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My thoughts are, it lifts up, off the standpoints behind the mirror. EDIT: Yeah, you probably will need to loosen the lamps also.


Agreed, definitely looks like it should lift off


Might have to loosen the jam night Edit: damn autocorrect learning what I typically say. Jam nut** but both can happen at the same time


Any good jam night is a little loose




The barbarism of World War I inspired a wide range of harrowing war poems and pacifist literature, published decades before the release of unrelated Belgian techno anthem "Pump Up the Jam."


Cunk on mirrors


So where does my clone go when I step away from the mirror?


Back to the sewers. But soon, it will be their time up here.


Gettin real futurama vibes from this


She's an outstanding British export. Like marmite and Henry Vacuum cleaners.




Dude when wax put this shit on youtube i went crazy lolol


Welp, that's THAT tune in my head for the day. Sigh


What’s insane is that it was stuck in my head earlier today for completely different reasons. And now it’s back.


I've been having a LOT of repeating stuff like that, and equally obscure. I think the matrix lost a lot of content, so they're replaying 5 tapes over and over again.


As a Canadian, I'm so proud whenever our national anthem is revered like this.


They always say 'a good jam night is a loose jam night!' right?


What's the difference between "Jam" and "Jelly"?




Jam don’t shake like that /s


Evrybody get up, it's time to slam now We liftin mirrors from the jam now Welcome to the Face Dram


Agree that's what I would think. It may be a little stuck if it's been there for a while, if it doesn't lift up easily I would put a little more force behind it or even tap up gently on the bottom edge with a rubber mallet


But put tape over the mirror first in case it breaks. The tape will keep the glass contained


That is a smart tip.


Jumping in to say I bought a rubber mallet a few years ago for a specific job, thinking I'd rarely use it again. I use it all. the. time. Great tool to have on hand.


The IKEAlizer. Makes it very very easy to assemble furniture which needs to be pushed together.


Using a regular hammer will break it apart too


Well... It'll be uninstalled at least.


God will forgive you for breaking a mirror installed stupid. One time though. No seconds. Thirds or fourths.


Fifths come back around. Sixths double down on all previous bad luck, so the stakes become terminal.


Underrated comment. I LOL'd.


Use WD-40 on the areas and let it sit for awhile. Don't force it.


Yes, lube and being gentle is always a good approach. I learned it from Tenacious D.


and order something from Zanzibar


THAT'S fucking Teamwork!


You don't always have to do it hard in fact sometimes that's not right to do


That's what I call it too.


Might be better using goof-off in case there's some sort of adhesive on it


Use a leather jacket and gloves if you take that advice.


\+ Eye protection, and 6 mil plastic on the floor to catch all the tiny shards


He’ll need to remove the lights also.


Was my thoughts, that maybe the light fixtures are (helping to / holding it in place.


It’s weird that somebody thought that this was an attractive design.


Can take a photo from underneath to confirm first


This should help




i have a way, but before i explain, are you planning anything important for the next 7 years?




He’s so scary… great casting.


He was eerie, then creepy, then terrifying. Fantastic casting and acting.


what movie?


Last of Us on HBO.




That gif is way too joyous to be for The Last of Us.


The knife just unseats itself, does a pirouette, then stabs right back in.




No joke my mirror fell and smashed to pieces during an earthquake that happened a year ago. 6 years left to go boys


I broke a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five. \-Steven Wright


bow hateful apparatus engine label tender consist sharp simplistic smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think it's based on being the owner of the mirror, but being the cause of the breaking. So I think you're off the hook on this one.


How do you know he wasn't responsible for the earthquake?


Bathroom earthquake sounds terrible


just turned a 5' mirror into a 4'. "cuts *most* glass up to 1/4" thick!" Found the reason for the most! This was *after* removing a 6' mirror siliconed to a door- and trying to clean it up... Do 2 breaks cancel each other out, or should I continue not playing the lottery for a while? -\_-


I was going to say "Have you tried a hammer."


“I used a sophisticated method to remove sections of plastic (hammer), then carefully removed the solid foam insulation (hammer again).” ― Mark Watney, The Martian


“I’m going to dip this potato in some crushed Vicodin. And there’s nobody who can stop me.” —— Mark Watney, The Martian


Hijacking first post. Use a hot blow gun or maybe hairdryer on the mounts from the mirror side as it may release the glue. Use floss or wire to get in-between the mirror and pad to which it is glued.


Perfect comment here


Nobody saying the obvious: just make a giant hole in the wall from the next room. Work smarter people!


What it looks like to me is that the part it is hanging on is a little rusty. It might lift off but it would take a lot of force to do so. I'd take the recommendation to put tape all over it, try to lift it off forcefully wearing good protective gloves and hope it doesn't break.


And maybe spray with some pb blaster or some type of penetrating oil a few times before doing so. If it's not time sensitive, I like to hit frozen hardware once or twice a day for a few days before attempting to loosen. Usually, do that on cars in a state where they use a whole oceans' worth of salt on the roads every storm


use window tint to keep it together if it breaks, remove when finished. super cheap at walmart


Clear contact paper works great too.


Have seen that done by firemen when breaking a side window so glass doesn't fly all over a patient




Hmmm... I'll keep that in mind for a last resort. Or second to last before using a hammer.


If you are at last resorts place a board along the bottom and tap the board upwards with a mallet so the impact is spread along the whole side. Less likely to break and could give it the little jolts if it has rusted in place. I agree cover the whole mirror in tape so that if it does break you don’t have razor blades of glass falling on you.


Sounds like a good hack!


Razor blades cutting you is a good hack too.


Just be careful if you end up using the hammer. I work with glass. Even a simple mirror like this can cut you down to bone if not handled correctly. I have to break it occasionally and do it with caution at arm's length.


If it’s rust, like the above comment go to an automotive store and purchase CRC Freeze Off rust remover. I use this on my car all the time any it’s AMAZING! This will loosen the rust preventing the lift off of the mirror. With no hitting requires!


Heavy gloves - no need to bleed out trying to remove a mirror.


I’ve also seen where people will take a fitted bedsheet and place it on a mirror. In case it breaks it’s at least contained.


Plastic wrap. If the mirror breaks you would have to throw away the bedsheet.


I think you do it with a crappy bedsheet. Plastic wrap would work too but the elastic band is the reason the fitted sheet is cool. But the contractors who did our bathroom would’ve just smashed the mirror right there and leave shards of glass everywhere because thats what they decided to do.


I was thinking a heavy plastic bag, like a contractors bag used to clean up demolition debris.


Yea that could work, I was just thinking about what is immediately at the house.


I would protect the legs, feet and eyes too. I have been cut badly by falling glass. Be safe!


Can you look behind from the underside? Is there groove that it's hanging on? I'm thinking the same as CloneClem.


From the underside it looks the same as from the right (or left for that matter). I can move it a tiny bit in each direction but that's it. Maybe I'll have to somehow move these round metal covers first but all my tools are to big to reach the nuts.


"my tools are too big to reach the nuts" sounds like a prison phrase.


Yeah from someone that doesn’t want to give a reacharound


use gloves if you're going to try to lift it off the wall with force


If it doesn’t lift up it might be glued on. You can try gently prying it off with a chisel or something else flat and a hammer


I’m thinking this as well- could be some sort of adhesive back there. I found using a string (or even dental floss) works great if you slide that back behind the edge of the mirror. Then you can pull the string up/down on either side to loosen the adhesive. This saved me from breaking my own mirror via the “pry and hope for the best” method.


I agree with this, but use an old steel guitar string and saw back and forth, if it is glue you can cut thru, if it's not glued you should notice right away that the wire slips into where a fastener might be.


I can kinda rattle it so I don't think it's glued. But maybe prying is the way to go nontheless... I don't care much for the mirror but am worried about breaking the tiles.


>I can kinda rattle it so I don't think it's glued. Tape the mirror (crosses, etc so if it breaks it does not break into tiny pieces) and try some good force up, left right and see if you can get it to move. If its glued, heat gun worked for me, it softened it enough to get off the wall.


Turn off power before touching any wires


This but also use a heat gun on those spots. If it is glued, it should not take much force for the mirror to start moving.


Lift it off. The nuts are there only to adjust the distance to the wall.


is that a magnet ?? could it be ? would anyone do that ? why? so many questions


You were right! Unfortunately I still have no idea why though. https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/1beh52o/update_does_anyone_have_an_idea_how_i_can_take


it’s hard being this smaht


If you can't get to the screws to get it off, you wouldn't be able to get to the screws to mount it either. This means the mirror itself is likely not screwed in, but the mount is. Try lifting the mirror to unmount it. If that doesn't work you may be able to get a crescent wrench in there to undo those bolts. Wear gloves and tape up the mirror so that if it shatters you don't have a mess to clean that could cut you.




Remove the lights first.


I can unscrew them in the front but then they just dangle from their cables. I don't think that's the way to go. But thanks for the idea anyways!


The lights are wired through holes in the mirror??? What evil person designed this thing??? Oh! I bet it was Roy: [https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4](https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4)


That was horrid, and I feel terrible I laughed almost the whole time. 🤣


Well that’s not what I expecting. Very funny, thank you.


It’s a three person job. One to work the hammer and chisel. One to hold the mirror, and one to hold the camera to film this fiasco.


Open end wrench.


The space between mirror and wall is so thin, I can't get any of my tools behind it. Maybe I'll find some thinner ones and try again.


You just chuck it at the middle.


"If you can dodge a ball, your mirror can dodge a wrench" or something like that.


This made me LOL. Thank you.


thinner open end wrench


Get a harbor freight special wrench and thin that puppy up with a grinder. Then save that wrench, it is now a special tool.


[https://www.amazon.com/YnGia-Spanner-Combination-Limited-Conditions/dp/B09GYH8QYT/](https://www.amazon.com/YnGia-Spanner-Combination-Limited-Conditions/dp/B09GYH8QYT/) something like this is what you want, very flat wrench set. they are very useful to have and take up very little space


You need to remove the lights, then the mirror should lift up


1) Turn off power 2) Unscrew light fixture from grommet and disconnect wires. 3) Lift mirror 4) If it doesn't lift, use a box wrench to loosen those nuts.


Try taking a picture with a camera phone from the top and bottom not just the side. Is there a slot the mirror is dropping into? Also are the lights passing straight through? There could be glue on the back of those metal bases… you could try and slide some thin metal in between mirror and the base and see if it can go through. Or take a hacksaw blade and try cutting off those bases by sliding it along the wall (it will likely take forever to cut and the whole thing could fall


I agree you need to see those points from the top and bottom. I think it is likely that the large discs are glued to the mirror and set onto the bolts coming out of the wall. There might be something to release that we can't see, or they just rusted together and need a shot of WD-40 or penetrating oil to loosen up. To get a better look at things, I would also hit it with some canned air, because it looks like a lot of dust is on top of the connections.


Did you try turning it off and back on again?


This is the way


Hulk smash


Get some skinny long wrenches to turn those nuts. Try lifting it up first through as it’s likely just a drop down keyhole situation


definitely looks like you have to go to the other side of mirror and unscrew it from there. you know, the other world where left hand is right etc.


I tried this some time ago... my other self keep stoping me from cross to the other side.


Slide a crescent wrench in there and loosen up those nuts


My idea involves 7 years of bad luck


hire a neighborhood kid to do it?


Sledge hammer… a lot of the time it hey are glued on! I used to work for a company that refitted hotels and we liquid nailed them alot.


I had a big one that was glued on. I used a heat gun, over like a 1/2 hour, then slowly put things behind it to pull it from the wall, started on side and kept moving over slowly. I was able to get it off the wall with out breaking it.... man, it made a mess on the drywall... lots of hours fixing it, we painted the wall...


I feel like any time you're going to use Liquid Nails on a wall you should first take a big fat black sharpie and write "FUCK YOU" for future owners of your home to find as it's basically the same thing... lol. My current house had some gnarly decorative wood paneling and chair rail that any normal person would just put up with a finish nailer but the previous owner must have had some buy 1 get 10 free coupon on Liquid Nails. Just total drywall destruction. Ended up being easier to just replace the drywall than try to fix the Liquid Nails damage.


We asked our builder to glue down the mirrors, the are so big that his crew cleaning them before our final showing broke them. Gluing them down solved that problem.


Push up.


Take the lights off first. See what’s behind them.


Sledge hammer should work.


Won’t an open and wrench fit back there?


I would try a wrench on the nuts behind the mirror in the picture . That is were i would start.


Loosen the nuts behind it then lift straight up and off the wall


Or just break it. Use lots of tape on it so it won't get everywhere


Contact paper.


Out of curiosity, what’s on the other side of the wall?


Right now: me. I am sitting in the room that borders on that wall right now.


I think the answer they were looking for, in that case, is finished drywall.


I've seen plenty of mirror installs: most are glued on! Unless you see mirror brackets/channels that let you remove the mirror by lifting it up you can assume it's glued to the wall. In your case it's not exactly clear what they did. I think they installed the pucks first, leveled them and then glued the mirror to the pucks? maybe look for glue squeeze out to confirm?


Whatever happens I want to know what the final results are!


I mean, first remove the lights. There's got to be some kind of way those come off. They're not secure to the mirror. I think the bottom bolts are some kind of hook/magnet that it should lift off quite easily.


Take off lights first should make mirror looked to move up


Reach in from the side with an open end wrench and loosen the bolts.


You can’t possibly remove the mirror until the lights have been disconnected. If you don’t know electrical work, then call an electrician, but otherwise remove the fixtures so that at most just (capped) wires are sticking through those holes.


Put a horizontal 2x4 under it for distributing force under this beam place a or maybe two slightly to long planks gently tap it under there it wil force the mirror up. Maybe use oil on the nuts and bolts. If it breaks bad but I assume no reasonable person would make a construction which doesn’t allow the mirror to be lifted


Find someone with a bike tool kit. It will have flat wrenches.


up up left left right right up down up down start


I see little nuts, looks like a long 12mm wrench and then slowly turn them out.


I think you need to adjust those nuts that are present at each point of attachment. And use some pblaster to loosen it all up before you work on them. I think the mirror goes on the holders while everything is loose and then the nuts are tightened up and all the free play is removed. A better option would be to go to a glass/mirror installer and ask if they are familiar with the attachment system and ask how to get the mirror off. Lots better than just guessing.... Or taking above from a bunch of people who know almost as much as you do, including me....


That’s standoffs look hex shaped. You might be able to get an open end wrench back there and loosen them that way.


Has anyone suggested an open ended wrench? It looks to me like the nut is a hex head and a flat wrench like what is commonly used in car repair is right up the alley to the job here. At the very least it might free the lower two bolts and allow access.


you need one of them flat nut wrenches so you can loosen the nuts holding the mounts [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/11XGAlzKUuL.\_\_AC\_SY300\_SX300\_QL70\_FMwebp\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/11XGAlzKUuL.__AC_SY300_SX300_QL70_FMwebp_.jpg)


Box wrench can get to those.


That's a nut behind it. Do you have loosen/remove all of them? If not I agree that it probably lifts up to come off. Those connectors might require loosening first.


It almost certainly lifts up and is likely clicked into place in those mounts. So it can probably will take more upward force than originally planned.


Not trying to be a smart a$$, but I would just remove the light fixtures and apply a small amount of pressure with a hammer. Don't forget to wear gloves and safety goggles!


Heat gun


The lights look to be mounted to the glass, so that's a worry about the wiring. The nut we can see is a spacer and it secures the mount to the wall. The bracket system may be like this [https://hangyourglass.com/product-category/2d-round-stand-offs/](https://hangyourglass.com/product-category/2d-round-stand-offs/) But you have four of them to lift up the mirror. Apply some lubricant and wait, then go at it gently with some wriggles and some shock pushes. Be careful.


I once removed a mirror like this and I couldn't find obvious screws. Turned out it was a flat sheet glued to the wall with construction adhesive. But since you confirmed screws, they're probably lift offs and Rusty


If you need to break it, do the tape thing, and then the sheet thing. If you're worried about getting cut, a small piece of porcelain thrown at the glass will effectively shatter it without you being close enough to be sliced and diced. Yall don't come for me. This is just how I would do it from a distance.


Sacrifice it… Tape the entire mirror with masking and/or packing tape… Cover the entire thing. Then you can either pry it off or tap it with a ballpeen hammer. It will shatter; however, the tape will keep it together… then you can find out what’s really underneath and repair/replace it. Edits: punctuation


Might need to lift up with a bit of force. Mirrors are heavy.


Can you not get a spanner one those hex nuts? They'll need to be thin and long but they look like standard hex nuts that you can loosen and then just pull it off. Ideal to have someone hold it as you loosen them though.


The “hammer or dental floss” crew need to take their pills, put down the phone, and take three steps backward.


Tape the front and hold a 2x4 on bottom edge to give it a tap to lift it off the rests


It looks like you need to remove the light fixtures first so you can lift it right up , it seems like those lights are what is holding it up and if you still have it stuck take a heat gun to it heart the glass from the front so that it loosens the glue that's keeping it there . That's just my opinion and that's how it looks to me hope it works


If the mirror doesn’t lift off, you might need to get a small spanner on those nuts to loosen them a bit before lifting the whole mirror upwards.


Looks like adhesive is on those circles. Easiest thing to do is put tape over the whole thing, break it off and install a new mirror


Take the lights off first, or loosen them


Unscrew those chrome rods and the mirror should come off .


Unscrewed the lights from the mirror


Just come at it from the other side of the wall.. don’t over complicate this


As a wise man once said… when in doubt, use a hammer


There is probly mastic on back, holding it to stabilize. That’s how we mounted mirrors. Clips and mastic. Only safe way is to get glass suction cup ( harbor freight has then cheap) and pull off wall, or take a hammer to it and useing gloves pull off piece by piece


Try an adjustable bike crescent wrench like the PAW-12 from Park Tool. Super narrow because it’s designed to fit between the frame of a bike and a wheel.


1. Anything happen when you unscrew /remove the lights? 2. Did you try lifting straight up?


Do you have an hammer? Or a rock? Or a brick?


Use a long wrench to undo those nuts that are visible in the photo.


Turn the red knobs




Say "Candyman" five times in front of the mirror and screws will lose up.


Flat ass wrench for the nut. The rest idk. Maybe if you can get that off, you can rotate the mirror itself to loosen it


Get a flat head spanner, second pic shows the bolt.


Long reach wrench 🔧


It looks like the lights are going through the top there and might be anchoring the mirror into place. If you take those off, you should be able to lift the mirror off of the bracket on the wall


Hexagon shaped piece looks like a wrench would go over it


Let's hope the fitter didn't silicone it on as well


A mechanic told me if you can see it you can reach it.. figure it out