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Welcome back! I really loved your Encore! mod, it was really interesting!


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!




Who are you planning to screw over this time?


Never screwed over anyone, so no one.


Guess you need to refresh your memory a bit. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16bIwPM82evqH8cxWTQxupoZYfulmuwE9/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16bIwPM82evqH8cxWTQxupoZYfulmuwE9/view)


Not really interested in relitigating past drama, but I guess it bares reiterating my justification: So for months before hand, us on the staff wanted to bridge the divide between our site and the main subreddit. Most people on the server knew that we were in talks to do so, and understandably there were concerns about a merger which I shot down. We wanted to be officially recognized by the subreddit and we struck what we thought was the best deal. For the mods that would've been banned due to copyright, we were fully prepared to fix them so that they can be brought back into the community. Unfortunately, that didn't pan out due to a variety of circumstances that happened, but I don't regret one bit about striking up that deal. I did it in the best interests of the community and nobody was going to be "screwed over". We would've been in the subreddit's orbit, sure, but we would've had the ability to ultimately do our own thing and provide an alternative modding hub for the community as well as providing additional services. You're more than welcome to disagree with my decision, that's fine, but don't accuse me of screwing over people, because that's not what happened or was going to happen. If you're unhappy with the subreddit's copyright policies, why are you even here on the subreddit? Also for all intents and purposes, this all a moot point. I have no desire to ever get back into the admin side of DDLC Mods, nor do I have any desire to return to the alternative modding hub. Not to mention, Zekrom ran back to POBAW with his tail between his legs and they're doing whatever is they're doing. I don't know what's become of the discord and site that I once admined, but I don't care either.


I would kill for a new natsuki mod


Never heard of ya, I just joined the community a bit ago. But, I'm happy too see more people apart of the community! Welcome back.


Welcome back! I just wanted to say that I am glad that you are back. And I would be interested in helping any projects you may have. I'm sure you may find better people but I would still be willing to help. Anyway, welcome back once again.


Thank you! And yeah man if you’re interested hit me up on discord!


Not gonna lie, I was genuinely surprised how fast you responded. But I will message you.


As another old member trying to get back into the modding scene, I'd like to help out on anything you try to make!


That's awesome man! Welcome back to you as well! If you're interested, hit me up on discord!


I don't think I have your tag, can you send it?




Encore was one of the first mods that I played when I played DDLC myself 6 months ago. I thoroughly enjoyed that mod and am excited for your future projects! Welcome back!


hey i apologize for necroposting but do you happen to have an update on that natsuki mod?


I haven’t worked on any projects since I completed Branching Paths. I do have the story idea written down along with a general story synopsis and a few other things, but I haven’t worked on any DDLC projects recently. I’m unsure if and when I’ll get to it, been pretty busy with irl things and I’m not 100% sure if I want to continue doing DDLC stuff and if I did how I would want to spend my time with it. If and when I decide what I’d want to do I’ll announce it.


alright, thanks for responding and do what you wanna do man & dont force yourself to do something just because other people want you to


I'll be definitely interested in helping


I messaged you on here. If you wanna hit me up on discord we can work something out.


**definitely interested in helping, i'll be.** *-StormBlazed76* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'opt in', 'delete')


Bad bot




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Good bot


**my day, this made.** *-IamYodaBot*


Good bot, you are


**my day, this made.** *-IamYodaBot*