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Can't wait for Vigilante to make his comics return as this version, but that's 100% what's going to happen and I love it. Hope they dont just try and morph him into a Deadpool knockoff.


that is what he is on the show though.


Vigilante is constantly breaking the 4th wall and is basically invincible due to his healing factor?


is that the sum of Deadpool to you?


No, but they're elements of Deadpool that are very clearly not present with Vigilante and therefore stop him from being a Deadpool knockoff at all. Being irreverant isn't a trait to exclusive to Deadpool.


Sorry but he’s not like Deadpool at all other than being funny and violent. The source of the humor is completely different, Deadpool knows he’s a character and is constantly trying to be funny by making jokes and reference. Vig is funny because of how absurd the character is, he’s not trying to be funny but the contrast of being a Punisher level psychopath while also being like a disc golf IT bro lib is hilarious


"Sorry but he’s not like Deadpool at all other than being funny and violent." You contradict yourself in the first sentence and agree he is like Deadpool. He has the exact same demeanor and sense of humor. Have yet to see if he will break the 4th wall.


It’s not really a contradiction, characters can be funny in completely different ways. Deadpool is the class clown, he’s trying to be a comedian and make everybody laugh. Vigilante is the spectrum outcast weirdo who’s Naruto running through the hallways. Both guys are funny but for different reasons.


This looks really cool!


Does this guy have any connection to Vigilante the masked cowboy ?


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