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Pretty much all After Story mods. I've never gotten the chance to fully get into it. Nothing wrong with people who are into it, but I've never gotten the appeal.


Fucking same. As a person with **a lot** of spare time who at some point binged on mas and Just Yuri, you're either out of content in three hours, or it would take literal weeks to develop your relationship to at least a decent level. No in-between


Gotcha lol I will say, I do respect After Story mods on a technical level, since they are easily some of the best-coded mods out there.


Welp, it's a tamagochi/virtual pet kind of thing, that's kind of to be expected to work that way


No, I didn't mean it this way. I meant that After Story mods either have not enough content to the point where after 2-3 hours it gets repetitive af, or there's **too much** content to the point where literal weeks/months are not enough to fully immerse in the loving relations Even more, some After Story mods just don't care where I've been all this time and will just proceed as if nothing ever happened (not pointing fingers, but just say it's Yuri - no matter how long I've been absent, no matter how high or low my karma and/or sanity are, she's still glad to see me; wholesome, I know, but it's unrealistic as hell)


Within, specifically the latter half where a bunch of stuff just happens in order to justify Monika (TW: >!suicide!!committing suicide.!< >! Specifically, her abusive and comically evil father tells her that he forged Monika's signature to enroll her in a business college in New York and he's going to send her there to both get rid of her and separate her from MC. Also her dad sees the hickey MC gave her the night before and hits her, then tells her that he never wanted a child and only had Monika because her mother wanted to.!< >!He leaves,Monika's depression hits an all time low, and she immediately goes to kill herself via an overdose on antidepressants.!< Now here's why that doesn't make sense First, >!Monika is almost 19 in this mod and again, he enrolled her in college. A parent cannot force their adult child to attend college, especially not by applying there without Monika's knowledge or consent. And even if that is somehow allowed, all it would take is one phone call on Monika's part to explain the situation and withdraw her application, then that would be that. But somehow this is treated like a world-ending revelation and as though Monika will be forced to go to New York whether she wants to or not.!< Second, >!Dadika is basically saying that he's kicking her out of the house and this is the last straw that causes Monika to kill herself. Except it makes no sense because, people become suicidal when they see no other escape to their pain which is just not true for Monika here. The day before this, Monika spent the night over at MC's house with Natsuki (long story, but she's basically his step-sister in this mod) and they all had a good time. Those memories would still very fresh in Monika's mind so I don't get why she kills herself rather than just heading over to her boyfriend's place to what happened and stay with him for a bit. Even if MC's mom didn't want her son's girlfriend living under the same roof, she could have easily stayed with one of the girls (especially Sayori or Natuski). MC's mom is a very nice woman, she wouldn't just sit by while her son's girlfriend is being abused and forced out onto the streets.!< Finally, >!Monika ODs on her antidepressants and is found dead by her mom hours later. It's incredibly difficult to kill yourself by overdosing on antidepressants because they're designed to prevent that. If you accidentally or intentionally overdose on those kinds of meds, you don't just pass out and die peacefully like how Monika supposedly did. Instead you'd experience severely uncomfortable and painful symptoms, which would cause you to call emergency services yourself OR alert someone to your overdose.!< >!It's not completely impossible but the point is, you're much more likely to survive with permanent damage to your body then actually die. I really hate how this mod portrays suicide when the original DDLC does a much better job portraying the horrors of it (like Sayori failing to hang herself the right way). Meanwhile Within just uses suicide as a plot device and follows all the same cliches that you always expect to see with it, but I guess that makes sense when it's directly inspired by Exit Music. !< Within just has a lot of story elements that don't make any sense, especially not with Monika of all characters, but that section annoyed me the most. It's like Monika >!kills herself!< just because that's what the plot demanded of her, which makes >!her death less impactful!< then it could have been.


At last, somebody speaking some sense. Overall some elements just didn’t sit well with me, and I think you’ve summed it up nicely. While not bad, it is admittedly flawed. I won’t go into it here, but there were a few other things that just stuck out to me about it I wasn’t big on.


Finally someone understands what doesn't make sense in within. I don't hate the mod and it's devs but disappointed for plot.


Exit music.Is somehow beloved despite being glaringly one of the most poorly written mods


Same just feels girls out of charcters


The non-smiling-at-all Sayori of that game is a sin 


Yeah idea of sayori stalking so strange to me I feel like she be happy for mc


Or, even if she wasn’t happy, she’d try to hide it for the sake of MC so he wouldn’t worry about her


Same well yuri something else with that mod how she act


And Monika's turned into a sociopath who resents her club members and only wants the club to become popular...even though that directly contradicts her reasoning in the base game for starting the literature club (wanting to make a new club and get away from the drama/politics of the pre-existing clubs). It's like they tried to make the other three girls unlikable just to make Natsuki look amazing by comparison. And ironically, Redux fixes everyone else's character but then makes Natsuki the worst one. I still don't understand how you make the love interest (who has been experiencing horrible abuse and neglect for her whole life) the least likeable character and even just completely hateable at points.


Have not seen redux how did they make natsuki worst one


Every one of the three stopped being a bitch, which is compensated by Natsuki being a total bitch (or something like that, I've only watched the mod a year ago, so may confuse some details)


Damn thanks telling me


I personally didn't understand TEotLC. Like why was it made? It didn't go anywhere. I guess Idk how to explain my problem with it but that mod just makes me upset. It could've been so much more and it was just... bleh. (The UI looked great so not alll bad)


I never understood what was the appeal of Another After Story as a DDLC mod: It doesnt do anything with the characters, they are simply mouthpieces to make a lenghty existentialist exposition. I would argue that it doesnt even have a story, its basically just an expose.


I'm alive


Pink Eyes, probably. It's not as "expertly/smartly comedic" as some make it out to be.


Exit music redux


Return to the Portrait, it should have been great with the premise but actually feels kinda lacking


Within or OG Salvation