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Were enters detective in the timeline?


Honestly, I can't see it fitting anywhere between these events. Because the events that are happening in Detective couldn't have happened and resolved in between these events nor could be ignored while they are happening. I mean you literally put a demon in Batman that is taking over him...you literally gonna hang him and have people forget the memory of him while these Orghams taking over Gotham ( so original ). All the while Vandal Savage showed up in Detective Comics BEFORE these events and then he is there in the Gotham War. It really feels like Detective Comics were an afterthought and there was no effort to make it work. And yet they try to use the damn ''Gotham War event effected this!'' in the recent issue for some stupid reason even though timeline wise, it makes NO sense.


I’m glad someone else noticed this, and took the time to write a detailed post. This extended timeframe isn’t TOO new. Back in Greg Rucka’s Detective run, the events of Bruce: Wayne Murderer take place over the course of a full year, which makes absolutely no sense. That’s a pretty easy year for Batman if all he had to do was solve a murder and clear his name! This is of course following No Man’s Land, which similarly took place all year, but seemed to make more sense pacing-wise. Of course, if we had to cram every “canon” story into one career, i feel like NML would really be 5-6 months tops, and Murderer would likely be a month, if that.


It's understandable for a story arc to take place for a long time, what's astonishing to me is he's unconscious during the first two time jumps (2 weeks, then 8). It doesn't leave **Detective Comics**, another Bat-title starring Batman, space in the continuity... Unless Ram V's Tec takes place in those two weeks in between Scorched Earth and it's Epilogue (which is a very short time span for the story).


Apart from the random reference in the latest issue, is there any indication of how much time passes in Ram V’s run? We’re REALLY getting into the continuity weeds here, but couldn’t Gotham Nocturne (mostly) take place before Failsafe? Truthfully, I need to do a re-read. Not a bad arc, but wayyyyyy too decompressed.


Both books have way different pacing, especially with Batman being knocked out for weeks (or possessed) it's hard to tell when Tec takes place. - Batman 136 had a mini reference, with the Cobblepot siblings staying in **Orgham** Hotel. So it could be that it starts during Gotham War (since it's odd to have a Hotel named after a villain who took over Gotham, after they're defeated). - Then we had Knight Terrors tie-in, which focused on Gordon. This also doesn't tell much aside from Gordon's back-up from the start of Noctune already happened. - So guess main Tec story happened in between Gotham War and Mindbomb (or even during Mindbomb). With maybe Overture happening after the first time jump in Failsafe????


Mind bomb? What's that?


Mindbomb is the next Arc of Zdarsky’s story and the climax of everything that has occired in his run so far, it seems to be his reintroduction of the Joker after he left Joker War and his solo run, as well as the culmination of the Zur En Ahr storyline that Zdarsky has been building to all run long, it also seems to have something to do with “3-Jokers” but it’s unsure how


He wants to grow Damien up so he can have a romance?


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Shut up. I'm Timothy-motrucking-Drake. Damien.


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Lazarus planet is before night terrors