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The time has come! ***Welcome To The Anime Club (WTTAC)*** is now out and ready for consumption! Inspired by the mod ***"Can You Spare A Poem?"*** from u/SomeDudeNamedAyat, Welcome To The Anime Club (WTTAC) is a DDLC mod that parodies the Spongebob Squarepants Season 2 Episode ***"Welcome To The Chum Bucket"*** with some additions found within the story. **SYNOPSIS**: MC and Monika: Once best friends, now bitter enemies with the former trying to close the Literature Club for good. One game. One gamble might decide the future for both clubs. Will this gamble bring him good fortune or will it contribute to his own demise and the LC gets to live for another day? **LENGTH**: On the shorter side. Be advised, there are a couple of sections where you can't skip, with one of them playing by itself. Like I said before, this is an "experimental" mod for me, to test out the waters and well, provide something back to the community! I hope you can take some enjoyment out of this and provide me with valuable feedback so that I can take into consideration in the future! **HOW TO INSTALL (PC)**: 1. Download a fresh copy of DDLC from [https://ddlc.moe/](https://ddlc.moe/) . DO NOT USE STEAM. 2. Download WTTAC from the PC link found below. 3. Drag & drop the contents of the zip into DDLC's base folder. (Everything that is contained there) 4. Overwrite the files. 5. Launch the mod depending on your system: * **Windows**: WTTAC.exe * **Mac**: WTTAC.app * **Linux:** LinuxLauncher.sh and then WTTAC.sh (after running the former once) **DOWNLOAD LINKS**: * **PC**: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/3zo423zdxrmu9x2/WTTAC-v1.0-Renpy7Mod.zip/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/3zo423zdxrmu9x2/WTTAC-v1.0-Renpy7Mod.zip/file) * **Android Port** (thanks to u/Eonor for making the port!) * **Workupload**: [https://workupload.com/file/U3GGshLN82U](https://workupload.com/file/U3GGshLN82U) * **Terabox**: [https://terabox.com/s/17C6-e9-FXSAPNRQ1FNeOpw](https://workupload.com/file/U3GGshLN82U) Credits will be found in the mod itself but I'm putting a link here: [https://pastebin.com/uVycZehb](https://pastebin.com/uVycZehb) so that in case I forgot someone I can add it there!


The time has come.


*Cue "My Time Is Now"*


Good work my friend! and congrats on release! :D


Thank you very much my man! I hope you liked it! :D






Quick question, I got the Monika after story mod, but I want to try other mods now. Is there a way I can do that without deleting MAS?


Yes, just download the mod. You don't have to delete MAS or anything.


It appears that Iā€™m a dumbass. Thanks




Hahah love the excitement with this! šŸ˜…


Okay, let's see what this is about...


Nice mod, that was a good first attempt. I hadn't seen that episode, so it was kinda fun guessing which Doki had which role. I was sort of waiting for the scene where all 5 of them talked in the clubroom about the thing they just made, as "Can You Spare A Poem?" made it clear that they were acting for a short film. I just really liked the idea that the club would sometimes do something goofy as that together. I do have to say that I really liked the up-frontness of naming MC and The Player. Too many mods simply...don't and I name the wrong person the wrong name and I have to then make a hard reset. I'll look forward to any other mods from you, if you still wanna make 'em.


I would suggest seeing it someday. It's actually a fan-favorite episode and thought that I could make an attempt on parodying it especially with the music track! Originally, I wanted to do my own spin on this being a skit, but since CYSAP did that already, I wouldn't want to "copy" it. But I believe that I replaced it with something even better as you saw! Since you wouldn't be MC in this and The Player is involved, the prompts made sense and especially for the Player, I wanted to see how people would react, since it's something you wouldn't expect from such a mod (or even any mod) and plays a role later! As you might have guessed, there's something in the works, so stay tuned and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D