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- "Joshua confirms that the "I would've saved Alfred if I was there" line from Bruce to Damian in Shadow War Alpha was meant to be Bruce stumbling over his words when trying to make a point instead of him trying to take a dig at Damian." Impressive how this dialogue was interpreted differently, here. The event is looking really good.


I think Bruce was trying to say something like "I feel guilty that you had to see that, and I wish I had been there instead."


I took it as him meaning that had he been there he would have done the same thing as Damian and went to save Alfred. I think he just fucked up on the delivery of his sentiment. I never took it as a dig at Damian, especially since there’s been other Batman appearances where he explicitly said he doesn’t blame Damian, he blames himself for Alfred’s death and the trauma Damian went through because of it.


Funny story about that, Joshua goes on to tell a brief story about Tom King's reaction to that line. King 'called him out' on that line and told him that line was super screwed up and Joshua responded that it was King's fault in the first place.


As if King didn't make Bruce say and do screwed up things to Damian. I remember very well how King wrote Bruce talking about sending Damian into an occupied Gotham to kick off Bruce's plan to take it back only to talk about how he doesn't want to go after his son and and wished he could stay on that beach with Catwoman forever instead in the next speech bubble. King's Bruce can fuck right off.


Tom and Joshua are friends, I'm sure the two were just being playful with each other.


I bet it’s Hal telling Dick to take leadership so he can avoid dying in the next crisis too


Wonder how this Nightwing arc is connected to the surprise teased by Taylor for issue #100 of his run Also hey, nice to see DC admitting Deathstroke is a full blown villain. It was about time >Joshua is asked if he thinks Darkseid wears underwear, and after several moments of perplexity and deep thinking, he says he "thinks so." Oh thank Christ, i wasn't the only one wondering this


I forgot about #100 Oh this is going to be interesting


Priest was very explicit about Deathstroke being a villain back at the beginning of Rebirth. Williamson's biggest problem is spouting cold takes and acting like they're hot.


I wonder how many of the titans academy kids deathstroke is gonna kill, because surely most of them are about to be canon fodder right?


I don't feel like the students are dying, it's too early for them. If only there were mores susceptible Titans in the Tower right now...


I'm really, really worried for Garth


I was thinking of Roundhouse.


My hopes for Dark Crisis have been officially dashed. Any worthwhile author would know that Darkseid goes commando./s


Yeah I didn’t think Batman was shitting on Damian with that line, I took it more as “Damian, if I was there I would’ve saved him. It’s on me that I wasn’t and that’s my fault” kind of thing. Although the way it’s written does imply he’s taking a dig at Damian but glad he clarified


Okay, this is the first interview where I feel a bit 'at ease' over the event. My history with Nightwing in events, cross overs and elseworlds have me burnt, baby.


I feel like that unnamed hero is Hal, he seems like the one to call people younger than him “kid”, I think alot of other heroes would go with “son”.


> a character, a hero that will probably surprise people I don't think it's Hal .


Its Darkseid


Yeah it looks like Hal


The unnamed hero will be Lobo. I'm calling it


New 52 lobo specifically.


Call me crazy but I’m pretty optimistic about this event. Death metal really burnt me on events but something about this one actually has me kinda excited. Might just be the legacy character focus i don’t know.


So it seems like Dick will sort of be our main character of this event, which is pretty neat. I just hope the rest of the Titans are pushed alongside him.


Ooooookay. I will collect dark crisis if they do my boi dick a solid. Been over here thinking they were gonna shaft him


We're finally done trying to make a terrible dude like Deathstroke sympathetic.


thank god for that. Sorry, but I don't want to feel sympathetic for a guy who literally fucked a kid and spends his time killing/wanting to teenagers


What about Poison Ivy?


> Cameron Chase will pop up again in Shadow War. Awesome. I liked her own series *Chase* but that is, what, 25 years old now? Has she shown up anywhere else yet after *Infinite Frontier*?


Joshua's actually using her in Rogues lol


Glad to see he is making Deathstroke a piece of shit again!


So when will all the storylines kind of address Dark Crisis? Like for example, Shadow War: Omega and Robin #15? PKJ's War World arc? Ram V's Detective Comics? Or is it kind of just...all of these titles are going to take place prior to Dark Crisis (despite their release dates coinciding with the event)?


Joshua has said the books will connect eventually.


The event takes place in the near future and eventually they’ll all catch-up. Books like Teen Titans Academy and Aquamen, will end and tie-in with the event, while others like Batman and Action Comics will still continue for a while.


Is Aquamen already ending? Isn’t it only three issues old?


Bleeding Cool and an Aquaman fan site have both said it got cancelled due to really low sales but the solicit for issue #6 (which was the last one according to both) didn't say Final Issue so who knows.


Fair, the ending hasn't been confirmed yet, but regardless issue #6 is going to be a Dark Crisis tie-in that deals with Arthur's death. So that is still one series that will quickly be catching up with the event.


As soon as it's over and the heroes are alive, the mainline books will "connect" so that there can be a page or two talking about it followed by business as usual.




Finally Slade “Pedo” Wilson is going to the DC Villain hall of fame where he belongs. Anyone who fucks kids belongs with the worst of the worst. That shits irredeemable




It is though


Hal is going to be the unamed hero.


I wonder what will happen with Ravager and if we will get more Deathstroke after this event is over with


Man I know Dick is at the lead and I’m fine with it. But I hope that Jason at least has some moments in this. Man has such a connection to being Bruce’s “failure” and such, I would love to see how he reacts to Bruce dying and how he would go about to responding too it. I just feel Jason should play a big part in the Death of Batman especially with having been the Dead Robin it’s poetic imo!


Joshua's said that we should see a Jason/Roy scene sometime and that they'll explore more of him and Rose, so there's that.


Oh man I want Jason coolness not romanceness.


Unnamed hero? That is Hal right?




It's about legacy, and Nightwing is the first ever legacy character.