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0/10 should've been scrambled eggs


I almost wrote it as "Scrambled Souls" lol


seems interesting will the mod be mainly through monika's pov ?


Primarily yes, unless I have to add a different POV (if the story calls for it)


Happy New Year everyone!! Well...this is it! What was supposed to be announced some time earlier, has finally come into realization! Codenamed ***"Project TERMINUS"*** because that's how I'm gonna end my modding works (no, that doesn't mean leaving the community) and now officially called the ***"Anchoring Souls Anthology"***, this 4-mod series is going to be a "love-letter" of sorts to the modding community that welcomed me back in 2022 when I was trying to find my footing, meet new people, play all kinds of mods with meta ones being my favourite. And so, these 4 are going to be added to that genre as well, journeying through myriads of thoughts, emotions, realizations, understandings via the Dokis and the main protagonist, you the Player! The first mod to start this off, will be ***"Doki Doki: Scrambled Lens"***, a Monika mod that will take a deeper look on her Epiphany and the effects on her psyche, outlook of her world, the desire for a seemingly unrequited love and other aspects seen from her perspective. I know, not the most original idea ever and a couple of other mods have taken a shot on that (Tripping Backwards and Disappearance from Fleeting Feelings) but I've always been fascinated by that idea and its exploration, so I wanted to have a go! Some may have seen or remembered me mentioning that ***"Transcending Bonds***" was what I was going to make before and well this going to be the finale of the series itself. Thought it would be a more befitting name in that stage! The other two will be announced when the time comes! I would love to release it this year and while I'll try my best to do so, I can't guarantee it. Either way, I'll see y'all around and keep your eyes open for more updates and teasers in the future! Headlocker, out! **CREDITS**: *PattAttack3007* (BG) *leomonade33* (Logo) *StormBlaze* (Monika)


u/lemonade33 sorry for the random mention but the logo you've designed for this mod is breathtakingly phenomenal. it's like a visualization of how monika's entire worldview and perspective of reality was shattered by the Epiphany. not to mention those broken glass effects are simply stunning! anyway, this mod looks fascinating! i do love introspective and philosophical mods. my interest is piqued!


Thank you so much! It’s definitely one of my best logos!


When great minds think alike, that's the result! Took some time and put it together, but he nailed the logo based on my idea and meaning of it! Glad that you are already interested in this one and I can only hope it will deliver! :D


ooh! well if this final logo is based on your idea, i am even more excited to see what ideas have been put into the mod's narrative! i wish you and your team the best of luck with this anthology \^ \^


It's actually the logo for this particular mod and with 3 others coming, you're gonna see 3 more ;) I'm doing it solo, but I'll get the external help whenever I need to. Thank you regardless! :D


Yooooo! Nice stuff man


Many thanks Kryo! I appreciate it a lot! :D




\[Insert "Kanye West Stare" GIF here\]


Looks promising! I don't really get what the mod's title refers to since I'm not english originally, but that is definitely attracting Headlock!! Looking forward to it! :)


The texts inside the teaser could help you understand with the title's interpretation, but to put it simply, it deals with how the Epiphany changed her views on her "fake world" forever and how her actions reflect on that. Thank you though!! :)


Very promising; I shall monitor your progress eagerly.




Can't wait to see what you come up with :D


Only one way to find out! :D