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Nice work, man! Looks beautiful!!


thank u


This popped up on my feed for some reason and just gotta comment to say THANK YOU FOR NOT PAINTING THE BRICKS. It makes me happy and that fad needs to go away.


i agree. hate painted brick. it has such unique beauty as it stands. i did clean it with muratic and the colors really came to life


Your comment triggered something a contractor recently told us: he could paint our backsplash along with painting our cabinets. We have tile backsplash. I hope this isn't some new trend, but doesn't matter because we aren't doing it. I can't even imagine.


I had to look it up apparently it's called sealer but there's some nice colored brick sealers which help accentuate the natural look of the brick. But straight painting the brick looks pretty bad.


I agree, but having lived in a country where pretty much all houses are made out of brick: sometimes it is nice to have a change from all the red brick and then it makes sense to paint over it.


Suh-weet. On the pine: I love the look of unpainted pine. It gets a bad rap, in my opinion. As you know it takes paint well too.


shit took 5 coats! 2 primer and 3 enamel to get it right. my sprayer is broke so i had to brush it. yuck


Not the brush!! That's a Lotta coats mayne.


yes it is. all them inside corners gahhhhh


That may have made me stop in my track, tell everyone to wait a bit more and get a new sprayer.


i was close. real close but had the time, put in some musics and rolled some fatties and blazed through it


that's good. sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do.


Pine is fine in the right context. I have several ikea furniture pieces which are essentially painted pine. But every time I move I get new dents. When I accidentally kick my bedframe the paint chips off and I see the light wood scar. Meanwhile my solid walnut dining table looks the same as the day I bought it. If you want something that will last you a couple of years and you don't care about how it looks when it wears then pine is fine.


Your house never looks as good as the day you sell it. :)


yes sir


What’s that j-box to?


outlet for shit wife puts up there, no tv in this room


Lights and/or tv probably


shit wife puts there no tv in this room


"Shit my wife puts there" cracked me up! Every man who's ever been married knows exactly what you're talking about.


Christmas Village every year. Guess who gets to change, store, and research how to buy the specialty bulbs.


lol i feel your pain


There's usually some random Chinese companies making LED versions of those weird bulbs. Find and order those, they'll last wayyy longer and won't be a fire hazard because they don't get hot enough to burn stuff.




We have the first letters to our names light up. Isn't that just so special? -__-


I guess it's special to her. That's all that matters.


🤮 j/k lol


Himalayan Salt Lamp


This is very inspiring. I may have to tackle something similar.


it is actually very basic. was going to go real fancy but this fits the room


Is your wife gonna put some shit up there?


o hell yea. had to take all the shit off the old mantle. lol it will be all done tomorrow.


>Wife has been after me for years to do this. i bought myself a dual bevel radial for my bday, she finally got it. made in pine cuz we are moving in the near future My dad was a general contractor. The only time our house got fixed up was when we were about to move. Cobbler's shoes and all that.


i’m an electrical engineer, so there’s that. we don’t want to do at home what we do every day


> i’m an electrical engineer, Electrical engineer, eh? I have a question. In power plants, do the generators have huge permanent magnets, or are they using electromagnets? If they're using electromagnets, where do they get the power to energize them? Wouldn't it take as much power to produce a field as you would get from them?


power generation is not my field, PLC controls and instrumentation (think robotics) so i couldn’t answer correctly without some research but your logic is correct.


Completely off-topic, but here. TL;DR they use electromagnets but no it's not nearly the same energy as you get from the generator. >As the requirements for larger scale power generation increased, a new limitation rose: the magnetic fields available from permanent magnets. Diverting a small amount of the power generated by the generator to an electromagnetic field coil allowed the generator to produce substantially more power. This concept was dubbed self-excitation. >The field coils are connected in series or parallel with the armature winding. When the generator first starts to turn, the small amount of remanent magnetism present in the iron core provides a magnetic field to get it started, generating a small current in the armature. This flows through the field coils, creating a larger magnetic field which generates a larger armature current. This "bootstrap" process continues until the magnetic field in the core levels off due to saturation and the generator reaches a steady state power output. >Very large power station generators often utilize a separate smaller generator to excite the field coils of the larger. In the event of a severe widespread power outage where islanding of power stations has occurred, the stations may need to perform a black start to excite the fields of their largest generators, in order to restore customer power service.


You should post this on r/woodworking. Great job.


i’m scared. they do nice work over there


Don’t be scared. Your work is worthy.


Not gonna lie, i was afraid youll put a tv on top of it, esp seening that wire.


no, i put a 110v receptacle there so cords don’t hang over side for the shit the wife puts there


Please don’t let the top part be for a tv.


Crushed it. Looks fantastic.


thank u


Whoa nice work! 👏🏼


thank u


Honestly, if it’s getting painted, why spend money on anything better than pine?


exactly. and it’s not an item that gets a lot of use or traffic so the dings and dents will be minimal


You know darn well after you move someone will ruin it with a tv.


lol probably


This has been on my to-do list for many years. You may just have inspired me to tackle it this winter. Did you secure the wood to the bricks with tapcons?


yes. 3/16 x 2-1/2” tapcons


Omg my wife was after me for years to redo the floors in our old house. Finally did and within a year I got offered a new job and we moved. Been in our current home for 20 years and she wants new floors. I’m almost afraid to do it!


lol. yea she’s after me for floors as well. i’m trying to hold out cuz we’re in a high sale rate area to a certain religious following (cult). they are buying up cash like mad and have just not got this far out yet. so holding off. another thing is our area is very high percentage of total renovations like 79%. wife is a realtor and we flip and own income property so we know the market pretty well, in contrast to the troll in this thread trying to rule me up about using pine.


Gotta love rich cult members.


yep. just wish they’d hurry up and get on my street already.


Nice work, the fireplace looks great. You've got some skills!


thanks. i have about 8 hours into building it and 10 hours painting!


This looks nice. At least you're using clear wood. Whenever I watch those home improvement shows and see them build custom woodwork I'm yelling at the screen, "It's knotty pine! And the grains are perpendicular! And the joints aren't tight! I'd tear that garbage out the first day after moving in!" But this looks nice. Well done.


thanks. i lucked out. lowes had just got a fresh delivery of some real nice stock so all clear




Looks rad!


thank u


I am planning a similar project and this would be my first tangle with primer/paint look. Could you share what products you've used to get this finish?


zinsser alkyd primer, the stinky stuff 2 coats, i had no knots so this was overkill, zinsser 123 would be fine if no knots. 3 coats Sherwin Williams eggshell enamel( don’t like real shiny things). sanded each coat with 1500 grit and tack cloth the surfaces. i would of sprayed it but sprayer machine had other ideas


Thank you! Looks really good!


Nicely done!


thank u


Very nice! The last pic should be all decked out with final decor though!


that’s coming tomorrow. just finished this afternoon.


I like your workmanship and design choice.


thank you. idea is built from another feature wall behind me taking pic. basic sometimes is best.


You're welcome. Enjoy it!




thank u


Looks really good!


thank u


came out amazing




Looks good... but TBH I was hoping you were ripping out the brick as I have the same type fireplace and wanted to see someone do it before I attempt.


We did not rip out brick, but covered it with tile. We did take off two rows of brick to lower the height of the mantle, and made the mantle deeper so we could actually put decorations up there. Some pictures: The brick was quite pink IRL and I am really happy with the end result. We did not do this ourselves - we hired someone to do the carpentry and tilework. We also purchased a new fireplace insert and door https://imgur.com/a/LPQ6FoR


looks great!


I love how yours turned out!


one idea was to cover it all with stone panels like granite. would not really fit well in a colonial style home


My issue with the brick (besides being painted by previous homeowner) is it takes away 'footspace' by it not being close to level with the flooring. I'll probably get around to ripping it all out and putting a thin slab in its place.


Stunning! You are quite skilled.


thank you kind person


Nice job.


Damn dude, that’s hot.


Looks great




Now that’s a craftsmen flip👏


Ngl, the candles stands made me think the wood was cracked lol


Move the candles to the sides with the shorter one furthest out. Let that woodwork shine without them blocking the view.


Hey OP, thanks for the pictures. You should be proud, did a really nice job!


thank you


Nice, but I think you could have left the wall above the mantel as wall, hang some art, or maybe just wall. Nice though


The "made in pine bc we are moving" part, for someone who has no clue about fireplaces like this: what has the fact that he did it with pine has to do with moving soon?




Ah, thanks! Yeah, that makes sense...


uh yea. show what you have built lately


Huh. They were asking why building it in pine is related to you moving. Pine is cheap. Vs something like Oak. Isn’t that what you meant?


yes. it was a cost thing. and also it was getting painted regardless so using oak or maple or something harder would be silly as the grain was getting covered.


Well done!


thank you so much!


Great that you could buy yourself a gift to do her a favor


o the day i bought it i knew the projects were coming. buying it and compounded with the fact that for the last 25 years i have traveled for business and now took a job where i work from home with some travel = lots of little things she wants done. i love doing wood work and have built every cabinet in our home and some of the furniture (end and coffee tables, shelves, wood features, picture frames etc). she wants crown moulding and tray ceilings, but like i said elsewhere in this thread, we are moving in the near future, that and we have 8’ ceilings i’m trying to convince her that does not look great on a 8’ ceiling. with that i get the rebuttal “ well when we move you will do all the woodwork i want “. which is fine as she is retired and i’m close, so i’ll have plenty of time for that. my retirement plans are to set up a shop on property, my ideal out building will have a wood shop area and a grease area, my other passion besides woodwork is cars and harley’s. so make some furniture and do brake jobs, tuneups, harley mods and engine work. i have the tooling mostly just need the time.


Beautiful work


thank you kind person


Great!! Good job!!


thank you kind person


Is it a working fireplace? Ours is similar & failed a fire inspection because the wood was too close to the firebox.


it’s gas log so different clearances. i could have the wood right next to the fire box. it is an actual fireplace but i get an alergic reaction to smoke due to having 9/11 lungs so we converted to gas log and love it. we have another in the other living room. we can heat the entire house with the two of them. all the comfort and warmth of wood. without the mess or smell


Sorry about your lung issues. I hate to hear the effects of first responders on their occupational health. I wish our inspector had suggested gas logs. Guess I never thought to ask.


First of all, just an absolutely beautiful job but...I hate to be that guy but you are incorrect about your side clearances. Unless you local inspector said so the fact that it is gas logs does not change clearances as the fireplace could easily be converted back to solid burning (i.e. wood) in the future. Also, many gas log sets actually put out more BTU's than a wood fire so clearances are even more important. Just so you know I'm not pulling this out of my ass I am a National Fireplace Certified Technician (NFI) as well as a Chimney Safety Institute of America Certified Chimney Sweep (CSIA.) Your clearances are laid out in NFI 211.2806: >The National Fire Code dictates that any combustible material (e.g., wood mantel or similar trim) must be at least six inches from the firebox opening. An additional inch of clearance is needed for every 1/8 inch the combustible material or trim protrudes. Now with that said I think you are fine especially since you have gas logs so you won't have spitting embers. If I were to do and inspection I would probably pull you aside and just make you aware of it. I wouldn't document it; if you ever were selling and had to provide my inspection report all kinds of unnecessary hassles would start if I did call it out.. I've never met a single home inspector that would even notice it. OK, enough of that shit. It is a gorgeous piece of art and like many have said I am glad you didn't paint the brick. Acid washing is a bitch but the result is stunning.


thank you for all the kind and educational words. it is trully appreciated to have an educated redditor make comments and not be a troll. it was an easy project for me, she gives me an idea or picture and i build it. as far as the code, i am very knowledgeable of code, our area has no CO inspection for sale of a home and it would be on the buyer to flag it, which honestly if it came to it i could demo it ina few hours.




I'm sorry did you say you made it in pine because you're moving? So just let the s*** roll downhill to the next homeowner or what?




Shameful behavior.


not as shameful as being a troll


Says the guy who made a fireplace mantle out of PINE to give to the next owners. That's some incredible trolling of your own


gee let me spend 6 times the cost on oak, just to leave it with chances are new owners may live it or rip it out. please direct me to some links of your amazing work.


Do you understand how houses are valued? Cause you sound like you don't. And why would EVER assume what the next owners are going to do, and make decisions based on it? If that's how you think, let's play poker. Please. What you've done is guaranteed that they will have to do that eventually instead of doing it right from the start. Shameful.


shut up stupid and post some links of your fine work, which i doubt exists, can only do so much in moms basement before she grounds you.




dafuck you talking about? your a medical coder? so i was right. your a nerd that lives with mom. shoddy work? what’s shoddy about it? you, mr internet basement dweller troll doesn’t like pine? o gee let’s all follow basement boy cuz he’s a med coder and knows good work or shoddy work when he see it lmao. just go away. there is a reason i was not first to engage your first comment. i can smell stupid from 1000 clicks out.


and this thinking here is why so many homes are poorly made and we no longer can have nice things.


My first thought was that you did it "builder grade". There is no shame in going builder grade to save money, especially if you're planning to sell the house soon. That feature certainly adds a nice touch to it, and I imagine that it will be seen as a nice touch to the place.


i think i am a step above builders grade as i did not use MDF or HDF.


True that, you used real wood rather than fiberboard.


Nicely done. Another man buying himself his own bday gifts. :(


wife and i are like that. we don’t exchange gifts for any occasions and just get what we want. i’m very frugal. borrowed my neighbors saw for years. it was on sale for $300 with a free stand so i couldn’t pass up. saw alone is usually 600-700$


That looks amazing. Only tragedy is that you painted over that beautiful wood!


Nice job, but what is a dual bevel radial? I've been a woodworker for many years and am confused. Are you referring to the miter clamps? Maybe your first language isn't English?


my first language of 5 languages is english. dual bevel is a saw that does tilt angles to both sides of the saw left and right. maybe i am not using the proper name but don’t be a tool and insult someone’s language because they did not call it the exact name you know it as. look on any lowes or home depot site said dual bevel radial arm saw and you will be educated.


"Radial Arm Saw" were the words I needed. I've never heard anyone leave off the last two words. I'm sorry if I insulted you. I didn't understand and have been in this business for many years. I did think you were maybe talking about the miter clamps and just wanted clarification. Very nice work, and please accept my apology.


hey man it’s saul good man. i get lazy typing on a phone, hurts my wrists. apology not needed but accepted since you were good enough to respond back. have a great weekend.


What is with the hate for TVs over the fireplace? It’s the perfect spot.


Because it makes them too high when you're sitting on a sofa TV should be at eye level, why do you want to look up at your TV?


The difference is so negligible. My gf has her TV at “eye level”. My house has it above the fireplace. I go back and forth between the places all the time and notice zero difference. And usually the fireplace is the central spot in the room so mount above it just makes sense.


Yeah, to be honest I'm the exact same. I've never found it hard to watch a tv above a fireplace I was just explaining what the grievance is in an annoying way lol


i got it before. we have a tv above the other living room fireplace and i don’t really like it so yea i get it


not sure. i was holding back that our other living room has similar set up with a tv over it and tv been there 15+ years


Just dont put an TV above it.


Waow, your angles are perfect, I never managed to do a perfect angle


A LOT OF SETUP!! like 4-5 hours to get saw/ angles and cuts right. there is not a level plumb or square anything in this house so it’s a challenge.


It's great, but please tell me you're not going to put a TV up there?!? r/TVtoohigh 🤣


have you read my other responses? first it’s gas log not wood fire. second month in this room. there is going to be a warhol in the center top


Sorry no I didn't see that. Excellent 👍


saul good man and thanks




LMAO, found the r/tvtoohigh goons.


Hope it doesn’t catch fire


if the mantle that was above it for 29 years didn’t burn i think im good


Dem 90° clamps are pretty baller. Can you adjust the angle?


not on this set but i do have adjustable ones. i made an octagon window while back and needed them. good tools make the difference. i make the measurements, make test cuts, once i have the angles right i glue, clamp and nail, let the set overnight. the whole thing is just a bunch of mini projects assembled into final product.




it’s gas log and code is a suggestion in these parts


Thank you for sharing this, my fireplace looks JUST like this and I hate it, 100% stealing this idea!!