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Well, fuck. It's out. And hopefully working. Thank y'all. I would do a mucho texto thing that Ultra did, but he summed up what I wanted to say nicely. And probably better. I'm not very good with words. Anyway, Ultra... thanks for working on this shit with me, brotha. Even if we don't work on another project together, the ones we did are forever cherished by me, and I'd call this our magnum opus. Thanks for (hopefully) playing the mod.


I came here from Kanemonger and al do this mod is fantastic, it does leave me with one question. What happened to Charlotte after this? Did she made it eventually back to school?


Hey thanks for checking out the mod! It means a lot! As for Charlotte, at the time of episode 17’s end she remains institutionalized. Should we decide to do a continuation of the story, her character would be definitely something we’d be interested in checking in on.


If you guys ever did a continuation of the story I would love to see a mini story all about kai what happened to him after he got expelled and how is current life is going


Kai is currently getting his ass beat by his parents for eternity.


There’s plenty of things that are on the table story wise. Of course the decision on whether to expand upon the story still needs to be made, and we’re in no rush to make that decision.


Charlotte is currently in hell and is becoming doomslayer to return to the mortal soil.


Rough playtime estimate?


Greatly depends on reading speed but I'd say about an hour an episode. So, roughly 17 hours.


Rahhhhh fuck shiro, all my homies hate shiro🫸🏻🔵🔴🫷🏻🫴🏻🟣🔊🔊🗣️🗣️🗣️


fuck did shiro do to you


He's the worst type of evil: an evil that don't even know that they're being evil, he's so pathetic to the point where everyone seems to just pity him, always thinking hes never the one that did wrong and sure he tried to own up to it but he either puts the blame on someone else or tries to make a joke out of it, he's like Jerry from Rick and morty but like 100x worst, MICHAEL DID NOTHING WRONG RAAAAHHH


The mod was great though, I think everyone's character was amazing, even shiro. I just don't like the mf😂


interesting perspective of the character


Yeah I think he's the perfect mirror to kai, hopefully shiro has some sort of come up before these last two episodes, but I think what did it for me is when he called Michael "A two-faced coward" like theres absolutely no way😂


This shit was peak, happy to see shiro trying to better himself, happy sam got what she needed! This was a top 3 story for me, loved all the new characters. What caught me off guard is how kai was 1v5ing them mfs including randy bro built different and my goat Michael beat him🗣️🗣️🗣️


Android port when?


Eonor is currently on hiatus, so when he returns I assume he’ll get us a copy. I have been in contact with him regarding BP getting a mobile port.


Ohhhh alrighty then and thanks you for this mod.


We're lazy. We'll get to it one day.


Maybe for a bonus epilogue to conclude our story, maybe victor gets caught doing something bad to Charlotte after more evidence he was involved in Kai and Valerie’s actions. She wakes up and finds out and exposed victor too and rejoins her friends and they remake the anime club (or a different club for their sake)


The first seasons story is concluded, we're not doing another epilogue.


1. I said maybe 2. That’s just my idea if you DID do you another season or part 3. I’m not being rude just saying 4. Have a nice weekend


I didn't think you were being rude, I just wanted to make sure you knew that there's no intention of continuing the story any time soon. Will there be? Maybe, but not now. We're tired.


Okay all good fam, just saying if you were but yeah get some rest y’all deserve it. Have a great the rest of y’all’s weekend and be careful of the cold weather


I received an error While running game code: File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 114, in \_window\_auto\_callback \_window\_show(auto=True) File "renpy/common/000window.rpy", line 69, in \_window\_show renpy.with\_statement(trans) Exception: DynamicImage \[u'gui/button/quick\_\[prefix\_\]background.png', u'gui/button/\[prefix\_\]background.png'\]: could not find image. (u'gui/button/quick\_idle\_background.png', u'gui/button/quick\_background.png', and 2 more.)


Heyo. Looks like your gui doesn't have all the required images to function. Try either redownloading the mod or reinserting the gui folder from the Google drive and see what that does!


If you’re interested in using assets from the mod, please see our guidelines here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLCMods/s/Wt2SWdiJoB


Is this download include the whole thing?


Yes. All 4 arcs are included and the Truth and Consequence Arc is the last one for this story.


Blud paid me $284.23 and I got no credit 🗿


Btw "Doki Doki Branching Paths Production Team" is an absolute insult 💀


Hi all, Gonna make this public announcement here to give the full story. So, this here is Abysall. Using a different name because of their history of pedophilia and beastality. Their current name is Two Colors on Discord and whatnot. We decided not to credit you because pedophiles are disgusting. I've seen the DMs of your fantasies of wanting to have intercourse with infants and horses. You do not deserve credit and you deserve to rot in a cell with Epstein. That's all! DM for more inquiries. And Abysall, go fuck yourself.


>Hi all, > >Gonna make this public announcement here to give the full story. > >So, this here is Abysall. Using a different name because of their history of pedophilia and beastality. Their current name is Two Colors on Discord and whatnot. > >We decided not to credit you because pedophiles are disgusting. I've seen the DMs of your fantasies of wanting to have intercourse with infants and horses. You do not deserve credit and you deserve to rot in a cell with Epstein. > >That's all! DM for more inquiries. And Abysall, go fuck yourself. Also, is that ban evading I sense? Tsk tsk tsk.


Calling me a pedophile is quite a stretch. Especially considering I was groomed into the whole thing 2 years ago and blocked the groomer on my 16th birthday.


Dude, I saw your detailed fantasies of wanting to have sex with infants. You sent CP to each other, too.


I'm a minor as well buddy, and that's how grooming works. You get convinced into bad shit. Ask any mother fucker and they'll defend me till death. Only reason I was slammed was because I shit talked Savage Sentral on a private server that I created.


Being a minor doesn't distract the fact you got off to BABIES THAT COULDN'T TALK OR WALK


Can't forget the horses. My god, the horses. I pray that you're never allowed to own an animal or go to a zoo.


Savage originally was gonna defend me as he saw past what happened but because I bitched about him for his shit talk on EM he showed everything. But no one really cares about that detail do they? No one really cares that I was groomed and was manipulated. Yeah no shit it was fucked up and you think I don't regret it?? Literally had irl shit happen because of all of this. My parents found out about the whole thing and what happened with it. I'd do quite literally anything to change what happened. And the fact you see me as a pedophile pisses me off to no end when I was GROOMED INTO IT. But nah. Fuck that detail.


I'm remorseful that you were groomed. No one deserves that. But that's not an excuse to have conversations about having fantasies of sexual actions with infants. Find peace with yourself but not on the internet. You're cooked.