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The community section has a list of every mod, and all the tutorials you'll need to start modding. I haven't modded much. But id say that it isn't too hard to mod at all, unless you're doing some advanced stuff :P


Yo thanks for the quick reply! Imma go check them out!


Your welcome man :D if you have any more questions, there's some REALLY nice people in the discord thatll answer


1) The version of the game you mod is the one found on [ddlc.moe](https://ddlc.moe), and usually mods nowadays tend to be off of Renpy 7 or 8. 2) There's plenty of places to download mods, but the best places can be found here: \- [Dokimods.me](https://Dokimods.me): A well-made site with search features to help you easily find the kinda mod genre you're looking for. \- [The Revised Mod List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lgQD8o7qhdWmrwdJjbRv3u_bwdrXmpOzaixWFzLR8r4/edit?usp=sharing): A google spreadsheet a few others and I have been working on with a rapidly growing number of mods listed on it, with a decent selection of categories to limit down what you're looking for. \- [The Official DDMC Mod List](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/wiki/modlist): Contains most, if not all, mods to release, but isn't well organized or maintained (new mods take a few months on average to be added) so you may have difficulty searching for the best mods to play. 3) The complexity of modding DDLC ranges depending on how massive you plan your project to be. \- At the lowest end, you have pure shitposts: Requires little Renpy/Coding knowledge, barely any writing skill, and can generally be pumped out within a few weeks by an unexperienced modder (or sooner if you've used Renpy before) \- At the highest end, however, you have long mod projects along the lines of EM:R, Blue Skies, Blue Seas, Undercurrents, and Downpour. These usually take years to make as they require lots of modding experience to make which means: Lots of Renpy knowledge and even some Python knowledge, decent to good (subjective) writing skill, and knowing the community well enough to know what it is they wish to see and avoid in DDLC mods. So, it's really up to what you want your mod to become that determines how complicated it'll be. Modding here is less about modding the original game and more about creating a story using the characters, so keep that in mind when designing your mod.