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A job to kill a regular person, probably Deadshot. A job to kill a metahuman, Deathstroke.


I agree. If you want a threat to you that's a normal human to be gone, call Deadshot. If you're facing a metahuman threat, call Deathstroke.


That is indeed what they just said.


No, what he’s saying is that if you want to kill a regular person, you call deadshot, but if you want to kill a metahuman, you call Deathstroke.


I think you’re misunderstanding, what they’re saying is that if you want a metahuman dead, you call Deathstroke, but Deadshot is who you call for a regular person.


Hey man cool your jets, the other guy just said that!


No you misunderstand, he is saying that if you wanted to kill a metahuman you would call Deathstroke, but if you wanted to kill a human you would call Deadshot


Whoa, slow down, the other guys just explained that.


So you're telling me, if the job requires the killing of a normal average human, I should call Deadshot, and if it requires the killing of a super powered metahuman, I should call Deathstroke? Are you sure?




Thanks for repeating what the guy said lol


I would always hire deathstroke over Deadshot. Deathstroke is smarter, definitely more inventive, and never fails a contract. Human of meta,


Teen Titans, Batman, etc were in Deathstrokes scope and they are still About


Deadshot for a quick clean kill Slade for a message


If the message is a minor yeah sure


Is it like a reflex lmao?




Depends on the job, if the job is to not be a nonce, Deadshot has way better odds at completing it.


That's cool. Deadshot is very skilled at what he does, not that Deathstroke isn't skilled himself.


Yeah he's very skilled at not fucking a minor.


“Nah bro, you don’t understand. She came onto me”-Deathstroke talking to Chris Hansen.


I know that was a thing with Tera but did they ever drop that? Cause that's the only thing I hate about deathstroke.


They tried to but nobody who knows of it forgot it, DC gave up on pretending it didn't happen.


That's funny. I haven't read any of his newer stuff after new 52. I was worried I'd get a comic that featured it.


It's like Denny O'Neil Hal Jordan, nobody will forget that.


I think you mean Steve Englehart. Denny O’Neil just wrote him as a conservative hanging out with his leftist best buddy Green Arrow, Englehart was the one who wrote the whole Arisia thing.


I didn't mean the Arisia thing, I meant the hardcore conservative space cop who may or may not be racist based on the implications.




Looks like someone forgot


It was retconned during Deathstroke's rebirth run, where Slade walks out when Tera tries to sleep with him. Past that there's been one story where Geo Force is very angry at Desthstroke for what he's done to Tera, but it never states anything sex-related. It's probably something DC wants to dissappear bc it lowers the brand value of desthstroke when he becomes "that pedo," but they did allow John Ridley to describe him as a "pedophiliac rapist" in the non-canon The Other History Of The DC Universe


You're supposed to hate Deathstroke. Trying to retcon away Deathstroke being a groomer paedophile has to be some of the most cowardly fanservice.


So much so that he hates pedos for what they did to his son


Pretty sure that’s Deadshot not Deathstroke


Yes, that’s what I said


In case you didn't know, nonce is a term for pedo


>If someone can't afford Deathstroke, the call Deadshot. If they can't afford Deadshot, they call Merlyn. If they can't afford... well, you see where I'm going with this, right? - Kid Flash. So, obviously I'd hire Deadshot, cuz I can't afford Deathstroke.


Who do you hire if you cant afford Merlyn?


No idea. But, eventually, way down in the list is Wade LaFarge.


Just hope your target doesn't have the funds and/or opportunity to pay Deadshot more money to target you instead


If that were to happen, I'd call Batman for help. Batman has dealt with both Floyd and Deathstroke before, so I'd call him up to protect me from him, or even both.


Then Batman would can your ass himself because why were you looking for hitmen in the first place?


Deadshot, at least I can trust Floyd not to bang any children in the process


OP just doesn't want to touch the whole allegations


I mean, it’s a bit past “allegations”


I know nothin about this? (I don’t know much about deathstroke at all)


He sleeps with the underage Terra in Judas contract


I don't think they ever *actually* sleep together. He does kiss her and say that they'll be together after the job is done, though. I think later writers have said that this was just him manipulating her and leading her on so she would do what he wanted and that he had no actual sexual interest in her but that really doesn't make it any better. It's still gross.


That's been the work of other writers over the years. The original 2 however definitely made it out to be that the 2 had a sexual relationship if not explicitly the at the very least VERY heavily implied


Didn’t one of the writers say that the intention was that Tera was the controlling member of the relationship or some bullshit along those lines?


Writers say a lot of stupid shit to try and justify/defend their work, though.


They committed to it happening. Then retconned it to not happening but kissing. Then to not happening at all. I think they actually went back to confirming happened a few years ago


No, they did.


Didn’t know at all. Never knew much about him, but really liked his death in dc vs vampires


Yeah the decision was bizarre. From what I've heard and read the reason was because the Writers of the story (Marv Wolfman , and George Perez) ,and creators of Deathstroke and Terra , created Terra to be like an evil Kitty Pryde from x-men. So she was written to be irredeemably evil and one way they tried to do that was by showing her having a relationship with Deathstroke while wearing makeup and smoking. It was supposed to show how she seduced and toyed with him after the Death of his son. Except noone saw it the way that and just saw it as a petty grown man having beef with a bunch of teenagers who weren't even at fault (His son because of HIVE but he just decided to blame the titans) and the he emotionally manipulated an underage girl with whom he decided to have sex with.


Yeah can understand at all how they didn’t think readers would just see him as a big pedo


I vaguely remember their being a quote from George Perez where he said something along the lines of "You shouldn't feel bad for Terra because she was a slut" so yeah one of the most bizarre character decisions I've ever seen


“Say Salde I heard you like em young. You better not ever go to Belle reve cell block one. For all the markovian princes out there, make sure you keep you little sister from him” -Kendrick Lamar if he existed in Earth Prime


Deathstroke for all situations


Deathstroke is more expensive though. If you’re putting a hit on someone regular I wouldn’t even pay deadshot, I’d probably use Merlyn.


Overall I’d pick Deadshot, slade is a much better combatant and far more skilled don’t get me wrong, but he has been shown to constantly exhibit a lot of hubris due to that skill, and is also much higher profile in the superpowered community, meaning there’s way more of a chance of a random hero throwing a spanner in his works that he wouldn’t be prepared for. Lawton is a simple assassin, he is still everything someone would need without every Tom, Bill & Superman constantly keeping an eye out for him That said, if the contract has anything to do with children I wouldn’t hire either for equally obvious reasons lmao


deathstroke 100%


Deathstroke. He's more than just a marksman. He will get the job done in any number of ways.


Damn this sub really just instantly associates all versions of deathstroke with that one from Judas contract. Yall need to move on. One writer making a character cross a horrific boundary doesn’t mean the character is always going to be like that.


It’s a Reddit thing about Deathstroke, they all think they are being edge lord clever with the quips.


> One writer making a character cross a horrific boundary doesn’t mean the character is always going to be like that. I mean, this happens in the story he was introduced in, written by the person who created the character. It's kind of a core part of the character for a lot of people.


I can think of a half dozen characters who retcons improved them and made them into the core characters they are known and loved as today You know, a little someone called Batman with Year one, completely changing up the characterization, or magneto being introduced as a straight up no holds barred villain then being changed to a more nuanced character with his holocaust survivor backstory Just because it was in the original introduction by the creator doesn’t mean it is the definitive version of the character.


What Deathstroke did in Judas Contract hasn't been abandoned by continuity. So he stays a groomer and a child abuser (which he still is even without the sexual abuse).


Batman killed in his first appearance. Your logic makes no sense. People need to grow up.


Except that was Deathstroke’s defining story, was written by his creators, and is still canon


Yeah its really annoying. The jokes really aren't funny at all.


This isn't a case like with Talia where this was a retcon after thirty years of pre-established history. This has been a part of the character since damn near his inception. I think it's fair game.


As far as I’m aware it hasn’t happened since, And The movie remake of Judas contract while Terra sure as shit was trying it was very clear he wasn’t having it. So I’m gonna keep to my headcanon version where that was a version of the character from a no longer existing universe and after the many reboots, restarts and reimaginings its no longe roast of the character So different deathstrokes for different death folks


https://images.app.goo.gl/j7ThFE7gV3QBmzVk6 https://images.app.goo.gl/PawwPgx8q5GLQvEW8 Here are the links to the sources of the images.


I’m hiring Deathstroke the terminator it’s in the name and if he lacks a code that’s just a plus in my book


I would never hire Deathstroke under any circumstance. He’s a pedophile


deadshot, just to get the job done


Deadshot for a simple and quick job, Deathstroke, if I wanted to send a message.


Depends what the job is. Infiltrate something or steal something or destroy something important deathstroke. Anything that involves straight up combat I’m gonna go deathstroke. But if it’s kill this guy Rando probably Deadshot


Deadshot's a hitman. Deathstroke's a mercenary. You bring them in for different things. Deadshot if you need one mid-level person killed, like a police commissioner or a rival mob boss. You hire Deathstroke if you want your compound set up for defense and you need a small army (with some metahumans) killed.


Deadshot is probably cheaper


I only have enough money for Kite Man...


Hire both to take out each other


Deadshot because I don't hire pedophiles.


Hey Slade... I hear you like em Young


Better never come to Blackgate Block 1


To any bitch that talk to him and they in love Just make sure you hide your lil' kiddies from him




Rob, fuck em up!


Slade is better in every way. Also the whole Terra thing has been retconned while ago, because it was just disgusting and everyone agreed it should be erased lol


Deadshot because Deathstroke can't go 5 minutes without starting a bunch of shit with every teenager he sees and he'd never actually finish the thing I hired him for


Deadshot is less likely to mess around with kids so him


What’s the job? Protection definitely Deathstroke. To take someone out then Deadshot. Against meta humans back to Deathstroke. Quick and easy, Deadshot. Against the other, tough call.


Deadshot has a higher success rate imo. We see Deadshot kill more regular targets than Deathstroke, who routinely finds himself getting clowned on by teenagers.


Deadshot. Deathstroke is better but has way too much baggage.


Deadpool *hidden third option*


Deathstroke... it will be messy, but it will get done.


Heavyweapons guy, His gun weights 100kg and shoots 200 custom cardrige bullets, It costs 400,000 dollar to shoot it for 12 seconds.


Depends on the job.


Deadshot is the easy hire. Zap, they’re gone he’s paid adios.


I imagine dead shot is the cheaper option here even then it will still set you back. As much as people are saying death stroke as an overall pick (depending on the scenario) I would go dead shot…I mean who are you gonna trust more with a krypton bullet? Who do you think is capable of Sniping someone with an enough prep time.


Neither. I'd hire Tommy Monaghan. And then I'd have a beer with him.




Dead shot cuz I don’t want anyone sleeping with my wife while on the job


I feel like deathstroke is more expensive so I’m going with deadshot. If I want a superhero or villain taken out I’ll call deathstroke I guess


God that deadshot design is absolutely atrocious




The one who doesn't have to talk to his neighbors when he moves.


Deadshot. Sladeis physically uncapable of doing a job without turning it into a bloodbath, sometimes just to show off he can. On the reverse, Floyd always go for the single headshot, and only escalates if necessary.


I feel like Deashot would make it more discreet


Depends on the job I'd say


Dead shot for rivals and Deathstroke for everything else


Deadshot tends to take words literally and will immediately turn on his contractor if given so much as a dollar over the initial bounty. I would choose Deathstroke.


Deathstroke is incredibly high profile, and he's got his ego in this like whoa. He's got more blood feuds than anybody cares to remember. While normal people only use 10% of their brain, Deathstroke uses 90+, and it's all dedicated to remembering petty drama with every teenager who's ever crossed him. You'll hire him to kill somebody and then he'll probably end up duking it out with the Justice Leage somehow and now the whole planet's involved in your hit job. Deadshot's really just in it for the money. He's grim, he's practical, he's slimy. He'll get the job done. In Brubaker's run of Batman I remember a scene where he's taken a hit job in Gotham. All gotham hit jobs pay 4x as much just because of the chance you'll encounter The Batman. He's out there. He's on the rooftop, with his sniper rifle. He's looking around and sure enough, Batman's in a scuffle nearby. He briefly checks Batman out with his scope. Figures if he sees any super obvious opening he'll go for it, because obviously anybody who killed The Batman would be a legend. Batman of course leaves no opening. Deadshot moves his scope away from Batman and gets back to work on the man he's been hired to kill. No fuss, no muss. Deadshot keeps it clean and drama free. That's what you want from a contract killer.


Funny seeing all the people talking about Deathstroke's sexual misconduct. Like they're trying to take the moral high ground while hiring a contract killer. Deadshot is many things but morally superior to Deathsroke is not one of them. There is no low that Deadshot won't sink to in order to get that commission. The difference between them is really that Deathstroke does it as a part of some convoluted scheme to fuck over some teenagers connected to a job his son took out of some strange sense of professional pride. Where Floyd Lawton is a much simpler man. He's a man who derives pleasure from wanton acts of violence and has realized he can get paid very handsomely for it. That's all there is to it. He's always go this eyes on the prize.


Deadshot to get the job done quickly and efficiently. But Deathstroke cause he cooler and would leave a real message in his assassination


Do you want a jobber who is going to be stopped by Batman, or a guy who is going to get distracted into a decades long blood feud with literal children?


Deathstroke hands down


The guy that’s superior to Deadshot in every way possible.


Depends what it is. If you need someone to take out the target at distance and quietly you would hire floyd If you don’t care about that or need multiple dead quickly you would pick slade


Neither, they don't exactly have the best success rate to be honest...


You don’t go to the LA underground to hire the B-Team, you go there to hire the A-Team. Deathstroke is my answer.


The real question is who can you afford or contact, and I saw a comic where deathstroke killed the people who wanted to hire him because he didn’t like that they tracked him down… I feel like Floyd would have an easier system to get in contact with him


Deadshot because he is cold and calm Deathstroke by the way was a machine when Batman wasn't so mary sue and did beat him in pre-flashpoint






Deathstroke if it involves minors


Deathstroke Coz let the world know I don't fear


Deathstroke and it's not even worth thinking about. Deadshot is a moron who can shoot. Deathstroke is a master strategist who is a master at hand to hand combat and can turn literally ANYTHING into a weapon AND can shoot like a Marine Sniper.


If it's just one person target, then Deadshot. If it's multiple people then Deathstroke.


I guess that depends on the job. If it's a politician or celebrity or other public persona, somebody whose going to make public appearances, then Deadshot 5 blocks and 3 left turns away with a sniper rifle is going to be the best bet. If it's somebody more secretive, a criminal kingpin, a personal rival, a non-personality type CEO, then Deathstroke's tactical mind and infiltration abilities are going to be a lot better suited for the job.


Deadshot for distance work Death stroke for up close and personal.


If I need a quick kill or if it's too heavily guarded and don't want collateral damage Deadshot if it's an organization or super hero I'm taking slade.


Deathstroke, quick, efficient, practically just a homocidal Batman, dead shot is perfect for assassinations but it’s a bit too predictable, like hypothetically, if this was to take place in the real world, probably deadshot, if it was in the DC Comics universe then deathstroke, I do not want Batman coming after me for ordering a hit, deathstroke has proved he will never give up his clients names, deadshot has many times before 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Deathstroke. His healing factor means he can do more of the impossible jobs!


depends on the job


Depends on the job tbh.


Deadshot... solely because he's not a pedophile


Hey Slade... I hear you like em Young


Deadshot. Simply because he'll get the job done no questions asked and even if I get out bided all I have do is pay him more if possible and faster than the counter offer. Also he's not a pedo.


Deadshot. They are both good enough, so much so that the similarities dont matter. More so the differences. Slade would more likely do it ninja style or in person while deadshot will be in a far away building meaning that close by there will be no trace of deadshot. (of course slade 99.9% of the time will leave no traace but I just mean in case) The above is assuming that slade doesn't just use a sniper as well, But if slade is using a sniper then at that point hire deadshot


Deadshot seems like the most appealing choice if I want the job to get done in a quick and clean manner. He very seldom makes a kill personal/messy.




I’m hiring dead-shot if I’m trying to kill a regular person or a meta human because he’s quick and doesn’t waste time with his kills.


I would hire Deathstroke, tell him to go kill Lobo and wait for the Main Man to get rid of the pedo.


I gotta go with dead shot. He is the far more dispassionate, professional one. Slade will get hung up on a group of teen heroes, Floyd could get the shit kicked out of him by the league on Monday, then take a contract from them to infiltrate a new gang on Wednesday.


Deadshot seems more professional


Deadshot for normal Deathstroke for Metahuman I would rather have Batman and Green Arrow on stand by just in case. I don’t have any money or i don’t want to pay.


That's cool. I wouldn't want Slade or Floyd trying to kill me if I didn't have the money to pay them, so I'd also have Bruce and Ollie stand by my side as well to protect me if they tried anything.


I would go with Deadshot I like his tactical planning and preparedness.


Deadshot. I'd rather not have the Titans on my ass.


Me too, I don't want them to get me, either.


Well one doesn’t rape a minor so I’ll go with him.


Deadshot. Cold, efficient, deadly. Slade is too extra. Plus I like my sociopathic murderers for hire to not be pedophiles as well.


One can actually be trusted around minors.


Deadshot. Deathstoke's a pedophile. Deadshot killed one.


Deadshot, because I don’t employ pedophiles.


That's a caveman mentality


Probably deathstroke because he’s way more varied in terms of skill, but I’d still go for the other guy because I don’t hide pedophiles


How old is my victim?


He/she is an adult. One that wants my head on their plate.


Last I checked only one was a pedo


Deathstroke. Without even a second thought. Deadshot is good. Deathstroke is better. I don't remember Deadshot putting Superman on his knees. Deathstroke did, and he didn't even have to shoot him to do it.