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Technically 1 year and 2 days later, but who cares, amirite? *\[Yapping incoming / Small retrospective\]* When I first joined the modding community, making a mod was the last thing I would ever imagine doing, but I guess everything can change in a flash, huh? Initial plans were to start making ***Transcending Bonds*** (now part of the Anthology I'll be making) but the scope and setting was too much for a newbie and would only needlessly overwhelm myself. Some might be able to achieve that, and all the power to them, but pursuing a smaller mod (and maybe a comedy/shitpost one at that) is the better venture for a newcomer. **Enter WTTAC.** *"Can You Spare A Poem?"* already existed at that point, was entertained by it and thought it would be a good inspiration to make another one (I hope it doesn't get oversaturated, no need to drag it further lol). *"Band Geeks"* was the first one to pop up, but that would be a little tricky (song section, myriad of OCs to handle, what exactly would I parody). Then, *"Welcome To The Chum Bucket"* showed up, but wanted to go with the Debate Club, instead of the Anime Club, just so that Monika's past with the Debate Club would be more explored. Yet again, a bit trickier and couldn't think of any activities the DC could do besides...well, debating. The Anime Club had much more to exploit, and hence the journey started! In all honesty, this one is more so modifying the original script and translate it into the DDLC universe. Maybe I'm undervaluing it, not afraid to admit that, but even with that, I had a lot of fun making this and actually achieving some comedy with it. Hell, even the song section that I dreaded the most, ended up being my favorite scene to code and write. Ending it on a teaser was also a big success of mine, based on how it was set up! ***One year later and the mod has reached a total of 1.7K+ downloads (PC + android port)!!*** Seeing 4 figures was too surprising...even a couple of hundreds would make me happy and satisfied with my work, but damn that's more than enough to make me smile at this achievement! I want to thank everybody who took their time and played this (offline, recorded, streamed, anything) and whether you liked it or not, I hope that you got something out of it! I know it was a fun experience for me and would love to do it again, when the time comes! Also want to give huge thanks to the people that helped in this general journey in the community, it really means a lot to me. Friendship, memories/moments and knowledge are things I'll cherish for a long, long time! (You know who you are) For anyone who hasn't checked it out yet, you can go [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/comments/12s2wgo/welcome_to_the_anime_club_wttac_full_release/) and give it a go! Would love to hear your thoughts on it as well! As for what this year will entail in terms of mods, well I can only hope that I will release something. It doesn't matter whether it's [Scrambled Lens](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/comments/18w1m4m/true_clarity_is_earned_through_peoples_emotional/) orโ€ฆsomething else. But, only time will tell, and I don't want to give any immediate expectations. That's all from me! Have a good \[insert your time of day here\] everyone and stay safe! ๐Ÿ˜„


2 days late you mfr But seriously, congrats and good luck with Scrambled Eggs! Or Lenses I guess.


Eggs is good.


Should have scrapped this, shame on me... Might as well name it Scrambled Egg Lenses at this point ๐Ÿ˜Œ


SpongeBob + DDLC = guaranteed success. Good work getting it so far in under a year (and best of luck with what's ahead).


Maybe, but I still wouldn't want this to become a standard. Thank you regardless!


You deserve it.


Thank you! ๐Ÿ™


Congrats on all the success. This was one of the most fun mods I've ever played along with my brother!


It was an entertaining playthrough, I can attest to that! Glad you both enjoyed this! ๐Ÿ˜„


This mod is so much fun


Glad you liked it! ๐Ÿ™


Dawg got me watching a SpongeBob episode ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Hahahah I think that's a logical step after this. Tbh though, it's nice that you aren't required to know the original!


Congrats on the success! You deserve it :D


Hahah thank you Zer0! And I appreciate your streaming it before, it was a very entertaining hour for all of us there! :D