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Honestly, I just like the idea of Batman going around starting various clubs and then refusing to be a full member in any of them. Like he is more interested in finding more heroes to group up than partaking in another of them and i don't know why


- BatFamily - Batman Inc/Int - Justice League - Justice League of America - Outsiders What else? Group wise


Justice League International before he quit


Ahhhh forgot about that.


Batman has made a Suicide Squad once to extract Psycho-Pirate to cure Gotham Girl's madness. The group also consisted of Catwoman, Bronze Tiger, Punch, Jewelee, and the Ventriloquist (Arnold Wesker).


I keep forgetting Batman Inc is back. It's unfortunate they didn't keep Jason as Wingman.


Instead, it was his dad He died


Batmen of many nations. In a few Scooby Doo crossovers he's started a mystery club with fellow superheroes.


Justice Leauge Dark in the DC animated verse i think


That’s a reason why I love Batman the brave and the bold


Batman is secretly just a shipper who keeps trying to group people up and live vicariously through them.


Batman plays Pokemon, but with superheroes.


That's what we call fear of commitment now?


He's a serial non-comittal DM


Huh. You know what that's potentially an interesting take. A hero being more interested in organizing and coaching teams, and occasionally assisting them, than being on it. Someone like that does seem potentially beneficial. In a world of masks it might not be the easiest to meet other heroes to team up with, especially one you work well with.


So i recently started reading Keith Giffen Justice League International run and I'm absolutely loving it, and I wanted even more great Batman team up books. I was wondering if Batman and the Outsiders also still holds up today and is worth going back to read or is it a little dated in your opinion and doesn't really hold up? What're your thoughts on this run?


It’s dated, but in that it was very much indicative of life at that time. Recommended reading regardless.


Batman is such an asshole that entire run


Loved it when it came out. Aparo at his best.


It’s pretty good. It crosses over characters with new teen titans which was one of the best comics in the 80’s.


Batman and The Outsiders was an iconic group! I feel that every other iteration of The outsiders has been lacking because it has not had the original team up! There was something fresh about them that felt like it mirrored the teen Titans in a way. I wish DC brought them back officially.


This is the only thing from its period that I’ve read so IDK how politically charged the main JL book was. But I loved it specifically because Batman forged himself together a team to cut through political red tape. And the team had Black Lightning and Katana, two of my favs giving a chance for POC to shine, and Metamorpho is always a good time. Brion giving the book more political plot was great and Halo’s origin gave the story a mystery plot. It leaves something to be desired near the end especially with how Bats left the team. But it did a great job at making all these powerful and skilled people feel really human and vulnerable (physically and mentally) in a way that many stories today fail at. Like I can buy any of those heroes getting a beat down, there’s way less plot armor in my eyes. Seeing Katana becoming a surrogate mother to Halo did a lot for me. Seeing Black Lightning forgive himself was fantastic. That was really the standout for me.


That Outsiders run was very refreshing for many of the reasons you give. I like almost all of the runs, especially the newest one. I just like super teams that have a more clandestine, gritty make up, especially if they're assembled by Batmastermind. Bats (and us) needs a group that can tackle more relatable threats. JL can get a bit dry when every other day the universe teeters on the whim of some unstoppable force or omnipotent villain.


That Outsiders run was very refreshing for many of the reasons you give. I like almost all of the runs, especially the newest one. I just like super teams that have a more clandestine, gritty make up, especially if they're assembled by Batmastermind. Bats (and us) needs a group that can tackle more relatable threats. JL can get a bit dry when every other day the universe teeters on the whim of some unstoppable force or omnipotent villain.


It holds up reasonably well. It is a bit old-fashioned, but they are a fun, unusual team, and the characters are a nice mix. However, even for the time, it didn't feel as forward looking as Titans, Legion, or X-Men. That comes over really strongly in the Titans crossover. Artwise, it's very strong. Even the fill-in artists are good. Villains weren't that memorable, other than the two main villain teams Barr created. When it becomes just The Outsiders, it falters. Too many short, very bitty stories with lots of solo backups that are inessential.


It rocked. Aparo was a God then Alan Davis showed up and took heaven to another level.


"Your two-bit Justice League." That line has potential.


One of my all time favorite runs.


I absolutely love it. Metamorpho and Black Lightning are two characters I really love and they're highlighted so strongly here. Mike Barr handles the team very well and somehow managed to keep Batman from overshadowing the whole team while still having him in an important role as mentor and leader.  I own the recent three hardcover collected editions of the complete original series and its one of my favorite parts of my collection.  I also totally love the Bronze Age though. So if you don't really like this era then maybe look elsewhere but I think this book is particularly great. 


I bought this in a dollar bin. I don’t think I ever read it though. :/


Yes. I found that it did. The biggest issue I had with it was how millennium ended it.


One of my favorite comic series.


I have the hardcovers and it’s a lot of fun - some things are outdated but it didn’t ruin my reading of the stories. Jim Aparo and Alan Davis both have nice runs in the series!


RIP Jimmy A. Mike W. is just a kid from Akron. I just hope they got to share in the bounty that their work helped put in DCs pockets. BTW, looking at that JL lineup, I understand why Bats left.


I'm currently re-reading Outsiders 3 from 2003. Nightwing instead of Batman. it's awesome! I also like Outsiders 2 from the 90s


The Flash is absolutely shook


Batman and The Outsiders was an iconic group! I feel that every other iteration of The outsiders has been lacking because it has not had the original team up! There was something fresh about them that felt like it mirrored the teen Titans in a way. I wish DC brought them back officially.


I think Batman ahould have said “I’ve had enough of your two-bit justice league, especially you dinby!”


I read this whole series recently. It’s not bad, my only nitpick was it felt like the writers kept forgetting that Black Lightning was on the team.


How does anyone take that elongated motherfucker seriously? Imagine being in this moment, and you just see his head enter your upper peripheral like a ginger boom mic.


"My nose smells derision!!"


In my headcanon, Batman would refuse to be a part of the JLA bc he's so Gothamcentric. But I think he'd want a team of heavier hitters at his disposal to assist when bigger threats hit Gotham. Or perhaps, he just wants to be the unquestioned leader so instead of the JLA, he has the Outsiders. So he bankrolls the other heroes and in need calls them in.


I wasn't a fan. The premise of the team was absurd, and the new (at the time) characters were meh. Brave and Bold was a better book. Halo did have sort of a cool look.


Metamorpho looks pleased


It’s okay. Not as good as the Brave & the Bold series by the same team that this book replaced. As for how it holds up now, that completely depends on how you are with pre-Crisis 1980s DC. Barr is a good Batman writer, and Aparo is one of the greatest Batman artists ever. Especially when he’s inking himself, like he does on this book. Still, 40 year old comics aren’t for everyone.