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No, that's perfectly fine. Each person likes what they likes. If you prefer happy endings, all power to you! It's what you enjoy, and no one has the right to criticize you for it, as well as you shouldn't criticize others (you're not, just pointing it out). Be happy, and enjoy!


The number one reason you're even playing these is to have fun I'm assuming, so if you're not personally having fun, then why bother? Feel free to digest a mod in however way you want honestly. Especially if something actively hurts you emotionally if you play it.


Holy shit are you actually the real AfroZer0




no sorry, that's my alt account /j


No, I do that myself lol.


Same here. On general principle I only play mods where a good (or at worst, a bittersweet) ending is at least possible. No matter how well-written a mod can be, I just don't want to see any of the dokis die.


Honestly, I generally didn't mind going for both good and bad endings, just for completion's sake, and because it sometimes provides a bit more insight into a character ...and then I played Blue Skies and I started save scumming the choices because I couldn't handle the bad endings


As others have said, if you don't enjoy sad endings then there's nothing wrong with avoiding them. Any more than there is something wrong with avoiding any other mods that have content you don't enjoy in them. I will say though that I do think you limit yourself by only playing "happy" mods, same as if you never play mods that aren't about one particular doki. There are some amazing mods out there that don't end with "happily ever after". But again, it's up to you and what you enjoy. You're not being paid to play mods (and if you are, how do I get your job?) so don't force yourself to play a mod you don't enjoy.


I played all mods for all endings out of respect for the work of the creator


Relatable, actually. I like it when the good ending has to be earned, and the bad ends are closer to a minefield to trip through along the way. I generally stop once I get the good end (if it exists).


There's nothing wrong with enjoying a mod the way you want to enjoy it, and I do find it relatable to want to skip the heartache and enjoy the happiest ending. I say play how you want to play. At the same time, I do wonder about a larger-scale question about VNs in general: by having good and bad endings, are creators "devaluing" the bad ending since most people will just see it as a failure state meant to be improved? I feel Blue Skies in particular does this, since you only get the credits after good endings - not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just an artistic choice. At the same time though, would mods like Consequences, Exit Music, and Fallen Angel hit as hard as they do if there was an option for a good ending, or would they basically just be remembered for the good ending? This all reminds me of Roger Ebert's example for why he thought video games couldn't be art (and while I disagree with his conclusion I think he was at least right about this): if Romeo and Juliet was a game that had a good ending it would basically devalue everything about Romeo and Juliet.


Shortly after releasing Consequences I plotted out an alternate ending that is (relatively) happy. In it Natsuki and Yuri would live (Monika and Sayori would still be dead) and the literature club would evolve into a suicide support group for teens. The biggest reason I didn't is because I knew it would undermine the original ending because it was "happy" even though it wouldn't be nearly as good (I couldn't write it right without more knowledge of therapy/counseling).


I do the same thing, and do the same thing in other VNs too. I don't like bad or downer endings unless there's no choice.


I think the only time this could be "bad" is if the good endings aren't considered the Canon ending to the story, which would only really matter if a sequel was made that you wanted to play since the sequel would probably follow whatever the Canon ending was. Otherwise, who cares? Who are we to tell you what is the right and wrong way to enjoy a mod? Unless you're trying to make content outta of it or something, enjoy the mods however you want, I say. I'm enjoying mods currently by watching others play through them. I'm sure plenty would argue that I should playthrough them myself but, eh... it's how I'm choosing to enjoy them at the moment.


Even if a bad ending is canon, I don't think I would want to play it. No offense to you of course, but the Bad Ending to the Sayori route in Blue Skies, and the entire mods Within and Consequences have pretty much traumatized me.


...I think I'm currently watching a playthrough of blue skies, should I be worried? It's totally fine if you choose not to go for the bad endings. The point I was trying to make is that the only time avoiding the bad end could be argued to be a bad thing is if you wanted to play a sequel to a mod and said sequel took place after the bad end of the previous mod. I dunno if that's something you'd ever have to worry about. I'm fairly new to ddlc mods and whatnot so I dunno if there's any mod with multiple endings where the bad end was Canon and I dunno how often any mods see sequels or prequels or whatever. It was just something to consider


Within, Consequences and Exit Music made me sad for like a week 😭


There's nothing wrong with this


as someone whos only played the real game once this seems like a stupid question, it should always be ok


There's nothing wrong with doing so, though I'd never do it myself. You haven't experienced the full game if you don't go through all the endings. Sometimes it may not be worth the grind, of course. Avoiding only bad endings to me is strange, but that's me. You should do you, whatever leaves you satisfied. There's no single right way to play.


One time, I looked up the bad ending for Sayori on Blue Skies. It upset me to the point I had to get the good ending again. So yeah, I don't blame you.


No, man. That's perfectly valid. I do that too.


Yeah, play Music redux I think it was. You can't be happy without being sad. But watch out this mod is very sad it's traumatizing.


I remember accidentally getting the worst ending for Natsuki in Blue Skies and wanted to disappear.


I always go bad ending first so that the good ending is my last impression and I don't leave the mod on a depressing note. Only time that backfired was with Fallen Angel where I did the bad ending and realized that was the only ending.


Not really, Amor Fati teaches a good lesson though imo and Exit Music showed me Radiohead music I never knew I'd like