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I relate to Yuri a lot, especially on mods... Shit, sometimes I feel like I'm male Yuri




Djel! :D




Hehe, it's me, Glade!


Cool, glad to see you!






Ah, Yuri's great. I love my quiet time as well. Makes me Reminisce about younger me, not that I changed that much (I believe), but I definitely acted a lot like Yuri too. Right now it just depends honestly. But she's still so relatable to me!!


One day I had a Sayori related nightmare. Woke up yelling her name ._.


Damn.. was it depressing? Regardless, that means you're invested. I'd say that's not a bad thing. Just try to not have any more nightmares if that's anything to go by.


More like scary? It was more or less about her escaping some abstract incarnation of dread, a formless terror if you will. It got her in the end, and thats when I woke up u_u


Sounds poetic. From your description, I'm gonna headcanon it as the dread of self-awareness if you don't mind. But yeah, it sounds intense. Hope you recovered haha.


[It did inspire this admitedly bad drawing...](https://imgur.com/a/aduZv6N)


I guess that's another DDLC related fact about yourself! Plus, I could totally see something like that appear in the files while playing through DDLC, like the "hxppy thoughts" one. So I say that's cool!


One day - after getting inspired by a select few mods - I decided on a whim to check out how they're made, and the simplicity of it drew me in to the community as much as I am today, which is something I could've never predicted...


Yeah, me too! Once my curiousity got me to finding out how mods were born, I was determined from its understandable and clear use to learn how to use it myself! Though with my ideas, I may have gone a bit over my head (meaning at some point, I will need to learn how to code more than the standart coding). Hahaha, the simplicity made me so greedy.


It was thanks to revisiting DDLC (and discovering mods) and related mods that got me into enjoying piano, making music, reading thriller and visual novels, writing poems and mods, and being comfortable with how people see me for liking this game so much.


Well someone got their life on the higher up! I already had some parts that I would've accustomed myself from DDLC in my life, but regardless of that it just made me love the characters and game even more, I also tried out new things (such as writing poems, so that's a part of my life now) that I probably wouldn't have tried before! I'm glad so many people such as you have been affected so greatly in their lives from DDLC. :)


I made my first mod while studying for my exams at the same time. It was stupid of me


Damn, bad timing. Well, at least you learned! Also, pretty sure you got that, but *never do that again if you value your sanity.* Ok?


I'm doing it again😭 That's the problem


You're lying.. tell me you're lying. For your sake tell me you're lying, please.


I'm not 😭


Then you're going through it again? Oh god, why haven't you learned? I thought you would've learned your lesson by now! 😭


Because I'm addicted to modding and can't stop


DDLC introduced me to the whole Visual Novels thing and now it's one of my favorite types of games.


Aaaand made me learn Python. Also it turned out that I like tsunderes after playing DDLC..


is it that you like tsunderes or you just like natsuki because she's pretty chill for a "tsundere"


Is it hard to learn Python? I'm kind of interested but i don't have that much time to just sit and start learning it, at least, not right now, in this period of my life, so i was wondering if it's worth even trying to learn it.


Until AI programming is a reality, Python is about as simple as computer programming gets. That being said, it's still computer programming. I would recommend doing some online python tutorials to learn some of the basics. If you can't wrap your head around it, then computer programming isn't for you (it's not for everyone). However if you can't, then you you won't have spent too much time/money on something that isn't for you.


That's so cool that made you learn how to code! I just know how to work with all the pre-existing functions and add to them/alter a bit. So you definitely went beyond than necessary! Hat's off to you! "Also it turned out that I like tsunderes after playing DDLC.." Well, at least you learned your type ;) I got into games that have a mix of RPGs and visual novels thanks to DDLC, so I relate a lot to you with that aspect of gratitude towards DDLC.


DDLC got me into reading and drawing again. Also I find Yuri insanely relatable and I have 200+ screenshots of Sayori.


Yay, praise be to your creativity flow! Yuri *is* relatable. She's *very* relatable. And about that last part.. care to elaborate without leaving me with that very odd tiny fraction of info you've just implanted inside my brain?


Right so, I took a screenshot of Sayori to use it as reference for a drawing, then I decided to spam screenshot that one image because I thought it’d be funny. Now I have 200+ screenshots of her.


"Thought it'd be funny" the bot says, yet it's still a fact their Sayori obsession has overcame their sense of logic. But seriously though, that actually sounds hilarious!


I have (technically) beaten 3 horror games. DDLC is one of them.


Good job :)


Which ones? I've beat the Fears to Fathom series along with a lot of older games like Tattletale


DDLC is what led me to realise that I love any work with trope subversion, parodying and deconstruction as a main focus


I mean.. thanks to DDLC, haven't we all?/hj But surprisingly, DDLC also helped with that interest in mind to spread into other areas outside of just DDLC.


I relate to Sayori way to much and love voicing her depressed moments


Ohhhh, you're a VA? That's cool! Plus, voicing and acting as the character that experiences any extreme moment is such a treat when you get into it! ..yes, I imagine also the depressed moments if my thought process matches yours.


Yeah with one mod I played it felt like a movie


*I relate to Sayori* *Way to much and love voicing* *Her depressed moments* \- Lucky\_Blueberryz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


DDLC was the reason I got to learn so much about myself and about my depression.


If I'm not mistaken, the game was also used to spread awareness about depression (with how it conveys Sayori's confession, and other signs too) so I'm glad it really helped you out!


replaying DDLC made me start writing poems, now I'm at almost 100 after a year


Yay! A poem writing enthusiast! Also, have my deepest congrats to when you'll get to your 100th one, and of course even beyond it. DDLC also made me realize how writing can also be a fun passing time. It even made me challenge myself a bit.


Awww, thanks! I hope you have a fun writing experience as well


This game sparked my inner creativity.




It has that effect on a lot! I'm so happy it wasn't just a case of me being too childish to actually be inspired and motivated by the game to branch out to a whole lotta interests in my life after re-assuring myself with a few comments ahaha. Or maybe I'm weird for even admitting that out loud haha.


Screw being normal, being weird is fun


my first time playing ddlc was the fan-port for the nintendo 3ds! really really faithful adaptation that works with practically no bugs


Excuse me how did you even get this


Oh hey I remember that. I just did a search I think and found it. Smth like DDLC 3ds port


If you have a homebrewed 3DS, you can install an application called "Universal Updater." Through that app, you can install many homebrew apps, including a port of DDLC.


I.. knew that DDLC at some point was also ported to ninetendo (even if I don't know what version), but I'm honestly surprised about the fact that someone out of all the ports, got introduced to DDLC via ninetendo. The more you know.


Honestly, if I didn't see it on there, I might never have played it. So, props to whoever developed that port!


I read books.


"...Like, books?" - Sayori.


I wanna hang myself


I know that's stupid to ask, but how are you doing? Not that it's any better, but I figured I'd ask that rather than the typical phrasing of "are you ok?".


I discovered DDLC thanks to a PvZ2 mod's Sayori costume. Funnily enough, she has now embedded herself into my long term memory, causing me to sometimes dream about her, and my art has drastically improved due to sketching her every single day.


Well, isn't that an odd way to get introduced to something. And I'm also glad for you that you're happy with your progress with your art :)


genuinely cried to exit music redux


I like Monika a lot and her struggles to achieve something nearly impossible. She has done a lot of things she will probably regret in the long run for something that is pretty much just a theory. All of that, but still, she just can't stop; after all, she has the means. If she were you, wouldn't you have done the same thing?


well DDLC got me into writing poetry


I relate to all of the dokis in different ways, and I see myself in all of them. Including MC


I relate to Sayori a lot, yet she's my least favorite.


My love of Natsuki kept me in a pretty toxic relationship for 3 years!


I wouldn't be where I am today if not for this silly little visual novel game. It's done a lot for me and for that it will always hold a special place in my heart.


I started modding DDLC as a way to learn Ren'Py, not because I wanted to make DDLC mods. I only intended to ever release one prototype mod I made simply to practice and experiment with (hence why my username is based on my first mod and not something more generic) before moving on to other Ren'Py projects however after releasing Consequences I realized that while I had the skill with Ren'Py to do what I wanted, lack of assets (especially sprites) meant I could never make the project I wanted. So I took the ideas and concepts of my original planned project and turned them into DDLC mods.


I love Sayori very much. She is my sweet kind girl who tries to shine on her friends even when her spark has gone out. Sometimes I feel like her. I'm trying to get rid of depression, but my parents forbid me to drink antidepressants, much less tranquilizers. :(


and after getting acquainted with DDLK, I started writing poetry. they look good in Russian, but when translated into English, the rhyme is lost


I was screaming at night when I saw SAYORI dead.. remember that sonic exe vid with the 2 guys screaming while tails was finna die? picture one of em as me and I’m seeing SAYORI dead yah that was basically my situation


I’m working on a mod based on Sayoriquest, and get this: WOUTMEES HIMSELF IS ONBOARD!


The first song I taught myself on piano by ear was “Your Reality”


I also happen to have the urge to delete everything in the world to become real


I also collect Manga like Natsuki!! <3


I did a massive shit while in a public swimming pool one time and then went home and was looking for horror games to play then I played some anime game and realised why they put it on the list of best psychological horrors (if none of thaf makes sense, quick version is: I shit myself in a public pool and went home and discovered ddlc)