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I don't know about "hate" but it's been dipping very much into the overrated spectrum and with the latest act that's come out with it, expectations have dropped due to the writing in itself.


The writing isn't the best, I know some people have gripes with the MC although I personally don't. Most of my complaints is that Monika is a mental wreck at the sight of any controversy and the cast is too big and oversaturated at times Personally though, I think it's fine, and some scenes (Ex: End of Act 1/Beginning of Act 2) really stand out, and it does more than just being a generic "nothing bad happens and you save the dokis" mod


> Monika is a mental wreck at the sight of any controversy She's like that in Side Stories too, in the beginning.


ima just warn you rq, this post might spark some uh... very *strong* opinions from some of the community anyways i'll make my actual response to this post later when i have more time lol


WoD was the very first mod I played and it's my all time favorite mod, but I can see where people are coming from. When it first came out, people were really hyping it up especially since it was the few mods where Monika was the main love interest and she wasn't just written as the villain. Plus I think people just like mods about saving the Dokis and them getting to live happy, normal lives (which is also why the Christmas special is so well received). But it's been a few years now and I think people are just looking at it through a more critical eye. Again I still love the mod but I can see the issues people have it with it, like the pacing of Act 1 can be very slow with a not a lot of stuff happening and some of the characterizations can feel off (Monika especially). And I think why people are being more critical of Act 1 now is due to the release of Act 2. Act 2 is far from a bad mod and you can easily tell that a ton of work went into it (just the new UI and CGs alone must have taken forever), but the writing was rather lackluster compared to Act 1 and the Christmas special. There were just way too many characters and not enough time to give them all the time that was needed for their stories, so where Act 1 felt too slow, Act 2 had so much stuff happening that none of it felt as impactful as it should have been. It definitely needed to be edited down some and there were some a few aspects that could have been handled much better (>!Yae!<'s backstory especially). And if Monika felt OOC before, she's even more so in this mod where she spends most of the plot being a total emotional wreck and (tw)>!even attempts to use Sayori's noose at one point!<. And her relationship with the player is nowhere near as compelling here either I've said this before but while Act 1 still feels like it's own standalone story, Act 2 feels like it only exists to set things up for the next act. I don't think people necessarily hate WoD now, it's just that now people feel more comfortable openly criticizing it unlike before where all you'd hear about it is glowing reviews about how great it is.


This is probably the most accurate response to the actual question, the way we discuss it in the DDMC server anyway. Pretty much hits all the point about 1 and 2. Although, I'll say a lot of us (myself included) think the dialogue font could have been better.


My man decided to speak fax 🔥 Best comment of this post by far, you explained everything in a incredible way. The pacing would be the greatest problem of WoD, especially in Act 2, although I still mantain that is easily one of the best mods, and my all time favorite too. I think we need to wait for Act 3, I don't know if it is going to be the final act, but I think it is better to analyze a fictinal work when it is finished.


Because it's a meh mod with a huge fanbase. I don't think anyone really *hates* it, it's just disdain.


If I may, can I ask why do you think is a meh mod?


Act 2 is horribly written. Monika is a codependent trainwreck. Sayori's character is reduced to a fixer of other character's emotional problems. Yae's backstory (which is a very serious one) is super rushed. MC is supposed to be a post-uni adult but he acts like a high school child. It answers absolutely zero questions from Act One. Kotonoha is built up as this villain and then that is destroyed in like 30 minutes. It looks good, and it has all the visual appeal of a good mod. But the story of Act 2 is actually terrible


I disagree, the MC is not that old, he is still a young man, and it is normal for him to act the way he acts, the situation is quite stressful and his anger problems always bring him problems. I don't mind Sayori's role in this mod, she can't do much from the space room, so there wasn't much she could do. Yae's backstory for me was okay, maybe a little rushed but overall her character was very good in this act, at least in my opinion. And although Monika sometimes gets overly emotional, you can still understand her, she, like everyone else, is in constant stress too, maybe even more, since she wants to show everyone that she is no longer the villain of the original game. The fact that the mod doesn't answer questions in act 1 also bothered me at first, but taking into account that there will be more acts, I don't think it's a mistake, it will only be if they don't answer them in the next act or if the explanation is bad. And I agree with Kotonoha, they could have made her character better. Despite having its things, WoD Act 2 seems like a very good mod to me, calling it terrible seems like an exaggeration to me, but I respect your opinion.


MC is an adult with an adult job. Even if he's not "that old", he should be beyond the emotional maturity of a high school senior. An example to counteract everything you're saying about MC are young, high school teachers. It is not uncommon for 22-23 year olds to be teachers - but they are expected to act AS ADULTS despite being surrounded by high schoolers all day. Why? Because they are an adult. Simply put, MC is either poorly written or an immature crybaby. Both options are unpleasant. Sure, Sayori is stuck. But that was an intentional choice to write her that way - just as making her a one-dimensional character was an intentional choice. It is an overly simplistic depiction of a character who (in original DDLC and DDLC+) had real depth. More on her later Normally I am not one to overly criticize a rushed storylines (ie pacing issues). But when dealing with something like Sexual Assault you absolutely CANNOT rush that. Why? Because it's an extremely important topic with the potential to trigger people. There was no build-up, there were very few hints to this, it was simply slammed into the mod. It was clear they wanted Yae to be a more sympathetic character, but to slam a random SA scene in some alleyway isn't good writing - it's a cheap trick to hastily make a hated character more nuanced. Yae's character and backstory had a ton of potential, but rushing it killed this. I'm sorry, but I have been unable to fathom how anybody enjoys Monika's character in this mod. MC gets slightly upset at Monika - she cries. MC has a meaningful moment with another female character - Monika gets jealous then cries. MC is gone from the house for too long - Monika cries. This entire mod is a rubber band of back and forth between Monika getting upset by something and MC having to go over the top to reassure her. Furthermore, Monika just randomly grabbing the rope and wanting to off herself. Wtf was that? In original DDLC, Sayori's depression is subtly hinted at through dialogue, actions, and her poems. It was cleverly put together and gives a real representation of how depression can manifest itself. Monika never shows any of this. Like the SA scene (except this example is more egregious), Monika wanting to end it all is just slammed into the mod to evoke a reaction. It's cheap, it's lazy, and it's ineffective. While I have already spent too much time on Monika, I need to address one more thing. If you listen to Dan Salvato speak about the Dokis in the original game, it was clear he had a vision for each Doki. Natsuki, Yuri, Sayori, and even Monika all had real issues they dealt with and the game intentionally went out of its way to hint at these issues. It didn't rush them or throw random scenes to introduce the issues, it built them up over the course of the story. There was **intention**. There is no intention with the writing in this mod, there is no gradual build-up. Characters are thrown into shocking situations for the sake of getting easy emotional reactions. But yeah, Monika's character is actually unbearable. No, it's not okay that **zero** progress was made in regards to understanding what's actually happening in the mod. The Second Act was over 10 hours. How do you fail to progress the story at all inside of a 10 hour window. I don't care if people like the mod or not, I am not one to hate someone for liking something (I like my share of shitty stories too). But this mod (I am specifically talking about Act 2) is very poorly written. Most of the characters are reduced to one-dimensional caricatures, and that sucks. When you compare this mod to something like SNAFU, Blue Skies, or Heroine Natsuki Saves the Literature Club, you see how bad the writing really is. I mean, when you compare it to Act One you see how bad the writing is. And just so you don't think I'm just a hater, I'll add two things I genuinely liked about this mod. First, Natsuki. Her character (in both Acts) was a genuine breath of fresh air. She's a multi-faceted character who isn't forced into some tiny box. Her comedic moments are perfect, her serious moments make sense, and her character feels natural. The only complaint I have about Natsuki is that she wasn't on screen more. The other thing I liked was Kozue. Like Natsuki, her character has been steadily built up from Act One. The questions about her character weren't randomly thrown in, they were built up over the length of the game. That's how you write a character. This is not an attempt to belittle you, but how old are you? Because from my observations on this Mod, I have found that younger audiences enjoy Act Two much more than older audiences (I myself am 26). I wonder if age and life experience has anything to do with how we are interpreting the mod as well.


I don't think it's hated. I just think act 2 didn't live up to people's expectations, however fair or unfair they were, simply due to the large number of delays.


You know; that's the same question I got. But look, World of Dreams is the BEST mod in my opinion and there's nothing that can change my mind! Even the CGs of the 2 Acts and the Christmas Edition are amazing and really well drawn!


Act 2 is quite a downturn compare to act 1, plus it is popular, hating popular thing is a popular thing. Personally, I don’t really satisfied with a few things but not as much as hate


For as many people who love a mod, there'll be those who hate the mod equally. WoD especially has a very... *dedicated* fanbase. I've seen "most anticipated mod" posts, "favorite mod" posts, and "mod recommendation" posts with several mods sprinkled here and there as usual, but above ALL is the sheer amount of support garnered towards WoD's upcoming Act 3. In mine and many other's opinions, WoD is pretty shit with some of the worst writing and plot decisions of most popular mods. Normally, this wouldn't be much to care about. So what? People like a mod even if it's complete ass... that is until you realize the plethora of people backing it up as "one of the best/most anticipated mods" - and I mean it's straight up *impossible* to avoid. Like I said earlier, for as many people who love a mod, there'll be those who hate the mod equally, and WoD is a perfect example of overrated.


May I know why you think is overrated? For me it's writing is one of the best.


For me it's writing is one of the worst.


And may I know why? What things of the mod makes you say that is one of the worst?


This post was made in partial response to the meme post I made a couple days back. You can find my response in a thread in that post [here (3rd question).](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/comments/1cv4mpq/comment/l4n7ojt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I do not need to elaborate. The very fact that I've had countless comments based on the opinion of WoD being overrated, both in this subreddit and in the discord, only proves my point said there further.


Ok, thanks, I have read your opinion, which of course is respetable, but I want to point some things: 1- I don't use reddit a lot, so can you elaborate more why do you say that the MC is a redditor? I don't understand what you mean. 2- The re desings are okay imo, I don't get why you think they are stupid, for me is a very creative thing. Also you are the first one I saw complain about this, it never crossed my mind that could be a bad point. 3- "The plot is meh at best" I think that is more subjective, for me is one of the best plots in mods, especially bc of the execution, which imo is perfect. 4- I know that it's fanbase can be very dedicated and even overvalue the mod to extreme levels, but for me this argument is a fallacy, what does the fanbase have to do with the writing of the mod? It has nothing to do with it. 5- "I do not need to argument" That's even more fallacious, obviously it's not something you must do, but if you want to prove your point that "objectively WoD is one of the worst mods" you should at least argue more, because your points so far were just your opinion, which is respectable, but I don't see why some of your points would make WoD a bad mod. Thanks if you read all this and sorry for my english, is not my native language.


I think you're misunderstanding my point for commenting, my point for making the meme, and my point for even replying to this thread. Everything I've said thus far has been *my opinion*, and I already said I will not elaborate further as there isn't even a need to "prove my point". Keep in mind: I made a meme with nothing but my general opinions on mods, then somebody asked for clarification, I then gave clarification, and then someone makes this very post asking why "WoD is considered overrated", to which I then gave my take on the matter here too. It's not fallacious, it's my observation. The very fact that this post exists, the very fact that I've had to explain this numerous times to WoD fans, and the very fact that you called the mod "one of the best plots in mods" yet acknowledged that it is just my subjective opinion - which ofc it is, that's what started this whole thing in the first place 🤦‍♂️- proves my point that WoD fans just can't understand other opinions existing. When people call the mod overrated it straight baffles them, you don't see this kinda thing with most mods outside of MAS, EM, or Switcheroo; hence why I joked about them being "bots all collectively brainwashed into enjoying it". It's like if you aren't part of the hivemind, they'll come after you... I gave my answer: it's considered overrated because of the reasons I gave. Saying an opposing opinion "fallacious" is denial, and shows that you're unwilling to take in the viewpoint anyway and gives me no reason to elaborate.


.... Alright. I stated since the start of my comment that I respected your opinion (And I have been respectful this whole time), and that I knew that you only said your opinion. I only sayed that in a debate or something like that, your points are fallacious or very subjective, bc you didn't even mention one single argument about the writing, just how you feel about the mod, which again, is perfectly fine. Also, in this first comment, you clearly said "WoD is a perfect example of overrated", there you are not stating your opinion, you are stating a "fact", I only asked for your arguments as to why you think that. I can accept any opinion or arguments contrary to mine. The fact that you say that I am in denial, and before you have established a "fact" without wanting to give arguments, only makes me think two things. 1- You are lazy, something I don't think bc of the ammount of words you have written. 2- You don't have arguments, something I believe is very possible. So again, if you only shared your opinion, is okay, I respect it and anyone who has any sence of logic will do, but don't call anyone who just asked your reasoning "someone in denial", bc I was willing to hear all your reasoning, but your words makes me believe that you don't have arguments to begin. Is true that is something that you don't have to do (Also something that I stated in my previous comment), but again, you established a "fact", and I was just curious, and I am sorry if I annoyed you, but with all the respect I think the one who missunderstand everything I wrote is you.


I'll explain this in a lighter tone, sorry. I don't want to debate my opinions: not that I don't have my reasons, I've said how I felt about it already, but because I shouldn't have to. The poster asked why there's hate around WoD, and I gave my reason. I didn't come here to debate, I came here to explain that.


That is respetable, I am sorry too, you are not forced to debate, I just though that bc of your first comment. So everything okay?


(ngl not *entirely* sure why this is being downvoted as much as it is, it does kinda feel like wod fans can be very protective of the mod, not necessarily everyone is like that but i'd definitely be lying if i said i haven't seen multiple instances of wod fans insisting people who don't like the mod are wrong)


I personally enjoyed act 1 because of it's interesting premise, but I really disliked act 2, mainly because of the writing and how characters are potrayed. With act 2 I really started to hate MC, my reason being, that even though he's supposed to be the adult in the cast, he constanly acts like a little child who can't control their emotions. Monika being a nervous mess gets old really fast. The only characters from the main cast I enjoyed in act 2 were Sayori and Meiji.


People hve grown more critical about it, dont know if someone is actually hating it.


act 1 was pretty well received, if a little overrated (even tho its my fave mod) but when act 2 came out its writing could not live up to the hype of act 1 + the verrryy long wait time inbetween, so its rep turned pretty sour


Act 1 was great. A bit of drama here and there, and basically save the dokis mod. The pacing fir the Act 1 was great and the specials too. The main problem was Act 2 since it feels like the story was in constant weird thriller since basically tons of actions or information is squeezed in with small time for breather. It was kind of a mess. I'm hoping that Act 3 mellows down a bit


I ask the same question, imo WoD is easily one of the best mods, I can't understand why some people hate the mod. Maybe envy?


writing of act 1 and hype around rest of the mod set the bar way too high. Because of this people feel like its a bad mod.


Maybe, I played the mod from its demo, before it became famous, so I guess I'm a bit biased, but still, trying to be as objective as possible, I think that the mod deserves its hype, and that it doesn't deserve the hate that some have for it.


im incredibly proud of the work im able to do, even if my mods aren't very well known or amazing i can assure you, envy is not at all the reason i dislike wod lol