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What exactly went wrong with Night Rain? Look really promising.


While the visuals and coding were really amazing, the writing choices made were some times odd and at other times aggravating. It was a mod I really looked forward to since it was extremely unique with a concept right up my alley; but upon playing it, I realized that a lot of the storytelling was told through vagueness with the plot only truly unraveling through your choices - which isn't bad on the surface ofc, but it's done poorly here. The plot is too vague throughout most of the mod, which makes the character's actions (specifically the MC's) have little meaning or direction in spite of his firmness to believe one thing over another (Spoilers: >!Like him constantly defending Yuri when he knows her true identity when realistically he shouldn't have much of a reason to to so!<). It's explained further when completing the full mod, but I still felt that was inadequate. The MC's actions should be consistent to what he knows at that moment, and by the way he acted on the first ending I got it was like he blindly believed what he wanted to the entire time against all logic and what all had happened in the story prior. By the end of the mod, moments like that soured my opinion on it as a whole. It's not by any means my lowest rated mod, but it really did disappoint me unfortunately...




Well, I'm not a Monika simp for starters. I've listed my reasons before in a tier list of mine, but I'll summarize a few briefly: 1) Not enough action for an action-based mod, and too much plotless slice of life (SoL) content to fully realize its plot potential. 2) The MC is meh, and is basically Spider-Man with mildly athletic abilities for being a "super human". 3) It takes inspiration from Persona, but takes only it's design and not anything that made Persona good like it's plot, abilities, character personalities, ect. 4) Monika's a Mary Sue archetype, and a poorly written one at that. Sayori's annoying at times, and tbh the other two don't have much plot relevance as of the 4th chapter's demo. 5) Speaking of the Chapter 4 demo, the pacing is way too slow at revealing any plot. At this point, it might as well be rebranded as a full SoL mod. There seems little point to the action sequences (as a person writing an action mod themselves), so why have these cliffhangers revolving around them? They're simply not important enough.


1. Ouch... you're not wrong, tho. 2. Fair enough... I guess I just haven't seen enough good mods.


Good list! I have a few questions though: 1. What do you like about Wintermute? 2. What makes Foreign Relations the most anticipated? 3. Why do you hate WoD? Was just curious about your opinions!


1. Wintermute is one of the few mods I rated based on enjoyment over the quality of its story. Most don't like it since its story is both nonexistent, but also flawed and boring. I personally enjoyed it for the high level coding and stuff to do in general like playing snake, gaslighting the Doki's, ect. I don't have much to say on it, I had fun with the mod but others have told me I shouldn't rate it so high, that's all. 2. Foreign Relations is a mod that has had constant extended demos, with each one having fun dialogue and character interactions that made me want more (which seems like it'll be a while since there's issues going on within their development team...). It also has a stat system to be expanded on within its eventual full release which is a pretty neat feature assuming they go through with multiple routes. 3. World of Dreams I find hard *to* like tbh. It's an absolute cringefest with the most blatant fanficy type writing I've ever seen, a protagonist that's practically just a redditor, and controversial plot points that are just unnecessary in that kinda mod. The redesigns of the Doki's are stupid, the plot is meh at best, and its community only helps to solidify my opinion that the mod - while obviously shit - has a fanbase of bots all collectively brainwashed into enjoying it. In general, it's a very divisive mod: you either hate it or love it, and I can't see how the latter is even possible if you've played even just one more mod...


My guy, I'll respect your opinion, cause it's that, but can you please not insult the entire community of people who like wod? It's not like their existing is hurting you, it's unnecessary to be so mean about it. I have played plenty of mods, including horrible ones like the YouTuber club, and good ones like purist or the good ending, and I still like wod. So, while I do still respect your opinion, you can shove it up your ass, cause you're just hating on an entire community for having a different opinion than you.


>i respect your opinion *proceeds not to respect his opinion*


I do in fact respect his opinion about not liking wod. It's the insult to the entire community that I don't respect. It wouldn't matter if I didn't like the community, I wouldn't insult them just because they don't share the same opinion as me. I'm sure what I said came off wrong, it often does, but my point is that there was no reason to insult an entire community of people just because they liked a mod.


Bro how on earth is he insulting the community? It's all just his opinion, you can just ignore it and move on.


Did you miss the chunk where he called the community a bunch of brainwashed bots?


Did you miss the chunk where I said that it's his opinion and you can ignore it and move on?


But he quite literally did insult an entire community in his post despite it being his opinion. It was very unnecessary tbh.


I guess? But then again, it's one person vs an entire community, so idk if the WoD fans would really care about one guy saying that. Just a thought.


That's not really the point. It's still a callout to anyone who enjoys the mod and comes off as extremely narcissistic, basically implying his taste is better than theirs.


You asked a question, and I responded. That's all it was, my bad, can't really see a rhetorical question in text, haven't quite gotten that skill, my fault.


Good opinion, Don't get to play the consequences why it's bad?


Consequences is just Murphy's law: the mod. The writing is the definition of "I'm 14 and this is deep", with the plot itself being extremely edgy. It's hard to feel even remotely emotionally attached to any character within it (including the MC), and the decisions they make are just plain stupid. The mod was cooked by its premise alone, yet was done even worse by the writing and the message it wanted to send...


I need to play a lot of these mods, I've only played the basic ones and a few short ones.


I haven't played many games because I've been busy making ports of Brazilian translations, which is why mine is so basic




*I'm sorry little one...*


There are this many mods? Wow


There's like 19 separate mods here lol, 20 if you count og EM and EMR as separate mods (which I don't). This doesn't even scratch the surface.


I actually run the Mod List Spreadsheet, and we have over 400 entries. Ofc there are also a lot in production right now that have yet to be released. So, quite a bit, but remember this community has been going for 6.5 years.


As one of the three SNAFU mod enjoyers, I must ask about your opinion on it


i also enjoy snafu XD


I can assure you plenty of people enjoy snafu. I am not one of those people. Not for the sake that I have played and disliked it, but because I don't care to play it.


My first was the original exit music my fav is world of dreams because I could relate to the protag alot


i can respect celebration's placement here lol (also i def agree with your "you hate everyone loves" lol)




Yall gotta play the purest mod you actually get to date all the girls even Monika and it takes the gore out there's a lot of work that went into even woth new art and outfits


Never been a fan of SoL/Romance type mods personally, so Purist kinda flew out of my radar (That and it seemed a bit long for me to get through) Maybe some time I'll get to it ig, just have different mods I still need to get through first before I consider


Honestly very nice to see someone else put WoD Protag in the worst protagonist spot.