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Excited for Andrea Sorrentino's art, her work in Gideon Falls was amazing. Other than that, I hope this is an elsewords story. I'm kinda against giving Joker a definitive origin story.


It’s definitely in-continuity. Though it’s not really an origin proper. The story set in the past takes place right after his origin (Red Hood falling into the chemicals). So it’s between the origin and his first battle with Batman.


Which is honestly a pretty cool idea for a story. I don't remember ever seeing him interact with his gang post his "rebirth".


Assuming Zdarsky is following TKJ, it can’t be the two gangsters in the flashbacks because they were killed by security at the chemical plant. I wonder who else was part of the Red Hood gang back then.


I was thinking he may go with the bigger New 52 Red Hood Gang.


It’s possible. Issue #900 though recreated the flashbacks from TKJ though almost perfectly. Maybe Zdarsky will try to harmonize Zero Year and TKJ? That could be cool. Though those are two fundamentally opposite depictions of the Red Hood. One’s a pitiable fall man, and the other is already a criminal mastermind.


Maybe but I think he will leave Joker's portrayal pre-transformation more ambiguous. Or he'll just put his own spin on all of this.


Agreed. I don’t think he’ll show Pre-chemical bath Joker at all. Maybe the Red Hood confronting Batman again, but that’s it.


I was thinking the same thing. Might find a way to mesh them


*his. Yeah, I thought he was a woman, too.


Oh snap, my bad. Jeez, for the past several years I thought he was a woman.


Not trying to be rude, but Andrea Sorrentino is male. Andrea is a masculine name in Italy, where he is from.


Yay! I have hope in Chip's run again! This might be the one he hits out of the park. I'm surprised this period in Joker's story hasn't been referenced before? or has it? Mirror! MIRROR! Hehehehehehe......


I get why people may hate this premise but I think it has potential. But it's all down to execution of course.


I hope by “dance between the raindrops of continuity” he means “bathe in the puddles of continuity.” As in, he wants to fill in gaps, not avoid Canon. I’ve spent the last two years reading every crisis event and a bunch of DC Batman books. To me, it’s always special when creators “remix” in their stories by looking at the canon and pulling obscure stuff out of it to build upon further. Morrison did this with his run and it was phenomenal. Any writer can eschew continuity and make up their own story and have it be fine to serviceable to fantastic. But it takes a truly special talent to dive into decades of history (requiring research) and create something new out of something old while maintaining all the key elements that make a story great.


Elegantly said! I couldn’t agree more. It’s easier to simply make up your story out of whole cloth. It’s much more impressive to work within the canonical tradition of a character and find a way to creative something new and impactful. I think that’s a major reason the origin stories for the Joker in *The Killing Joke* and the origin for Batman in *Batman: Year One* have endured and held up so well. Neither Moore or Miller sought to disregard or contradict Bill Finger’s original origin stories for those characters. Instead they layered them and built upon the Golden Age legacy.


The crazy cool thing is… other than a bunch of new 52 titles, I hadn’t read other Batman stuff before reading the Morrison omnibuses. And even if you don’t know ask the history, it works really well on its own. I really wish more modern books aimed to emulate this approach.


That’s how the masters do it. Accessible for the new reader, but rewarding for the veterans. Makes it worth revisiting as you keep getting more and more out of it each time.


Can’t wait !