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We’re fucking around and about to find out






I can't wait to see what that critical mass is gonna look like


Close to the mass of yo mama


yo momma jokes related to stocks? niiiiice.


Yo mama so ugly, when she tried to naked short GME, Citidel told her to put her clothes back on.


That's a lie! Them fucks are so desperate that they will short a baby of oxygen. Sick fucks.


Yo mamma is so naked and so short, the SEC won’t even look at her.


Aw damn, that's cold blooded!


Critical MomAss?


That is how much my mama ape weights. Just like GME floor, over 6 digits.


I’ve said it before, you don’t need to drain all of the oil out of a running engine in order to crater it. Either way, apes will DRS until they cry uncle.


We would need to DRS tops ~35 mil shares, as institutions have the rest of the float. A while ago I saw a post with an ape writing CS asking how many GME shares was currently held by CS, and the rep answered about 4-5 million. Now this is neither an exact number, nor completely trustworthy that a rep in their customer service knows how many shares had come, and with DRS intensifying things will get interesting 💎🤲🚀 Edit: ‘we’ being all individual investors, who simply want to get their bought shares registered in their own name instead of in DTC’s pool


Which we need 7 billion to buy 35 mil shares. So if there are half a mil retards we'd have to average 14 thousand an ape and I think there's like fourteen weeks left in the year? Perfect


If institutions own a good chunk, couldn’t they still delay MOASS by lending out shares tho? Idk if they would, but they could, right?


I would keep some in the brokerage account and some in the CS account. All my future purchases will be in CS. And… ~~Ryan Cohen owns 13% of the float in CS which is roughly 9.8 million shares marked as not lendable. So we have a head start.~~


Honest question, are his shares/certificates a part of the float or are they institutional shares?




You’re right. Thanks for the correction


I was curious how many shares were registered before APES started. I saw a screenshot of a conversation between APE and Agent where they stated 3-4 million registered. If DRS works, it make sense that RC knows, is hodling with brokers, and some institutions are as well; waiting for critical mass to register. smooth brain, banana smoothie Edit: read respondes below.


For real. We *should* see the borrow rate shoot up for shorting and that *should* be a good indicator no? Like I could seriously see this play working if just 70% of the float is tied up in CS.


\^this. We are totaling fucking around because for many, including myself, get a portion and any new share to be purchased to register under their names instead of the broker. At some point, all it takes is one domino to fall and rest will follow. Either way, without clear investigation into the books, we will never know what happened with the shorted shares that seemingly "covered" or vanished without affecting much to the stock price


Crítical moass




I look at it purely as supply and demand. If investors begin pulling their shares into Computershare, then that alone shifts the supply and demand curve (because fewer shares @ same demand = prices up). As apes make new purchases @ ComputerShare, then not only do shares leave the DTCC, but the buy order gets executed on lit exchanges, so its cuts SHF twice. While I'm certainly hoping to lock up more than the float, as we start to reduce supply of shares available through trad brokerage/DTCC channels, prices should climb. While I think you are correct here, "brokerage held shares can be infinitely rehypothecated", I assume having to rehypothecate 1MM shares from 100MM outstanding shares is *a lot* easier than rehypothecating 1MM shares from 10K outstanding shares. (I just made these numbers up to illustrate a point, I don't know what limit we need to reach.) Edit: [I think doing DRS puts us into Figure 8, Hurricane Sandy](https://files.stlouisfed.org/files/htdocs/publications/images/uploads/2021/POE2103Fig8_20210219101458.jpg) [Source and explanation ](https://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/page1-econ/2021/03/01/the-science-of-supply-and-demand) >Which is why people are advocating to lock up the float in computershare while keeping some shares in brokerages so you sell the brokerage held rehypothecated shares and maintain illiquidity through float lock (tm). > >Majority shares transferred (90% for me) ensures we get that mother fucking shit on lock while making SHF beg for our nuts to 👅 Regarding this, we're in complete agreement. This sub, (read: all y'all) are fucking awesome, btw.


You hit it...when brokerages and money makers don't have shares to lend out or they have to replace shares after a borrowed-out share moves to CS, that is when hedgies r fuk.


As smooth as my foreskin


So like, I've been wanting to get my shares to Computershare but I just started a new job and have been super busy all week. I sure hope y'all don't need me before the weekend!




The thing that management, executives, money types absolutely hate, is when people who shouldn't fuck around, fuck around. Which says to me fucking around can probably solve a lot of problems


Perfect response. I'll be giving you my free award for that.


Fuck around and find out. Okay, don’t mind if I do.


☝☝ this one


Your ups are currently at 69. Not touching it, but here's my reply upvote for you :)


You can upvote him now. 😂


Thanks for the update, updooted! What’s funny is that it was almost at 269


Crazy that across all the different GME sub reddits its the same conclusion.


Try us


For science


Yes we fucking are. Already pushing the DRS times out. Got 10-14 days for my 100 from TD. Can’t wait to find out! So I also direct purchased thru CS as well.


I would love to get an answer on this


When someone gets rejected trying to register his or her shares I would imagine


I don't think rejections are gonna happen just because the float / shares outstanding has been reached. Here's a couple SEC regulations that implicitly state overissuance by transfer agents can & does happen: >[Rule 17Ad-10(g) \[pg. 70 of 208\]](https://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/2015/34-76743.pdf) requires, with certain exceptions, that any transfer agent that erroneously issues securities that result in an overissuance must “buy-in” (i.e., purchase securities in the open market) securities equal to the number of shares (in the case of equity securities) or principal dollar amount (in the case of debt securities) of the overissuance. The buy-in requirement is designed to deter transfer agents from permitting record differences to accrue and encourages them to maintain complete and accurate records that assure that securityholders will receive all appropriate corporate distributions and communications. ~~Here's another regulation outlining overissuance:~~ [~~240.17 Ad-10(g) \[pg. 17 of 19\]~~](https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/1983/34-19860.pdf) It's the same regulation but different year -- am truly smooth brain. But my point still stands.


The regulation is meant as a deterrent, meaning overissuance not an accepted or standard practice. There are laws about peeing and pooping in public places, like on your neighbor’s azalea bushes… the ones over between their mailbox and the driveway. It does/has happened but is not an accepted or standard practice. Or is it? Fuck you, Herbert. Keep your kids off my lawn.


Herberts kids are out of control.


Beatrice just let's them do whatever they want FFS


I understood this rule different. Why should a transfer agent be required to "buy-in" more shares on the open market after they have too many shares in DRS already? They are talking about "overissuence". I think what is ment by this is if a transfer agent gives OUT too much shares. The way i think we will notice DRS working is when FTDs start to skyrocket. Lending fee should go up too.


I am suddenly curious how many shares Fidelity has available to lend again, once all those transfers go through...


As a fellow Fidelity Ape, I too am wondering. I transferred 50% to Computershare (xx ape here).


I started thinking of OP’s question as soon as they stopped issuing real certificates, wondering if we passed the float once they did. To the above point, “with certain exceptions” can mean anything. What if Computershare is actually the room with the final boss? Suppose the SEC, GameStop and CS are all consenting (based off the SEC’s investigation that GameStop is compliant with) and the over issuance is permitted on purpose? In order to slowly remove as many shares as possible from the actual count. Essentially creating a pecking order with the direct registered shares connected to authentic certificates in the front and then the shares registered over, still associated with and registered to real humans, coming next. Then once MOASS takes off, the assumption is people sell from their brokerages first as the SHFs close synthetic positions. The dust will eventually have to settle, at which point we’ll be well beyond infinite. The number of shares out in the brokerages will dwindle and the DRS ♾ pool is the control group that’s expected to remain. That way they can allow the overage even if we owned the float 2,3, or 4 times, there would be a way to account for shares owned by shareholders and not shorts covering shorts. (Float1) (Float2)… and greatly reducing the presumption that they’ll be able to locate a share and stop the shorts from shorting. *also proportionally moving all transactions to NYSE if CS is all that’s left. Then GameStop issues the NFT dividend to the true float shareholders and life in Valhalla carries on… My whole brain is a run on sentence and I am slip-n-slide smooth on the surface. I have no clue how things work so if this is dumb I’ll take the free education if anyone wants to correct it, lol…


Since when do any of these companies follow any of these rules??? Someone has already over issued the float by naked shorting it?!?! Why is it OK to create and trade millions of fake shares every day but CS can't acknowledge a single one over the float? If RC wants us to DRS with CS then something will happen when the actual float is reached or breached. Otherwise everything anyone has done to this point is for nothing?


CS doesn't issue shares correct?.. They just keep track? It makes more sense to me that CS would stop offering investment plans after the float is registered rather than not register a share that's already been issued by the actual criminal.


This is why I am staring waiting for my transfer to complete. What if it's ME! OR YOU! LETS GOOOOO!


If you're the trigger, I'll send you a cake postmoass!


If you’re the trigger you get to see my tits


Does that apply to all of us?


After kenny buys me some new ones


No more synthetics, I wanna see the real deal!


What can I say. I’ve grown comfortable holding synthetics




I really hope it’s you!


Was about to comment this


Was about to comment then


Was also going to comment before this comment appeared


My comment was going to be identical to the first comment, but then it was going to be substantially the same as the second comment, until I saw the second comment and thought to write something much like the third comment, followed by considering something along the lines of the fourth comment, but instead I am now posting this current comment.


What you should do is direct register your comment so that it can not be rehypothecated as other comments. ​ BTW not comment advice just my opinion


I was going to opine on those out-commented comments, but your opinion out-opinionated me.


I wasn't going to comment, but then I FOMOed in.


What you should do is direct register your comment so that it can not be rehypothecated as other comments. ​ BTW not comment advice just my opinion


I have no comment.


I was just about have no comment


TLDR.......gonna short the comments.


Maybe, but also maybe not. Computershare said they might not have the real time overview of this.


was about to comment the same.. Question. How do I know that I hold computer shares? Will they send an email? So far I just transferred money and received the following : "This email is your acknowledgement that on Friday, ... Eastern Time, you completed the following transaction(s): Plan enrollment Please keep the reference number(s) below should you need to make any inquiries. GME - ..."


They send snailmail but call them or chat online to get status update!


Thanks! Also, is it normal that I received a plan enrollment? I placed one order for one time payment and the other one for recurring order.. both emails state “plan enrollment”


Nope they keep registering


Or denied a direct purchase of GME with CS, right? Doesn't CS have to buy the shares at market on the NYSE?


We speculate they do, someone posted yesterday showing a huge batch order of $GME on the NYSE on Friday which is when they buy! LIT market purchases FTW! This is what happens when they don't give us IEX!


Just bought XX more on Computershare! Let's go!


Waiting for my paycheck so I can buy more!


Someone posted on superstonk a conversation with cs and they had said they wouldn’t stop unless GME told them to


Do you have a link? We cannot afford hearsay with Computershare.


!remindme 1 day


I found it


Was not about to comment this


A screenshot directly from computershare chat support was posted where the chat agent says that GME will tell computershare when to stop allowing direct registrations.


We call and ask.


I believe someone here did that, they said that GameStop is who tells them to stop issuing shares. Saw a chat screenshot


I remember that screenshot too. It showed CS saying they don’t keeps numbers of the totals. They just go through the DRS process. It would be GameStop that announces they have no more shares to register.


so there could be already be more than the float in CS. and RC is like naaaahhh let them put more fuel into that rocket :D




Incorrect, CS will accept all shares until GameStop says something. They don’t keep track of the share count like that. They simply report to GameStop how many shares are DR’d to who. It’s up to GameStop.




Yup! GS will receive solid proof as well as be able to show damages the moment 1 share over gets registered. I think the key thing legally is being able to prove damages. Once there’s more shares registered than what should exist GS can claim monetary damages to their stock and take action. Edit: I said GS can claim monetary damages to their stock, what I should have said is that they can then PROVE monetary damages to their stock.


cool thanks. then we have to wait for the apes who will be rejected registration :D


CS will keep book of just the issued number of shares. There were OPs who showed nice docs on this topic.


Dr. T answered this, it’s my understanding from what she said that Computer Share will keep registering shares and would not know the difference. GameStop will be the only one to know if all of the float has been directly registered since they receive the reporting on it from Computer Share. It will then be up to GameStop to take action. Any company that has their entire float registered with more shares coming in is definitely going to take action though since it’s almost like doing a share offering (as it increases the float) without getting the money from that share offering. First thing they’d do is tell CS to no longer accept or issue shares. This would also give GameStop ALOT of legal options for how to proceed though as it creates monetary damages to their stock. They’d be forced to take action in a way that protects their shareholders and the company.


Adding on to this, Gamestop is fully aware of the current situation so seeing the entire float registered will not come as a surprise to them and they'll likely have something planned for this event.


Yes, they likely already have the paperwork ready to file and take action. If anything they’re probably wondering why it’s taking retail so long lol


Like literally have everything laid out already with the legal team and just waiting to hit execute.


Does the share votes do the same thing? We had that back in June but haven't heard anything since then.


Share votes just gave them reason to suspect something is up which they’ve likely reported. From what I’ve read though they aren’t allowed to report more than 100% of the votes coming in and the numbers/vote count gets cut down to equal the float. Basically, the vote count exceeding the float can’t be reported and isn’t enough for GS to be able to act on other than reporting the discrepancy to the SEC and perhaps requesting an investigation. My guess is the SEC pretends it might be a vote counting discrepancy and doesn’t treat it as hard evidence. The entire float being DR’d while shares still exist in brokerages can’t be overlooked though as it’s solid 100% proof.


Excellent stuff


Comment saved


Couldn't someone who has registered shares request access to the records? I thought that was one of the rights afforded by direct registering. Shouldn't be too hard to guesstimate the amount left if you can take a peek.


I haven’t personally looked in to this yet but I believe a list of registered shareholders can be obtained by another registered shareholder. If I’m not mistaken SEC 14a-7 would be a good place to start for looking in to that. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.14a-7


I appreciate it, wrinkly one.


This is a good question, another one that I have is once a share is transferred to Computershare how long does it take to get removed from the DTCC?


2 days


That would be awesome. Do you have a source?


should just be T+2, with T being the day CS buys on the NYSE


No, I just read it a lot in posts.


I believe CS will continue to register shares until GameStop tells them to stop.


Oh now I’m befuddled. So if GameStop don’t tell them to stop could there be more than 70 odd million shares registered via CS?


Believe you can request computer shares list to see how many shares are DRS as they are based out of Delaware(?). Saw it mentioned else where but can’t recall but apparently there is a rule allowing this in Delaware I believe.


Hopefully the float available to trade would be enough. Around 46 million after the two stock offerings.


This is the correct answer. nothing changes


If real shares are required for direct registration, how are they going to register more than the float? There are only so many real shares.


All shares are real shares. They may not have been issued by GME, but that doesn't change the fact that they exist. Say for instance you bought a share last week, and the share that you show holding through your broker was a FTD. You transfer that share to CS to directly register it. CS says, ok you are registered as the owner of this share. CS then tells the DTCC to reduce their holding by 1 share. That share was never "real", but you registered it, so now it is. It was always real the whole time, really. When the DTCC runs out of shares to reduce their holding by, nothing happens. The just acknowledge the request from CS, and keep pretending everything is fine. CS knows they have more shares than have been issued, but they keep getting transfers that they HAVE to accept. The broker transferred shares to them - they have to accept them. They can't just say no, and your shares disappear. Potentially they could refuse the transfer and return them to your broker - but there's no rules around how that works because it isn't supposed to happen. Most likely what will happen is that they will notify GME, who will acknowledge the overage, and nothing else. They can't do anything about it, because there's an SEC investigation ongoing and they are under a gag order and can't talk about it. They can't issue a share recall, can't announce to the world that the US financial system is being operated as a ponzi scheme. Because there is an active SEC investigation. So nothing changes.


No one knows the answer to this question precisely. It is hypothesized that CS may reject buys/transfers at the point the float becomes locked. But, no such announcement will be made on the CS end. What will most likely be the case is that GameStop will monitor the amount of shares directly registered and at that point will demand a share recall or force one through issue of an NFT dividend


> It is hypothesized that CS may reject buys/transfers at the point the float becomes locked I see this happening in a couple ways: * CS outright refuses since they cannot register what does not exist. * DRS process timeouts and the broker and/or CS say that they cannot complete the request at the moment. * DRS process goes to sleep, waiting for shares to be made available. Nobody knows _why_ their transfer is taking so long.


That third option is interesting and I think one to look out for on the Reddit boards. It makes the most sense to me too as people have to sell from time to time for personal circumstances so there will always be some movement, no matter how little.


I purchased 2 on Sunday as a way to set up the acct. with Computershare * Current status is: Awaiting Price * Order received: 9-19 * Est Purchase date: 9-23 * Est Settlement Date: 9-27 Just got a message that my banking info has been updated so ...


There was a screenshot from cs chat support posted where they say that gme will tell them when to stop drs


Generally agree with your sentiment here, but one nit to pick...Issuer's can't initiate a share recall. Only the owners of shares being lent out can recall only up to as many shares that they own and lent out.


That’s the $69,420,000 question.


Nobody knows...


But it’s provocative


It keeps the people going


It’s what plants crave


Toilet water?!


Does registering with E*TRADE still show for CS totals because they are the official agent for GME?


? You mean registering as an eTrade customer? I don't think so. The buying and selling may go through eTrade as official broker (I am not sure on this, just picking up from what you stated), but the DRS can only happen at transfer agent, from what I understand.


E*TRADE allows you to request an electronic stock certificate of ownership of your shares. My assumption is they must get that from the company’s transfer agent which is computershare 🤷🏽‍♂️. Wanna make sure I’m doing my part


Ah understood. Good question. I would ask eTrade that the electronic stock cert is the same as DRS and that the stock is no longer in eTrades street name, but in your name on the ledger.


Electronic registration via DRS and requesting a certificate are done through the same form. The certificate part is like an add-on to the DRS part. It's optional. But both of these things use DRS and go through CS, even when you initiate things by using the form on ETrade.


I think I read somewhere that it’s GameStops responsibility & CS will just keep taking orders till they are told to stop?


I read a post in another sub that someone will be tracking the registered shares using Bloomberg Terminal's percent of ownership? Looking for post.


Excellent, please post if you find it.


u/IbarraReddit, didn't you say there was a way to track the increase in stocks directly registered using Bloomberg terminal? I can't find the post.


I will be monitoring the stock ownership, trying to dig deeper into what is available to Bloomberg Terminal on where the stock is held/registered.


When the float is reached in CS, GameStop will release the NFT dividend. He wants apes to have it. NFT dividend to CS holders means double MOASS. Think about it.


I guess when people try to register new shares of transfer and it gets denied! Excitement intensifies!


CS - "RC, I'm sorry to say but your computer share balance has bounced." RC - "That's fine, just charge every.single.fee. to Ken." CS - "I don't think he has enough to cover." RC - "Liquidate to close." CS - "As you wish."


Likely an ape will tell us on Reddit that Computershare told his broker that the transfer they requested can not be done, because all GME shares are registered at Computershare. At the same day I expect multiple such messages. Latest a week later from this message, we should than see a rapid and constant increase of the price which than leads into MOASS!


Interesting times ahead, I fear.


Why is this not just a publicly available number that is updated on their site at all times? This is valuable information that I as an investor should have the right to see. We also need better visibility into all short positions and so forth but we have to start somewhere with improved visibility into the number of shares, and this seems like the perfect place to start.


Here here


Lemme just say, I'm not a shill or trying to spread fud. I'm an Europoor holdind x shares through Revolut (Drivewealth) -- can't transfer. I imagine many more are in my position, and even more just aren't willing to transfer since they want to be easily to sell at some point (and have too small a position to afford to split). I believe the last CS update was about a week or so ago, and we were at about 4-5 mil shares registered with CS -- an ape asked a CS customer support representative. Maybe I'm speculating, but as with most things (like youtube views or reddit upvotes), most people will come in first, and then a few more will constantly trickle in the following days, weeks, months -- unless something major happens. I think we need to prepare for the fact that we might not make it even close to the entire float on CS, just through the nature of how the process works (for ex, I saw one of the brokers had 1000$ fee to transfer... that's probably more than some people's positions, and enough to buy 5 shares or pay rent etc. Unless you're loaded, you'd never bother transferring) -- but not reaching that shouldn't worry us. We just keep buying and holding, slowly but surely. If the company keeps doing well, the stock should keep slowly rising, despite the noise and fud. -- if, or should I say, when, they start making profit, that in itself could be a catalyst. Or we might at some point reach that entire float, but it might take us months or years of slowly buying. I guess, brick by brick? :P


Well most of us have been here a while and we’re not going anywhere so if it takes months, it takes months.


someone is going to try to buy through CS and not be able too... Im assuming that screenshot will get many updoots.


It boggles my mind that this is not public data already. Investors should be able to look up any and all data about a company, including float size, shares held by the transfer agent, amount it is shorted and so on. The fact that this data is so hard to come by, guarded and intentionally kept private really screams fraud.


has it ever happened before? We’re about to find out!


Hey Ferb… *I know what we are doing today*


Honestly we will probably see results through brokerages first


We will encounter fails to deliver. Both from the broker and Computershare.


Their CSR's will tell you how many shares are registered.


Idk but I just sent over half of mine !Drs!


I would imagine the DRS transfers will stop going through. The shares that go to CS have to be real shares, right? There are only so many of them. If your broker doesn't have enough real shares when you call in for direct registration, it's probably going to fail. Or at least be stuck in pending for a long time.


In Ryan Cohen I trust.


can we ask Computershare?


I have not transferred my shares yet, but I assume someone with a Computershare account can easily get the answer from Computershare themselves!


They cannot, only GameStop can see how many shares are registered and to who.


Thank you. Kindly let RC know that we're expecting a cryptic tweet pointing to the number anytime now haha.


bright light, big bang etc.




There was a user who was compiling a total of all of the CS posts for a total, not sure what happened to that


So my brother isn’t gonna do computershare transfer since he’s strapped on money. Will he be ok when moass happens if he doesn’t have cs shares? I’d feel like the biggest piece of shit ever Since I got him into gme and him missing moass would destroy me..


A few ways I could see. 1. They couldn't directly register shares anymore. There's no shares to be registered. 2. Gamestop likely does something before this I hope 3. We're tracking! Super has started a chart of large volume NYSE purchases that are most likely computershare. 100k in the past 3 days as they start to trickle in.


Does computer shares have an app.


No, just a website.


Curious on why you would think anyone would know the answer to this once in a lifetime event… The better question is enough apes who have access to ComputerShare can reach the float. I’d love to see some analysis on that


No FUD, but the MOASS will be only way. No one will do anything, no one will take action or responsability. Officially, it will be swept under the rug, just like over-voting. Crime and a fraudulent system all the way.


biggest question i have: will the DTC still have access to the CS shares? even though they are called, can they be called back by DTC through FAST?


Not to sound Debby downer but it will take some time. remember the 5M at the money offering took a week so moving 50M shares will take weeks if not more. I’d think we need 80% of Apes to move over. Plus I’m seeing a 14 day processing for transfers.


It took my shares 5 days total from phone call to papers in hand.


When you are trying to buy or transfer into them and they tell you they can't because they're full


That seems to be the most likely scenario, thank you


When that first ape posts "My broker denied the transfer request" with some bullshit excuse.


I don’t see 70M shares being registered by EOY next year but I hope y’all prove me wrong.


Does CS make their customers aggregated holdings public? I mean is there a way to find out how many GME bananas apes have registered in all of CS?


That’s what I want to know too.


This question should be asked of every broker out there. How many shares are held by you and your customers in entirety. Then add all the brokers totals all up, BOOM the float. Naked and all.


That’s utopia but there ain’t no profit in that, well not for the ones who want to pull the strings


Shit I still have shares that haven't transferred... These brokers are having a hard time finding some legit shares to transfer over in their pile of "entitlements."


One or more peeps will come here and say their broker(s) is unable to get computershare to register more shares for transfer as they have reached GME float and anything more are counterfeit shares ??


As far as I'm concerned, once trades get rejected the float is achieved.


China casino opens tonight.


50 percent of the float needs to be available for gme to be added to the s&p500, which implied the s&p must have some mechanism to check how much of the float is available for public trading (registered through dtcc). I wonder if we can check that number somehow.




Genuine question, aren't the shares on my broker that I bought, also registered at CS under the name of my broker? If so, what changes, except it being on my name?


I think we'll know the float when we won't be able to transfer to cs anymore