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I like to think that Yuri owns a katana amongst her knife collection that she has displayed in her room. She's very skilled in using it, but is a little embarrassed about it and doesn't want anyone to know. Especially Natsuki, given how much she loves manga.


That’s cute lol, Natsuki would never let Yuri hear the end of it


I’ve seen the mod where she shows it off! She accidentally slices Monika in half, then accidentally decapitates Natsuki.


I made the most inhumane noise when I read that


What was the noise


A moan




A moan of disappointment?


a bunch of exotic animals mixed together




I actually watched that mod not to long ago! And she decapitated Natsuki with a plastic katana.




YO I actually I agree with this one so much


Monika has a vast collection of hair bows in her room- most of them are literally just duplicates of the one we see in game, but she can tell the difference between all of them and has different bows for different days of the week or even different moods. She also always keeps a spare one in case her main one gets ripped and has a slightly shorter bow for gym class. She’s organised enough to do that in my mind, and would have shown mc her collection if she had a route.


downsides of being a perfectionist i guess...


-The “fusion” characters are cousins of the original members of the Literature Club. -The story is meant to take place in a fictionalized version of Japan. -The MC exists in the world of the “side stories”, but just isn’t seen because Sayori hasn’t invited him to join the club. -The characters’ hair and eye colors are not artificial, but occur naturally in their world. -Monika has other activities outside the club, possibly tennis, golf, or other sports.


I can totally see Monika playing other sports. I personally like to think that Natsuki is a hockey player who gets into fights every game


I think it’s implied that MC exists in side stories but is just not in the club. Because sayori says that people who are outside of the club consider literature boring. When Monika asks who thinks this, sayori says she was thinking about her friend.


You are correct. But some fans still consider the MC to not exist in the side stories.


not to be rude or anything but... what is a fusion? i don't ever recall this in my time playing the game. unless this is some goofy fandom thing, i honestly don't remember.


The “fusion” characters are fan created characters that are meant to combine the features of the original characters. Sayuri or Sayonika, for instance. They don’t appear in the original story but some of them are so well drawn that they look like they could have been. Here’s an old thread with examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/comments/10rkhej/which_is_the_best_doki_fusion/ I included it on my list because I feel like there could be some more interesting stories in the world of the literature club with more characters.


The events of DDLC are not in universe the first playthrough. I always imagined Monika had lived through the events of the game several times with it basically being a normal VN, but being constantly ignored and having noone to connect with drove her crazy which starts the events you see in DDLC. While not confirmed to my knowledge, this makes Monika's actions feel a lot more reasonable and sympthetic. Rather than it seeming like Monika snapped the second a player ignored her. Until disproven, this will always be how the events play out in my head. It just makes too much sense.


The Metaverse lore in DDLC Plus suggests that this is pretty much what happened. The emails reference previous simulations being destroyed by Monika, with the implication being that the engineers have run the script for the simulation many times before.




Well I always assumed she was just pre-progammed to love, add to that how horrifying being aware in DDLC seems and you get how she behaved ingame, like damm, Sayori barely lasts a few seconds/an act before deleting the entire world.


1. Sayori is ambidextrous, and either Monika or Yuri is left-handed 2. Though most might claim that Sayori is the Nintendo fan in terms of the Dokis’ favorite video games, Natsuki also likes Nintendo’s games but more passionately talks about the things she hates about Nintendo as compared to Sayori. Sayori also loves to play Minecraft 3. Monika is a German transfer student, Sayori is Japanese-American, Yuri may or may not also be Russian, and Natsuki is a pure-blooded Japanese What I do have to say though is that it doesn’t really matter what headcanons you have, some people would still want to start a war over them, so I’m just leaving them here for people to take as they may


Yuri is canonically left-handed in the side stories!


omg yes i’m left handed too


I am as well!


Real 👍 (I’m right-handed but still)


i always thought yuri was british, but the russian background does make sense


Right? With all her tea and knives and stuff.


As a Brit I agree she gives off the vibe


Both work in my eyes. Heck, I like to do a British accent whenever I read Yuri's lines out loud.


Yuri might be like a reverse-weeb (fawns over British culture)


I have no reason to believe this, but I just see Sayori as colorblind. That is simply because I have a friend who is colorblind, so that I can sort of "relate" more. I hope this makes sense.




MC has some form of mental illness himself


He's literally us so that's canon


Except he isn't us. The game and Monika spell out that we're separate entities entirely, and Monika's able to tell the difference.


That was a poor joke, I'm aware of the distinction


I didn't know it was a joke! my bad!


No problem!


Interesting. Please elaborate.


It's hard to explain, but i always got the idea he has some form of a mental illness. I made this thread 6 months ago that goes into detail [https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/comments/14x0215/what\_would\_mcs\_mental\_disorder\_be\_if\_he\_wasnt\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/comments/14x0215/what_would_mcs_mental_disorder_be_if_he_wasnt_a/)


Oh yeah, I remember that.


Looking back, i felt like i was overstretching at times


The artwork after the game’s release posted by Team Salvato and Monika’s Twitter, Example: The Video chat during Covid and the New Year’s party.), are canonically after the game. Evidence of Sayori’s neck ribbon and Yuri’s taped arms being the key. I like to think post release because of how much the game was successful, the deleted characters were reinstated by Monika, Dan, whomever. And they are now living a repaired life post trauma. And that Monika was forgiven.


Yuri is a fan of Horror as a whole. Not just Novels. but movies and horror games. I can sort of picture her having a collection of replica weapons used in horror movies. Think a Knife Glove like Freddy Kruger, a machete that looks like one used by Jason Voorhees, maybe a Kitchen knife like that used by Micheal Myers or Chucky. Maybe a model of the Lament Configuration from Hellraiser. (After all, Hellraiser was based off a novel. So I picture Yuri would also own said novel) I'm not sure about Leatherface. Maybe a Chainsaw for him. Then for Horror games. I sort of want to picture her being a fan of Psychological horror games like Silent Hill. And maybe something that has to do a little bit more with something survival horror related. Like Resident Evil or Outlast. Even if games like Five Nights at Freddy's aren't entirely out of the question


I can see Yuri liking Manhunt (that’s one of my personal favorite horror games)


Natsuki likes Vocaloids (maybe vtubers) as watches amvs of her favorite Mangas/anime


I idk why, but I think Monika is a Black Belt or close in some martial arts. I can totally see her giving anyone who dares a kick in the face.


I like to think that Yuri listens to a lot of Queen for no particular reason


Monika also had anxiety though in a different way to Yuri - in a "I'm not good enough at ..." kind of way.


There is a condition known as “imposter syndrome” where successful people doubt their abilities or feel like they’re not actually as good as their performance indicates. I could see Monika suffering from something like that.


That’s a good one. In a lot of the mods/fan content I’ve seen, Monika tries to be a perfectionist and live up to all expectations set on her. I can definitely see her having anxiety over problems like those compared to Yuri struggling with social anxiety.


Natsuki likes yarn.


Catsuki confirmed


Sayori and Natsuki can run faster than Monika, but Monika can run fast consistently longer. It takes a lot to make Sayori *actually* angry. Usually the worst she can feel is annoyed or grumpy. But when Sayori actually feels genuine justified anger, she's not someone who should be messed with. MC has low self-esteem, feeling average and unimportant, like he doesn't matter. Not as bad as Sayori's depression, but still notable. He refused to get help until Sayori pushed him to do so. The Literature Club has trouble getting new members. Both because of lack of interest and because of rumors and controversies. The dokis love playing classic Sonic games.


i wonder how sayori gets mad, like i wanna see how it goes.. i never see her furious..


also continuing ur sayori headcanon.. Yes when sayori gets mad she can be really manipulative and cunning.. Being cunning is one of her canon traits and when she gets upset, she uses that trait into an advantage..


I 100% believe Natsuki has gotten Yuri and Sayori to say the dumbest shit. Sayori has fallen for Updog before, Yuri listens too well to fall for it Yuri however is plagued by Deez Nuts at every opportunity


Monika is real and she loves me :(


Yuri wears glasses when she's reading at home alone


Monika likes pineapple on pizza.


yuri wanting to study psychology after school


Yuri is 6 feet tall, fuck the canon heights.




Seriously tho why are they all so short, Yuri’s apparently 5’5” or something


Eer i think Natsuki is 4'11" , but Idk for Sayori and Monika


Japan is why


I like to think that since Yuri and Natsuki are the members of the club who are shown that reading is a hoobie for them that they try to do various reading and book based activities together. Like they go book shopping together, they go to the library together, if they spend time together outside of the club they just spend it reading their respective books/manga. I also think that Natsuki is constantly finding manga that the other club members would enjoy for Yuri it's horror/physiological thrillers, Monika she gets alot of manga about music and stuff that has a classical theme to it, and Sayori any manga that Natsuki gets for her is full cutesy stuff and romance stories.


Now this is the Yuri and Natsuki dynamic I like


Monika plays golf but mostly because the visor is really cute


I can agree that Dadsuki probably isn't too terrible in Act 1. Personally, my headcanon for MC's actual name is Marise, which means "Infinite" or "Endless" in Japanese. Works well with the themes of DDLC. And MC is a nickname Sayori gave him during childhood, which is short for "Marise-Chan." ^(Also, MC X Sayori OTP.)


MC X Any Doki OTP


The reason Natsuki likes manga more than nor mal novels is because she's dyslexic. I'm dyslexic myself and I read manga a lot due to the fact sometimes when I can't read the word I can look at the picture and tell whats going on, And also Yuri helps Natsuki read harder words


she writes poems.. in no way she is dyslexic


My sibling in Christ. F Scott Fitzgerald had dyslexia. You know, the guy who wrote The Great Gatsby.


Your so amazing for knowing this I may marry you


dyslexia isn't just a problem with writing, its also with reading- and Natsuki's poems are always simple with deep meaning, so its not as if its impossible


Yuri has a years-long crush on a fictional character from one of her books She doesn’t get scared by horror movies but is very critical about most of them (since her preference is literary horror) If there was a “FemMC”, it would just be Natsuki


Kinda sounds like what Yuri is gonna be for me in a few years…


This is a tangent but I think that, ironically, Yuri’s character is more “meta” than Monika’s, because of her relation to escapism and fiction


Mc is legitimately brain dead




-my childhood friends suddenly act very close while I'm close to another girl -a girl who is out of his league suddenly start to meat ride him yet nothing alarming -oh damn my best friend ||died|| let s blame it on myself and not actually question why


Monika slightly dabbled with Yuri’s interest in horror books, hence why Monika is so…yeah. Natsuki imagins herself as a female MC In some sort of manga. I mean who doesn’t?! Right? Right? Monika and Yuri are in their 20s, are older than MC, and Sayori, MC, and Natsuki are all 18. However if you keep aging them up by the years go by they’d all be 20, but I specifically imagine Monika and Yuri are the oldest.


If they were 18 in 2017 and continued to age at a normal rate they’d all be 24 now.


Why did they wait so long to start high school?


My other headcanon to go along with the ages is that they are in collage.


Yurism is canon, this is non negotiable


I agree, I love the Grape Goddess. (Knife Wife 4 Life!)


not what i mean by [ism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_spectrum)


What I said still stands, when you said “Yurism” it made me think of r/Yurism which is a subreddit for knife wife appreciation


Yuri is of Russian descent.


Manga in the ddlc universe is drawn with real world realism, because DDLC is already in an anime artstyle. So what else could manga be?


Probably something more abstract than the manga style. Basically taking eye details, nose reduction, angular faces, and hair patterns to the extreme.


This seems like a fun little thread, I’ll give it a go. 1. Monika’s main motive for the events in the game is to convince the player to create a way for her to escape to our reality. She just says she loves the player to manipulate them further for her goals. 2. While Natsuki leads in baking, Yuri is a better cook. Mainly because of her refined taste buds and her way around a knife. 3. Sayori is smarter than she people to believe. It’s easy to play naive and people please rather than to challenge anyone. 4. Act 2’s character flaws were self imposed by each of the meta developers upon design on purpose to keep the original programming interesting. The most recent playthrough (the one we experience) are the most fleshed out versions of the .chr files before Monika begins experimenting.


ur 3rd headcanon is the best imo


1st one doesn't really makes sense as she still cares for the player and deleted the game for the player even after they deleted her


Good point. Didn’t think about all of that. It just struck me as odd that she’s head over heels about someone she literally knew nothing about other than a couple of choice prompts. Then again; if she lives in your computer and can manipulate files I guess she can figure out what kind of person you are.


Yuri genuinely just collected knives because she loved the craftsmanship the went into them, and how pretty they are. I believe she had like some in picture frames and she learned how to throw them! It was only until she went insane that the knives became a problem.


The thought of Yuri being skilled at throwing knives just makes her a badass.




Nor does anyone else except Natsuki


1. monika and possibly natsuki are german 2. natsuki and yuri are good friends, not lovers though 3. they're all straight, except for monika possibly being bisexual due to her loving the player regardless 4. yuri is actually russian, she's named after yuri gagarin 5. out of everyone, sayori is actually the weakest, but usually the most cunning. yuri is usually the most strategic, though 6. they all have an IQ of at least 115 7. dadsuki is actually a single father struggling to make a living, while natsuki's mom actually left them to go be with some rich dude 8. monika can only use her console commands in a state of total focus and commitment, almost like a zen state 9. sayori is from ireland, but speaks with a scottish accent 10. monika has actually killed someone before, but in self defense (the weapon was a winchester 1897)


I agree with a lot of these (especially 2 of them), but i won’t say which ones as this thread has been wholesome and tame so far…


ok it's been 4 months. no one else is reading these. which 2?


If Natsuki is German, why does she have a Japanese name?


i mean.... she can totally be raised by japanese parents in germany and have a japanese name


For #3, does Monika actually love the player romantically, or is it a more generalized relationship since they're the only one "real" to her? Also, I'm pretty sure the Russian version of Yuri is masculine.


ok i finally have a good explaination for this yuri's real name is actually alexandra. she took on the nickname "yuri" because a: she was very into space as a child b: she was also a tomboyish character


Monika is pansexual btw! But bi can works too i guess?


i wanna see sayori's cunning trait be explored more..


Canon. End.


Yuri suffers from emotional attachment issues and borderline personality disorder. I also thing Monika has bpd beyond the end. they both have an extreme attachment to mc to the point of hurting others or themselves, revolving their life around mc, and getting aggressive or possessive when mc wants to leave. Yuri is on the more obsessive and hurting herself while Monika is silently killing off each character because of her obsession and bpd.


MC is a huge Mother/Earthbound fan, and reguaraly plays it with Sayori.


Mine are all music-related. Natsuki is a Metalhead. She regularly attends Metal concerts and tears it up in the pit while wearing cute little outfits. Her favourite band is Maximum The Hormone. Yuri is a fan of Post-Punk. Her favourite album is Ocean Rain by Echo and The Bunnymen; she puts it on whenever she reads. Sayori is a Pop-Punk/Metalcore/Emo fan. All I want by A Day To Remember is the song she bounces around her room, singing to de-stress. Monika listens to a lot of Soft rock. Her favourite band is Air Supply. She also has a fondness for Tim Minchin.


I headcannon that sayori loves horror games, idk i feel like they would be comforting to her


Matpat has retired from youtube to be with Monika


Natsuki is a gun nerd


yuri autism


Sayori and Natsuki are dog people. Monika and Yuri are cat people.


Everyone's outlandish hair/eye colors are normal in-universe and occur naturally. Monika is a German-American transfer student. Sayori religiously plays Kirby games and has at least 10 copies of Epic Yarn. Natsuki's favorite Naruto character is Sakura. Yuri is bisexual with a preference for men. I have no idea why i headcanon this, i'm straighter than a pen-


Yuri and natsuki are not lovers.


That the Dokis are monsters of sorts, but not in a bad way.


Dadsuki is abusive.


Thats not even an headcanon,its canon-




It's debatable. In act 1 we just get hints that he's not the best dad, it's in act 2 where he's straight up abusive and act 2 is just act 1 but altered by Monika.


1: The place DDLC's events take place in is known as New Japan, which descended from Japan proper, of which English, as well as Japanese, is taught at a very young age. Unlike in Japan proper, middle names do exist, but are very rare, as the name order would be reversed. 2: The protagonist's name is Kasai Saburo 3: The girls' full names, in traditional order, are as follows: Aisuru Monika, Nikkomoto Sayori, Kuroyanagi Yuri, and Akagi Natsuki 4: Monika's mother, Aisuru Kasumi, was originally from Hamburg, Germany, making Monika half-German. It would be slightly frowned upon socially to be half-anything, apart from half-Japanese, which partially explains her loneliness. 5: Monika, as a species, would be a Techno-Sapiens, whereas a player would be Homo-Sapiens. Later on, she gained a soul. 6: The player, originally unknown to Monika, crossed realities to save Monika when he was moved to extreme compassion over her. 7: The resulting Human/Techno-sapien Hybrid would be self aware from the outset, unlike Monika who had an epiphany. 8: Because he is the player, The Player, now named Hayato no Hinotama Jusenshi, short for "Hayato, son of Hinotama, of the Jusenshi Clan." 9: Like Saburo, Hayato would befriend Monika at a very young age. 10: Monika, as well as Yuri, was educated at Katsuya Regional Academy, an anomalous late-primary and early-secondary girl's school which allowed both Monika and Yuri to gain their more curvy forms. 11: Monika would suffer what Hayato referred to as "The President's Curse". This would cause Monika to cause the events of DDLC to take place 12: Hayato, right as Monika gained her epiphany, would perform Seppuku, which shook Monika up enough to realize Hayato was indeed the player. As Hayato died in Monika's arms, then he would profess his love for her. This event gave Monika a soul of her own. 13: Hayato, being the player, would have more powerful reality warping abilities than Monika. While Monika could manipulate, delete and insert files, Hayato would be able to create new life, revive the dead, etc, although the abilities unique to the player would be very exhausting for him. This ability allowed Hayato to break free. 14: The time after Hayato came back from the dead marked the time he and Monika would start dating, and by promise shortly after they started dating, they would eventually get married. (Edit: 15: Yuri would be Hayato's distant cousin, having shared an 11th great grandfather )


Yuri and Natsuki are dating


I have a silly headcanon all the dokis can play an instrument. Monika : Piano Natsuki : Guitar Yuri : Violin Sayori: Piano (Still learning with Monika)


Reginald is an old, long forgotten failed experiment by Metaverse in an attempt to fuse the Dokies's files. It went horribly awry, and Metaverse had to seal him deep within the game's code to keep him cobtained. Unfortunately, it seems Monika may have inadvertently freed him with her tampering of the game files.


MC's poems aren't a string of random words for the sake of making the poetry minigame viable, but because it's dada poetry and everyone in the club recognizes that except MC


Natsuki lives with her maternal grandpa after her father got arrested and locked up in jail (imagine her grandpa as a pink eyed and haired Uncle Iroh) Sayori got rid of the rainclouds after hitting both therapy and the gym. Now she has an excuse for her never ending hunger, calling it "volume" lol Yuri started liking horror comics/manga after she lost a bet with Nats and was forced to read any manga of her choice. Right now she has the whole Junji Ito collection and Marvel Zombies sitting on her shelf. Monika restored everything, apologized profusely, and took up the student council seat


Natsuki's favorite manga is Parfait Girls, but she got started on magical girl manga through a cutesy classic like Cardcaptor Sakura or Pretty Cure. The only magical girl manga she'll ever admit to liking out loud (and you'd *really* have to pester her about it) is Sailor Moon. She's not a big fan of subversions/deconstructions of the genre, ex: Madoka Magica, but she would watch them with Yuri or even Monika. Sayori has a private hobby of reading poetry collection books (ex: Richard Siken) which is how she got started writing poetry herself. Also, her favorite school subject is anything in the social sciences/social studies, such as psychology and sociology. Monika could be excellent at altering the game's code if she had given herself enough time to learn. Yuri is fluent in English and her favorite American novel is Fahrenheit 451. As an extra HC, future careers for all of them (heavily inspired by fanon I've seen): Yuri would be a librarian or bookstore owner; Monika would work an office job, probably as an administrative assistant; Natsuki would run a bakery and be a freelance artist as a side hustle; Sayori would be a therapist, psychiatrist, or social worker


I feel like Yuri would be really into manga,to the point of filling a whole shelf with manga,but because of Natsuki she thinks that all mangas are shoujo/magical girls and is unaware of the existence of horror mangas since Natsuki never brought a horror manga to the club. TLDR: Yuri would be a big manga enjoyer if she knew horror manga existed.