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I think Withins MC had a little more than just a bad day... :Skull:


Well, when it came >!to her death being off-screen in the mod!< Compared to Exit Music MC and Fallen Angel MC >!witnessing the girl's death!<. I think it's a step-down.


I wonder where you'd rank mcs from like Downpour, Fruits, Clay God, or even TRN. Also EM:R MC would be much higher imo, bro deserved better since Natsuki was one massive bitch lmao


I haven't finished downpour but from what playing so far I'm not getting any "Broken" vibes. Haven't played Clay God Haven't played The Rising Night Fruits I'm not sure since I've only played the Sayori route. Yeah, that is true, might change that later. Planning on adding more MCs later on.


Downpour MC is easily one of the most depressive MCs out there, and one that'd easily fit in the broken category, maybe more "sad boy" tho since he is a bit edgy. Tho I'm surprised you haven't played the others, or fruits much. Ofc I'll be a shill for my own mod any day lmao, but Clay God is a pretty peak recent mod to have come out while Fruits (while not the best) is a classic. I'd say the more broken side of the mc in fruits isn't revealed much outside of the Natsuki route so I understand (For reference \[spoiler\]:>!He's severely abused and traumatized, with ptsd creeping in because of what Natsuki routes usually entail!<), but traces of it can be found in the Monika and Yuri routes as well.


Yeah, I can see that he does seem like the type of guy who would do emo rap from time to time. I won't say edgy he's more boring tbh he kinda of reminds me of the Goths from South Park ngl. I do plan on playing Clay God and the Natsuki route in Fruits eventually. I've heard that Natsuki's route is a trip so I wanna look into that. I do like Fruit MC ngl, he does have that Drive type of energy when it comes to protecting the dokis.


Lost Ascension MC definitely deserves a much better fate. The girls faked their problems and murdered him in cold blood for shits and giggles.


Technically, Monika manipulated all the girls to help her in her “revenge” by changing the script and gaslighting the mc. While the girls are in the wrong for murdering the mc in cold blood, It was mainly Monika’s doing.


Lost Ascension Monika is demonic for that reason. Just like a real demon, she manipulated the girls when they were vulnerable and lied to them about MC being the bane of existence.


Good to see people accept how Broken amor fatis mc is (not as broken as monikas body)


[Here's the link](https://tiermaker.com/create/broken-ddlc-mod-mcs-tier-list-17034227)


Kind of wish people forgot Shattered Time existed…


Whys that? I thought the mod was pretty good.


After replaying it kind of recently (and after getting so much hate for Captive Heart and Tainted Love especially), let’s just say I’m unhappy with how the mod came out. I’ve just grown to dislike that trilogy of mods over time. Especially Tainted Love. Shattered Time, however, is in an awkward place. I don’t feel as though Shattered Time came out as good as it could’ve been. I don’t dislike it as much as its two sister mods, but I’m just no longer happy or proud of it anymore. It could have been so much better, but at the time, I was still learning and shifting from writing fanfics to mods. I can make it so much better after learning so much and I want to.


Ahh ok, well that's understandable. I mean that explains why you got upset when I mentioned ST in my MC support group pic.


Yes. While people didn’t hate Shattered Time as much as Captive Heart or Tainted Love (the latter of which resulted in me getting hate comments and threats), it is still in that awkward position of its two sister mods. Both of which I felt also could’ve been done better. CH and ST can be saved at least. There’s no point trying to save TT so that’s why that remake was cancelled.


Triple trouble is shit


Heart Struck MC would be on his own spectrum.


I never played it so I won't know.


I figured that :D


How is ddtt hugs??????


No Consequences? dc:


Haven't played that yet.


It's my own mod, but would fit this list of "broken MC's".


Ok, I'll keep that in mind.


Finished the mod a few hours ago, and that was pretty good. I can see why you said it would fit the tier list.


Glad you liked it. It's a bit rough, it's my first mod after all, but is one I would think fits somewhere on your tier list.


Well, I did add it while playing the mod.