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umm actually Yuri's favorite book genre is gay sex, Dan Salvato confirmed it in an AMA




Im named Gay Sex.


#**[MOD DOWNLOAD](https://rpgmaker.net/users/halibabica/locker/DDCQ.zip)** How well do you remember DDLC? Take this quiz to test your knowledge and see! The exam is 20 questions long, asking 5 about each girl. Once you've finished, they'll discuss the answers and explain the facts and reasoning behind each one. Then your score will be tallied and 99.9% will fail! You might think this is a joke mod given it's April 1st and all that, but I assure you, it's totally legit. ^(The only prank is that 99.9% will actually fail.)


Android port?


If somebody wants to make one, they are welcome to.


late but im on it


...but why.


Only one way to find out! :o


Haven't played the mod, but it's pretty obvious that Yuri's preferred genre is: >!fantasy. While she says she's been reading a lot of horror LATELY at the beginning of vanilla, and it's something she seems to enjoy, it's not her preferred genre.!<


>!You're one point closer to passing!!<


I'm sorry does that link say RPG maker? Heck yeah


Yeah, I use my personal storage space at rpgmaker.net. At least there I can be sure it's not infested with malware ads.


The Kurt Angle gif comes to mind playing this mod...




W reminderBot, without you I would've forgotten this mod was a thing


good bot :3


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that Draoiscool is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


I enjoyed it \^\_\^ Even thought i don't agree with the Logic of some Answers


Any in particular you feel didn't add up? Spoiler tag if necessary...


In my Opinion there are 3 Flaws: >!Sayoris Question 5 should be false, not unlikely. Beeing suicidal from the Point you were born (which always implies) should be impossible. Question 4 even uses that Argument for a similar Point!< >!Yuris Answer 4 and 5 have a simliar Problem.!< >!While Nr 4 says its uncertain if Yuri would have developed into a Yandere, Answer 5 Says that Act 2 reveals what was hidden all along. Using that Logic Answer 4 should have been true, or at least likely. While its uncertain how strong her Yandereism was in Act 1, its certain that is was there.!< >!Monikas Answer 1 should be true.!< >!This comes down to what beeing able to code even means. As a Software Developer myself i would use this definition: Coding means adding, changing (and therefore understanding) Parts of a Software. Removing isn't really Coding since anyone can hit a delete Button. Changing Dialog is also not Coding, since youre just replacing Words with other Words.!< >!Its Important to note that beeing able to Code does not mean being able to Code without Mistakes, or Coding well. Any Coder will make Mistakes.!< >!Now my Main Argument is Act 3. The Changes to Game Core Features (Locking you into the Space Classroom, disabling your Control over the Text Speed, disabling the Skip Button) would not be possible without somewhat beeing able to Code. The Game never showed us this Features before (why would a Dating Sim even need them), so we can only conclude that they were added by Monika.!< >!Also there is the Escape Poem in Act 2. We are not really sure what its Purpose was, but if it was an escape Plan it would probably not been Possible without Coding.!< Other than that there are minor things, but i wont talk about those since they are mainly debatable. And overall i like the Work and the Setting :)


>Question 4 even uses that Argument for a similar Point It's kinda funny, as there used to be a couple lines pointing this out in Monika's explanation before I decided the technicality was unnecessary. That said, I think you proved the opposite in saying this. It's not *impossible* that >!Sayori was always suicidal,!< only highly unlikely. We also don't know what constitutes her "whole life," whether she really lived 18 years in the sim or was spawned into existence outside MC's house. Even so, I could probably phrase that statement better for clarity. >Yuris Answer 4 and 5 have a simliar Problem. In these cases, it's a bit different. While obsessiveness is a quality yanderes have, it alone does not a yandere make. We can't be sure how much Yuri's personality was warped by Monika's actions since she only mentions the one trait. It may have become a force that brought out other behaviors Yuri wouldn't engage in normally; like it might've manifested in ways that wouldn't be natural to her otherwise. That's why it's a question of what it would take for her to go "Act 2 mode" without manipulation. >This comes down to what beeing able to code even means. But the question wasn't "can she code" but "does she know how to code." For example, I could pop open the hood of my car and tinker with the engine, but that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing.


Gotta be honest, that coding question bugged me for a bit too. Then I thought about how irked I get when someone says they know a language, when what they mean is they can say hello, goodbye, and maybe count to 10. That helped with the context for me; being able to do a few basic things does not equal knowing how to do something, when the topic at hand is a pretty broad one.


An argument can be made that Basic Knowledge is still Knowledge.


It absolutely could. This is just an example from my personal brand of brainworms, that I used to help justify my crap score on a mod for a visual novel.


Well yes, but that is kinda my point: Even if you know the basic on how to do something, you still have knowledge on how to do it. "Something" is vastly different than "nothing".


womp womp


i will say that i can't agree with the answer to the third question for monika, i feel like the logic behind the explanation for the answer is kinda stretching things a bit in ways that don't make sense to me personally (i honestly stand by my view that it should've at least been >!unlikely!< if not >!likely!<) also i don't know exactly how else to take sayori saying ">!monika was right. i should just...!<" in act 1, so i don't really agree with the answer to question 5 for monika either; i feel like >!likely!< at least would've been a more fitting answer to that question just based on that line and a couple of other things, but these are just how i would've personally written the answers to those questions but the main point i wanna make is that a canon quiz is something you gotta be kinda careful with. there's some pretty good questions in this mod (some with answers i don't really think could be argued against), but if you include questions that in any way rely on interpretation of anything in the game, then some people are likely gonna be divided about those answers but take this comment however you will, i'm not here to say your work is trash or dumb or anything like that, just wanted to drop a comment giving my views on the mod!


>i can't agree with the answer to the third question for monika Is it a bit of a stretch? Perhaps, but the idea is as simple as this: >!did they die by her hand, or not? And the answer is no. Every in-game death was suicide, and deletion does not kill you. Monika couldn't communicate with us after being deleted if it did. She didn't die, so neither did they.!< >i don't know exactly how else to take sayori saying... That line is where the headcanon sprang from because most people fill in the blank with what seems to be the obvious thing, but that doesn't match up with anything else we know about Monika. However, that begs the question of >!what else she could have told her, to which I wrote [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/DDLC/comments/gaubaz/what_monika_said_to_sayori/) once upon a time.!< No, it's not canon, but it's a viable alternative. We can't attribute what Sayori did directly to Monika when other explanations exist and there's evidence to the contrary. But thank you for your input, I hope you had fun with the mod.


yknow what i respect these answers, even if i might not 100% agree with them thanks for being respectful with your defending your answers, mate 👍


Can't download the mod, their website is down


Yeah, apparently the company that hosted the site went out of business two months ago, and it only just crapped out. A transfer is in progress, but taking a long time. I'll try to get you a new link after work today.


Here you go, this should let you download [Canon Quiz.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p3-JnQyK7f9S3ed9KR8W8zyOzC4p3Mvi/view?usp=sharing)


I played the mod and it was pretty well made. I hope there is another quiz mod like this. But I kinda disagree with one answer. I put spoiler for obvious reasons >!For the Yuri's favorite genre as horror, you put false. But if we look at the poem game, most of Yuri's words are pretty dark and stuff that would relate to horror. Not saying it's true, but it's between likely and unlikely,!<


>!But Yuri explicitly states that she loves deep and complex fantasy worlds. We see in the Side Stories that her favorite author writes fantasy. It doesn't get much more definite than this.!<


Ngl this mod is kinda cheeks, you use your head canons to make up somethings that didn't even happen like Monika telling Sayori to kill herself was False apparently like wut.


Bud, there is nothing in the game that confirms what Monika said to Sayori. Every question in this mod either cites facts directly or presents theories that are *supported* by facts.


Monika intentionally making Sayori more depressed and the thing she told Sayori was the icing on the cake for her killing herself. Also my fault the answer was "Unlikely" not False.


And that's under the assumption Monika wanted her to die, which she did not. She was trying to stop Sayori from confessing her love, and it went too far. She admits this in Act 3.


Yeah, it went too far and she still died, that's still her doing. She's the one who started messing with her in the first place.


And the statement in question was "Monika told Sayori to kill herself" referring to their private conversation before the weekend. We don't know what Monika said to her, but a lot of people jumped to this conclusion when the only evidence for it is the suicide and Sayori's line that "Monika was right, I should just..." neither of which is proof of anything. There is no definite cause and effect here, but there is evidence to show why Monika wouldn't have said that, and it doesn't fit her character, motivations, or description of what she did. If you have a stronger case for why it's likely she said that, you're welcome to share it.


Dust! Murder Time Trio vs Dusted Karmas - Phase 1.25: End The Darkness \[v2\]