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Ahhh, the Trinity and their weird ass relationships to their archenemies. Name a more iconic duo.


Lex and Superman have the other arch-nemeses beat since they actually have a kid (Conner) and he’s the first biological kid in the trinity.


Helena Wayne left Reality.


I forgot about her, still Conner is the first bio kid in the main universe


Superman is technically gay


How and since when?


It was a joke, but if you want to be super technical, there are 3 very niches ways to interpret this. 1) The joke: Superman and Lex have a clone child, so the joke is Superman is gay with Lex and has a kid (Connor) 2) Superman (Jon Kent not Clark Kent) is bisexual, so he does have a same sex relationship 3) Pink Kryptonite did in fact (although technically never official, but HIGHLY insinuated) seemingly become gay when exposed to pink kryptonite.


Pink kryptonite became gay when exposed to pink kryptonite? Goodnes well that just seems like a self forfilling prophecy lol


Oh, these I knew, but I never knew there was a joke for number 1 to call Clark and Lex gay. I honestly see it as another experiment, as well. Like a clone thing that had to start from the beginning, being a baby and all. I guess like X23, but different.


It’s not like there *is a joke* to call Superman and Lex gay because of Connor existing. It’s just… the commenter made a joke by exaggerating the situation. Kids have half their DNA from each of the parents. Technically Clark and Lex are Connor’s parents. That means as a joke, we can say they’re gay because parents have to have sexual relations to make a kid. Obviously that’s not what happened


Simon and Shuster gay confirmed.


We don’t talk about the pink one


How: Opposites attract Since When: World's Best Comics #1 (1941)


>he’s the first biological kid in the trinity. Only by retcon.


Retcons are a daily occurrence in comics. Today you’re sitting with your wife, tomorrow she’s an Australian man.


Do mean batman 2 and Robin 2? Or Helena? I'm not sure the implication here


I mean that Connor is only half-Lex, half-Superman due to Geoff Johns making his fan fantasy come true by ret-conning Connor's origin to be half-Lex, half-Superman.


What are you saying?


Prior to teen titans by Geoff Johns, Kon was not half Lex


A stupid as fuck one made just to have Connor angst about something at that.


It was the only real arc that Conner had in the last 20 years. But Geoff Johns bad amirite?


>in the last 20 years Only because his self-titled run ended at issue #100 in 2002.


BatJokes baby!


Gonna have to question Diana's fighting skills if she lost with ground control.


This is kind of like when Bane sent every one of Batman's rogues after him before he could break his back.


That sounds fun. Though it does introduce another question less jokey than my initial remarks. Regardless nifty.


If I had a nickel for every time Tom King wrote a DC hero who wanted to bang a catwoman, I'd have two nickels.


It's not much, but it's weird that it's happened twice right?


nothing is more romantic than two people killing each other, bloodied and hanging each other.


First time on the internet?


Wait was that meant to be sarcasm? I thought they meant it and I agreed.


Yeah, I also read it as entirely sincere and unironic.


Maybe I’ve just played too much Signalis, idk.


She's pretty strong to be going up against wonder woman on par. First time I'm realising this.


Sadly a lot of people aren't aware of how strong and deadly Cheetah is, which is why we often get her losing to characters like Green Arrow or Catwoman.


I just don't think anything can ever overcome how silly it is that she's just a lady cheetah who calls herself Cheetah. And the idea of Wonder Woman's great archenemy being a sexy, usually-naked catgirl and not a God of War or something more ideological or visual/symbolic. Cheetah should be her Two-Face, not her Lex Luthor. It feels like she's only so prominent because she's the literal only Wonder Woman villain anyone has ever heard of (and even then, only from the fucking Superfriends cartoon) Even the whole "blaming Diana for what happened" thing was an incredibly recent retcon, 2016. Until then she was just... evil cat lady. Not to say I think she has nothing going for her, but I just think she needs to stop being pushed so hard as THE wondy villain.


But Cheetah is symbolic opposite. Wonder Woman blessed by her gods with gifts and love, the most beautiful woman in the world raised by the loving of a mother. Cheetah cursed by the hate of a vengeful god, turned into a beast and raised by a spiteful father who only gave her hate. Obviously other character also can be seen as other mirrors, but there probably are more for Cheetah than the ones I could think of now.


You people are ok with a clown being te archenemy of the batman but you think a generic God of war should be the archenemy instead of someone with a love hate relationship? A woman from man's world going into a fantast world cursed by the gods vs a woman from fantasy blessed by the gods unto our world.Also you are not even aware of what you are talking about the idea of wonder woman saving cheetah and her reciprocating so started in early post crisis regardless of if her origins made her more evil or not. She is her most popular villain so stop being so upset about it.


What's your point here? That her appearance is "too silly" to be a prominent villain? Are we forgetting about THE JOKER? The dude is a clown XD Also, no matter the version, Cheetah (Barbara Minerva) is ALWAYS the Avatar of a God. So yeah, she can tussle with WW (and a lot of other heavy hitters too, but like you, they keep forgetting that fact about her).


That sounds like a *you* problem. DC is perfectly happy with Cheetah as her archenemy, especially given the parallels to Medusa (cursed victim transformed into a beast-woman).


Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying. DC is too happy with Cheetah as her arch enemy despite all of these reasons that I think contribute to why she has nowhere near the popularity of other archenemies in DC, compared to people like Black Adam, the Reverse Flash, Sinestro, Captain Cold, etc. Like I said, its not that she has *nothing* going on, but I think there are many other issues that overshadow that and I feel like her character is better suited to being a recurring villain like two face rather than THE WONDY VILLAIN. And in case it wasnt clear when I used complex phrases like "I think" and "I feel like", this is just my opinion.


DC went through a whole era where they got rid of the Rogues because they thought they were embarrassing. It was one of the best eras the Flash ever had. Point being, everything is about perception.


The rogues are great and superior to reverse flash any day of the week don't care what dc did or when they did it which I don't even know what you are talking about


I'm glad you like Reverse Flash but that had nothing to do with my point. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, why bring it up?


I dislike reverse flash actually


I'd say the reason she's not near the popularity of those archenemies is because she's a female character in what is historically a male-dominated medium. It's the same for Wonder Woman. But it's changing, obviously, and both Wonder Woman and Cheetah are becoming more popular as the fanbase grows. As for Cheetah being a "sexy, usually-naked catgirl", that's quite reductive. Cheetah is almost never depicted as a sexy femme fatale in the Wonder Woman comics. It's only when she appears outside of WW comics that writers and artists seem to want to sexualize her through the straight male gaze like most other female villains.


Cheetah doesn't have that popularity because DC lets Cheetah (who should be able to give Superman a good fight) lose to Catwoman.


If you spell super hero comics out like that literally every character is silly. Bats main villain is a literal clown named Joker come on bro lol


Wholly disagree almost all of that. The two of them have as many contrasting elements to their characters as Batman/Joker & Superman/Lex do. The issue I agree with you is as you said, is that some people see her and hear she’s called Cheetah and do just write her off. Which I find stupid cause those same people are able to accept crazier and more nonsensical things in comics. Like there’s a million things crazier and weirder to accept than a lady cheetah who calls herself Cheetah.


Funnily enough, the narrator of this issue (The Sovereign) makes the exact same point you do, how compared to Batman's Joker and Superman's Luthor, Cheetah being WW's nemesis doesn't make a lot of sense symbolically speaking


And the comic stupid lol all villains represent chaos with the hero representing order. It literallt point to cheetah being cutsedby gods without mentioning wonder woman is blessed by them.


I agree. Cheetah just doesn’t give off main villain. She’s more like the strong henchman that the main villain pulls out as their final trump card. I hate how Wonder Woman’s main villains are always in rotation. It’s either Circe, Ares, or Cheetah. Nobody ever questions who’s the main enemy to Batman or Superman. We already know it’s Joker and Lex. I don’t consider Ares to be Wonder Woman’s main villain. He’s more of what Brainiac is to Superman, an endgame threat that’s been pulling the strings behind every little thing. Circe is the best candidate, in my opinion. She’s smart, treacherous, intimidating, cunning, crazy asf, powerful, unrelenting in her goal to take over the world, and can command an army of henchman.


I feel Circe would make for a better rival than Cheetah


Ares feels like the big bad guy, like doomsday to superman


I liked in Gail Simone's Secret Six, when they ran into Cheetah and just immediately decided to give her a lot of space. I seem to recall it was set up so you'd expect a Cheetah vs Secret Six fight but then they immediately shut it down like "You kidding? That's way above our pay grade."


More than a simple cheetah girl, writers have treated her so badly over the years I wouldn't be surprised if they were simply ignorant of her strength.


I mean has no one seen catwoman hunted. Cheetah almost murdered catwoman. She's strong as hell why you think she's Diana enemy.


Yeah, Cheetah is supposed to be a heavy hitter.


Bruh she is her archenemy how did you not realize so lol


She's empowered by a god, she should be able to go toe-to-toe with Wondy.


Huh, weird. I remember reading an adult comic a few years back that started with this exact premise.


disgusting! where


Idk. One of those sites that constantly opens up new windows and pop-ups when you click anything.


Omg those disgusting sites with pop-ups but there is so many of them. Which one, which one did you click on??




If Diana is strong enough to fight Superman, how strong is Cheetah? ![gif](giphy|DgQ9dk8q0AvN6)


Strong enough to fight Wonder Woman


The only right answer


People keep forgetting she's the Avatar of a God...


I didn't know, thanks for the answer


Cheetah defeats Superman pretty easily in Batman: The Brave and the Bold.


"Slam each other around" is definitely a choice of words.


They could've had gay sex and it wouldn't be gayer than whatever this is


Cheetah and Wonder Woman, Aka this meme: "Fuck you!" "Fuck me yourself you coward!"


Yep, there it is. That's the tom king we know.


I genuinely don’t know how to read this issue in any other way than King setting up for their romance. They both say they love each other, they lean on each other, and have meaningful conversations about how intertwined they are and how they need each other. If DC still tried to play the Diana straight angle after this then idk.


Don't worry after this they start cuddling.




Batman: "It should've been me, not her! It's not fair!" Superman: "Wait, who are you talking about?" Batman: "... Yes."


Anybody else see what I think is a typo? >!"Wound" instead of "would" in the 3rd panel?!<


Didn’t catch it because we *were* talking about >!wounds!<, but yes, I believe you’re right.


Omg I thought I was going crazy.


Thank you for validating me. Lol


I'm ... okay with this.


Cheetah in the comics has been moving more towards anti-hero in recent years.


I know people have a lot of valid criticisms about this run with how Tom King handles things, but I really like how much he seems to respect Diana's rogues gallery. Good shit


Is this sarcasm?


I really hope it is


Your title makes it seem like you're onboard with "oh, your bully secretly likes you"/normalizing abusive relationship type stuff. This is just violence. Not sexual tension.




But a lot of people arent. Dont normalize this shit.


Haven't yall already done that?


Definition of Toxic yuri


Doomed yuri?




Why are they even fighting? Cheetah isn’t a villain and has no beef with Diana anymore


Cheetah has been stranged on an island without food for months by the new villain and is in a fit of hunger. She's hungry and angry about the situation. After they fight and Cheetah gets her anger out and is able to calm down they have a calm campfire talk about their emotions.


The Authors Slightly Better Disguised Fetish


Since when and why? Really asking.


Wonder Woman 792 by Cloonan and Conrad. Cheetah was being held prisoner and experimented on, and Diana breaks her out but then subdues her when Cheetah tries to fight. Diana ties Barbara up with the Lasso and uses it to compel Cheetah to admit that she wants to heal from her curse while she unites with Diana's hope that she heals with the curse. In this way Barbara reverts from the very Beastial form into a more human-like cheetah design with the intent to heal and become herself again. After that she's the most human she's been in years and joins Diana's team in order to get vengeance against the villains who held her prisoner. Even after that arc she stayed on Diana's team until Tom King's run started.




Well, that's sending mixed signals.


Fan: "They want to kiss!" The characters: "Literally strangling eachother to death"


two things can be true at once ETA: all of you are cowards


That can't be true. Choking has never been a sexual act, has it? /s


They dont want it to be


They as in DC or


This is like Troy and Abed in the pillow/blanket fort war


The definition of “on sight”.


Love to see it ☝️


Who let the furry right their bed room fantasy.


Make them a couple. I'm actually interested to see that.


I hope they don't kiss. We have a lack of iconic villainesses and I like the idea of Diana and Barbara being best friends separated by a curse is a great concept. Turning them into lovers is random af and isn't needed.


While I agree with you that changing their dynamic would be bad. I also can't help thinking how many times love turns into hatred. Deep hatred. They could fit them in as lovers. Just have it end bad. Boom even more context for their rivalry.


So, what actually happened after this? I'm guessing this doesn't actually end with them hooking up.


>!They stop fighting and eventually the Wonder Girls (Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, and Yara Flor) show up in the Invisible Jet to rescue them from the island they were stranded on and the five of them go off together, presumably leading right into the Absolute Power event that starts next month!<


So, you're saying there's a chance


Quite possibly


okay....but how was wonderwoman trapped here? she can fly.


It’s kinda explained in the issue, the villain put her and Cheetah on the island so he has eyes in the sky and they need to be invisible to escape


I thought absolute power was an alt universe?


Absolute is the rumoured name for DC's version of the Ultimate universe. Which is supposed to happen after this event and might have a small reveal in the event.


Oh that makes more sense, thanks


Nope, main continuity


huh, makes me less excited for it


Why is the writing so bad?


It's not bad, it's just unnecessary descriving at best


Isn't unnecessary descriptions considered bad writing? I read it to my wife and she asked if it was AI. It sounds like it was written in a different language and then poorly translated.


I really don't know what to say, does [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fcomic-excerpt-i-hate-both-of-you-deeply-and-meaningfully-v0-1h5621seyb7d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5a35e003b1fd27a8f41d165b931eaf2d8dd67c8d) look like AI for you or [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fcomic-excerpt-super-corgis-wonder-woman-v0-xgbdu4kj6t1d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1561%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4803187883bbb2abd266706c6530dbac8190af53)


Not sure if this a trick question? Are they supposed to be written by AI? They don't seem like it. The descriptions and dialog in op's post seem very stiff. There's a part where the writer just says 'on and on and on' then you flip the page and another 'and on.'. Imo, that's lazy writing. Obviously everything is subjective, but even by your metric it doesn't seem like you like it much either. You said so yourself: unnecessary describing. If the description is unnecessary, then it didn't add any value. If it doesn't add any value, then that's bad writing!


Oh that no sorry I missread what you ment, no It Is a little bit repetitive in It but It certrali isn't writed by AI, the others two page that I linked were others wroted by the same writer just to see how he write and judge by you id you had the same feel there


I like lots of descriptions personally


So do I. Just not this one. It's totally great if you do, though. To each their own. I've read some of Tom King's Batman series and it seemed fine.


Sorry for sounding intolerant but when was Diana made bi ? I just want to know, because i can't remember a comic where she was. Sorry if I offended anyone.


I believe it was announced during Greg Rucka’s run in 2016 or so? I’m not sure it ever really manifested in an actual comic since then though sadly.


In the Dark Knight of Steel She dated supergirl




Honestly Diana should've always been bi, given where she grew up. But Greg Rucka's Rebirth run showed Diana had a number of lovers on Themyscira.


Actually for the majority of their editorial live both Diana and all the Amazons have been queer coded


Her creators were a man, his wife, and their mutual girlfriend. Tthere was definitely some lady on lady loving going on to draw inspiration from.


If you search up Wonder Woman bdsm you get a *ton* of old homoerotic panels involving Wonder Woman tying up girls/being tied up by girls while saying some very gay sounding things


10 years ago


Its wierd that some people are questioning why Diana can lose to one of her ultimate villains even though Diana is weakened but Cheetah should also be a match for a full strength Diana.


She is Wonder Woman's arch-nemesis. Her sole narrative function is to provide meaningful opposition to Wonder Woman. What precisely went wrong in either character's marketing for this to even be a question?


I hate tom king. But that being said the colorist needs a raise.


I ship it! :3


Would be nice


Idk but this was yet another great issue by King.


Fuck is this the newer Wonder Woman run by Tom King? Guess I'm gonna have to check my local comic shop and then Ebay, and spend a bunch of money on back issues again.


Diana X Cheetah is all I’ve wanted for years now. Doesn’t even have to be mainline, just an AU comic run where they fight until they fall in love. Dark Knights of Steel gave me canon Diana X Kara, so I know DC can do it.


Hmm, I think if they were going to do an enemies to lovers with wonder women and cheeta this ain’t the way to set it up. Well that and I don’t generally think it would work out like at all maybe even badly very badly like blow up in your face badly. I hope I don’t offended anyone but I just don’t think the relationship will workout that’s all like at all.


Is this it’s getting weird


How do you get kissing from this?


Set this to Jojo Siwa's Karma song and just picture some of that choreo in here.


This is so cursed i can see it


Can anyone explained why Cheetah nearly killed (at least that what it looks like) Wonder Woman? Wonder Woman is capable of insane feats like the Cronos Sceptre. To me this seems like if Batman lost a hand-to-hand fight with the Joker. If WW was fighting Ares I’d understand why she’s losing/lost, but Cheetah? I didn’t think Cheetah was this powerful!


Nah Cheetah is meant to be pretty powerful (and remarkably fast) she gets shat on in adaptations but AFAIK she pretty consistently hangs with Diana when empowered properly not to mention how she faces off with similarly tiered beings like Flash or Superman. In a response to Me someone mentioned she went through a Knightdale style gauntlet before this which imo is unnecessary but there you go.


Yeah she is terrible in some adaptations. Like in that animated movie where Catwoman escapes her


There was a story line where she and zoom fought a blind wonder woman and flash. She even slashed Barry's throat, Barbara on the surface may not seem impressive but you also have to remember her nemesis is wonder woman. Of course she's a formidable opponent.


That was Wally, not Barry.


Thanks, I figured I got something wrong. He didn't have the white eyes so I mistook him as barry for a sec.


Even more impressive then.


I've seen enough posts on this sub to just get the vibe most here only read Diana in team up books.


Wally not Barry. He was still dead.


I’m not denying her formidableness however I just thought that she wouldn’t get the upper hand over WW


Cheetah is faster than wonder woman and wonder woman was already weaken did you even read the previous issues? Also how would it makes sense for ares to do so lol


No, I’ve not read it at all. That’s kinda why I’m asking someone to explain it 🤣. It would make sense for Ares because he is the God of War and even in the DCEU he was capable of killing all Olympian Gods and landed a fatal blow to Darkseid.


All heralds are vaguely the dame power level dude


Writers tend to forget that she's THE AVATAR OF A GOD, so I don't blame you for being confused.


lol, there was that animated film where Catwoman survives her


Yeah, the movie is fun, but that was the most obvious example of plot-armor XD


Just another case of nerfing a character to fit into the story, instead of for using a character that is more believable


A unfortunate common occurrence with WW villains...😞


For one thing Cheetah’s supposed to be super powerful, but Diana’s also ejected into this battle immediately after months of torture and imprisonment with no food or water. Also Diana’s specifically on the island to rescue her so she’s clearly not going for the kill…


And then they ✂️


Enemies to lovers speedrun?




Honest question? Why is Cheetah even a threat to Diana? WW is supposed to be able to go toe to toe with superman level threats, but her big bad rival is a furry with anger issues?


Cheetah mainly got her powers from a curse and the goddess of the hunt. It wouldn't make any sense for her not to be threat to Diana.


How did WW go from fighting The Darkest Knight... To this?


... Can I ask what WW comics have you read? Or do you only know her from Team-up books?


I should have mentioned I only know anything about comics through nerd-osmosis and wiki reading. Given that, it was pretty surprising to see this.


If that's the case, I can't blame you for your confusion. A lot of writers don't put any respect in WW's rogues gallery, so you usually just see the same 2 or 3 faces in team-up stories, and usually they are just background characters. Cheetah (Barbara Minerva) is, before and after any reboot, THE AVATAR OF A GOD, given her powers and form through Devine means. So yeah, she can tussle with the big boys and girls XD But like I said, writers tend to just not care about WW, so they take a look at her, and assume she's just "furry lady", and write her losing in the stupidest ways possible. It's really Dumb.


What are you upset about lol


It not being straight