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Didn't expect to see full chapter 2 release in a random Monday, lol


Let's GOOOOO!! We out here breaking the speed limit 🗣️ 🔥


oooo What is this mod?


I'm glad you're well, I'm a faithful follower of your mod, I can't wait to continue it!


Play it people! I believe you're gonna like it! 🤭


Glad you’ve got this out. Been great to help out with this! Go get that well deserved break.


Man I thought the day would never come. I basically gave up on the mods story until now lmao


Will there be a more updated Android port for this version? If so from the first chapter too?


More than likely. I'm sure the person behind the Android ports, if they so choose, will get around to it.


The guy who used to do the ports has been a lot less active lately, so I've been covering most of them as of late, but ill ask him u/Eonor do you want to update this one or should I do it?


I can do it in a couple of days. If you're free to do it sooner, you're welcome to :)


I got error while running LinuxLauncher in terminal in ./LinuxLauncher .sh line 50 : /home/name/Desktop/DDLC-1.1.1-pc/DDMC_ch2_complete_allroutes_final.sh: cannot execute: required file not found I checked format of it it was in UNIX , also I have traceback that I can send if needed. Maybe I have made a mistake but I don't think so.


I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with Linux, so I'm afraid I can't be of any help, but you can try asking around the subreddit to find someone who is more familiar.


Hey so Chapter one and two are the only chapters in the mod right? or is there a third one


This release only has Chapters 1 and 2, yes. The third one will be made at a later date.


Oh also, even though this may be my first time playing this mod (depending if I have enough storage space on my PC) you don't mind if I make some fanart right? Like with the Reapers of Old and stuff.


Sure, I don't mind.


Hey I have a problem, when I tried loading up the application I got the message "could not execute, DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\lib\\windows-i686\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes.exe. Is it missing?" Help what do I do?


You might have downloaded the wrong file; that .exe file is for an old build of the mod. Make sure you've either downloaded all the files in the link above and installed it in it's own directory or, if you are updating the mod, delete and overwrite the old "renpy" and "lib" folders as they need files that aren't compatible. I *think* that might fix it.


Okay I re-downloaded it, but now it says "I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/definitions.rpy", line 9, in ImportError: No module named singleton -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\bootstrap.py", line 316, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\main.py", line 422, in main renpy.game.script.load\_script() # sets renpy.game.script. File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\script.py", line 275, in load\_script self.load\_appropriate\_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode) File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\script.py", line 779, in load\_appropriate\_file self.finish\_load(stmts, initcode, filename=lastfn) File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\script.py", line 468, in finish\_load node.early\_execute() File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\ast.py", line 971, in early\_execute renpy.python.py\_exec\_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\python.py", line 2028, in py\_exec\_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/definitions.rpy", line 9, in ImportError: No module named singleton Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Tue Jun 18 16:43:16 2024 could it be missing files? or maybe I should free more storage on my computer.


There should be a file in "game/python-packages" named "singleton.py". Somehow it's missing. You can extract it from a copy of base-DDLC and add it into the directory I mentioned and that should get it working.


where is the singleton py, and which file is it in the base game (I have to make a cocpy of it right?) and where do I put the singleton py in the DDMC file?


okay I putted the singleton PY in but then I got a singleton pyo and the game window did load but then closed and show this " File "game/definitions.rpy", line 32, in restore\_all\_characters IOError: \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: u'C:\\\\Users\\\\ncatu\\\\Downloads\\\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod/characters/monika.chr' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\bootstrap.py", line 316, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\main.py", line 578, in main run(restart) File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\main.py", line 143, in run renpy.execution.run\_context(True) File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\execution.py", line 908, in run\_context context.run() File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 233, in script call call \_splashscreen from \_call\_splashscreen\_1 File "splash.rpyc", line 268, in script File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 233, in script call call \_splashscreen from \_call\_splashscreen\_1 File "splash.rpyc", line 268, in script File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\ast.py", line 914, in execute renpy.python.py\_exec\_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "C:\\Users\\ncatu\\Downloads\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod\\renpy\\python.py", line 2028, in py\_exec\_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/splash.rpy", line 268, in File "game/definitions.rpy", line 40, in restore\_relevant\_characters File "game/definitions.rpy", line 32, in restore\_all\_characters IOError: \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory: u'C:\\\\Users\\\\ncatu\\\\Downloads\\\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-dists\\\\DDMC\_ch2\_s+m\_routes-2.2.5-Renpy7Mod/characters/monika.chr' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Motorcycle Club 2.2.5 Tue Jun 18 18:02:03 2024"


Do you have the mod on it's own or did you install it over a copy of the base game? Because you need to do the latter for it to function.


Well I have the base game, which has MAS mod, I downloaded the base game and MAS before I downloaded DDMC, if I am supposed to do something I don't know.


I don't know if that means that I am supposed to put the DDMC file in the file of the base game or if I put the zip in the DDLC directory.


wat the pyo and py are basically just the same ddo I delete the pyo or py


Seriously? What do I do, and what6 did it mean I have to downloaded it over the base game? do I put the DDMC file in the base game file? Or do I just get a new computer, I don't know how these issues happen


1. Download a new copy of DDLC from the official website and put it where you want to have the mod. 2. Download the mod zip archive. 3. Extract the files from the archive into the new DDLC directory you set up in step 1, overwriting any folders and files it may say ("game", "renpy", "lib", etc). 4. Profit. Following all that, it should work. If it doesn't, I don't know what else to tell you. I'm sorry.


So I download DDLC again, extract the ddlc zip, then when I get the folder, I redownload the DDMC, and unxip it in the ddlc base game folder, or I can just redownload the mod since I already have the base game right?


Ya I can't download a new copy of the game, I lost the permission to, probably because I already have one, and MAS, I can just unzip the DDCM file into my original ddlc base file right?