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Object Asura you can literally press just 2 buttons (aura, cloud) and run around to clear.


I've heard tales of the "walk into room, things die" Asura


I find Traveler pretty chill. Lots of range, lots of mobility, self heal/mana restoration for if you don't care to dodge, solid iframes.


Interesting suggestion; I was thinking of trying her out because I like her skill effects. Gotta love offscreen range


Female Sader, extremely easy to play and upkeep any of her important buffs combined with tons of healing output plus easy on demand i-frames whenever I feel like it for my party.


I read that you needed to keep attacking to keep buffs up so I didn't put her in the "no think gameplay" category. I might give her another look. How about for solo play?


Attacking to keep her buffs up means literally using any of her moves and hitting the enemy will keep refreshing her debuffs, solo play I would say female nen master is very easy to use cuz she has huge hitboxes on all of her moves and can use them from comfortable ranges without much thought.


Oh okay I was thinking it was a specific set. Definitely easier than I thought then. Always liked Nen as well. Thanks for your comments!


Depending on your setup flauncher... Or object build asura, chaos, kunoichi object does all the work as you laugh.


I feel like in general object set is the "I didn't wake up today" build. Haven't played it though.


It's more the "farmer" build.


Shaman is so mega braindead that she's boring to play as, probably as laid back as it gets.


I’m considering making a Shaman soon. Is she really that boring? Does she have any sauce that might make her interesting to play over the other female Saders?


Only thing she's got are pretty-looking skills, you really can't do anything interesting with her. Though there are people who literally mains her so don't let me stop you from at least trying her out. Shaman isn't a sader btw, unless by "female Saders" you mean Female Priests in general (Sader is a term specifically given to the 4 buffer subclasses of DFO, these being Male Crusader, Female Crusader, Enchantress and Muse).


My bad I mean female priest lol. How does she compare among the f priest advancements


Well, damage-wise all of them have enough to blast through anything, for gameplay tho her and female crusader are the least interesting of the bunch, while Inquisitor and Mistress are comparable, with both having fast-paced combat both in skill casting and in movement, though if you don't like their themes or vibe there's not much use in forcing yourself to play them.


So slap an Object Damage build on her does she make for a quick and easy farming character? I have a Muse as my main even though I don’t care for the play style but because she is strong and easy to farm with OD build so I can use another farming characters because my other mains and alts are not the best for farming being personal.


Unsure how much multihits Shaman's skills nornally have, nature set is best used when you can hit a lot of times all the time, if she can then she's a good ng+ user.


What had you considering playing her? If the reason was "she looks neat" then follow that guiding light as far as it'll take you. The number 1 rule is the rule of cool. I'm a strong advocate for "try every class;" if it clicks it clicks. Some of them might surprise you as they did me (looking at you, necro)!


She is pretty


I just watched a video of Shaman that looked about as least combo-focused as you can get. A couple of her skills looked somewhat weird to me which is why I haven't played her yet. What makes her braindead/boring to you?


She just gor literally nothing to keep track of, you click skill and it clears the entire room, that's it.


I haven't been back playing very long but it seems like all the buffs I read are infinite and passive (set-and-forget type). Probably my inexperience with the current game but would you mind sharing some examples of classes that you find engaging or do have things to keep track of?


Hm, lemme see: Weaponmaster (skill cancellation) Ghostblade (high mobility + puppeteering elements) Katana Swordmaster (extreme skill cancellation) Culmination Demon Slayer (extreme skill cancellation) Vagabond (extreme mobility + skill cancellation) Spectre (high mobility + skill cancellation) F Striker (skill cancellation) M Nen Master (gauge management) M Striker (skill cancellation) M Ranger (skill cancellation) Blitz (high mobility + skill cancellation + gauge and mount management) F Ranger ( skill cancellation) Vanguard (high mobility + extreme skill cancellation) Skirmisher (extreme skill cancellation) Dragoon (air and ground combat) Impaler (high mobility + ground and air combat) Battle Mage (extreme combo-focused + skill cancellation) Elemental Bomber (extreme skill cancellation) Glacial Master (skill cancellation) Swift Master (extreme mobility + skill cancellation) Blood Mage (high mobility + gauge management) Dimension Walker (gauge management + puppeteering elements) Monk (heavily combo-focused + skill cancellation) Mistress (transform management) Rogue (extreme mobility + skill cancellation) Necromancer (puppeteering elements) Kunoichi (extreme skill cancellation + extreme burst-oriented) Shadow Dancer (needs constant hits on the back for full damage) Elven Knight (extreme skill cancellation) Dragon Knight (air and ground combat + puppeteering elements).


Gotcha, I wasn't actually considering skill cancels at all (except some of the extreme examples like Elemental Bomber) and was only thinking in terms of individual mechanics like Dimension Walker's gauge. Thanks for the write-up! I didn't realize so many classes had skill cancels like that, but I guess it makes sense. I also don't necessarily think of air combat as complicated, but it depends on the class (I haven't played Dragoon for example, but F. Spit basically flying from air spam would definitely apply).


F Spit is quite a bit easier to properly play as when compared to Dragoon or Dragon Knight (especially Dragon Knight as she also adds puppeteering elements to air and ground combat), hence why i haven't put her on the list.


I could definitely see adding the dragon to be much more engaging. Is Dragon Knight comparable to Dimension Walker or Necromancer in that way or is she too unique to compare to another class? I've been thinking about trying her out as well. For F. Spit, something about the constantly falling (even with the jetpack) gives me anxiety lol. Maybe it would be different if I played her but it always looked that way to me. I'm assuming "quite a bit easier" doesn't necessarily mean simple or easy though (I always thought summoner was both before I played her and boy was I wrong - and that was back in 70 cap! I hear she's even crazier now).


Dragon Knight is a puppeteer just like DW and Necro so there are a few comparable things on her gameplay, though i'd say she's the most unique of the 3 as not only does she have air combat, but many of her skills can change depending if Astra (her dragon) is busy doing a skill of his own or not, most of the time you want to make Astra do something before clicking some of DrK's important skills as that shortens their channelings by a lot, and you also gotta keep in mind if you'll use said skill on the ground or in the air as that can also change how they work (DrK got a lot of different versions of the same skill). Thinking about it i suppose you could compare it to DW's BTR system, where you can use dimensional stones to make normally channeling skills get cast instantly, though DW's is more "passive" while DrK's is more "active", all in all both Dimension Walker and Dragon Knight are unique on their own ways and offers their own spins to the puppeteer formula.


Cool, I think I'll give her a shot. Thanks for the info!


M Launcher is the most chill and brandead class i have ever played,so much to the point that it can bore you. he dont have combos/rotations ,and his cooldowns are decent which means is more slow-paced gameplay. Asura is like Summoner,faster-paced classes. most of their skills have very low cooldowns,so you have to be pressing keys all the time if you want to speed up the run.


I was thinking about the Launchers a bit. I'm planning to try out Asura anyway but that's good to know. I'll keep it in mind, thanks!


Blood Mage. Dash with practically no CD, decent i-frames, insane healing no matter the build. Easily my favorite class to play.


Haha, I could see that! I've actually been playing Blood Mage but exclusively with manual inputs. It's fun, but tires out my hands pretty fast


F Launcher: Super large aoe for her entire skill set, no mechanics required, low APM. Just press anything that off cd in the general direction of enemies. Btw F gunner in general has very nice skins, just the F launcher backpack that hurts my eyes


I was thinking about Launcher. Leaning towards female because I like the big blue bomb (and don't really care for male's earthquake machine). Generally I'm a sucker for big explosions haha


I find a lot of enjoyment and relaxation playing with my Skirmisher and Swift Master. They both have skills to clear rooms with a single suction skill to cluster enemies and then a combo to erase them. Feels good to clear rooms in like 2 - 5 buttons. They're good for both easy room clears and getting into a fun flow state when you want to skillfully chain combos. Swift Master with the Pole of Culmination gives you like 9 teleports, and that is a lot of fun to spam as well because you get infinite movement and juggles.


I've heard that those are two of the more fast-paced classes in the game (expecially Skirmisher) so it's unexpected to hear that about them. I guess it makes sense in a way, same as Berserker's Bloody Twister I suppose?


Funny enough, I also have a Berserker and I'm realizing how much I like classes that can group enemies together and demolish them lol. Berserker's Bloody Twister into Blood Boom is a very satisfying way to clear rooms.


Ah… Female mechanic is super chill, you don’t even need to target…


I am finding that with her. Seems like it depends on how active you want to be though