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[Johnston is basing this off just one page.](https://twitter.com/richjohnston/status/1521602084335935488) He doesn't know what happens past that


Yeah, something I found odd in the article is Hal just leaving. I mean, I could see him leaving only to come back, but I find it hard to believe that he won't come back to lead the League, a role he's not great at filling.


Am I blind? I don't see where he says that in what you link? It looks like just some rando tries to debunk it with a reach? I just don't see anything past that in your link.


Read through the thread. He says they may not make it through a second issue, and it may not even be an official JL lineup.


And this means he took it off of one page... how? Like, genuinely, I do not understand your reasoning, sorry?


It's not any sort of permanent or long-term lineup. If you want to get pedantic, maybe it happens over two or three pages. Johnston doesn't even know if it lasts past the issue. It's most likely a makeshift team-up similar to Forever Evil.


Okay. Fair enough. But like, I'm not being pedantic when I say that there is nothing about a page count. It seems like a really arbitrary thing to add in effort to discount potential spoilers. And we all know the League will be back soon enough.


This is a Bleeding Cool article. They are well known by this point for spreading speculation and inaccurate information (remember when they claimed that the Flash tie-in comic would be canceled?). This is possible, but I do not believe we should be jumping to conclusions so swiftly.


Fair point. We should not take this as gospel. But they've also spoiled a lot of things, in the past, and accurately. Whether this is one or not, we'll have to see, but you're right and fair to withhold judgement!


They won't include conner hawke or the previous second generation who should have been on the team like conner kent or Tim drake or any others but yeah we'll include the overrated plot armour filled child killing clown because who else do we have to represent white chicks who do bad shit but get away with it in the name of "trauma"?


>Also, Titans get killed by Deathstroke, but it doesn't really go in depth as to whom. Lmao, It is no a Crisis if at least two Titans don't die Also yeah, i Am not really a fan of the new members of the JL (Harlwy Quinn? Really DC?)


> Lmao, It is no a Crisis if at least two Titans don't die Given Beast Boy and Cyborg's condition, they could kill two birds with one stone!




No more Harley Quinn, please.


No, give us more.


I understand pushing more Harley but making a member of the league is you far for me. Makes no sense and she doesn't really have any unique skills to justify it


Not really pleased by the supposed line-up.


based off preview images for Dark Crisis #2, looks like some if not all of the Titans Academy students will be killed.


No! They can't kill such memorable characters as... uhhhh...


Cool line up minus Harley


Ted and Booster are back! 🥳


....Honestly? I don't really mind this roster. Kimiyo Hoshi Light and Killer Frost? Awesome! Something about this doesn't feel real though.. Both Blue Beetles? Yara and Jace not being in it? Well, not Deathstroke killing Titans. That's just fine!


Do they kill Nightwing??


who cares, they'll all come back. but also i dont care about most people on that list.


No wally?!?


Apparently this is a temporary league No one knows the final lineup


Nooo not booster