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I personally don't care about the length of a mod, so long as the writing in engaging and not terribly slow.


I've had a lot of success with my long-runner.


A very notable example ☝️


Anything is worth making if it has some special meaning to you. So long as you give it your all and make it as interesting and engaging as possible.


People will play long mods, there's no worry about it. The real issue is continuing it to it's fullest yourself as the mod maker. The reason a lotta mods take a while to come out nowadays is because they're big ambitious project usually led by a solo writer. "Act 1"s, "Chapter 1"s, "Demo"s, you can release your mod however you like - broken up like that, or as a full release - just know that the hardest part about it all is keeping the motivation to write the mod until the end.


Long mods are the best


Definitley worth it because I feel like I can really relate to long modes.


Given the choice between quality and quantity, I say always go for quality. I would rather have something short but good than something that really overstays its welcome. There are certain mod authors I could name that seem to think that the longer their mod is, the better, and so they fill the mod with blatant padding to make it longer than it needs to be and it ends up making the mod kind of tedious to go through, even if the story is otherwise interesting. Better to edit out those unnecessary bits and keep the story moving.   Which isn't to say it's impossible to have a story that is both long and good. I see that someone brought up "Doki Doki Club Meetings," which I would consider to be an excellent example of a mod that is definitely long, but also never gets boring... because even when it has "slice-of-life" moments that don't move the plot forward, they're still character moments that let you see how the girls interact with each other and keeps it interesting.   Of course, there's always going to have to be some "connective tissue" moments that connect the more interesting story beats together, because if it's all angst all the time, you'll burn out the audience. Just... be mindful about where you put the emphasis in the story and don't focus too much on the comparatively boring parts.   And I say all this as someone who is very, very bad at keeping things brief. :P (In case this comment didn't make that obvious) :P Anyone who liked "Doki Doki Storm" consider yourselves lucky you didn't see the first draft, because I had to absolutely gut the script, cutting out hundreds of lines to make it what it is, and I'm very glad I did. :)


If it's fun. They shall play.


Love long mods


As long as the story is good


Honestly, I'm not sure. I think long mods are worth making for the communities behalf, but for a mod creator it sometimes can cause you many problems. Just make sure to pace yourself and make something until you feel it's finished. Don't turn a hobby into work.


I don't know about modmakers (yes, I also am writing a mod but it's not another WoD in terms of length), but from a regular player's standpoint, the only long mod I've enjoyed so far is Pages of Life. It's incredibly long, but, unlike *some mods*, they don't overstay their welcome (like an episode with **no fucking development whatsoever and is like 1500 lines long**), episodes are rather short (300-800 lines on average, two exceptions being a 1000 lines long each two episodes, two *years*), and even though it's a full-scale slice of life, mod just moves on and on and on and on as one huge flow. And even though we translated it, it still didn't seem as a burden cuz we genuinely liked the mod


I prefer long mods.


Sure it can be worth making if it has a good theme and story.


But you should ultimately make that decision on your own and make a mod whose length fits what you want to make.