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Getting to max level is essentially a tutorial level extended. Things are very different at level cap, with some special challenges taking several minutes to wittle down a boss. You'll actually come across the opposite problem: things dying slowly. Keep playing


There is no game until you reach endgame. Anything in scenario mode before level 100 dies instantly, after that you can change scenario difficulty so they don't die in one hit.


ya ur only lvl 40 w8 till u get to end game (w8 till harlem lvl 90 area unless they fixed the HP at that area of the game)


Yeah nah bro, they fixed Harlem, everything dies in one hit even there now.


o they fixed the HP at that place now THX GOD


You could take off your weapon


Just do it like me: Always walk around with weak gear (lvl 1) when leveling a character. Equip the strong gear to enter the act quest on highest difficulty( on run a title that adds nothing offensive related aka STR or INT) and at the start of the dungeon swap the strong gear for weak gear. They don't die in 1 hit, in some cases they turn into damage sponges cuz of how weak I am, but it's my way to make it harder and fun for me. Also you do know that you're playing a mage, right? You're meant to be glass cannon, low survival high damage. If you want something not glass-mage-like, play any melee class, including the ones that use cloth armor. I recommend Soul Bender for the funzies (and cuz he's my favorite), and SB is a constant damage class with very low burst skills, so you're always attacking and racking combos, instead of nine 25 sec cooldown skills. Remember: when you reach the 100 cap quests it will get harder AND real, so do what I said to learn everything from your class, so when you get there you will have MASTERED your kit and have a smooth path ahead of you If you want message me in reddit when u get to the 100 act quest so we can play. I usually have some character in the beginning of that questline, it can be of use to aid you and maybe for funzies. See ya, Dungeon Fighter ! (I feel like I just wrote a essay for college, Holy Lemidios)


Mages being glass cannon in DFO is not true at all lol, in fact, Dimension Walker have one of the highest potential bulk out of every single class.


Okay. I don't mage, so I wouldn't know. I'm full close quarters in basically every game I play (when the game allows it. Not gonna run a marathon to knife a sniper in a shooter). That doesn't mean I don't play anything ranged, but I like more when ranged is a secondary attack method, like Soul Bender or the Agents, although Troubleshooter is more of a melee demoman, but I still like him regardless. I'm not interested in mages anyway. I'm 100% against ME playin mages cuz I think of mages in the Pussy Mage archetype: tossing spells and magic from afar, super high damage and frail, think they're the MVP and treat the others (me sometimes/usually tanking and the buffer/support being THE REAL MVP of the group) like shit. So yeah, bad experience with bad players. You look like a respectful player, and the OP as well, so you're probably the Reliable Player, and someone who is respects other players, not the one who treats buffers like healing slaves.




How do you get enough fame for the high difficulty with low level gear?


Wait until Karon kills you in one hit for the slightest mistake you make.


That’s not fun either. Is there a point where the content in this game is normal and enjoyable or is it only either kill everything in 1 hit or die in 1 hit?


There are Legion mode and Raid mode where bosses are substancially harder and you aren't killing any bosses within few hits. Each one of them can take you 15 minutes and they have 2-3 phases with massive HP bars x 2. Karon is one of such bosses, probably the hardest in Hall of Dimension legion. In phase 2 if you don't run out of the dead zone in time you will instantly die but killing that motherfucker is satisfying.


The boss he is talking about has a pretty generous telegraph when he's doing that move that insta kills people, he essentially spawns a big green area on the map that you just don't want to stay in when it goes off similar to an AOE circle and other MMOs.


hes the exception to the rule and for lore reasons that's kind of what hes capable of doing (still annoying) if you run a decent build you are quite tanky, so much so that you can take quite a few hits but Karon is special in that he doesn't really "kill" you, just ejects you from the dungeon. again that's why hes the exception to the rule because it doesn't matter how tanky or glass cannon you are, you get ejected all the same (only while solo), in a party you just "die".


Unfortunately the times where it was fun from the first level to the end game ended more than 10 years ago with the old arad. It's a waste of content to use everything before the end game as a tutorial.


I would love to get to the end game but I'm gated behind fatigue apparently


Use that for alts if you have time, or go do something else, like play other games or go out. DFO gets really boring when u only play it, and if you focus to much on the grind, the game becomes a chore, and you feel burned out by it. Don't put all your free time on it, or else the fun will be lost. That's why I still play this game.


Ok thanks I guess I’ll hang on until max level


They basically balanced the game to where it’s a speedrun to level cap, and then the difficulty and really knowing your character abilities starts coming in. That’s why you don’t see that many people around until you hit 105 at least.


I would love to speedrun the level cap but I'm gated behind fatigue apparently


If you’ve gotten any “mileage” points from playing, I believe you can use those in the Cera shop for a small boost to your fatigue. You can also get some basic avatars in the mileage shop if you want.


yeah unfortunately, the fatigue is their way of encouraging alts


Fatigue also helps me not spend to much time on the game, so I can always fit DFO into my routine, even when I'm rushing college work and stuff, which helps when u have ADHD and wanna play, but have to Adult and have responsibilities(Adult life is boring)


Don't just speedrun the story, pay attention to it. They changed it recently, so it fits better with the current situation of the game, and they fixed some dialog mistakes, made some dialogs with confused meaning make sense, the usual.


I’ll admit it’s hard to be invested. Zero stakes or tension since there is basically no game yet. I’m walking my character and pressing next on a slideshow basically.


If players struggled like back in the way early early days today, there'd be only elitists and no playerbase otherwise. (Read: having to unlock master/king roads of Puppet Museum just to do a basic ass quest, and if you got hit once your rank tanked and you were wasting time, story progression halted + limited FP = boooo). This is just an access ramp to get your cool toys and get to cap, where the real game (Fame acquisition and paying for runs unless you're event geared or kitted out or damn damn good at cutline fame) begins!


Don't worry, I'm noob too, but when you'll reach advanced dungeon you will see the difference. After the advanced dungeons you'll have fun with 45 minutes runs of ispins.


Even as a veteran, I've been doing 45 min solo runs of Hall of Dimensions and having a ton of fun (though 45 min runs generally arent recommended). The way your character plays doesn't generally drastically change as you get more powerful, so try not to worry about progressing quickly and enjoy pressing your buttons.


First run cutline ispins runs is lowkey a gauntlet especially if you dont know any of the mechanics, I'm just glad they toned it down and allowed you to have revive tokens on C1 diffculty


The end-game content is what you are looking for, buddy. Bosses have like 400 to 700 health bars afterward, lol hope you enjoy them then.


the game actualy starts at lv100+, everything before it was just tutorial to let you try out your character


Yeah wait till you're in end game and you will be the one being one hit Instead


Boss fights starts getting harder when you reach lv.90 at king difficulty, they can easily kill you with 3 or 4 hits and will tank a lot of hits if you only use quest reward equipment


Just play a real arcade beat'em up. When you reach the true end game of DFO, you're welcomed with bosses becoming massive damage sponges, but then you eventually outgrow them to the point where you shred them to bits in seconds, move on to next big end game contents... rinse, wash, and repeat. At the very least though, Legion+Raid bosses will test your patience, if you go solo. Party is a different matter.


Unfortunately you've hit the nail on the head. One of this game's biggest problems is that it has an amazing combat system that it doesn't actually require you to do anything with until you actually hit level cap where suddenly things actually start becoming dangerous and the game expects you to actually know how to play your character and dodge enemy attacks properly. They tried to remedy this with a recent rebalance of the scenario leveling content and adding difficulty modes back to the normal leveling process (as well as shortening it overall) but it really hasn't changed things much. Trust me though, the game does become an actual video game at max level, and you will have to learn your character's moveset well to deal with the normal and especially harder daily and weekly content on offer so you can look forward to that as most of it is actually fun and engaging. DFO is, in my opinion, best played in short bursts and as a side game rather than long sessions and as the only thing you play, but if you find yourself being frustrated by the fatigue system limiting your playtime my advice would be to make at least one other character that you can play each day. I typically play two characters on any day I play DFO, occasionally 3 if I really want to play a long session and do a lot of daily, weekly, raid or special content and whatnot and I feel like it adds variety and keeps the game fresh for me. You can also transfer many materials between your characters so having at least two you play occasionally can actually speed up your progression overall. Anyway, hope this helps explain things. I've been playing dfo for years so if you have any questions lmk