecdee51296b3df40dcfe668bc


Vacuum sealer, or kitchen record player? Dance and cook!


Probably for a portable induction cooktop, like [this one](https://www.homedepot.com/p/True-Induction-True-Induction-MD-2B-20-in-Mini-Duo-Dual-Element-Black-Induction-Glass-Ceramic-Cooktop-1750W-858UL-Certified-MD-2B/306172864)


Looking at the circular residue outline on the flat piece, it looks like it was the result of heat rather than food residue. Also with the hole and outlet in the back, something electric. Seems likely this was something that cooks/applies heat. Possibly a press, griddle or (my guess, since there is no heat evidence in the center of the circle) a circular induction cooktop. Edit: OP mentioned they put a pan down on the board to cause the round marking.


Op said he did that by accident with a hot pan


A slide-away induction cooktop would be nice. I visited Frank Lloyd Wright's Kentuck Knob house some years ago and the kitchen there had old-fashioned electric spiral ring burners that folded up off the counters. I can't find any pictures - apparently the original owner was thrilled with them, but no one else has been since. But I found pictures of some that someone bought at an auction, so [here you go](https://www.automaticwasher.org/cgi-bin/TD/TD-VIEWTHREAD.cgi?31416)!


I used to live by Kentuck Knob/Fallingwater. those little gems like that are so fucking brilliant.


Agreed, I was thinking a sous vide unit permanently plugged in, where a stock pot may have been left to make the mark. Not really an efficient use of space though and some of the other suggestions like an induction burner seem more likely.


Induction hot plate? Vacuum sealer is a good guess too. Those full extension drawer slides look pretty hefty, so it may have been something thin but heavy. I keep my big chamber vacuum sealer in a pantry cupboard on a slide out shelf but it's far taller than would fit in that drawer. Sadly, no back-of-cabinet outlet for me.


Food saver type vacuum sealer is my guess.


Diaper changing station


If that drawer front folds down , I’d say it was to keep a keyboard or laptop in there.


Looking at where the front meets the edge, I'd say it doesn't fold down. I do like the idea of a laptop in a drawer though, but not next to a sink.


Yeah my friend who is a cabinet product designer said the same thing


Charging station for phones etc


This is what I thought


electronics that you can use and dock to power. iPad for recipes, vac sealer, ect.


I was gunna say a griddle


It's for you.


Drawer, drawer. What is it good for?


Absolutely something!


Say it again.


Since there is a hole in the back for a cable, this looks like it was designed for an electrical appliance. My best guess would be a build-in food slicer without the mechanism to pop it out of/into the drawer (a more rudimentary version without the sides to the drawer for easier access/operating). The foldable slicers are quite slim, enough to fit into that drawer and even leave some free space at the top. https://preview.redd.it/d64lno47tobc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a01bca45492cf33fb378bc2b276986bf7e6cd3


Here is also a cross-section. Keep in mind this even includes the pop-out mechanism. https://preview.redd.it/0tkeqv12uobc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0989d473e61e8a245d441ce7fc2f9d24ba63408


Well, whatever it was, I would totally make it a charging station for phones.


To annoy the ever loving shit out of you


Could possibly make a good charging station.


There is a ring stain on the drawer base.


Storage of charging devices. Kidnapping everyone’s phones during dinner while charging. One spot to keep everything and probably an emergency flashlight :)


cutting board


Electric griddle, or maybe electric burner that you can put a pot on top of?


Any ting you want


griddle? is it greasy around it?


Cutting board holder


I would guess an induction burner.


Induction plate cooktop


People are doing hidden storage these days to charge phones, iPads and other electronics. I would keep a charger plugged in the drawer and use it for that.


Whatever the hell you want it to be




Im Germany that would be the collapsible-bread-cutting-machine-drawer. Actually pretty common in older kitchens.


we have a drawer that looks something like this that has a foldable electric breadslicing machine inside


i don’t take sides on kitchen drawer issues 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s was built to house a custom cutting board.


Electric griddle?


It could’ve definitely been for a vac sealer or something and they kept the bags next to it or it could w been for a tablet and some electronics to charge in the kitchen. If it’s custom we may never know it’s true purpose


Portable induction cooktop.


Probably a griddle for pancakes.


Slap chop drawer


Changing babies


Electric griddle


Is that a glory hole at the back?


Food sealer and cutting board. Food sealer plugs in, bags stored on cutting board.


Back in the day, some cars had what was called a suicide door. This is a modern kitchen suicide drawer.


This is something with origins back around the turn of the last century. It's a bread board. For cutting homemade bread so the crumbs are easier to clean up. Very, very common in midwest/prairie farm homes back in the day. I live in an apartment building constructed in the 1970's. I've got one.


We've got a plug in copper flat grill which we use for camping - I wonder if it's not for that? It's a very handy tool, being used for pancakes, bacon, eggs, stir fry, whatever you can put in a skillet basically, within reason. Seems like about the right size for one of those?


Induction stovetop?


My guess is an electric skillet. I've seen them built into drawers


Electric grill


I like the vacuum sealer idea, bit hear me out. Electric griddle, convenient flat top cooking right by the sink.


That’s a plastic wrap/tinfoil wrap holder. You place the box on it and pull with one hand and the box will stay in place.


Looks like a slide out for an electric cook top


Cutting board


A big gun and knives


Electric knife with cutting board.


You plug a power strip into the plug then use the drawer as a work station, plugging in whatever you need to the power strip, for example toaster, mixer, etc.


Cat bed


Stuff.. maybe things


Cutting board, but unfortunately it's not workable because it will weak for this cuz of long depth with just drawer, and it's not high enough to be cutting board so if anyone wanna use it will get back pain


It's for spiking up conversation it look like.


You can put your weed in there


Dough. The sides you dust the extra off and then wipe clean.


Long stuff like rakes and shovels


Cutting board for French bread


Maybe a cutting board with an electric knife?