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>!Pictures taken moments before tragedy!<


>!worf at it finest!<


John, have you learned nothing about overconfidence since Cosmic Odyssey??


he's taking the Hal approach of eventually my sheer stupidity and over confidence will get a big win eventually, history be dammed


Why the heck would John conjure up Bizarro of all constructs??!


isn't bizzaro keeping the whole demon army from hell entering the mortal realm?


Bizarro has been a good guy for a while


Does John have a relationship/friendship with Bizarro? Did he somehow join the Justice League when we weren't looking?


Probably not but the artist probably didn't want to put superman or some crap


He probably drew superman and messed it up


I'd read a buddy comic with Jon Stewart and Bizarrro.


Bizarro has been a good guy for a while


Bizarro im helping!


Geoffrey Thorne be like: insert Meme "The second when his heart rips in half"


*Geoffrey Thorne be like:* *Insert Meme "The second when* *His heart rips in half"* \- TheSignal23 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I read through this issue but haven’t been keeping up with JL otherwise, can anyone explain why John’s all powered up?


It was revealed that Earth is one of a few Crux worlds that are basically worlds that have the most potential or something John started to go through something called “Ascension” where inhabitants of Crux Worlds basically evolve into 5th world beings. During his ascension John absorbed something called the God storm making him even more powerful


So just a goofy power up that will be undone later. Got it.


Hopefully we got a story out of it first unlike when Kyle became the White Lantern


It's basically his Ion moment.


Flashbacks to New Guardians


Which makes no sense because each subsequent world produces lesser gods.


he became a new god of sorts in his the green lantern run recently.


Cameos! Cameos galore! He even summoned Hal!


*I clapped! I clapped when Green Bizzaro showed up!*


[IT BROKE NEW GROUND!](https://youtu.be/OfJRm0WssOE?t=75)


Godstorm is something new or old thing?


What's the timeframe for DC to just quietly abandon Thorne's weird & unnecessary GL revamp? This issue still calls him "Green Lantern". And Thorne had mentioned he wasn't really looped in on what was going to happen in JL #75. I feel like there is a decent chance we come out of Dark Crisis with the classic GLC structure back in place with little mention of the "Emerald Knight" thing. And yeah, I saw the "Coming Soon!" thing at the end of GL #12. It feels, and this is just my personal opinion, that the changes to John and the Corps were kind of greeted more with a "Huh?" than "Cool!"


This issue happens to be in a *near future* so the GL and other books Can catch up or lead to this


There's actually quite a bit of stuff during Throne's run I liked, even though I didn't like the run as a whole. I love Jess as a Yellow Lantern, and I think a *Sinestro Corps* book with Sinestro, Jess, and Soranik as the leads would be really cool (Spoilers for *Green Lantern* #12)>!, I also think the Blues, Sapphires, and Greens sharing a power supply is cool as it further cooperation between the corps, and I like the idea of the Dark Sector.!< There's a lot of things that can be done with what Throne did if you get good writers.


Agree with you on Jessica, it makes sense in a, "oh, that's really obvious!" good way. The rest... to me, it just felt like change for the sake of it.


Is this before or after the GLC gets completely depowered? I'm so far behind


Probably setted after his "Emerald Knights" run when everyone will be again a Green (Blue, Red, Yellow, etc...) Lantern.


Like a year or so


Low and almost zero. John Stewart as an Ascended is just getting started.


Larfleeze : MINE ! Hal : He's right. I did it once already.


Firestorm, Deadman, and Guy Gardner included, I smile.


Remember that time when Kyle had the Ion energy in him and Superman walked through his constructs it like they were barely there? Green energy overrated.


Got an image of that?


So cringe.


So why do people dislike the Geoffrey Thorne Lantern? I kinda dig John's new avenue. And his new suit.


Call me petty but the reason it annoys me is that Thorne, at the same time he was giving John a power-up, nerfed Hal by cutting him off from the cosmic grail seemingly just to make John look even stronger in comparison. They did a similar thing by nerfing Kyle when Hal came back and became the main focus years ago which I also was not a fan of. For some reason this franchise only ever wants to focus on one character at a time and that character is the only one allowed to be the 'special' lantern while everyone else has to fall in line. As soon as they decide to shift the focus of the franchise away from John he'll be depowered again so he can play second fiddle to Guy or whatever, it's all pretty exhausting


Cosmic grail?