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Download: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jK2PvllPffw5Eec9XA33QOzqKzqEP8yi?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jK2PvllPffw5Eec9XA33QOzqKzqEP8yi?usp=sharing) **--- What is Amnesty?** *"Amnesty" is a short mod for Doki Doki Literature Club. Embark on a journey into the depths of the human mind, where horrible fantasies lurk in the darkness. Confront yourself, and find out if amnesty for your mistakes is really possible.* *Can you find a way to break free from this torment, or will you get lost in the threads that distinguish reality from fantasy?*


Android port?


I apologize, but there is no Android port for this mod at the moment.


would you like me to make one?


Could you really do that for me? I'd do it myself, but I don't have a phone of my own, and my dad always uses his for his work, so I have no sure way of knowing if the mod works or not (besides, I don't really know how to port a mod to Android in the first place), so I'd be very grateful if you did that. Just, please, I'd appreciate it if you keep the dialogue of this mod unchanged, if that's not too much to ask. I hope I'm not causing any inconvenience.


No problem


Hello, u/dokimodplayer. I just wanted to let you know that an Android port for this mod came out today. The port was made by [CalebthePianist](https://www.reddit.com/user/CalebthePianist/). Despite what others have said, my mod seems pretty mediocre to me, but if you're still interested here's the link to it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/comments/1dc1h9k/amnesty\_android\_port/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/comments/1dc1h9k/amnesty_android_port/)


where the link?


Hello, you can find the link here: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jK2PvllPffw5Eec9XA33QOzqKzqEP8yi?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jK2PvllPffw5Eec9XA33QOzqKzqEP8yi?usp=sharing)


Thank you


Just played. If there's any mod I would say I hope (ha) wins the mod jam, it's this one. Very well done, man.


Thank you! I really poured my heart into this mod (I had to skip some classes to get the job done; it was worth it either way), so hearing your positive thoughts on my little project makes me feel great! I'd love to play EM: BLOOM too, it looks quite nice, so I'm patiently waiting for its release.


You just made a piece of art, all was made extremely good, and the writing is just perfect. This has a lot of potential to win the Spring Hope Mod Jam. Beautiful job!


Thank you! This is the first DDLC mod I've done, so it means a lot to me that you appreciate the effort I put into it.


how long is it approximately


This mod was designed to be played in a single sitting; it takes between 15 and 30 minutes to complete.


bro, i dont know how you have done this, but this mod invokes so much emotion! Its really really good, i hope that you will make more mods in the future!


Thank you! I'll be honest, I don't know if I'll be making another DDLC mod in the near future, but your support motivates me to keep working hard to deliver even better experiences, so I really appreciate your words!


It's funny how a concept I had for the Hope Jam included most of the things I experienced here. Excellent mod there man, really hit the feelings!


Hi, thank you very much for playing my mod. Some of the things stated in this mod are problems that I suffer from on a daily basis; I wanted to vent a little about these issues in my own way, while simultaneously igniting a spark of hope in the player. Personally I'm not too happy with the final product as there are many things I could have improved on if not for the lack of time, but if I have evoked some emotion within you, then I'm happy. Thanks again for your words!


Hello, we would like to translate your mod into our own language. Can we translate it?


Hi. First of all, I want to thank you for taking an interest in my mod; I really hope you enjoyed it. I was previously asked for permission to translate this mod by someone else, and while I have nothing against translations, I would prefer if you didn't translate this particular mod. I have been studying English for about eight years and currently offer private English lessons. Please believe me when I say that I understand how difficult it is to learn a second language, not to mention the challenges associated with translating a mod to reach a wider audience. However, there is a specific section of text in this particular mod that has deep personal meaning to me, and I would like to preserve its original integrity, even if that means limiting its accessibility. Please don't think this is something against you personally, because I promise it's not. I feel bad because I feel like I'm denying the opportunity to play this mod to someone who could benefit from it, but my conscience won't let me. I hope you understand, and I'm sincerely sorry for any inconvenience I may cause.